Logs for jabber
[00:06:25] * dreamcast joined the chat.
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[01:04:07] * psa left the chat.
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[02:32:33] * julm left the chat.
[02:34:22] * MattJ left the chat.
[02:34:25] * MattJ joined the chat.
[02:35:31] * evilotto left the chat.
[02:52:57] * treebilou joined the chat.
[03:23:46] * pierce57362 joined the chat.
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[05:11:40] * Roshu143 joined the chat.
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[05:12:49] * Roshu143 joined the chat.
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[05:22:45] * garfield59005 joined the chat.
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[07:03:46] * harlock joined the chat.
[07:26:05] * treebilou left the chat.
[07:33:01] * Tobias joined the chat.
[07:44:21] * jaspreet997 joined the chat.
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[08:35:12] * Tobias left the chat.
[09:16:05] * dynam1te left the chat.
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[09:46:27] * naw joined the chat.
[09:48:10] * treebilou joined the chat.
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[10:28:13] * jaspreet997 joined the chat.
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[11:13:48] * Minos_ joined the chat.
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[11:18:41] * Tobias joined the chat.
[11:19:03] * Minos_ joined the chat.
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[11:56:58] * the ♚ joined the chat.
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[12:14:39] * Tobias left the chat.
[12:19:17] * Tobias joined the chat.
[12:26:26] * Minos’ joined the chat.
[12:26:34] * Tobias left the chat.
[12:29:30] * Minos’ left the chat.
[12:30:48] * treebilou left the chat.
[12:33:54] * Tobias joined the chat.
[12:35:47] * Tobias left the chat.
[12:37:56] * Tobias joined the chat.
[12:45:19] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[12:55:20] * b-seize joined the chat.
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[13:00:31] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[13:09:36] * mebs joined the chat.
[13:16:09] * Tobias left the chat.
[13:16:38] * yllaw joined the chat.
[13:16:57] * jaspreet997 joined the chat.
[13:17:13] <jaspreet997> (¯`·.·´¯) (¯`·.·´¯)
`·.¸(¯`·.·´¯)¸ .·
×°× ` ·.¸.·´ ×°×
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[13:24:40] * julm joined the chat.
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[13:27:08] * cheney20756 joined the chat.
[13:30:31] * Tobias joined the chat.
[13:34:19] * jaspreet997 left the chat.
[13:37:02] * cheney20756 left the chat.
[13:38:16] * harrison61047 joined the chat.
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[14:05:02] * yllaw left the chat.
[14:07:38] * Tobias left the chat.
[14:09:38] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[14:12:29] * mebs left the chat.
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[14:45:03] * jaspreet997 joined the chat.
[14:45:27] <jaspreet997> Sometimes i get trouble connecting
[14:45:55] <jaspreet997> It cant connect 2 jabber.org or get stuck at compression
[14:46:06] <jaspreet997> Help Help Help
[14:49:14] <Kev> jaspreet997: The server was a bit busy for a few minutes, so may have taken a little longer than normal to log in.
[14:49:41] <jaspreet997> I am dealing wid dis frm last 3 hrs
[14:49:51] <jaspreet997> It sometimes connect Smtimes doesnt
[14:50:15] <Kev> Oh, shouldn't be a problem with jabber.org, then - that's running fine right now (I tried logging in a few minutes ago, and
you're chatting using it right now)
[14:50:30] <Kev> Perhaps a problem with your network or ISP?
[14:51:00] <jaspreet997> Kev, hmm well but i dint got trouble connectiong 2 Nimbuzz
[14:52:03] <jaspreet997> Well one more thing
[14:52:13] <jaspreet997> Is there any voip discussion room
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[14:53:53] * jaspreet997 joined the chat.
[14:56:25] <jaspreet997> Is there any voip discussion room
[14:57:16] <jaspreet997> Lol getting reply frm u guys is so boring
[14:58:56] <Kev> Not really, just the general development room.
[14:59:24] <jaspreet997> Kev, well is there any voip software for java mobile
[15:01:24] <Kev> No idea.
[15:01:47] <jaspreet997> Ok thanks a lot
[15:02:06] <jaspreet997> How 2 creat a new chatroom
[15:03:54] <Kev> In most clients you would typically just join it.
[15:04:12] <jaspreet997> Am using Jimm aspro
[15:04:22] <jaspreet997> I'll see txxx
[15:04:26] * jaspreet997 left the chat.
