Logs for jabber
[00:04:25] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
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[00:31:30] * marseille left the chat.
[00:42:26] * evilotto left the chat.
[00:48:37] * treebilou left the chat.
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[01:07:37] * dreamcast left the chat.
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[02:18:18] * eisenhower31040 joined the chat.
[02:19:21] <eisenhower31040> hi
[02:19:50] <eisenhower31040> is there a license on XMPP's logo?
[02:20:10] * ThurahT left the chat.
[02:22:55] * ThurahT joined the chat.
[02:28:09] * chealer joined the chat.
[02:28:10] * chealer left the chat.
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[02:29:27] * eisenhower31040 left the chat.
[03:09:45] * chealer left the chat.
[04:42:11] * dreamcast joined the chat.
[04:43:02] * MattJ joined the chat.
[05:03:12] * mebs joined the chat.
[05:06:54] * abieniek joined the chat.
[05:06:54] * abieniek left the chat.
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[05:06:57] * abieniek left the chat.
[05:48:09] * dreamcast left the chat.
[07:05:57] * harlock joined the chat.
[07:17:48] * MattJ left the chat.
[07:42:13] * marseille joined the chat.
[07:52:25] * marseille left the chat.
[07:52:28] * marseille joined the chat.
[07:55:19] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[08:41:22] * ertugrul joined the chat.
[08:41:28] <ertugrul> test
[08:53:13] * the ♚ left the chat.
[09:00:18] * ertugrul left the chat.
[09:17:44] * bush64614 joined the chat.
[09:18:00] * bush64614 left the chat.
[10:02:19] * JR Gonzalez joined the chat.
[10:02:19] * JR Gonzalez left the chat.
[10:05:55] * JR Gonzalez joined the chat.
[10:07:45] * JR Gonzalez left the chat.
[10:46:05] * suresh joined the chat.
[10:46:15] <suresh> hi
[10:46:25] <suresh> hello
[10:46:31] <suresh> how are u all?
[10:46:48] * suresh left the chat.
[11:21:18] * treebilou joined the chat.
[11:45:00] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[11:45:09] <Nÿco> hi all, hi Kev
[11:45:25] <Kev> Good morning (afternoo) Nÿco.
[11:45:34] <Kev> +n
[11:45:42] <Nÿco> do you know where I can report a bad behaving entity? we are under DoS attack, we want others to avoid that
[11:46:17] <Kev> Is it a jabber.org entity?
[11:46:23] <Nÿco> no ;-)
[11:46:43] <Kev> Not me, then :D
[11:46:56] <Kev> I suggest the operators@ list is likely to catch the most server admins
[11:47:01] <Nÿco> is there a mailing-list or something?
[11:47:05] <Nÿco> ok
[11:47:07] <Nÿco> thx
[11:47:38] <Kev> Getting in contact with the respective server admin as well would obviously be good, but I have no idea how to do that in
the general case, and don't know many of them myself.
[11:48:53] <Link Mauve> I’d start by sending a mail to abuse@their.domain.tld.
[12:11:05] * marseille left the chat.
[12:47:10] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[12:48:29] * treebilou left the chat.
[13:08:32] * dynam1te left the chat.
[13:08:32] * dynam1te joined the chat.
[13:12:01] * Zpthambu.24 joined the chat.
[13:12:01] * Zpthambu.24 left the chat.
[14:05:03] * Tobias joined the chat.
[14:29:56] * naw joined the chat.
[14:53:57] * harlock left the chat.
[14:56:35] * treebilou joined the chat.
[15:22:00] * treebilou left the chat.
[15:23:12] * naw left the chat.
[15:30:05] * MattJ joined the chat.
[16:42:15] * treebilou joined the chat.
[17:15:24] * stpeter joined the chat.
[17:15:25] * psa joined the chat.
[17:19:36] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[17:20:12] * the ♚ left the chat.
[17:20:29] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[18:02:39] * marseille joined the chat.
[18:11:33] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[18:13:47] * naw joined the chat.
[18:16:30] * Nÿco left the chat.
[20:03:22] * H? joined the chat.
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[20:08:23] * H? joined the chat.
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[20:19:17] * mebs left the chat.
