Logs for jabber
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[01:37:03] <marcomarco100> /me hi
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[02:24:37] <marcomarco100> how can I delete a room, please?
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[09:04:20] <linjiangfu5566@jabber.org> ok
[09:05:42] <linjiangfu5566@jabber.org> what can i do
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[14:06:20] <Aviator> ThurahT: not that simple mate, constant refreshing consumes a lot of traffic, when traffic is limited, it's not worthwhile
to wait for long
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[14:53:01] <Kev> PaulFertser: Thanks for the trace. I've found that the entire machine seems to completely drop from the network (I only say
"seems") for a couple of minutes - no CPU usage, no stanzas, no new connections, no network traffic - so that's something
to work from.
[14:57:54] <PaulFertser> Kev: sounds like a clue indeed, given you say it does so for a "couple of minutes" probably worth doing traceroute from cron
every minute both from the server itself and from somewhere outside, that should give you some evidence to discuss with the
hoster i guess.
[14:58:15] * Tobias left the chat.
[14:58:20] <Kev> Quite
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[17:05:18] * cleveland39591 joined the chat.
[17:09:56] <cleveland39591> Hello, I am a newbie and trying to get connected to the jabber.org server. I kept getting connection failed, so I read up
and installed telnet on my windows 7 and tried "o jabber.org 5222" and again got connection failed. I tried then on 443 and
failed, I finally tried on 80 and after a few minutes it said "connection lost". If port 5222 is blocked to me, what are my
options, please?
[17:10:25] <PaulFertser> cleveland39591: are you behind a corporate firewall?
[17:10:33] <cleveland39591> no
[17:10:50] <cleveland39591> well, a commercial vpn
[17:11:29] <PaulFertser> cleveland39591: anyway, with telnet you should be trying "helmes.jabber.org 5222"
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[17:14:08] <cleveland39591> Ok, ty. I was just following this from the website "Yes, you can, but you need to make sure that outbound port 5222 is open
(this is the registered port for XMPP client connections). To check whether your connection is blocked, type ‘telnet jabber.org
5222′ in a terminal or console window."
[17:15:33] <PaulFertser> cleveland39591: well, it just happens it can work currently too, but that's not 100% correct. Anyway, can you find out what's
blocking your outgoing connections?
[17:16:07] <cleveland39591> PaulFertser: I just tried "o helmes.jabber.org 5222" and got "Could not open connection to the host, on port 5222"
[17:16:30] <PaulFertser> cleveland39591: are you sure that's not your local firewall or something like that?
[17:16:30] <psa> not helmes, hermes
[17:16:46] <psa> or just jabber.org (hermes is the machine name)
[17:16:51] <PaulFertser> psa: hi there :) indeed, it's a typo.
[17:17:09] <cleveland39591> Ty, let me try again
[17:17:48] <PaulFertser> psa: i can imagine you having different IPs for the jabber.org server and the xmpp server. Of course the correct way for him
to test would be to first "dig" the srv record and then use the returned value.
[17:18:25] <psa> 'telnet jabber.org 5222' is fine in this case
[17:18:32] <psa> not need for imagination :)
[17:18:33] <PaulFertser> In this case, yes.
[17:20:01] * Tobias left the chat.
[17:20:22] <cleveland39591> PaulFerster: No, it still will not connect, and no, I have no idea how to get any info about open and blocked from the VPN
provider as I am not the direct customer.
[17:20:37] <cleveland39591> blocked ports*
[17:21:50] <PaulFertser> cleveland39591: well, you can try a service that can be used over different ports, e.g. allports.jabber.ru . AFAIK, jabber.org
doesn't provide such a service (no idea why).
[17:23:56] <cleveland39591> PaulFertser: So if 5222 is blocked, there is no alternative on 443 on the jabber.org server?
[17:25:47] <PaulFertser> cleveland39591: afaict, there's no, alas.
