Logs for jabber
[00:18:44] * marseille left the chat.
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[02:44:58] * PaulFertser left the chat.
[03:21:57] * darkrain joined the chat.
[03:39:00] * cosmopolit.ans@jabber.org joined the chat.
[03:39:20] * cosmopolit.ans@jabber.org in now known as cosmopolitans.
[03:39:55] <cosmopolitans> hi there
[03:40:46] <cosmopolitans> I've got a question: I found on jabber.org/faq that jabber.org would support gmail contacts, but I don't know how I can add
[03:56:11] * amiralchat joined the chat.
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[04:50:48] * David joined the chat.
[04:51:51] <David> Hi.
[04:54:20] <David> Anyone: Is anyone available to answer some (hopefully) simple protocol questions?
[05:01:04] * PaulFertser joined the chat.
[05:08:45] <David> PaulFertser: Hello, I got some very helpful info from you the other day, so I was wondering if I could ask you a couple of
simple questions
[05:10:58] <PaulFertser> David: Hey. Go ahead.
[05:11:15] <David> PaulFertser: Ty
[05:12:09] <PaulFertser> cosmopolitans: just add any gmail contact to your roster, easy as that :)
[05:12:47] <David> PaulFertser: the question is: if I log in to the jappix server anonymously using their mini jappix service, can I connect
to a passworded conference room here on the jabber.org server?
[05:13:10] <PaulFertser> David: btw, the usaul irc mantra applies: don't ask to ask :)
[05:13:53] <PaulFertser> David: afaict, yes, if you know the password.
[05:14:05] <David> PaulFertser: Ok. I'm brand new to this stuff. I'm weening myself off msn, hotmai, and google now.
[05:14:53] <PaulFertser> David: wishing you a smooth ride then :)
[05:15:15] <David> PaulFertser: *yahoo. Well, I supply the password, and it appears to connect for a bit, but then comes back with Unavailable
[05:15:29] <David> PauFertser: Ty.
[05:17:05] <PaulFertser> David: then probably it's an issue specific to their mini-service. Or is the muc you're connecting to invite-only?
[05:18:06] <David> PaulFertser: I set up the conference room, and I did not make it members only, just not publicly listed.
[05:19:02] <David> PaulFertser: I THINK, I was able to connect when the room was not pasworded.
[05:22:16] <cosmopolitans> PaulFertser: I use Jitsi, and if I use an old @web.de account it runs, but if I use my @jabber.org account I get a weard request,
net.java.sip.communicator.service.contactlist.MetaContactListException: failed to create contact group General
Caused by: net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.OperationFailedException: ContactGroup General already exists.
... 3 more
[05:23:55] <cosmopolitans> PaulFertser: sorry, weird :)
[05:24:21] <David> PaulFertser: Totally over my head. But the gist appears to be related that the issue is possibly on the jabber.org server?
[05:50:06] <cosmopolitans> PaulFertser: Maybe it's just a problem of Jitsi, tried it with Gajim and didn't get a bad request
[05:54:17] * cosmopolitans left the chat.
[05:54:21] * Hym joined the chat.
[05:57:02] <PaulFertser> David: i'll try to understand it a bit later, hold on.
[05:57:23] <David> PaulFertser: Np. Tyvm.
[05:57:51] <PaulFertser> Hym: btw, you telling that guy that one needs admins to "join the network" was wrong.
[05:58:08] * cosmopolitans joined the chat.
[05:58:48] <Hym> PaulFertser: hmmm,so what do you think?
[05:59:41] * cosmopolitans left the chat.
[05:59:46] * cosmopolit.ans@jabber.org joined the chat.
[06:00:05] <cosmopolit.ans@jabber.org> the entry about jabber.org should be updatet here, so that they show jabber.org does support google talk http://www.jabberes.org/servers/
[06:00:36] <PaulFertser> Hym: to establish a server-to-server link one just enables it in his own server, and it should start working.
[06:00:51] <PaulFertser> cosmopolit.ans@jabber.org: what exactly do you mean?