[20:21:00] * kennedy60511 joined the chat.
[20:22:36] <kennedy60511> hello, STPETER you'r here?
[20:23:06] <stpeter> I am
[20:23:28] <kennedy60511> ok I have 1 question.
[20:23:38] <kennedy60511> I send you and email.
[20:24:05] <kennedy60511> last month and I don't recive any answer
[20:24:31] <stpeter> yeah, I was travelling so I got behind on email
[20:24:34] <stpeter> I'm slowly catching up
[20:25:39] <kennedy60511> a ok don't worry. my email is because I lost my password of jabber.org but I remember exactly my last ocnect day
[20:25:56] <kennedy60511> and I write all information on email
[20:25:58] <stpeter> kennedy60511: what is your username?
[20:26:21] <kennedy60511> antonio@jabber.org
[20:26:23] <stpeter> I can fix it for you right now
[20:26:24] <stpeter> ok
[20:26:34] <kennedy60511> and my last day conect is:
[20:26:50] <stpeter> I found your email message
[20:26:58] <kennedy60511> 07-11-2011
[20:27:02] <kennedy60511> a ok thx
[20:27:53] <stpeter> aha, yes, yet another kbot user
[20:28:02] <kennedy60511> ^^' yes
[20:28:20] <stpeter> I hate you cheaters, but I'm a nice guy so I help you anyway :)
[20:28:42] <stpeter> I am going to send you an email reply right now, please check your email
[20:28:44] <kennedy60511> I use it only for Galacti gates.
[20:28:49] <kennedy60511> ok I check it
[20:29:33] <stpeter> email sent
[20:29:44] <kennedy60511> is usual recibe this problem in account kbot? xD
[20:29:58] <stpeter> I receive a lot of email messages from kbot users
[20:30:04] <stpeter> they seem to be very forgetful :)
[20:30:47] <kennedy60511> xD I answer you question here or via email?
[20:30:47] <stpeter> I think that Mr. KBOT needs to run his own jabber server and not tell his users to create accounts on jabber.org
[20:30:53] <stpeter> please answer via email
[20:30:58] <stpeter> this room is logged :)
[20:31:13] <kennedy60511> but I don't have any friend in list
[20:31:33] <stpeter> see: http://logs.jabber.org/new/2011/12/2/jabber.html
[20:31:49] <stpeter> kennedy60511: well, I see other people in the buddy list
[20:32:20] <kennedy60511> this is all people ON in this list?
[20:32:22] <stpeter> so perhaps your username is not in fact antonio@jabber.org -- maybe you created this account somewhere else, or you are actually
antonio569@jabber.org, or maybe you forget your friends
[20:32:26] <kennedy60511> I don't understand you now...
[20:32:58] <kennedy60511> mmmm... is posible antonio569.... look last conection
[20:33:13] <kennedy60511> my last ocnection is 07-11-2011
[20:33:18] <stpeter> I just made up "569"
[20:33:32] <stpeter> we don't keep logs from July
[20:33:37] <stpeter> we keep logs only for a few days
[20:33:41] <stpeter> the logs are very very big
[20:34:44] <kennedy60511> no, 07-11-2011 isn't my first login. is my last time I into in this account
[20:34:51] <stpeter> I see 8 other friends in the buddy list for antonio@jabber.org
[20:34:59] <stpeter> (in addition to the damn kbot)
[20:35:07] <stpeter> so maybe it is not your account
[20:35:13] <kennedy60511> 8 persons who use this same email?
[20:35:28] <kennedy60511> :S
[20:35:37] <kennedy60511> and you can see the last conection?
[20:36:06] <stpeter> no, 8 people who use Jabber -- e.g., it might be orib@jabber.org (but that is not one of them!)
[20:36:26] * kennedy60511 left the chat.
[20:36:30] * bush44978 joined the chat.
[20:36:35] <stpeter> oops
[20:36:38] <bush44978> sry xD
[20:36:41] <bush44978> i RELOG THE page
[20:36:44] <stpeter> no worries
[20:36:45] <stpeter> yes
[20:36:46] <bush44978> for error
[20:36:52] <stpeter> so now you are bush44978 :)
[20:37:27] <bush44978> but I remeber I put antonio ....@jabber.org in email
[20:37:33] <bush44978> shit....