[17:26:15] <cleveland39591> PaulFertser: Tyvm.
[17:27:10] <PaulFertser> cleveland39591: since jabber servers connect to each other, you can use another compatible service that has the "allports"
[17:27:28] <cleveland39591> Anyone: As an alternative, is anyone familiar with the Jabbix server? Their web interface seemed to be pretty good"
[17:27:50] <cleveland39591> PaulFertser: How do I find a list of those servers?
[17:30:56] <PaulFertser> cleveland39591: i know of only allports.jabber.ru, use 443 port there.
[17:30:58] <psa> cleveland39591: the jabber.org server does not offer service on port 80 or 443, but you can use jabber80.com
[17:36:39] <cleveland39591> psa: Tyvm. I know this is a totally newbie question, but my jabber.org JID is then basically useless, correct?
[17:37:16] <PaulFertser> cleveland39591: not exactly, you can use a j2j transport.
[17:37:27] <psa> PaulFertser: he's a newbie, don't confuse him
[17:37:50] <psa> cleveland39591: if you really can't connect to jabber.org, then yes that ID is useless
[17:39:19] <PaulFertser> psa: i think "jabber transport" is something that's easily googleable and understandable, and using a jabber2jabber transport
he can keep his JID, i can't see how that's confusing.
[17:39:36] <PaulFertser> Another option would be to use a bitlbee server if you can get IRC working.
[17:39:39] <psa> PaulFertser: because you're a geek and he's a newbie
[17:40:07] <psa> cleveland39591: do you use any other IM systems, like AOL or MSN?
[17:40:34] <cleveland39591> Both: No, I am dropping those like a hot potato.
[17:40:41] <psa> heh
[17:41:05] <psa> well, I think those systems also use ports other than 80 or 443 (standard "web" / HTTP ports)
[17:41:38] <PaulFertser> psa: i can admit sometimes my students find me confusing. But in the end everyone who wanted to understand me could do that...
[17:41:57] <PaulFertser> psa: afair login.icq.com accepts connections on all ports, including 443 and 80.
[17:42:26] <cleveland39591> psa: I am being totally airhead, but I cannot find a JID registration form on the jabber80 website?
[17:43:54] <psa> cleveland39591: they might support only "in-band registration", which means that you use your IM client to create the account
[17:44:31] <cleveland39591> psa: I see. Ty.
[17:46:34] <cleveland39591> psa: That did the trick! Thx for helping out a newbie.
[17:46:46] <psa> cleveland39591: my pleasure
[17:48:13] <cleveland39591> psa: Also, transports are strictly to move outside the jabber network, to AIM, MSN, ICQ, etc., correct?
[17:48:36] <psa> cleveland39591: mostly, yes
[17:48:57] <psa> cleveland39591: as PaulFertser says, there are also jabber-to-jabber transports so you can log into only one jabber server
[17:51:37] <cleveland39591> psa: Ok, then as PaulFertser said, it's google time. Lol. In the meantime, I'm using the Pandion client as Gajim was recommended
to me here, but the Gajim website recommended either Miranda or Pandion for windows. It is asking me to instal/configure network
transports but apparently jabber80.com has none.
[17:52:31] <PaulFertser> cleveland39591: i'm using xmpp.jrudevels.org for j2j
[17:52:37] <psa> cleveland39591: I admit that I haven't used the transports since probably the year 2000 :)
[17:52:51] <PaulFertser> cleveland39591: means you can add this transport to your jabber80 account afaict.
[17:53:05] * Tobias joined the chat.
[17:53:42] <PaulFertser> cleveland39591: also, i've seen Gajim working reasonably well under Windows, it's one of the official targets.
[17:55:56] <cleveland39591> PaulFertser: The website was very ambivalent in their wording about Gajim's stability on windows. And I'm stuck with windows
7 64-bit. But since Pandion just crashed on me, I guess I may have to try Gajim. Lol
[17:56:21] <PaulFertser> cleveland39591: i think Psi is a decent choice as well :)
[17:57:07] <cleveland39591> PaulFertser: Does it offer the video conferencing feature like Gajim?