[06:02:16] <David> PaulFertsers: jabberes has a nice list of jabber servers at that page which lists their capabilities and up time stats
[06:03:23] <Hym> If you want list of servers then there are some other webpages
[06:03:41] <cosmopolit.ans@jabber.org> @PaulFertsers and they say that jabber.org doesn' support google talk gateway
[06:03:53] <louiz’> there’s no gateway needed
[06:04:41] * klayton joined the chat.
[06:04:58] <David> Hym: Ty for the other server list.
[06:05:38] <cosmopolit.ans@jabber.org> ok
[06:05:59] * klayton left the chat.
[06:14:14] <PaulFertser> cosmopolit.ans@jabber.org: gateway? why, what? jabber.org is interoperable with gmail.com by using the standard S2S link.
[06:14:47] * dynam1te joined the chat.
[06:22:38] <cosmopolit.ans@jabber.org> PaulFertser: ok, I think I don't understand the details
[06:24:07] <ThurahT> you're making it harder than it is. You only add your gtalk buddies just like you add any other xmpp contact.
[06:28:26] <PaulFertser> ThurahT: that's what i told him 30 minutes ago.
[06:28:32] <ThurahT> yea
[06:29:51] <PaulFertser> David: ok, let's talk it over once again. What client are you using when you're unable to connect to a passworded room, some
"web-service"? Can you connect when you're using another client?
[06:30:36] <David> yes
[06:31:08] <David> Paul: I am trying to use the Jappix Mini server from my website
[06:32:01] <David> Paul: It supposedly only involves adding a few lines of javascript to your webpage
[06:32:49] <David> Paul: The "documentation: is here - http://codingteam.net/project/jappix/doc/JappixMini
[06:35:18] <David> Paul: The issue SEEMS to be with a passworded room, but let me check....
[06:35:29] * cosmopolit.ans@jabber.org left the chat.
[06:36:00] * duckie joined the chat.
[06:36:39] <duckie> Paul: Yes, I was just able to join here from the interface.
[06:36:55] <PaulFertser> David: can you somehow grab an xml log out of that JS thingie?
[06:37:05] <duckie> Paul: btw, duckie = David
[06:37:27] * mebs joined the chat.
[06:37:58] <duckie> Paul: not that I know, the interface details are hidden in the Jappix javascript file.
[06:40:55] <duckie> Paul: Which I HAVE looked at, but it is not self-documented, so it's too hard to decipher.
[06:44:57] <PaulFertser> duckie: well, i suggest you try to contact its developers then, i'm afraid i can't help with quickly comprehensing a considerably
large JS project.
[06:45:37] * duckie left the chat.
[06:45:41] <PaulFertser> duckie: It might be using some obsolete way to join "groupchats", you've to check the method it employs and the current XEPs.
[06:46:31] <David> Paul. I understand and ty. But the issue would seem to be in the Jappix Mini's capability of handling passworded MUCs properly,
[06:46:55] <PaulFertser> David: it seems so.
[06:47:31] <David> Paul: Tyvm, it helps to have a second pair of eyes on a problem.
[06:48:26] <PaulFertser> David: there should be a reasonably simple way to get an xml log out of it, that would help a lot to pinpoint the cause.
[06:49:19] <David> Paul: I was in the jappix@conference.codingteam.net MUC for hours last night, but never could get a response, so.... I live
with an unpassworded MUC, or keep trying with the Jappix folks until I do get some help.
[06:50:09] <David> Paul: So I really do appreciate your help.
[06:57:53] <Hym> Can anyone teach my friend 'english language'
[07:00:28] * mebs left the chat.
[07:13:54] <PaulFertser> David: another option would be to use their mailing list or personal emails of the developers. Probably even some "web-forum"
might work.
[07:14:16] <David> Paul: Good idea. Ty.
[07:15:17] <PaulFertser> David: or open an "issue" on their bugtracker.
[07:15:40] <David> Paul: I'll try one of those methods.
[07:20:54] * bca joined the chat.
[07:45:10] * David left the chat.
[07:52:54] * locks.1992@gmail.com/Meebo joined the chat.
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[07:54:11] * locks92@jabber.org/Meebo joined the chat.
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[10:24:29] * Kev joined the chat.
[10:30:34] * marseille joined the chat.
[10:30:39] <Hym> Kev: hi..
[10:31:00] <Kev> Hello.
