Logs for jabber
[00:31:48] * dreamcast left the chat.
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[01:31:27] * clinton52086 joined the chat.
[01:32:17] <clinton52086> trying to get this going with pidgin and it's asking questions i don't know the answer to when i choose xmpp
[01:32:27] <clinton52086> namely domain and resource
[01:33:40] <psa> domain is the domain name of the service where your account is located (e.g., jabber.org)
[01:33:44] <psa> you can ignore resource
[01:33:57] <clinton52086> ahh, ok thanks.
[01:34:15] <psa> in xmpp you can choose the "resource" name of your connection, e.g. "juliet@example.com/Balcony" (where "Balcony" is the resource)
[01:34:22] <clinton52086> the thing i was doing wrong was including @jabber.org in my username...
[01:34:56] <clinton52086> such info on the FAQ would probably be a decent idea.
[01:34:57] <psa> ah right
[01:35:22] <psa> yeah I'll add it to http://www.jabber.org/faq/
[01:35:39] <psa> in my copious spare time :)
[01:35:49] <clinton52086> awesome, thanks. a link to here might be helpfull... screencaps and such. it's what my buddy sent me that really helped.
[01:35:51] <clinton52086> http://tips.webdesign10.com/free-software/how-use-jabber
[01:37:31] <psa> thanks, I'd not seen that page
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[08:06:05] * requeteche joined the chat.
[08:09:22] <requeteche> Hi their. Are their some where a kind of global list of chatrooms ? A simple search at googl didn't give the expected result.
[08:11:00] * marseille joined the chat.
[08:12:18] <PaulFertser> requeteche: it's not possible technically
[08:12:30] <PaulFertser> requeteche: every server can have its own list of the rooms.
[08:13:25] <requeteche> but they could publish at least some of theme, couldn't they?
[08:13:59] <ThurahT> write a bot which discos every known server and then post MUCs on a web page.. could be done.
[08:14:27] <PaulFertser> Could be done provided there's a list of the "known servers" available.
[08:16:17] <ThurahT> there is http://www.jabberes.org/servers/ but I never understand how complete that list is..
[08:20:25] <requeteche> Well if its posiible to write a bot and google haven't done it I suppose they no why. :-))
[08:23:14] <ThurahT> becasue it cant be automated.. you'd first have to register at all servers.. And most use some sort of security to prevent
bots.. such as captchas or some sort of verification.
[08:24:11] <ThurahT> if a person were to write such bot he had to manually register at every server first then load all those accounts in the bot..
which first then could join, disco and post.
[08:27:29] <requeteche> Question, I am just starting using jabber sistem and I am using pidgin right now. I found the option to look for Chat rooms
a conference.jabber.org but it gives me a list without posibilitys to sort or search for keywords. Is that due to pidgin itself
or just that way?
[08:28:49] <ThurahT> that is probably a limitation in pidgin.
[08:30:42] <ThurahT> but I don't know that for sure.
[08:31:05] <requeteche> have tried to join some chatrooms in that list but a sign came up that says 401 not autorized. Do I have to send a request
to join? Are their diferent joinstatus like "can read", "can post".
[08:32:09] <ThurahT> 401 is unauthorized, so maybe the room creator put a password on the room
[08:34:42] <requeteche> So, I suppose best way to find out how it works is too create a room!
[08:35:28] <ThurahT> upon creation you can set all the options.. and if you later want to change anything type /configure and hit enter
[08:35:51] <requeteche> By the way, a room exists "forever" or just till at least one person is inside that room?
[08:36:17] <ThurahT> that is one of the settings you choose.
[08:36:29] <ThurahT> persistent or not.
[08:38:18] <requeteche> Well, but I have read some were If an account isn't used for x-time it's deleted. I suppose the same rules for rooms. Does
that depends on the server?
[08:39:05] <ThurahT> that is probably a server setting.
[08:40:32] * harrykar left the chat.
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[08:43:45] <ThurahT> requeteche: I have to go. Bye.
[08:44:16] <requeteche> Thanks for the info, see you
[08:44:30] <ThurahT> np
[08:45:47] * kf left the chat.
[08:46:02] <requeteche> Well the few rooms I supposed that perhapswould be someone, to see how this works were empty. :-)
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[16:43:10] * grant8179 joined the chat.
[16:43:49] <grant8179> anybody know how to connect jabber to pidgin on a mobile device?
[16:43:59] <louiz’> wat
[16:44:08] <louiz’> you have pidgin on your mobile device ?