[17:59:42] <PaulFertser> cleveland39591: you're probably talking about Jingle, but anyway i can't tell for sure. And probably Gajim doesn't support
that feature on windows either. Being stuck on such a sucky OS is unfortunate...
[18:01:55] <cleveland39591> PaulFertser: How well, I've complained about windows AND the intel processor architectures when the original Xerox windows
system and Motorola processors were so much better.
[18:02:37] <PaulFertser> cleveland39591: what makes you stuck with windows btw?
[18:05:02] <cleveland39591> PaulFertser: Lack of time/energy to port to Linux. These days, I'm primarily just a user, not a tinkerer. And thx again for
all your kind help.
[18:06:12] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[18:06:58] <PaulFertser> cleveland39591: welcome, and best of luck
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[19:48:33] <taylor60984> Hello, all. I've been trying to connect to my wife's Adium IM system at work with no success. I've been assuming hers is
a Jabber account, since that seems to be the file transfer server on file, but I'm new here, so I dunno. Any suggestions,
[19:49:01] <Kev> Do they expose the service externally?
[19:49:29] <taylor60984> I'm not sure what you mean.
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[20:21:51] * David joined the chat.
[20:22:01] * Mac Newbold joined the chat.
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[20:23:41] <cleveland39591> psa: Are you still here?
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[20:27:51] <Kev> taylor60984: I mean to ask whether they allow connections from outside the work network.
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[20:37:10] <Kev> cleveland39591: Anything someone other than psa can help with?
[20:37:33] <cleveland39591> Kev: Earlier I ran into a port 5222 block through my VPN, so I connected through jabber80.com. However, I have an account
on jabber.org and that is where my friends are too, and that is where I would like to maintain my contact list, PaulFertser
mentioned a J2J transport, xmpp.jrudevels.org
[20:39:00] <cleveland39591> I am using the Pandion client, and it appears to let me load that transport, but then I get lost in the configuration. Can
you help me please?
[20:39:51] <Kev> Depends what the questions are :)
[20:41:20] * lurker8322 left the chat.
[20:42:13] <cleveland39591> Ok, the first screen in the configuration window is asking for the address and password, but is this for the "guest account"
on jabber.org, or is there an itermediate account at xmpp.jrudevels.org?
[20:43:14] <Kev> This is probably for your account on jabber.org. Be warned that you're giving your password out to a third party to store
- they could potentially do anything they like with your account.
[20:43:33] <cleveland39591> Good point. Ty.
[20:44:25] <cleveland39591> But since jabber.org does not listen at port 443, I am limited in what servers I can access directly.
[20:46:54] <cleveland39591> After I send the info, it tries to connect but I get a unknown error "code 406" Cannot continue message.
[20:47:16] <Kev> That's not terribly useful, is it? :=
[20:47:19] <Kev> :/ rather
[20:47:26] <cleveland39591> Indeed.
[20:50:00] * David left the chat.
[20:52:29] <cleveland39591> Kev: I'm a newbie, but at here http://wiki.jrudevels.org/index.php/Eng:J2J I may have found the culprit "SSL is not supported;"
[20:53:22] <cleveland39591> And I have use SSL connection only selected in Pandion
[20:57:09] <cleveland39591> Kev: are you familiar with any other J2J transports?
[20:57:30] <Kev> Not deployments, no, sorry.
[20:59:48] <cleveland39591> So unless I can get port 5222 open through the VPN, I am stuck with using my jabber80.com JID, and my jabber.org JID is essentially
[21:00:36] <Kev> Or unless you can find some sort of proxy somewhere else. Jabber.org doesn't expose itself over port 80, at the moment, and
may or may not do so in the future.
