Logs for jabber
[00:46:11] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
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[01:53:25] * Z_God left the chat.
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[06:05:59] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[06:11:29] * GavYur left the chat.
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[06:47:56] * Creation joined the chat.
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[06:58:37] * Leo left the chat.
[07:09:16] * marseille left the chat.
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[07:18:36] * Felsoof joined the chat.
[07:18:42] <Felsoof> الرجل الذي رسم الكاريكاتير عن الرسول قد مات محروقآ والدانميارك تكتم الخبر أرجو أن ينشر هذا لأن هناك اخت من فلسطين رأت رؤية
من سينشر هذا الخبر أن الله سيفرحه بعد 4 ساعات والله شخص إسمه محمد أقسم بالله أنه رأى الرسول في منامه وقال له الرسول بلغ المسلمين
عني أن من ينشرها خلال 4 أيام فسيفرح فرحآ شديدآ وأن من يتجاهلها فسيحزن حزنآ شديدآ إنشرها قدر ماتستطيع وجزاك الله ألف خير
[07:18:44] * Felsoof left the chat.
[07:33:14] * Kamil joined the chat.
[08:05:42] * Kamil left the chat.
[08:24:20] * truman51328 joined the chat.
[08:40:24] <misha> crazy muslims, dreaming to burn danish cartoonist, heh
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[08:43:24] * misha left the chat.
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[08:45:56] * Shanthy1987 joined the chat.
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[09:13:26] * niekie joined the chat.
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[09:19:08] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
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[09:43:10] * Kamil left the chat.
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[10:05:09] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[11:18:58] * الانـ↓ــ°ـ♥ـ°ـــيـــ°ـ♥ـ°ــ↓ـق joined the chat.
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[11:48:30] <misha> Kev, iirc you gave link to some kind of proto-xep for best practice for multi-resource environment in jabber - am i wrong?
[11:50:20] <Kev> You're not.
[11:50:41] <Kev> http://doomsong.co.uk/extensions/render/multiple-clients.html is probably what you're thinking of.
[11:50:56] <Kev> That's also something I want to get published :)
[11:52:35] <misha> okay
[11:52:38] <misha> thank you
[11:54:44] <Kev> That's reliant on the -136 replacement, which is also not published yet (although that's Matt's rather than mine)
[11:56:15] <misha> someone propsed replacement for message archiving?
[11:56:31] <Kev> Will propose, yes.
[11:56:50] <Kev> http://doomsong.co.uk/extensions/render/message-archive-management.html - that one, I think (without checking)
[11:57:04] <Kev> It's not ready yet, it needs a unique id for messages and stuff.
[11:57:52] <misha> i'm thinking about some kind of notification from resources to each other that they got new messages
[11:58:01] <misha> trying to find if it was proposed earlier or not
[11:58:05] <Kev> http://doomsong.co.uk/extensions/render/forward-unread.html
[11:58:16] <Kev> combined with carbons.
[11:59:17] <misha> well, yes, I'm able to forward unread msg's with tkabber, but I have to issue remote command even to see if there are new
messages or not
[12:00:01] <misha> and I would like to get push notification from resources, with lower priority, when someone sends msgs to them
[12:00:08] <Kev> Right. Forward-unread is just a touch nicer. It's carbons you want for the other bit.
[12:01:20] <misha> maybe right way to do it would be timer for 5 seconds, which will constantly ask all other resources about new msgs via RemoteCmds..
[12:01:25] <misha> looks like very simple solution
[12:01:41] <Kev> That seems entirely not the best solution :)
[12:01:49] <misha> yeah, but very simple
[12:02:26] <misha> another way - push notification, notifications about msgs being read, etc
[12:02:43] <Kev> Yes, push is what you want. But I think carbons solves the real problem.
[12:03:03] <Kev> Or, well, I think http://doomsong.co.uk/extensions/render/multiple-clients.html solves the complete problem (and if it doesn't,
I should fix it :))
[12:03:04] <misha> probably central DB of 'unread' msgs for whole JID, which all resources should maintain
[12:04:37] <misha> well, you xep depends on message archiving, which is very compllicated topic, and even not implemented on popular servers
and lack client support ;(
[12:04:56] <Kev> That's true, but you get a long way without it :)
[12:05:15] <misha> i was trying to understand xep136 - my brain was near to explode
[12:06:15] <misha> well, okay, thank you for link to that xep, will learn
[12:06:38] <Kev> I think Matt's XEP is much nicer than 136.
[12:07:19] <misha> if so, I hope he will propose it before large servers will deploy 136
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[12:27:40] * Kamil joined the chat.
[12:37:40] * Z_God joined the chat.
[12:41:50] * Tobias left the chat.
[13:02:14] * naw_ joined the chat.
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[13:08:23] * Lee Stanley joined the chat.
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[13:13:02] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
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[13:14:44] * Tobias joined the chat.
[13:16:24] * Lee Stanley left the chat.
[13:17:31] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
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[14:08:45] <louiz’> misha, great :) (for tkabber now correctly handling the Chatstates from MUCs)
[14:09:02] * lenzoid joined the chat.
[14:10:10] <lenzoid> Hi all. Can I delete a room with pidgin? How?