[16:44:28] <PaulFertser> I've Emacs on my Freerunner :P
[16:44:37] <grant8179> no, i installed icq and am trying to chat on pidgin room with it
[16:44:38] <PaulFertser> Pidgin works decently on N900 btw.
[16:45:04] <louiz’> icq is not a jabber client
[16:45:21] <grant8179> i can log into jabber with it
[16:45:38] <PaulFertser> grant8179: with what?
[16:45:47] <grant8179> icq
[16:46:00] <grant8179> its an app for nokia nuron
[16:46:45] <PaulFertser> I doubt there's an app named like that, sounds too generic. And an icq client can't connect to Jabber networks, by definition.
[16:47:22] <grant8179> do you know where i could get pidgin for nokia nuron
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[16:49:53] <PaulFertser> grant8179: what OS is that?
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[16:55:13] <grant8179> symbian i thing
[16:57:32] <PaulFertser> grant8179: there's enough Jabber clients for symbian, just google.
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[19:14:50] * jackson38194 joined the chat.
[19:15:16] <jackson38194> hi
[19:15:29] <jackson38194> coul any one answer me
[19:15:47] <PaulFertser> jackson38194: just ask
[19:16:07] <PaulFertser> jackson38194: that's a general rule for you to follow on jabber and irc alike: do not ask to ask.
[19:16:09] <jackson38194> i have translated my msn contacts in google talk
[19:16:51] <jackson38194> how can i add more msn in google talk windows
[19:16:53] <jackson38194> ?
[19:17:11] <jackson38194> * more msn contacts
[19:18:08] <jackson38194> are you there?
[19:19:02] <jackson38194> please tell me
[19:19:13] <PaulFertser> jackson38194: unless you rephrase your question i'm unlikely to understand it.
[19:19:18] <PaulFertser> jackson38194: also, have some patience!
[19:19:42] <PaulFertser> jackson38194: i've no idea wth you mean when you say "translated msn contacts"...
[19:19:50] <jackson38194> ok
[19:20:10] <jackson38194> how to add more contacts
[19:20:15] <jackson38194> ?
[19:20:25] <jackson38194> in google talk
[19:20:37] <jackson38194> which are using msn
[19:21:07] <PaulFertser> jackson38194: are you using an msn transport?
[19:21:23] <jackson38194> check out this link http://www.bigblueball.com/forums/general-other-im-news/33739-connect-google-talk-aim-msn-yahoo.html
[19:21:46] <jackson38194> i did same as instructed
[19:22:11] <PaulFertser> So, just add <yourmsnbuddy>@msn.ursine.ca
[19:22:42] <jackson38194> and for yahoo?
[19:23:57] <PaulFertser> jackson38194: depends on the address of the transport you're using for yahoo.
[19:23:59] <naw> jackson38194: http://www.jabberes.org/servers/ tehre is a list of transports
[19:25:02] <jackson38194> do you mean every transporter have a new style of adding a new buddy?
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[19:26:52] <PaulFertser> jackson38194: transport is just a proxy that takes your msn/yahoo/someothershit account credentials and proxies your messages
to and from the other network.
[19:27:15] <jackson38194> could you send me a link which describes how to add all other network user?
[19:28:23] <PaulFertser> jackson38194: http://blogoscoped.com/archive/2006-05-02-n79.html ?
[19:28:38] <PaulFertser> jackson38194: google is your friend http://www.google.com/search?q=jabber+transports&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
[19:29:45] <jackson38194> ok
[19:29:47] <jackson38194> thanks
[19:30:22] <jackson38194> anyway it is very useful
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[19:31:54] <PaulFertser> Sigh
[19:32:23] <PaulFertser> I'm usually trying to be nice but well ahem sigh
[19:41:00] <ThurahT> : )
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[22:38:12] <mckinley46429> i'm trying to set a chatroom password to nothing, and it's currently set to something, but it doesn't seem to stick, can anyone
[22:39:11] <louiz’> in what client?
[22:40:06] <mckinley46429> pidgin
[22:40:13] <mckinley46429> just doing a /config
[22:40:31] <mckinley46429> so it's a client problem maybe?
[22:40:39] <louiz’> ah, by configuring a room. On what server?
[22:41:18] <mckinley46429> conference.jabber.org
[22:41:25] <louiz’> Isn’t there a box with « use a password » or something?
[22:42:07] <mckinley46429> yeah, there is, and it has the current password
[22:42:22] <mckinley46429> but when i remove the password and hit save, and then /config again, there it is again
[22:44:19] <louiz’> It works with me. I configure a room, I set a password, i validate. Then I reconfigure it and I remove the password, I validate
again, and the room can ben joined without a password
[22:46:35] <mckinley46429> what client?
