Logs for jabber
[00:17:08] * dreamcast left the chat.
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[00:53:37] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
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[05:12:51] <clinton6496> hi
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[06:03:27] <1112> hi
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[06:03:46] <1212> hi
[06:03:54] <1112> nice meet you.
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[07:14:25] * akuckartz joined the chat.
[07:31:55] * harrykar joined the chat.
[07:32:34] * mebs joined the chat.
[07:33:30] * asandiyudo@mayplaces.com joined the chat.
[07:34:15] * harlock left the chat.
[07:36:21] * Tobias joined the chat.
[07:38:42] * asandiyudo@mayplaces.com left the chat.
[07:54:11] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[08:10:20] * akuckartz left the chat.
[08:12:44] * PaulFertser joined the chat.
[08:16:00] * treebilou joined the chat.
[08:35:40] * Holger joined the chat.
[08:37:49] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[08:56:14] * Tobias left the chat.
[09:02:13] * Tobias joined the chat.
[09:19:01] * vanburen38403 joined the chat.
[09:19:31] <vanburen38403> hi
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[09:23:51] * buchanan30514 joined the chat.
[09:25:12] <buchanan30514> how login in jabber account
[09:25:38] <buchanan30514> ????????????????
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[09:37:29] * Tanguy joined the chat.
[09:46:31] * dynam1te joined the chat.
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[10:40:58] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[10:41:35] <louiz’> ???????????
[10:47:27] * Jean Parpaillon joined the chat.
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[10:49:25] * Tobias left the chat.
[10:51:06] * Jean Parpaillon joined the chat.
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[11:03:05] * bush61063 joined the chat.
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[11:03:25] * cleveland11791 joined the chat.
[11:03:37] <cleveland11791> Hi
[11:04:27] * Jean Parpaillon left the chat.
[11:04:48] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[11:05:02] <cleveland11791> Can you please tell me , How can I get the Jabber sdk for .net
[11:05:45] * Jean Parpaillon joined the chat.
[11:09:18] * simone_3dz2 left the chat.
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[11:11:45] <cleveland11791> Hello
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[11:14:13] <buchanan36806> Hello
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[14:57:56] * ThurahT joined the chat.
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[16:59:36] * Sa3ed joined the chat.
[17:00:01] <Sa3ed> هاي
[17:00:12] <psa> hi
[17:00:16] <psa> can we help you?
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[17:34:00] * jobes left the chat.
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[17:52:39] * truman21392 joined the chat.
[17:52:45] <truman21392> anyone here?
[17:53:04] <PaulFertser> truman21392: just ask
[17:53:21] <truman21392> Is it possible to make a server in the office?
[17:53:30] <PaulFertser> truman21392: of course
[17:53:30] <truman21392> I am looking to make a lan chat around here
[17:53:40] <truman21392> I can't find where to download the server
[17:53:56] <PaulFertser> truman21392: are you all in the same lan segment?
[17:54:20] <truman21392> Yes, all and
[17:54:33] <PaulFertser> truman21392: if yes, you can try serverless feature in "Gajim", or just install http://prosody.im/download/start
[17:55:01] <truman21392> Thanks a lot Paulo, I'll have a look and get back to you.
[17:55:22] <PaulFertser> truman21392: yo, have fun :)
[17:58:10] <truman21392> Paul how patient are you? :P
[17:59:23] <PaulFertser> truman21392: it depends. If someone shows a desire to refrain from learning, i'm getting annoyed quite fast. But if someone
is willing to listen and read, i'm pretty patient i'd say. Why?
[17:59:51] <truman21392> I might need some help setting this up. I downloaded Prosody
[18:00:18] <truman21392> I like to learn, I just don't have THAT much time to work on this. Is it time consuming?
[18:00:36] <PaulFertser> truman21392: i think no, you should be able to get it up and running reasonably fast.
[18:01:19] <truman21392> I downloaded it, installed it and ran the config
[18:01:46] <truman21392> I didnt find anything to edit though
[18:02:33] <PaulFertser> truman21392: what OS are you using?
[18:02:39] <truman21392> Windows 7
[18:02:42] <truman21392> :P
[18:03:29] <PaulFertser> truman21392: do you have prosody.cfg.lua.dist in where you've installed prosody?
[18:03:38] <truman21392> When i run the actual cmd it says at the end... General ... info ... prosody is using the select backend for connection handling
[18:03:43] <PaulFertser> truman21392: then rename it to prosody.cfg.lua and edit to your liking.
[18:04:58] <truman21392> I got the it opened. Like just an example. ^"roster"; -- Allow users to have a roster. Recommended ;), what part do I end
to enable it?
