Logs for jabber
[00:02:38] * harrykar left the chat.
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[10:03:23] * harlock joined the chat.
[10:10:55] * naw joined the chat.
[10:29:24] * w3host_it joined the chat.
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[10:53:22] * treebilou joined the chat.
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[12:35:36] * dreamcast left the chat.
[12:57:24] * lincoln15190 joined the chat.
[12:58:10] <lincoln15190> Hello there.
[12:58:41] <lincoln15190> I had a question and can't find any solution per searches. I can'
[12:59:24] <lincoln15190> I cant' connect to the jabber.org server with my Kopete anymore. My android with beem works fine though. a disconnect every
here and there, but no big problem.
[13:00:12] <lincoln15190> I haven't done anything on my Kopete and it was working fine a few days ago. not it just doesn't connect anymore
[13:00:23] * naw_ joined the chat.
[13:00:36] <naw_> I just connected through kopete
[13:01:01] <naw_> it gives me a warning about the certificate
[13:01:06] <naw_> but connects fine
[13:02:01] <lincoln15190> yeah, I got that warning a few times too the other day. I then just accepted it, but now it doesn't connect. When I force
it to connect, the jabber bulb "glows" then goes out right away and I'm offline
[13:02:04] <lincoln15190> hm..
[13:02:08] <naw> so it could be a configuration problem or a network problem
[13:02:52] <naw> can you conenct with other client (pidgin, psi)?
[13:03:34] <lincoln15190> pidgin on windows works. Beem on android over WLAN on same network works fine. it's just my kopete on linux that doesn't connect
anymore since a few days
[13:04:03] <lincoln15190> I found no info about that anywhere, so I thought I'd just try the jabber.org page. found this chat and just gave it a try
[13:04:10] <naw> I don know if the admins have done changes on the server
[13:04:51] <Kev> No recent changes. The certificate should be valid.
[13:05:09] <naw> Kev: kopete says that is self signed
[13:05:27] <Kev> In Linux, go to a terminal and try `telnet hermes.jabber.org 5222` and see if it connects.
[13:05:30] <Kev> naw: It fibs :)
[13:05:36] <naw> In the account configuration I have ssl disabled and plain text authentication allowed
[13:05:45] <Kev> I suspect that means Kopete's store doesn't have the Startcom root in it.
[13:06:07] <lincoln15190> Kev: yes works
[13:06:21] <Kev> Then please provide the XML that Kopete's sending/receiving.
[13:06:32] <Kev> It should provide some way of getting at that.
[13:06:47] <lincoln15190> ok. thats something I never did
[13:07:05] <lincoln15190> do you mean the xml console or something?
[13:07:26] <Kev> Sounds like a good name for it.
[13:08:15] <naw> yes, in the lower right corner, if you click you see the account list
[13:08:20] <lincoln15190> thats blank. all I can do is send or delete
[13:08:27] <naw> right click on yours, console xml
[13:08:34] <lincoln15190> got it
[13:08:40] <lincoln15190> but it's blank
[13:08:49] <naw_> try to connect
[13:09:01] <naw_> then it should appear messages
[13:09:03] <lincoln15190> ahhhhh :D
[13:09:13] <naw_> :)
[13:09:31] <lincoln15190> should I just paste in here?
[13:09:47] <naw> or in a pastebin site if it's very long
[13:10:09] <lincoln15190> ooof. never use that. do you have a link to a pastebin?
[13:10:39] <naw_> http://pastebin.com/
[13:10:43] <lincoln15190> thx
[13:12:28] <lincoln15190> http://pastebin.com/BX8B9jqM
[13:13:24] <naw_> only that? no more messages?
[13:13:29] <lincoln15190> nope
[13:13:35] <lincoln15190> thats all
[13:14:05] <Kev> That's not even XMPP.
[13:14:15] <lincoln15190> at least thats what the xml console gives me
[13:14:47] <Kev> Has Kopete seriously not been updated to the standard *that was published in 2004*, yet?
[13:15:07] <Kev> Anyway.
[13:15:23] <Kev> Looks like Kopete's not sending a password.
[13:15:52] <lincoln15190> I can't say. I only use it since it's the "Standard" on KDE and I have been using Kopete since a few years now. first time
to have such a problem with jabber....
[13:16:26] <Link Mauve> Legacy auth used? In 2011⁈ oO
[13:17:01] * naw_ left the chat.
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[13:17:46] * MattJ joined the chat.
[13:18:04] <naw_> lincoln15190: what version of kopete do youhave?