[21:01:00] <Kev> I assume your problem isn't that 5222 is specifically blocked, but rather than only a couple of ports are open?
[21:03:02] <cleveland39591> Kev: TBH I don't really know what ports are open. And I certainly can understand about not opening port 80, but opening port
443 for SSL only connections sure would be nice.
[21:03:56] <cleveland39591> For those of us "stuck behind the firewall".
[21:11:40] <cleveland39591> Kev: Tyvm for your help. One last thing, I am looking at http://www.jabberes.org/servers/ and the stats for uptime for the
jabber80.com server are not good. And so far, the list I have found of alternative servers (amessage servers, jabber.org.uk,
jabberes.org, chrome.pl, jabber.wp.pl, jabber.elektron.com.pl) all appear to be non-USA based. Do you know of any USA based
servers that are open on port 443?
[21:13:46] * pjm4jabber joined the chat.
[21:13:49] <Kev> I don't think the location of the server should be of practical importance, unless you have political or legal reasons for
needing a US server.
[21:15:36] <pjm4jabber> newbie question - how to configure jabberd in webadmin to allow clients to cerate their own account? any pointers out there?
[21:16:05] <pjm4jabber> google doesnt help
[21:16:51] <cleveland39591> Kev: just the practical concern of lag in communications because of a long hop from server to server AND the extra scrutiny
overseas SSL traffic gets.
[21:16:52] <pjm4jabber> pidgin has a check mark "Create this new account on the server" - what does that do?
[21:18:13] <Kev> cleveland39591: My primary server is US-based and I'm EU-based, I don't see a problem with this.
[21:18:34] <Kev> pjm4jabber: I'm afraid it's a *very* long time since I last used jabberd, I don't remember anything about configuring it.
[21:20:16] <cleveland39591> Kev: So in general you do not see an unduly noticeable lag in convos? If so, then I'll look at one of the EU servers.
[21:20:26] <Kev> cleveland39591: I do not.
[21:21:03] <cleveland39591> Kev: Thx again. Any recommendations out of that list previously?
[21:21:38] <Kev> I'm afraid I run my own servers for my own use, I don't have experience with the public servers other than jabber.org (which
I also help run).
[21:21:50] <pjm4jabber> hmm thanks Kev. In general, is this possible? It looks like an ACL switch of soem sort.
[21:22:06] <Kev> pjm4jabber: Yes, it is possible to configure jabberd in this awy.
[21:22:07] <Kev> *may
[21:22:09] <Kev> *way
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[21:22:50] <pjm4jabber> tanks again - which server is "modern". I've got ejabberd running on Ubuntu
[21:23:09] <pjm4jabber> is there something easier to config with better help?
[21:23:20] <Kev> Prosody would be my choice of Free server, although I use a commercial server myself.
[21:23:38] <pjm4jabber> OK - thanks much let me look into that
[21:23:52] <Kev> Many people still run ejabberd, though.
[21:25:19] <pjm4jabber> am I gonna need to learn LUA? I suppose I should anyway
[21:25:30] <Link Mauve> !LUA
[21:25:41] <Link Mauve> Err, LUA isn’t the name, it’s Lua.
[21:25:44] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[21:25:51] <pjm4jabber> sooory Lua
[21:26:03] <Kev> pjm4jabber: I don't believe knowing Lua is a prerequisite for running Prosody.
[21:26:54] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[21:26:56] <Link Mauve> Not at all, the configuration is written in Lua, but it’s a pretty standard syntax.
[21:27:19] <Link Mauve> (Not like Ejabberd’s awful erlang syntax… /o\)
[21:27:57] <pjm4jabber> looks like http://prosody.im/download/start is down...
[21:28:32] <pjm4jabber> oop sorry... wow that took a lone time
[21:28:35] <pjm4jabber> long
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[21:46:32] <kennedy57511> hi
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[22:52:44] <polk22628> hey, jabber folks. i'm having trouble connecting. anyone know of widespread issues today?