[20:37:36] <stpeter> well
[20:37:54] <bush44978> really you can see my last coenction?
[20:37:57] <stpeter> if you didn't have anyone but kbot in your buddy list, then maybe did not create antonio@jabber.org as your account
[20:38:02] <bush44978> this date is 100%
[20:38:34] <stpeter> bush44978: if we know your JabberID, then we can look up your last connection time, but I can't look up JabberIDs based on
last connection time because we don't store that information
[20:38:51] <stpeter> (at least not for more than a few days)
[20:38:57] <bush44978> I don0t remember. I never put friends in this list.I don't know the existnece of this list
[20:39:15] <stpeter> sigh, I really need to do some coding and create an automated password change system (but then we'll need to store people's
email addresses)
[20:39:21] <stpeter> well
[20:39:39] <stpeter> kbot is one of your "buddies", but in jabber you can add anyone to your buddy list
[20:39:51] <stpeter> antonio added 8 other people
[20:40:05] <bush44978> you can say 1 people?
[20:40:07] <stpeter> if you don't know who they are, then you don't control the antonio@jabber.org account
[20:40:16] <stpeter> so that is someone else's account
[20:40:20] <stpeter> maybe you have a different account
[20:40:26] <stpeter> but I don't know what that is
[20:41:00] <stpeter> another solution -- since you use your jabber.org account only to cheat at DarkOrbit anyway -- is to create a new account
by visiting https://register.jabber.org/
[20:41:41] <bush44978> yes I can create this acount, but in this other I have the bot.
[20:41:52] <bush44978> if I create other I lost the bot
[20:42:16] <stpeter> life is rough :)
[20:42:21] <bush44978> :S
[20:42:27] <stpeter> the lesson here is, don't forget your username and your password :)
[20:42:35] <bush44978> what is the form mor add friends in this list?
[20:42:52] <stpeter> I don't understand -- the form mor?
[20:42:59] <bush44978> really, I think my acount is antonio@... but no 100%
[20:43:08] <bush44978> form for*
[20:43:38] <bush44978> repead: what is the form for add a friends in this list?*
[20:43:40] <stpeter> the form, as in cheater@jabber.org or mygoodfriend@gmail.com or whatever -- it looks like an email address
[20:44:21] <bush44978> in this friends exist this acount:
[20:44:26] <bush44978> josep.pomes@....
[20:44:34] <bush44978> or j.pomes@....
[20:44:36] <bush44978> ?
[20:44:59] <stpeter> no
[20:45:37] <bush44978> and antonio93@jabber.org?
[20:45:55] <stpeter> no such user
[20:46:02] <stpeter> what IM client do you use?
[20:46:09] * bush44978 left the chat.
[20:46:10] <stpeter> the Jabber ID should be in your preferences
[20:46:12] * vanburen62687 joined the chat.
[20:46:24] <stpeter> wow, really going back in time now, Van Buren!
[20:46:25] <vanburen62687> omg other time. sry I open the translator and confuse buttons
[20:46:37] <vanburen62687> wait I reed. sry
[20:47:41] <vanburen62687> what is the form for see IM?
[20:47:52] <stpeter> what IM software do you use?
[20:48:16] <vanburen62687> windows7
[20:48:21] <stpeter> sure
[20:48:27] <vanburen62687> yes
[20:48:29] <vanburen62687> 100%
[20:48:31] <vanburen62687> I use it now
[20:48:33] <stpeter> and on Windows 7 you downloaded some IM software
[20:48:39] <stpeter> so that you could connect to jabber.org
[20:48:43] <stpeter> what is that software?
[20:49:19] <vanburen62687> no. I don't download any software for conect in jabber.org
[20:49:30] <stpeter> um
[20:49:40] <stpeter> so how did you ever chat with kbot?