[14:11:30] <lenzoid> Ok I gotta set it to non-persistent, then leeave it, right?
[14:13:00] <lenzoid> ok that did the job...
[14:14:19] <louiz’> indeed
[14:14:30] <louiz’> There should be, also, something like "/destroy" or something.
[14:14:43] * mahdieh.saeed left the chat.
[14:22:37] * Yogibaba15 joined the chat.
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[14:27:06] <lenzoid> not in libpurple it seems
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[14:40:47] <louiz’> ah
[14:51:25] * harrykar@jabber.tf-network.de joined the chat.
[15:00:15] * harrykar@jabber.tf-network.de left the chat.
[15:00:49] * MattJ joined the chat.
[15:12:05] * Kamil left the chat.
[15:14:32] * Tobias joined the chat.
[15:19:27] * naw_ left the chat.
[15:36:48] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[16:03:01] * the ♚ left the chat.
[16:12:11] * paulmad joined the chat.
[16:30:44] * misha left the chat.
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[16:35:48] * treebilou left the chat.
[16:40:24] * Leo joined the chat.
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[17:38:22] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
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[18:24:00] * Kamil joined the chat.
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[18:44:29] * Z_God left the chat.
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[18:54:54] * vanburen48303 joined the chat.
[18:55:08] <vanburen48303> hey guys
[18:55:31] <vanburen48303> i cant figure out how to install jabber on pidgin can someone help me
[18:55:57] <Kev> It should 'just work'
[18:56:14] <vanburen48303> i have to add it right
[18:56:24] <Kev> I seem to remember it splits up the Jabber ID into a username and server field, but other than that it's straightforward.
[18:56:26] <vanburen48303> i installed jabber before i installed pidgin
[18:56:33] <Kev> "Installed Jabber"?
[18:56:41] <vanburen48303> not installed
[18:56:43] <vanburen48303> made account
[18:56:52] <Kev> On which server?
[18:57:01] <vanburen48303> crap i dont know
[18:57:05] * Tobias left the chat.
[18:57:09] <Kev> How did you create it?
[18:57:15] <vanburen48303> jabber.org
[18:57:20] <Kev> Ok.
[18:57:45] <Kev> So you just put 'jabber.org' into the server field, put whatever the username is into the username field, thepassword in password
and off you go.
[18:57:56] <vanburen48303> ok
[18:58:47] <vanburen48303> i did that
[18:58:54] <vanburen48303> but i think my messages dont get there
[18:58:59] * the ♚ left the chat.
[18:59:51] <vanburen48303> can u send me a message so i can see if it got there or not
[19:00:03] <Kev> To what account?
[19:00:14] <vanburen48303> petrmny@jabber.org
[19:01:01] <Kev> I see that you are online with a resource of 'home'.
[19:01:08] <vanburen48303> ok cool
[19:01:13] <vanburen48303> i guess it did work
[19:01:27] <Kev> And that's a test message sent.
[19:01:50] <Kev> So yes, worked fine.
[19:01:54] <vanburen48303> cool
[19:01:57] <vanburen48303> thx guy
[19:02:06] <Kev> np
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[21:54:58] <harrykar@jabber.tf-network.de> Voice/video works with any XMPP server ?
[21:55:31] <misha> yes
[21:56:14] <MattJ> harrykar: ?!?!?!?!?
[21:56:52] <MattJ> I'm sure this is some conspiracy to drive me insane
[21:57:16] <harrykar@jabber.tf-network.de> sorry MattJ :-) (im newbie in this world)
[21:57:45] <MattJ> Yes, but I've already told you the answer to this question 3 times already
[21:57:59] <MattJ> nearly half an hour ago
[21:59:22] <MattJ> I'd be less concerned except you're not the only one who keeps asking this evening :)
[22:00:36] <harrykar@jabber.tf-network.de> MattJ, i do not know (the protocol), the people in gajim and jabber so.. sorry again
[22:00:53] <MattJ> harrykar@jabber.tf-network.de, I understand that, that's fine
[22:01:14] <MattJ> but what I don't understand is...
[22:01:20] <MattJ> [21:29:20] MattJ: Voice/video works with any XMPP server
[21:29:53] harrykar: tnks MattJ
[22:02:01] <mathieui> MattJ, but does voice/video works with any XMPP server?
[22:02:05] <MattJ> Anyway, it's not important, I'm just thorougly confused :)
[22:02:08] <MattJ> mathieui, no
[22:02:34] <mathieui> Damn.
[22:02:49] <MattJ> Prosody supports it though!
[22:04:49] <harrykar@jabber.tf-network.de> MattJ: tnks MattJ was true but in my confusion i think i will a 2nd opinion that's all
[22:05:20] <MattJ> harrykar@jabber.tf-network.de, fine, I can't blame you for that :)
[22:05:35] <harrykar@jabber.tf-network.de> :-)
[22:07:17] <harrykar@jabber.tf-network.de> i notice more German people(jabberes) in jabber world
[22:08:04] <harrykar@jabber.tf-network.de> is that true or is my impression?
[22:08:44] <MattJ> There are quite a few German folk, yes
[22:08:58] <MattJ> Though there's quite a number of French too :)
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