[10:33:18] <Hym> Kev: my name is Kevin,Can you tell jid of jabber admins?
[10:33:42] <Kev> Do you mean jabber.org admins?
[10:33:47] <Kev> Jabber's a distributed network.
[10:34:53] <Hym> yes
[10:35:02] <Kev> I'm one of them, what can I do for you?
[10:35:50] <Hym> Kev: I want a jabber.org rum,but it is already taken n empty
[10:38:19] <Kev> We've got a lot of empty rooms at the moment, and we intend to do a purge of rooms that haven't been used in a while at some
point, but we won't be doing it for a while, sorry.
[10:40:25] <PaulFertser> Kev: hey :) have you found anything interesting yet?
[10:41:28] <Kev> PaulFertser: No, although yesterday's log of ping working turns out to be less interesting than I'd hope.
[10:42:44] <Kev> As just after clients started connecting again after the outage, we hit a old (rare) spin condition in M-Link. It's been long-since
fixed, but I've not upgraded jabber.org. I'm hoping to do that next week.
[10:42:58] <Kev> So it's possible that the 'event' had already finished when you got the ping working and telnet not working.
[10:43:04] <Hym> Kev: ok ok,Can I add you?
[10:43:15] <Kev> I've added more diagnostic scripts on the server, to try and gather more stats.
[10:43:26] <Kev> Hym: That shouldn't be necessary - I hang around in here.
[10:44:12] <PaulFertser> Kev: oh, that could explain it, i was probably a little bit late but i hoped you had already an automated system working.
Well, i see.
[10:44:43] <Kev> PaulFertser: We have an automated system, but the disconnects are so quick it rarely catches them.
[10:45:15] <Hym> Kev: ok bro
[10:45:28] <Hym> Kev: where are you from?
[10:45:34] <PaulFertser> Kev: you told me those usually last several minutes, and a really short disconnect wouldn't disrupt TCP stream i guess.
[10:45:50] <Kev> PaulFertser: Ah, no, not exactly.
[10:47:06] <Kev> PaulFertser: Many clients/servers connecting at once (we're talking about upwards of 20,000 connections) takes a while, so
the server seems much less responsive for about 5 minutes (or maybe a couple more) after a restart, or after everyone disconnects.
So during this period, it's difficult to get new connections set up until its worked its way through them all.
[10:47:15] * Tobias joined the chat.
[10:47:33] <PaulFertser> Kev: btw, have you heard about some Juniper equipment rebooting due to some BGP bug affecting quite some amount of internet
[10:47:43] <Kev> I don't know how long the disconnect event itself is.
[10:47:46] <Kev> No, I hadn't heard about that.
[10:48:00] <Kev> I'm not really a sysadmin, I just play one on TV.
[10:48:16] <PaulFertser> Kev: i mean if the disconnect event is, say, 30 seconds, that should be a non-issue for a tcp stream, it should survive usually
[10:48:35] <Kev> It depends what happens in that 30 seconds.
[10:48:47] <Kev> If a reset is sent, it'll close it.
[10:49:15] <PaulFertser> Kev: http://www.eweek.com/c/a/IT-Infrastructure/Bug-in-Juniper-Router-Firmware-Update-Causes-Massive-Internet-Outage-709180/
[10:49:32] <PaulFertser> Of course, but who and why can send a reset for all the connections?
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[10:54:39] <thelord053> Hi
[10:55:46] * NEOhidra joined the chat.
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[10:56:49] <Hym> thelord053: hi
[11:15:14] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
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[12:23:36] <jacksonpurvi> help
[12:24:19] <jacksonpurvi> how to make a free call gtalk
i am using talkonat my mobile
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[15:06:15] <badalduoga> ىىىىى
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[16:00:52] * Tobias left the chat.
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[16:05:39] <anonymous47780> Hey everyone
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[16:58:00] * Soulmate joined the chat.
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[17:12:53] * Tobias joined the chat.
[17:24:28] <PaulFertser> Heh, weird folks are so common in this room :/
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[18:05:42] <Wasem673> هاي
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[18:33:21] <Holger> .ck
[18:33:27] <Holger> Oops.
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[22:49:12] <Helddaalove> Hi every one
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