[13:18:28] <lincoln15190> Kopete
Version 1.0.80
Unter KDE 4.5.3 (KDE 4.5.3)
[13:18:57] <naw_> I'm using 1.0.80 on kde4.6.1
[13:19:20] <naw_> and it seems to use tls and that, unlike you
[13:19:38] <lincoln15190> yeah, didn't update to 4.6.1 Running Kubuntu 10.04 with 4.5.3
[13:20:22] <lincoln15190> well, i have TLS set but it didn't bug around the last year. during this week it started this
[13:20:49] <lincoln15190> when I turn it off and check password as plain text, it doesn't connect either
[13:21:09] <naw> mine: http://pastebin.com/USN70P9U
[13:21:26] <Kev> naw: Well, that's XMPP.
[13:21:33] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[13:22:06] <naw> strange, since is the same version of kopete
[13:22:14] <lincoln15190> yeah. thats weired
[13:22:23] <Kev> Misconfiguration, I rather expect.
[13:22:42] <naw> kopete doesn't have much options to configure
[13:22:48] <naw> *many
[13:23:19] <lincoln15190> well I dunno. I didn't touch the settings and it worked fine till this week. so I don't think it's my bad
[13:23:36] <lincoln15190> to figure out whats wrong is the task... :(
[13:23:38] <Kev> Updated your system at all?
[13:24:11] <lincoln15190> and I wanted to finally switch over to Jabber only and away from ICQ etc today. Got a few friends and famly members to use
their jabber and now this :(
[13:24:40] <lincoln15190> well, besides the standard *buntu updates nothing really
[13:25:21] <lincoln15190> I can't recall the *buntu updates this week though, but besides *buntu nothing major really
[13:26:24] <Kev> You could try another client :)
[13:26:28] <Kev> If you're going for Jabber-only, there's really very little reason to go with Kopete.
[13:27:01] <lincoln15190> well, for now I'm just going away from ICQ totally. still will use msn and yahho for a while though
[13:27:54] <lincoln15190> and other clients do work. dunno on my Linux, but the laptop running ubuntu using epmpathy works
[13:28:21] <lincoln15190> android with beem works. Pidgin on Windows on same hardware (dual boot) works
[13:30:21] <naw> youcould use also pidgin on your system
[13:30:45] <naw> or, if it doesn't integrate too well you could try psi
[13:30:50] <Kev> Or Swift :D
[13:31:14] <lincoln15190> yeah, just didn't want to install all the GTK+ rattail alongside with pidgin
[13:31:36] <naw> psi and swift are qt apps
[13:31:38] <naw> :)
[13:31:40] <lincoln15190> true, but jabber only. will have to run 2 clients then
[13:32:16] <naw> maybe a kde uptade fixes the problem
[13:32:29] <lincoln15190> well, if this doesn't connect I might try PSI or swift. not too happy having with that though
[13:32:36] <naw> have you tried to delete the acount from kopete and add it again?
[13:32:50] <lincoln15190> maybe. problem is I dunno if I get any problems on my KDE after update
[13:32:52] <naw> or delete kopete configuration
[13:33:23] <lincoln15190> had that with a few Updates in the past and had to clean system. and make new home cause settings were screwed
[13:33:33] <naw> from 4.6.0 to 4.6.1 I have seen akonadi errors
[13:33:41] <Kev> This could be a jabber.org problem, but given there are 16000 users connected ok at the moment...
[13:34:32] <lincoln15190> naw: yeah thats one thing. I'm glad my akonadi kinda works atm
[13:35:12] <lincoln15190> hmm. might even go for a kde update. kinda worried though cause this is a production Comp
[13:35:30] <lincoln15190> thats why I'm still running 10,04 LTS
[13:35:41] <Kev> I would be very tempted to just stick another client on, and see if that works.
[13:35:49] <naw> then try before to delete the account from kopete
[13:35:56] <Kev> It'll help verify where the problem is if nothing else.
[13:36:05] <Kev> And Psi or Swift won't pull in many dependencies like GTK.
[13:36:13] <lincoln15190> yeah. I'll install PSI and see
[13:36:40] * dreamcast joined the chat.
[13:37:43] <lincoln15190> does psi use the kde wallet?
[13:38:12] <Kev> No.
[13:38:25] <lincoln15190> Unable to bind to port 8010 for Data Transfer.
This may mean you are already running another instance of Psi. You may experience problems sending and/or receiving files.
oO just started it no instance running
[13:38:39] <Kev> Does that matter? Your homedir will be encrypted under Ubuntu won't it?
[13:38:48] <Kev> (Unless you chose not to do that)
[13:38:55] <lincoln15190> nope. I didn't use it this time
[13:38:58] <Kev> That just means something else has bound to port 8010.