[20:50:19] <vanburen62687> when I talk whit KBOT I use webpage
[20:50:22] <vanburen62687> or skype
[20:50:27] <stpeter> oh
[20:50:34] <vanburen62687> in web page he have a chat and a foro
[20:50:42] <stpeter> I didn't know that
[20:50:50] <vanburen62687> www.kbotdark.com
[20:50:58] <stpeter> now I am even more annoyed that he is asking people to create IM accounts at jabber.org
[20:51:07] <stpeter> he could just run the whole thing on his damn website
[20:52:33] <stpeter> and that redirects to http://www.botingkbot.com/
[20:52:42] <stpeter> and that domain is not found
[20:52:44] <stpeter> sigh
[20:52:56] <vanburen62687> no. whe sell kbots and he help me for create acount jabber whit TEAMVIWER
[20:53:20] <vanburen62687> Yes, weeks ago he close the web
[20:53:23] <stpeter> great
[20:53:26] <vanburen62687> and he stop selling licenses
[20:53:34] <stpeter> heh
[20:53:38] <stpeter> because he is a criminal?
[20:53:50] <stpeter> so can you still use your old license?
[20:53:57] <vanburen62687> no, because he say: have alot of work in university
[20:54:08] <stpeter> sure
[20:54:42] <vanburen62687> he say this on whis SKYPE
[20:54:47] <vanburen62687> his*
[20:54:50] <stpeter> well, whois data says:
de haro pishoudt, lucas lucas.de_haro@mail.be
benalmadena, Andalucia 29631
[20:54:55] <stpeter> maybe he can help you
[20:54:57] <vanburen62687> yes
[20:55:05] <stpeter> I think I will contact him
[20:55:30] <vanburen62687> lukas is he
[20:55:40] <vanburen62687> in skype his name is lucas
[20:55:56] <stpeter> I don't use Skype
[20:56:07] * Mujahid.00786 joined the chat.
[20:56:07] * Mujahid.00786 left the chat.
[20:56:13] <vanburen62687> ok. and exist any solution for help whit my password?
[20:56:17] * Mujahid.00786 joined the chat.
[20:56:17] * Mujahid.00786 left the chat.
[20:57:13] <stpeter> so
[20:57:14] <stpeter> well
[20:57:25] <stpeter> why do you need the password if he doesn't offer kbot anymore?
[20:57:44] <vanburen62687> yes, kbot is ON
[20:57:48] <stpeter> ok
[20:57:49] <vanburen62687> but he don't sell more
[20:57:52] <stpeter> just: no new licenses
[20:57:54] <stpeter> sure
[20:58:03] <stpeter> well, I can't help you if you don't know your username!
[20:58:09] <stpeter> and it's not antonio@jabber.org
[20:58:13] <vanburen62687> no, my friends buy in the same person and they kbot work
[20:58:19] <stpeter> or, it doesn't *seem* to be antonio
[20:58:30] <stpeter> because you dont' remember the other people in the buddy list for that account
[20:58:34] <stpeter> you know only kbot
[20:58:38] <stpeter> and cheating at DarkOrbit
[20:58:45] <stpeter> so I really can't help you
[20:59:02] <stpeter> if you can remember your username, then I can help you
[20:59:27] <vanburen62687> I don't remeber the friends in list, because I don0t know was it
[20:59:37] <stpeter> yeah
[20:59:51] <stpeter> so I think that antonio@jabber.org is not your account
[21:00:22] <stpeter> we have many accounts starting with "antonio"
[21:00:25] <stpeter> maybe one of those is yours
[21:01:07] <vanburen62687> I remeber is antonio@jabber.org or antonio.....@jabber.org
[21:01:28] <vanburen62687> the beginning was antonio
[21:01:53] <stpeter> why does someone whose name is Josep have an account antonio...?
[21:02:26] <stpeter> now that the kbot guy is not selling more licenses, the old licenses must be worth a lot of money!
[21:02:32] <vanburen62687> because when he help me (luckas help me) create a accound he say
[21:02:42] <vanburen62687> here put any stupid think
[21:02:46] <stpeter> so now I will have people trying to gain control over existing jabber.org accounts
[21:02:47] <stpeter> super
[21:02:53] <stpeter> social attacks, too!
[21:03:03] <stpeter> sigh
[21:03:10] <stpeter> I hate this kbot garbage
[21:03:18] <stpeter> it is a big waste of my time
[21:03:28] <vanburen62687> :S
[21:03:30] <vanburen62687> sry...