[22:46:41] <mckinley46429> what's the validate?
[22:47:03] <louiz’> with poezio
[22:47:15] <louiz’> validate is when you click OK, on pidgin, I guess
[22:48:14] <mckinley46429> /me tries poezio
[22:49:19] <mckinley46429> huh, python3, ok :-)
[22:49:49] <louiz’> yeah, try the 0.7.2 version
[22:49:56] <louiz’> If you like console clients.
[22:51:29] * Tobias left the chat.
[22:53:45] <louiz’> you’re right, pidgin doesn’t seem to be able to empty the password field :/
[22:54:10] <louiz’> Or, you know, you could use gajim too. A graphical client, in python2 and GTK, very complete.
[23:00:21] <mckinley46429> hmm can't seem to get poezio to work properly
[23:00:31] <louiz’> what’s wrong?
[23:00:54] <mckinley46429> OverflowError: getsockaddrarg: port must be 0-65535.
[23:01:07] <louiz’> what.
[23:01:08] <mckinley46429> i'm using the latest one in github ... which might be the problem
[23:01:20] <louiz’> poezio is not on github…
[23:01:22] <mckinley46429> do you have to create a config file before you can launch it?
[23:01:31] <louiz’> no
[23:01:42] <louiz’> where did you get it? How did you install it?
[23:01:59] <louiz’> https://dev.louiz.org/project/poezio/download/file/poezio-0.7.2_and_deps.tar.xz
try that
[23:02:08] <louiz’> ./launch.sh should work directly
[23:02:58] <louiz’> oh no, you need to do “make” before launch.sh :p
[23:03:06] <mckinley46429> oh, yeah i got it from a git repo not on github, sorry http://git.louiz.org/poezio
[23:03:34] <mckinley46429> yeah, i did make
[23:03:49] <louiz’> could you past the whole error?
[23:04:17] <louiz’> did you edit a configuration file and change the port option?
[23:05:06] <mckinley46429> https://gist.github.com/1362879
[23:05:12] <mckinley46429> i didn't create any configuration
[23:06:41] <mckinley46429> looks like it's just boilerplate stuff in ~/.config/poezio/poezio.cfg
[23:07:04] <mckinley46429> would you mind logging into gluejar-chat and setting the password to nothing?
[23:07:10] <mckinley46429> currently it is glu3
[23:07:38] <louiz’> what’s in ~/.config/poezio/poezio.cfg ?
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[23:09:06] <mckinley46429> https://gist.github.com/1362889
[23:09:38] <louiz’> so, that’s normal
[23:10:49] <louiz’> then, I don’t know, would you mind addidng so debug to the source files and help me find why this happens?
[23:10:59] <louiz’> and use gajim, in the meantime :p
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[23:14:58] <louiz’> I’ve created a ticket for the bug in pidgin
[23:15:15] <mckinley46429> sure, just tell me what to do re: debug
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[23:19:14] <louiz’> mckinley46429, could you start ./launch.sh -d debug.txt, then give me the debug.txt file?
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[23:21:26] <mckinley46429> http://inkdroid.org/tmp/debug.txt
[23:22:09] <louiz’> oh
[23:22:20] <louiz’> did you do ./update.sh ?
[23:22:47] <louiz’> you’re using the official sleekxmpp, and poezio doesn’t work yet with it. Will do that for the next version
[23:23:00] <louiz’> I don’t understand why it tries port -1, though…
[23:23:49] <louiz’> ./update.sh will download the correct dependencies, but will not require you to replace the ones on your system.
[23:23:52] * dreamcast left the chat.
[23:24:28] <mckinley46429> i hadn't before, but i just did ./update.sh and the same error happened afterwards when launching
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[23:26:17] <louiz’> did you had an error when doing ./update.sh ?
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[23:31:21] <louiz’> I’ll note that bug and try to reproduce, later.
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[23:37:19] <mckinley46429> i did install SleekXMPP from github w/ python3 setup.py install
[23:37:35] <mckinley46429> no errors on ./update.sh
[23:37:51] <louiz’> yeah, you don’t need that, ./update.sh does that (without installing them system-wide)
[23:38:27] <mckinley46429> maybe the error is to do w/ the latest SleekXMPP?
[23:38:49] <mckinley46429> at any rate, i'm not using a console based xmpp client, this is 2011 :-)
[23:38:54] <louiz’> no, becaue if you did ./update.sh, you have a correct SleekXMPP version
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[23:39:04] <louiz’> And then I do not have any new idea. But it’s late, so I’ll investigate an other day
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