[22:56:59] <psa> hi polk22628
[22:57:41] <psa> polk22628: I don't know of any widespread issues, although we are actively researching connectivity problems and trying to
figure out what's happening
[22:58:22] * roosevelt49393 joined the chat.
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[22:59:03] <roosevelt49393> hello
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[22:59:25] <psa> hi roosevelt49393
[22:59:43] <roosevelt49393> can you help me with some info please?
[22:59:52] <psa> we'll try
[23:00:09] <roosevelt49393> i need to configure a jabber client on a forum
[23:00:21] <roosevelt49393> and i don't know what's with the "jabber server"
[23:00:25] <psa> you mean, something like PHPbb?
[23:00:31] <roosevelt49393> yes, exactly
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[23:01:00] <roosevelt49393> do i find a free jabber server online, or i must configure one of myself?
[23:01:09] <psa> I admit that I've never configured PHPbb at all
[23:01:34] <psa> I think you need to install your own server, not use something like jabber.org or another public service
[23:01:50] <roosevelt49393> well, it asks for "jabber server / jabber user / jabber password / jabber port"
[23:02:00] <roosevelt49393> ough
[23:02:03] <psa> I've never seen a good HOWTO on this topic
[23:02:13] <polk22628> thanks, spa. i've been unable to connect for a few hours.
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[23:02:18] <roosevelt49393> it's pretty hard to configure a jabber server, isn't it?
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[23:02:24] <polk22628> er, psa.
[23:02:47] <psa> roosevelt49393: that could be something like [myusername] [jabber.org] [your password here] [5222]
[23:02:57] <psa> roosevelt49393: I think you might need to ask the PHPbb folks for help
[23:03:12] <roosevelt49393> i know psa, but what about that "jabber server"?
[23:03:12] <psa> roosevelt49393: in fact, some jabber servers are quite easy to install and configure, in my experience
[23:03:25] <roosevelt49393> that kills me for last 2 weeks
[23:03:27] <psa> roosevelt49393: the "server" could just be the domain name of the server where you jabber account lives
[23:03:38] <roosevelt49393> i don't know that
[23:04:01] <psa> roosevelt49393: well, for instance, if you go to https://register.jabber.org/ and create an account, your "server" will be
[23:04:06] <roosevelt49393> i've just made an account on jabber.org
[23:04:07] <roosevelt49393> ough
[23:04:14] <roosevelt49393> ty i'll try that and return
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[23:04:28] <psa> polk22628: we've got some real gremlins involved -- might be intermittent network issues, we're not quite sure yet
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[23:05:37] <roosevelt49393> psa, one last q
[23:05:45] <roosevelt49393> how can i use jabber for my forum?
[23:06:03] <roosevelt49393> where can i find an user manual ?
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[23:09:35] <psa> roosevelt49393: sorry, I got interrupted IRL
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[23:10:09] <psa> roosevelt49393: I think you need to ask the PHPbb community about the PHPbb configuration options
[23:10:28] <psa> roosevelt49393: if you determine that you really do need to install a jabber server, we can help you with that for sure
[23:10:36] <roosevelt49393> the single option i have on PHPBB it's to log into a Jabber acc
[23:10:56] <psa> I understand
[23:11:13] <psa> we've had many people ask about it before in this chatroom
[23:11:18] <psa> but we are not PHPbb experts
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[23:12:31] <roosevelt49393> i will ask the hosting admin then... ty very much for help
[23:13:54] <psa> ok
[23:13:58] <psa> let us know what you find out!
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[23:14:56] <roosevelt49393> heh, i think i'll leave it to the "pro"s :)) i have a massive headake right nao
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[23:15:53] <roosevelt49393> i wish you a good night, and thank you again for info. goodbye
[23:18:49] <psa> ok, ciao!
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[23:30:41] <Link Mauve> louiz’,
[23:30:44] <louiz’> ok
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