[21:03:34] <vanburen62687> ok any solution
[21:03:37] <vanburen62687> I go out
[21:03:48] <stpeter> I don't have a solution right now
[21:04:03] <stpeter> I could look up the buddy list for all users starting with "antonio"
[21:04:08] <stpeter> but there are lots of those
[21:04:35] <vanburen62687> but only say 1 think. did not intend to steal any account, only to recover mine.
[21:04:41] <stpeter> sure :)
[21:04:44] <stpeter> that's what they all say
[21:04:48] <stpeter> ;-)
[21:05:05] <stpeter> /me is starting to think that we need a donation button on www.jabber.org
[21:05:12] <vanburen62687> yes I don0t dubt it
[21:05:44] <vanburen62687> thx for help. bye
[21:05:46] <stpeter> listen, because I am such a nice person, I will look up all the antonio accounts
[21:05:49] <stpeter> but not right now
[21:05:52] <stpeter> there are a lot of them
[21:05:55] <stpeter> and I will send you email
[21:06:48] <vanburen62687> thx. serch 1 whit any friend. becuasa I know now exist this list.
[21:06:55] <vanburen62687> is easy put freinds in this list?
[21:07:08] <vanburen62687> because maybe I put friends inconciently
[21:07:13] <vanburen62687> but I dubt it
[21:07:34] <vanburen62687> doubt*
[21:08:12] <stpeter> yeah
[21:09:19] <vanburen62687> well, I'm going to eat. I hope the mail.
[21:09:28] <vanburen62687> see you, good job and thx
[21:09:56] <vanburen62687> whenn I recibe meil, what is my job?
[21:10:03] <vanburen62687> try recognise my account?
[21:11:02] <vanburen62687> if is this my mission, I have it. see you later. I don't lose this web, maybe you need say me anithink
[21:11:10] <stpeter> ok, I will send you email
[21:11:15] <vanburen62687> bsee you later. my mother is sterical xD
[21:11:29] <vanburen62687> hysterical*
[21:11:30] <vanburen62687> bye
[21:11:41] <stpeter> antonio.elx.94 ?
[21:21:12] * naw left the chat.
[21:27:40] <psa> /me contacts the jabber.org admin team about building a better password retrieval system
[21:28:11] * vanburen62687 left the chat.
[21:31:18] * nixon65348 joined the chat.
[21:31:38] <nixon65348> antonio.elx.94 isn't this
[21:31:55] <psa> ok, just another random kbot user, then
[21:32:01] <psa> so many kbot users...
[21:33:12] <nixon65348> if I say my first conection
[21:33:21] <nixon65348> or when I create account
[21:33:26] <nixon65348> is util?
[21:34:15] <nixon65348> because I found the message of Payment
[21:34:35] <nixon65348> of paypal. and this is the first logging
[21:35:56] <nixon65348> 13 jul 2011 21:56:58 CEST this is the day I buy a kbot. and the day when I create account
[21:36:22] <nixon65348> 13-07-2011*
[21:36:22] <psa> lucky 13 :)
[21:37:01] <nixon65348> psa you'r stpeter?
[21:37:39] <psa> ye
[21:37:42] <psa> yes
[21:37:45] <nixon65348> really?
[21:37:48] <psa> same person, different accounts
[21:37:53] <nixon65348> a ok
[21:38:16] <nixon65348> is util date of my first creation account?
[21:38:20] <psa> stpeter = stpeter@jabber.org, psa = stpeter@stpeter.im
[21:38:34] <psa> nixon65348: we don't track the date of account creation
[21:38:54] <nixon65348> a ok
[21:48:37] <nixon65348> you can serch only inactive acounts
[21:49:29] <nixon65348> if you find a anotnio... acount but is active. isn't my acount
[21:51:46] <psa> right
[21:59:39] * stpeter left the chat.
[22:02:40] * psa left the chat.
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[22:51:55] * dynam1te left the chat.
[23:00:35] * harrykar left the chat.
[23:02:26] * psa left the chat.
[23:08:40] * harrykar joined the chat.
[23:10:05] * dynam1te joined the chat.
[23:45:58] * Tobias left the chat.