[15:12:10] * jaspreet997 joined the chat.
[15:12:22] <jaspreet997> Kev, yaa it works
[15:13:11] <jaspreet997> But really there is smthing wrong wid servers
[15:13:23] <jaspreet997> I cant even see ma own vcard
[15:18:19] * lincoln41349 joined the chat.
[15:20:35] <lincoln41349> Hello, I am Eddy, I am using Jabber for a chat application and it is experiencing interrupted service and also depends on
the website the chat code is installed, it might not respond properly using IE9 or Firefox, but will with Chrome and other
intermittent issues. Anyone can help?
[15:21:31] <louiz’> what is the problem exactly?
[15:21:36] <louiz’> What is the server?
[15:21:42] <jaspreet997> lincoln41349, well servers r a lill troublesome today
[15:22:14] <louiz’> what servers? Mine is doing fine
[15:22:36] <jaspreet997> Yeah ask louiz ! Atleast i get 2 see her beautifull chats dis way:')
[15:22:50] <louiz’> :))
[15:24:24] <lincoln41349> Hi Loiz, I have placed the chat code to several different websites, most of them hosted under the same server, anyways, one
website will be able to chat with the console on one type of browser and another website will not on certain browsers, at
another time, it will not chat even with the one it was before
[15:25:00] <louiz’> what do you mean “chat code” ?
[15:25:16] <lincoln41349> Hi Jas, you mean it's a jabber server problem?
[15:25:40] <Kev> There are many different servers - which are you using?
[15:25:41] <jaspreet997> lincoln41349, well i suffered problem But i guess ur issue is entirely different
[15:26:49] <lincoln41349> I have developed a web based chat system using jabber, where I have a console on a site (the operator) and place a chat code
on any page at a website to display a chat window so visitors to that site can chat with the operator at the console
[15:27:27] <louiz’> and what server are you using?
[15:28:44] <lincoln41349> a vps at hostgator
[15:28:57] <jaspreet997> Jabber server?
[15:29:17] <lincoln41349> haha, wait one sec, I'll tell you
[15:29:29] <lincoln41349> openfire
[15:29:32] <jaspreet997> lincoln41349, r u using jabber.org service?
[15:30:27] <louiz’> no
[15:31:05] <lincoln41349> I am not the developer in the sense of coding, I have contracted people, freelancers, but they do not seem to finish with
this so I can start offering in a proffessional way
[15:31:13] <lincoln41349> this is not working now
[15:31:24] <lincoln41349> ok, now it displayed
[15:33:03] <lincoln41349> As a matter of fact, now it works, but it was not working yesterday
[15:33:06] <jaspreet997> lincoln41349, so u mean d console is working but interrupting?
[15:33:33] <jaspreet997> lincoln41349, hehe enjoy it while u can
[15:34:20] <lincoln41349> yes and no. At a certain time might work on CHrome, but not on IE9 and FFox, at another time works on all three, at another
time migh not even work on CH
[15:34:57] <lincoln41349> and at the same time, it might work on one website, but not at another, I cannopt get a pattern
[15:35:46] <lincoln41349> what are your guts telling you?
[15:36:10] <jaspreet997> lincoln41349, when it doesnt work ! What exactly doesnt work d applet doesnt get loaded or just d jabber doesnt
[15:37:19] * julm left the chat.
[15:38:11] <lincoln41349> the applet loads,as the visitor chat window displays, but it would not chat with the console. At other times it displays at
the console as chat request started and online, but not able to chat
[15:38:58] <jaspreet997> lincoln41349, hmmm it means ur applet is fine ! And its just d jabber which is malfunctioning
[15:39:18] <Kev> That's rather a jump to a conclusion.
[15:40:02] <lincoln41349> maybe openfire was not completely correctly set up
[15:40:12] <jaspreet997> Kev, hmm r u on pc
[15:41:28] <jaspreet997> Idk if there is something midway btw installed and not installed
[15:41:44] <jaspreet997> lincoln41349, if it isnt correctly setup It shudnt work at all
[15:42:06] <lincoln41349> how can I know?
[15:42:09] <Kev> Again, that's not a given.
[15:42:14] <Kev> No, I'm not on PC.
[15:43:10] <lincoln41349> for instance, I am checking now http://1affilliate.com/eddy06kilo.htm and it works on CH, on IE9 I get a chat request on the
console, but can't chat
[15:43:25] <lincoln41349> that is a test page
[15:43:53] * arthur8766 joined the chat.
