Logs for jabber
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[09:18:00] * Chandraknr left the chat.
[09:19:53] <louiz’> mathieui, the colors were PRETTY, indeed
[09:21:58] * Jonathon Conte joined the chat.
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[10:22:36] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
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[16:20:14] <MattJ> p
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[17:38:40] * JimK joined the chat.
[17:38:48] * Kev joined the chat.
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[17:42:25] * JimK joined the chat.
[17:42:44] <JimK> Hi!
[17:43:28] <JimK> I'm trying to get Smack to conenct to ejabberd (our in-house server; a local requirement), and having lots of issues. I can
get the smack program to connect to jabber.org and gtalk. Any suggestions as to how to proceed?
[17:43:47] <Kev> Get a protocol trace out of either Smack or ejabberd.
[17:44:07] <JimK> what's a protocol trace / do you have a reference on how to get one?
[17:44:20] <JimK> (I did some wireshark captures)
[17:44:54] <Kev> Well (if it's unencrypted) if you convert those into a nice format in a pastebin somewher, I'm sure someone would be willing
to glance at them.
[17:46:21] <JimK> http://pastebin.com/CetLTWb7 -- the failed connect session
[17:47:11] <JimK> Other info: watching the ejabberd log, if we put the wrong password in, we get a failed message; if we put the correct pass
in, it never outputs anything about auth to the log.
[17:48:02] <Kev> Oh, lovely.
[17:48:15] <Kev> I really don't get on with Smack.
[17:48:47] <Kev> So, just so you know, this isn't doing XMPP, it's doing a pre-standards thing from before 2004.
[17:49:05] <JimK> Huh..did not know that.
[17:49:17] <JimK> Does Smack (or another java XMPP library) have a way to do real XMPP?
[17:49:24] <Kev> I don't think Smack does.
[17:49:36] <Kev> It has bits of XMPP and not others, it seems.
[17:49:37] <Kev> Anyway.
[17:49:42] <JimK> Is there an alternative library for java you'd recommend?
[17:49:43] <Kev> <iq id="wKFwp-0" type="get"><query xmlns="jabber:iq:auth"><username>xlib@debug.ailab.wsu.edu</username></query></iq> suggests
that you're trying to auth without apassword.
[17:50:07] <Kev> No, when I needed one and I couldn't cope with Smack I ported my own. I don't know if it'll end up open source or not (I did
it on company time).
[17:50:18] <JimK> ah, ok.
[17:50:20] <MattJ> Kev, no, that's type="get"... it's requesting the auth form
[17:50:28] <Kev> You're right, silly me.
[17:50:39] <Kev> So ejabberd is just saying "Go away and come back when you can do XMPP properly"? :)
[17:50:44] <MattJ> Hopefully
[17:50:51] <MattJ> Though I thought it supported legacy auth
[17:51:14] <JimK> Yea, we have some other apps that show up with "legacy auth accepted" in the ejabberd logs...
[17:51:31] <JimK> (those are using twisted on python)
[17:53:25] <JimK> are there any options we can/need to turn on in ejabberd to enable smack to connect?
[17:53:54] <Kev> Is debug.ailab.wsu.edu the right domain?
[17:54:01] <Tobias> the tigase project might also have a java xmpp client lib...but don't know how stable that is
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[17:54:21] <JimK> debug.ailab.wsu.edu is our server name, and I can connect using pidgin, with that specified as the domain.
[17:54:44] <Kev> Ok.
[17:55:04] <Kev> I wonder if ejabberd only allows legacy auth on non-XMPP connections.
[17:55:12] <Kev> As Smack is pretending to do XMPP there, and then not doing so.
[17:55:18] <Kev> (version="1.0")
[17:55:37] <MattJ> Ah, could be
[17:55:44] <JimK> so if we can get smack to not send version="1.0" then it might work?
[17:55:54] <MattJ> It might
[17:56:06] <Kev> It's possible that it might allow you to unlock the next problem, yes.
[17:56:12] <JimK> :)
[17:56:43] <JimK> Unfortunately, I'm required to support an android phone custom app connecting to our in-house XMPP middleware that runs on
[17:56:47] <Kev> It's lucky Smack found the right machine to connect to, there are fun bugs there too.
[17:57:06] <Kev> I don't suppose wrapping Swiften and using the NDK appeals much :D
[17:57:34] <JimK> So smack works to jabber.org servers just fine; is it because the server jabber.org now runs is looser with the specs?
[17:57:48] <JimK> (and did smack work before jabber.org cut over to their current servers from ejabberd?)
[17:58:24] <Kev> I expect M-Link will let you do legacy auth whether you pretend to speak XMPP or not.
[17:58:33] <JimK> ok
[17:58:44] <Kev> I have no idea if Smack used to work against jabber.org when it was ejabberd.
[17:59:00] <JimK> I've got the main coder looking at Smack to see if he can remove the version="1.0" tag.
[17:59:05] <JimK> Thanks for the help!
[17:59:14] <Kev> Note that I don't promise this will help.
[17:59:17] <Kev> Oh, wait, Android.
[17:59:24] <JimK> I'm really surprised to find that there aren't any decent XMPP libraries for java.
[17:59:26] <Kev> There's a Smack fork for android that might be less broken.
[17:59:42] <Kev> http://code.google.com/p/asmack/ Might be the one.
[18:00:51] <JimK> he had heard of it; we're looking at that now.
[18:00:52] <JimK> Thanks!
[18:01:15] <Kev> Ah.
[18:01:17] <Kev> https://github.com/rtreffer/asmack
[18:01:26] <Kev> I wonder if that's the newer page.
[18:01:27] <Kev> Anyway.
[18:01:46] <Kev> Hopefully something there helps.
[18:02:22] * Z_God joined the chat.
[18:21:40] * Kamil joined the chat.
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[18:22:40] * Neustradamus left the chat.
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[18:26:09] * marseille joined the chat.
[18:31:14] * harrykar joined the chat.
[18:33:31] * m.k joined the chat.
[18:33:47] * mckinley33815 joined the chat.
[18:34:57] <mckinley33815> BOSH have sid (session id). Is it required with other types of connections?
[18:35:31] <mckinley33815> If I have a socket connection with a desktop client or Websocket, do I need to define a session id?
[18:35:35] <Kev> Not in the same way that BOSH is.
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[18:35:49] <mckinley33815> in what way?
[18:36:31] <Kev> The server'll give you an id on the stream stanza, but it's largely not relevant.
[18:37:13] <mckinley33815> is there any use for it?
[18:37:38] <mckinley33815> is it possible that the connection is unreliable and the client will use the same id to reconnect?
[18:38:03] <Kev> If you use http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0198.html then there is an id that is used for that, yes.
[18:38:12] <Kev> (Given to you when you enable stream management)
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[18:38:45] <mckinley33815> thanks
[18:52:18] <JimK> We got smack working with ejabberd, but we had to upgrade to smack 3.2.0 beta.
[18:53:47] <Kev> Jolly good :)
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