[18:05:42] <PaulFertser> truman21392: lua uses -- to denote comments, so if a line doesn't have -- in the beginning, it's uncommented and enabled.
[18:05:58] <truman21392> gotcha
[18:06:30] <PaulFertser> truman21392: you might want to allow_registration = true ; to allow in-band registration (i.e. clients will be able to create
an account for themselves the first time they try to connect).
[18:07:04] <truman21392> ok its enabled
[18:07:32] <truman21392> Can you help me running it with default settings? Just to make sure I can get it working :_
[18:07:33] <truman21392> :)
[18:07:37] <PaulFertser> truman21392: do not forget to rename prosody.cfg.lua.dist to prosody.cfg.lua
[18:07:52] <truman21392> ok
[18:08:48] <PaulFertser> truman21392: and then you should be able to start it just fine.
[18:09:10] <truman21392> just run "prosody.cmd" right?
[18:09:32] <PaulFertser> truman21392: i guess.
[18:10:00] <truman21392> i ran the cmd now time to test it
[18:10:19] <truman21392> its still giving me "prosody is using the select backend for connection handling"
[18:10:22] <PaulFertser> truman21392: tbh, i've never ever tried to configure or run it myself, especially on windows.
[18:10:39] <PaulFertser> truman21392: that doesn't sound like an error message, so probably it now just works ;)
[18:12:26] <truman21392> What do you think the client is to use?
[18:12:48] <truman21392> I am trying to use Exodus
[18:12:51] <truman21392> is it any good:
[18:13:52] <PaulFertser> truman21392: that depends... Exodus is windows-only and i'm afraid is no longer developed actively. I've heard good words
about swift.im and i also can suggest you try Gajim and/or Psi. Some people say Miranda is good though i do not like multi-protocol
clients myself.
[18:14:43] <ThurahT> pidgin works very well on windows. and its actively maintained.
[18:14:47] <truman21392> I'll have a look at each one. I really need it to have settings and menus in portugues
[18:14:53] <PaulFertser> ThurahT: it's multi-protocol
[18:14:57] <ThurahT> so?
[18:15:09] <ThurahT> it has xmpp
[18:15:34] <PaulFertser> So its devs are not paying as much attention to xmpp support as they could have been.
[18:16:53] <truman21392> is Gajim for linux only?
[18:16:54] <ThurahT> I heard the others doesn't work that well in windows environments.. And I know for a fact that gajim doesnt work.
[18:17:17] <ThurahT> it looked like garbage and many features doesn'y work.
[18:17:24] <ThurahT> *'t
[18:17:52] <PaulFertser> truman21392: no, it's not
[18:17:53] <truman21392> im download swift.im to check it out
[18:18:05] <truman21392> downloading
[18:18:10] <ThurahT> at least in pidgin everything works except jingle.
[18:18:20] <PaulFertser> ThurahT: i've used Gajim on windows vista myself at my sister's, it worked just fine.
[18:18:34] <ThurahT> fine and good isn't the same
[18:19:06] <PaulFertser> ThurahT: what's no good about it?
[18:19:35] <ThurahT> well I couldn't get the interface to work at all.. everyting was black
[18:20:15] <ThurahT> plus many features were linux only
[18:20:37] <PaulFertser> ThurahT: doesn't match my experience at all. I had problems with it starting due to using non-ascii letters in the pc hostname
i admit, but i've fixed that bug and it was committed upstream in no time. Means its authors do care.
[18:21:32] <ThurahT> well to be honest I tried it last time around april.. so perhaps things have improved
[18:22:09] <truman21392> just i got swift
[18:22:10] <ThurahT> but it seems that my major problem was that it didn't follow the current theme in windows.
[18:22:20] <truman21392> i have no clue how to use it though, i cant even find where to create a new user
[18:22:37] <PaulFertser> As to the linux-only features... Well, folks using windows are used to having lack of features, flexibility and sanity, so
that's not an issue i'd say ;)
[18:22:58] <ThurahT> agree
[18:23:08] <PaulFertser> truman21392: connect to the server, the user should get auto-created.
[18:23:25] <truman21392> i cant find where to change the ip
[18:23:31] <truman21392> wait
[18:23:39] <truman21392> should i just put NAME@IP?
[18:23:51] <ThurahT> I just found that pidgin worked better in that sense. I would love to use gajim only since it is a dedicated xmpp client.
[18:24:50] <truman21392> i put leandro@ and i tried logging in and it gave me "Stream error"
[18:25:40] <PaulFertser> truman21392: any additional details?
[18:26:15] <truman21392> theres a yellow button here to select a .cert
[18:26:20] <truman21392> no clue what that is
[18:26:27] <PaulFertser> truman21392: you do not need to select an ssl certificate.