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[15:45:10] <lincoln41349> I am not saavy enough to understand or fix it, any ideas?
[15:45:56] <jaspreet997> lincoln41349, hmm so all u want is a chat service on ur site where users come and request chat wid u?
[15:46:17] <Kev> Looks like you should go talk to these valuechat people, if that's where you got your client from.
[15:47:17] <lincoln41349> I am valuechat people, hahaha
[15:47:27] <jaspreet997> Or u can use many freely available live chat console services
[15:47:52] <lincoln41349> I am trying to have Valuechat working correctly
[15:48:14] <jaspreet997> Oh
[15:48:20] <louiz’> we can’t help you, as we do not have the code, and we never used it.
[15:48:47] <lincoln41349> I have all the code
[15:49:05] * jaspreet997 left the chat.
[15:49:06] <louiz’> We don’t
[15:49:18] <louiz’> And we don’t know what the problem is
[15:49:57] <lincoln41349> But if you'd have access to the code, could you help?
[15:53:31] <lincoln41349> I do not see any answer
[15:57:43] <lincoln41349> Thank you guys anyways
[15:58:32] <Kev> It seems to me you need to be hiring someone to debug your application.
[15:59:57] <lincoln41349> I am willing to do so, the developers that I have been working with were up to this point unable to make it work consistently.
Do you know anyone with the skills and will?
[16:02:00] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[16:03:16] <Kev> There's always MattJ.
[16:03:23] <Kev> Although he seems to be asleep.
[16:06:52] <lincoln41349> MattJ is a openfire expert?
[16:08:05] * eisenhower4785 joined the chat.
[16:08:11] <eisenhower4785> hi
[16:08:30] <Kev> No, he's a general XMPP expert.
[16:09:44] <eisenhower4785> anyone here to help me out? plz
[16:10:06] <Kev> eisenhower4785: Not unless you share your problem.
[16:11:01] <eisenhower4785> i've downloaded a jabber client on my pc and i wanna configure and use my nimbuzz account with this
[16:11:14] <eisenhower4785> how can i do it?
[16:11:59] <Kev> That sounds like a question to ask nimbuzz.
[16:14:09] <eisenhower4785> yeah.. but plz help me out if u knw
[16:16:06] * psa joined the chat.
[16:16:43] <eisenhower4785> atleast tell me why i'm not able to login with my jabber id?
[16:16:54] <psa> /me wanders in
[16:17:28] <eisenhower4785> its asking me to create another id:(
[16:17:48] <psa> eisenhower4785: what is "it"?
[16:18:13] <eisenhower4785> its a simple thing for experts like you ppl.. pls help
[16:18:27] <Kev> I have no experience with nimbuzz.
[16:18:42] <psa> nor do I
[16:19:15] <eisenhower4785> i'm not able to do the nimbuzz settings on a jabber client..
[16:19:37] <eisenhower4785> i've the details
[16:20:29] <eisenhower4785> server name is nimbuzz.com and the port is 5222, host is openfire.nimbuzz.com
[16:21:07] <eisenhower4785> just dont knw how to set it:(
[16:24:38] <psa> eisenhower4785: you are using the nimbuzz client or another client?
[16:26:17] <eisenhower4785> exodus
[16:27:10] <eisenhower4785> its exodus but somehow ppl will register their nimbuzz id with this and they use it
[16:38:44] * naw left the chat.
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[16:39:49] * krushik joined the chat.
[16:40:57] <krushik> do you know a client that supports custom sound notifications except kde's kopete?
[16:42:46] <psa> krushik: I don't, but I believe that y IM client should be seen and not heard
[16:43:18] <psa> /me wanders off to pay attention to the conference call he's on
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[17:58:04] * allu2 joined the chat.
[18:03:01] <allu2> hmm quiet :)
[18:03:39] <psa> yes
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[18:43:33] * anonymous53957 joined the chat.
[19:16:58] * julm left the chat.
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[19:36:47] <MattJ> Heh, the last thing I need to add to my plate right now is Openfire debugging :)
[19:40:37] * Tobias joined the chat.
[19:43:48] <psa> :)
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[20:41:24] * julm joined the chat.
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[20:57:02] * MattJ left the chat.
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[23:01:03] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
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