Logs for jabber
[00:37:57] * coolidge19041 left the chat.
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[02:15:44] * MattJ joined the chat.
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[04:01:55] * MattJ joined the chat.
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[04:29:37] * carter31897 joined the chat.
[05:14:49] * Gosu Rori joined the chat.
[05:26:37] * Asim0306 joined the chat.
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[05:33:16] * Aviator joined the chat.
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[05:33:35] * Aviator joined the chat.
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[05:38:33] * psa joined the chat.
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[07:12:42] * harlock joined the chat.
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[07:29:33] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[08:12:47] * Tobias joined the chat.
[08:23:29] * Helddaalove joined the chat.
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[08:28:09] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[08:28:12] * truman26402 joined the chat.
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[08:45:18] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[08:54:19] * Tobias left the chat.
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[09:02:10] <samy> ddd
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[09:54:08] * marseille joined the chat.
[10:11:40] * Tobias joined the chat.
[10:33:01] * Helddaalove joined the chat.
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[11:01:22] * mpranj joined the chat.
[11:09:46] * fuit left the chat.
[11:15:01] * carter31897 left the chat.
[11:16:34] * Tobias left the chat.
[11:22:07] * psa left the chat.
[11:39:03] * quincyadams26670 joined the chat.
[11:39:24] <quincyadams26670> test
[11:40:10] * rctom\40jabber.org joined the chat.
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[11:42:15] * paulmad joined the chat.
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[12:22:59] * mpranj left the chat.
[12:26:24] * rctom\40jabber.org left the chat.
[12:37:24] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[12:56:00] * marseille left the chat.
[13:00:59] * fuit joined the chat.
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[13:44:46] * Tobias joined the chat.
[13:52:45] * the ♚ left the chat.
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[14:20:27] * Gosu Rori left the chat.
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[15:23:49] * Neustradamus left the chat.
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[15:34:51] * mpranj joined the chat.
[15:35:07] * Tobias joined the chat.
[15:36:05] * Mustafa joined the chat.
[15:36:16] <Mustafa> Test.
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[15:43:33] * MattJ joined the chat.
[15:44:47] * dynam1te left the chat.
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[15:47:45] * aRyo joined the chat.
[15:50:58] * Jaxån joined the chat.
[15:51:45] <aRyo> .
[15:56:30] * treebilou joined the chat.
[16:44:38] * Battute joined the chat.
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[17:19:10] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[17:20:18] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[17:21:54] * aRyo left the chat.
[18:27:19] * treebilou left the chat.
[18:30:00] * Tobias left the chat.
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[18:34:08] * treebilou joined the chat.
[18:34:08] * sondip joined the chat.
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[18:40:53] * carter32206 joined the chat.
[18:41:21] <carter32206> why this parody of service still exist?
[18:41:59] <carter32206> I mean who is using jabber.org normaly? looks more like joke...
[18:42:07] * harukajac@gmail.com/Meebo joined the chat.
[18:42:07] * harukajac@gmail.com/Meebo left the chat.
[18:42:20] <carter32206> ~15x /month is down.... :-/
[18:44:07] * mebs left the chat.
[18:45:24] <Kev> carter32206: It hasn't been down, just slow.
[18:46:42] <carter32206> well, thx for explanation... it doesn't look different when is impossible to use it... I'm considering different jab server..
[18:47:19] <carter32206> Kev: ^^
[18:47:35] <louiz’> great, this will lighten the load \o\
[18:51:31] <carter32206> yes, maybe when all;ll left, the power of this Pentium I server will be enough for admins ;)
[18:52:09] <Kev> Your kind words are noted, and have motivated us to help.
[18:52:57] <carter32206> sorry for it, but really - those problems are quite visible durin last ~3months...
[18:53:20] <louiz’> carter32206, or if SOME people begin to create alternative associative server for more-or-less small groups of user, the XMPP
network will work better
[18:53:29] <louiz’> users*
[18:53:43] * cleveland23912 joined the chat.
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[18:55:00] <carter32206> & why should I care, when I don't pay anything? well... guys you're probably from US - you earn ~ 4-6times more than me or
ppl from my country...
[18:55:01] <Kev> carter32206: Yes, indeed, and we're looking to sort this out (upgrade software, install clustered hardware), but this isn't
[18:55:42] <Kev> carter32206: The jabber.org admins earn nothing for running jabber.org, it's run by volunteers, on donated hardware and hosting.
[18:55:53] <Kev> (and software)
[18:56:47] <carter32206> just for the curiosity - (really without irony or so) - what's the resource cost for 1000 ppl? ( I think so - about volunteers
behind jabber.org)...
[18:56:51] <Kev> This isn't like Facebook where it's offered free because they're selling your data, we just do our best.
[18:57:09] <Kev> carter32206: Jabber.org has around 400,000 registered users, last I checked, with up to about 20,000 online at a time.
[18:57:11] <carter32206> I hate FB :)
[18:57:14] <Kev> (Typically around 15,000)
[18:58:02] <Kev> I'm just guessing about the number of users that have TLS and compression enabled, but if you assume 500k per connection you're
probably not an order of magnitude out.
[18:58:04] <carter32206> yy but I mean - what's CPU/mem/bandwith consuption for bunch of them - ~1000ppl
[18:58:41] * mpranj left the chat.
[18:58:47] <carter32206> so bottleneck is network..?
[18:59:16] <Kev> The bottleneck on jabber.org is a bit complicated.
[18:59:24] <Kev> But it's not the network.
[18:59:30] <carter32206> I guess, that 90> ppl would use encryption - as this is not icq - most users are porbably skilled
[19:00:36] <carter32206> I am looking fw for time, when cloud solution will be once for free
[19:00:49] <carter32206> sth like seti@home or so..
[19:03:38] <carter32206> Kev: thx for talk, sry for my bad mood... my apology... gonna sleep as we've 10pm... bb & good luck
[19:03:53] <louiz’> bye \o
[19:03:57] <Kev> gn
[19:05:32] * carter32206 left the chat.
[19:20:00] * garfield25237 joined the chat.
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[19:36:19] * naw joined the chat.
[19:48:35] * washington53371 joined the chat.
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[19:54:44] * marseille joined the chat.
[20:10:50] * PaulFertser joined the chat.
[20:48:11] * david.olsen joined the chat.
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[20:51:26] * WWW.MHMOUDRBA joined the chat.
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[20:53:34] * WWW.MHMOUDRBA joined the chat.
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[20:58:45] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[21:00:23] * mpranj joined the chat.
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[21:31:33] * kf joined the chat.
[21:42:09] * naw left the chat.
[21:46:52] * mizrach joined the chat.
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[21:58:56] * Battute joined the chat.
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[21:59:16] * mizrach left the chat.
[22:01:05] * fuit left the chat.
[22:01:56] * Battute joined the chat.
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[22:11:22] * treebilou left the chat.
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[22:20:22] * dreamcast joined the chat.
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[22:57:05] * Tobias left the chat.
[23:07:28] * kf left the chat.
[23:19:48] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[23:23:34] * Battute joined the chat.
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