[18:26:41] <truman21392> those are the only things im seeing
[18:27:03] <truman21392> if i put a wrong ip
[18:27:08] <truman21392> it just says error connecting to server
[18:27:21] <truman21392> and if i put the server that im on (the server also) it gives me Stream error
[18:27:35] <PaulFertser> truman21392: can you enable "xml console" in the tools menu?
[18:27:51] <truman21392> nope
[18:27:58] <truman21392> nothing on the menu to change
[18:28:15] <truman21392> just about and show the debug console
[18:28:44] <PaulFertser> truman21392: btw, have you commented out the ssl settings in your config?
[18:29:02] <PaulFertser> truman21392: oh, show the debug console would be nice to see
[18:29:48] <truman21392> <!-- OUT -->
<?xml version="1.0"?><stream:stream xmlns="jabber:client" xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" to=""
<!-- IN -->
<?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream id='' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' version='1.0' xmlns='jabber:client'><stream:error><host-unknown
xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'/><text xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'>This server does not serve</text></stream:error></stream:stream>
<!-- OUT -->
<!-- OUT -->
<?xml version="1.0"?><stream:stream xmlns="jabber:client" xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" to=""
<!-- IN -->
<?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream id='' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' version='1.0' xmlns='jabber:client'><stream:error><host-unknown
xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'/><text xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'>This server does not serve</text></stream:error></stream:stream>
<!-- OUT -->
[18:30:46] <PaulFertser> truman21392: oh, the next time please use pastebin!
[18:31:25] <truman21392> sorry
[18:31:29] <PaulFertser> truman21392: add VirtualHost "" to your prosody config
[18:31:36] <truman21392> one sec
[18:32:22] * jefferson7289 joined the chat.
[18:32:51] <truman21392> should i replace localhost wit the ip? or make a new one
[18:33:08] <PaulFertser> truman21392: make a new one
[18:34:08] <truman21392> still giving me the stream error
[18:34:18] <truman21392> i tried @localhost and i started to work
[18:34:20] * jefferson7289 left the chat.
[18:34:25] <truman21392> just said that i need to create the account
[18:34:56] <truman21392> yeah with localhost its saying login/password invalid
[18:35:20] <PaulFertser> truman21392: but you want to connect from another machines too i assume, for those localhost will not work :)
[18:35:34] <truman21392> yeah i need to connect with a few more :D
[18:35:46] <truman21392> it was just to see if the server was working
[18:35:55] * evilotto joined the chat.
[18:36:51] <truman21392> on the cmd from the server its giving me something like this "Client disconneceted: This server does not server
[18:37:11] <PaulFertser> truman21392: that's because you're to add VirtualHost "" to its config.
[18:38:29] <truman21392> one sec let me check
[18:40:22] <truman21392> i checked it was on there for some reason
[18:40:39] <truman21392> i put it in and saved and checked again and it was there but its still giving me the same error
[18:40:48] <truman21392> let me look again
[18:41:04] <PaulFertser> When the truth is found to be lies, and all the joy within you dies...
[18:41:18] <PaulFertser> truman21392: have you restarted the server?
[18:42:08] <truman21392> one second
[18:42:11] <truman21392> that would be a good idea huh :)
[18:42:33] <truman21392> stream error :/
[18:43:04] <PaulFertser> truman21392: my guess would be is that it's using the default config and not the one you're editing.
[18:43:52] <truman21392> ill try to find some other things that i might need to change
[18:43:55] <PaulFertser> truman21392: have you renamed the .dist files properly?
[18:44:02] <PaulFertser> s/files/file/
[18:49:23] <truman21392> yes i renamed it and same thing
[18:49:30] <truman21392> -- = disabled right?
[18:49:37] <PaulFertser> truman21392: right
[18:49:49] <PaulFertser> truman21392: written in the beginning of the example config file.
[18:50:14] <PaulFertser> truman21392: in what directory your config is?
[18:51:13] <truman21392> src
[18:51:43] <PaulFertser> truman21392: the same as the executable?
[18:52:51] <truman21392> the cmd is in the folder before that
[18:52:58] <truman21392> in prosody
[18:53:11] <PaulFertser> truman21392: so move the config file in there i'd say
[18:53:25] <truman21392> sec
[18:55:39] <truman21392> http://pastebin.com/PjifYRez
[18:55:41] <truman21392> http://pastebin.com/PjifYRez
[18:55:41] <truman21392> this is what it says in the cmd
[18:55:51] <truman21392> the server cmd
[18:56:54] <PaulFertser> truman21392: i think it's still not using your config file
[19:00:33] <truman21392> :P can you help me getting in with localhost?