[13:39:29] <lincoln15190> last time i had it and my HDD had a crash so that I had to get a data retrieval which was very expensive. I can't access the
old data now :(
[13:39:55] <lincoln15190> so I decided to not use encryption anymore
[13:41:42] <naw> remember to do backups ;)
[13:41:52] <naw> and psi doesn't use kwallet
[13:42:09] <lincoln15190> yeah... backups... I did, but not from home XD
[13:43:01] <lincoln15190> ok psi works fine. jabber connected. so it has to be a kopete problem. hmm. sucks
[13:44:04] <Kev> Perhaps you could see if you can copy naw's settings, so you can connect with XMPP?
[13:44:07] * naw_ left the chat.
[13:44:13] <Kev> That would likely get us better debug, if nothing else.
[13:44:28] <lincoln15190> could do that, just how and were do I put that?
[13:44:49] <lincoln15190> never went that deep with configuration on kopete
[13:44:54] <naw> have you tried to delete and add the account again in kopete?
[13:45:08] <lincoln15190> nope. but can do that
[13:45:11] <lincoln15190> sec
[13:46:41] <lincoln15190> oO
[13:46:50] <lincoln15190> thats funny. now it works
[13:46:59] <lincoln15190> lol
[13:47:18] <lincoln15190> weired. delete and add again fixed it. oO
[13:47:21] <naw> in my ~/.kde4/share/config/kopeterc I do have In the account configuration I have ssl disabled, allowed
[13:47:28] <naw> ok, solved then
[13:47:35] <lincoln15190> thx for the help.
[13:47:38] <naw> :)
[13:47:41] <lincoln15190> :)
[13:47:46] <naw> /me goes to eat something
[13:48:03] <lincoln15190> thx very much guys.
[13:48:17] <Kev> yw.
[13:49:07] * w3host_it left the chat.
[13:49:09] <naw> by the way, you can also join this room with kopete
[13:49:34] <lincoln15190> how do I do that? thats something I haven't figured out yet. rooms etc with jabber
[13:50:26] * naw_ joined the chat.
[13:50:55] <naw> in the account list,, right click
[13:51:05] <naw> in the same menu that the xml console
[13:51:30] <lincoln15190> ok
[13:51:34] <naw> this is the jabber room of the conference.jabber.org server
[13:51:57] * k-dawg joined the chat.
[13:52:03] <k-dawg> cool
Ich höre gerade diese Musik: You Are Good von Lincoln Brewster auf ChristianPowerPraise.Net
[13:52:18] <naw> now I have to go, I'll be back later
[13:52:21] <lincoln15190> got it. cool. easier than I thought
[13:52:29] <lincoln15190> thx man. take care
[13:52:34] <naw> :)
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[14:42:41] * madison24865 joined the chat.
[14:43:14] <madison24865> Hi, samebody can Help me? I'm looking for a library with XEP-0174 support
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[14:45:54] <Kev> Didn't stay long.
[14:46:01] <Kev> I was even going to answer :/
[14:46:15] <louiz’> :/
[14:46:55] <tyler63955> Hi, I reloaded my page for error.
[14:47:01] <tyler63955> I'm madison...
[14:47:18] <louiz’> :)
[14:47:23] <tyler63955> so, my question is about libraries xmpp with xep-0174 support
[14:47:27] <louiz’> so Kev can answer :D
[14:47:31] <naw> Kev: now you can answer
[14:47:35] <naw> :)ç
[14:47:42] <tyler63955> :)
[14:48:30] <naw> by the way, maybe those questions should go to the jdev rom (the room for developers)
[14:48:37] <Kev> I think Gajim supports it, so I assume there must be support in their library. I don't know if it's possible to extract that
to use on its own. Pidgin, I think, supports it, so it implies somewhere in libpurple there's support. Swiften supports it.
[14:50:35] <tyler63955> yeah, I'm reading about Swiften just now
[14:51:03] <tyler63955> but, there are very little documentation
[14:51:17] <tyler63955> You need to know thath I'm new in XMPP
[14:54:50] <Kev> Can always send a mail to the mailing list :)
[14:55:21] <Kev> There's some documentation up at http://swift.im/swiften/guide/ and the API's at http://swift.im/swiften/api/
[14:55:57] <tyler63955> yes, ok
[14:56:01] <tyler63955> thank you kev
[14:56:07] <Kev> Yw.
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[21:36:07] <quincyadams54683> hi all
[21:36:35] <quincyadams54683> can anybody help me to setup my avater for my @jabber.org account?
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