[19:00:44] <truman21392> im about to leave and i just want to see it kind of work :D
[19:00:57] <PaulFertser> truman21392: i guess default config doesn't have inband registration enabled and that's why you can't get in.
[19:01:06] <PaulFertser> truman21392: if you make it use your own config, it'll start work.
[19:01:20] * marseille joined the chat.
[19:01:22] <PaulFertser> That's my speculation of course.
[19:01:30] <truman21392> ive changed a lot of it
[19:02:01] * MattJ joined the chat.
[19:03:46] <truman21392> i might have to try to set this up at home and then just bring it to work
[19:04:12] <PaulFertser> truman21392: sounds like a plan :)
[19:04:24] <truman21392> :) still have another 30 minutes though
[19:04:29] <truman21392> ill try changing some stuff
[19:04:36] <truman21392> ill let you know if anything changes.
[19:04:41] <truman21392> thanks for the help paul :D
[19:05:04] <PaulFertser> truman21392: one hint to a windows user: download "ProcessMonitor" from the official microsoft site and use it to see the
actual place it tries to load its configuration from.
[19:05:27] <PaulFertser> (i mean this is a generic advice, useful for debugging many problems with software on windows)
[19:09:22] * naw joined the chat.
[19:17:51] <ThurahT> PaulFertser: hope you didn't find me disrespectfull before. I just haven't had any good experience with it yet. I'm actually
going to try it again and see if my lack of theme options penalty is still there.
[19:19:16] <PaulFertser> ThurahT: no problem, i hope you'll get it working. As to the theme, probably you're facing not something Gajim-specific but
a general Gtk on windows with custom themes issue.
[19:20:05] <ThurahT> I think its more my lack of theme that is not working.. : )
[19:20:09] * pauel joined the chat.
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[19:21:37] <ThurahT> I have my desktop set like classic with black back ground http://lookpic.com/c1/i2/1236/sbtP5Xwr.png
[19:29:38] * truman21392 left the chat.
[19:30:52] * pauel left the chat.
[19:31:20] <PaulFertser> ThurahT: cool look indeed!
[19:31:37] <PaulFertser> I like old-school green letters
[20:01:41] <ThurahT> yea.. Its easy on the eyes.
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[22:43:16] <ThurahT> PaulFertser: I just tried the 0.15b2 and same problem ( http://lookpic.com/O/i2/1936/9NJUIpse.png ). The theme selector doesn't
follow native theme. Which is weird since pidgin also uses GTK and shows the native one.
[22:48:38] <ThurahT> maybe I should create a gajim theme that is theme-less..
[22:50:15] * ابن حماه joined the chat.
[22:50:43] <ابن حماه> هاي
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[23:15:47] <ابن حماه> هاي
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[23:18:03] * vanburen20138 joined the chat.
[23:18:21] <vanburen20138> Paul you there?
[23:18:47] <vanburen20138> anyone there?
[23:18:57] <ThurahT> yes
[23:19:15] <vanburen20138> Thur can you help me really quick
[23:19:24] <vanburen20138> I was here before, idk if you remember
[23:19:29] <vanburen20138> it was me you and paul talking
[23:19:37] <ThurahT> where you the prosody guy?
[23:19:42] <ThurahT> *were
[23:19:43] <vanburen20138> yeah thats me
[23:19:48] <vanburen20138> i got it to work
[23:19:56] <vanburen20138> but now i want to know if i can run the server hidden
[23:20:00] <ThurahT> I don't know prosody though..
[23:20:08] <vanburen20138> so I don't have to keep the cmd up
[23:20:12] <vanburen20138> oh
[23:20:18] <vanburen20138> damn
[23:20:46] <ThurahT> well.. maybe there is a run as service setting
[23:21:05] <ThurahT> like run -hidden or smething
[23:21:11] <ThurahT> *some
[23:21:26] <vanburen20138> ill look around :)
[23:21:29] <ThurahT> k
[23:21:30] <vanburen20138> thanks
[23:21:32] <ThurahT> np
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[23:42:07] <tedfromthepresent> test if this message appears
[23:42:24] <ThurahT> success
[23:43:09] <tedfromthepresent> Do you know if I create a chatroom if it is persistent? For example, If I logout, and there are no users in the chatroom,
can anyone still join it freely?
[23:43:37] <ThurahT> you can set that at creation if you want
[23:43:52] <tedfromthepresent> Thanks for your help! May you get laid well and often!
[23:43:56] <ThurahT> and if you later change your mind just ->/configure
[23:44:05] <ThurahT> I try to.. thnk you.
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