Logs for jabber
[00:14:35] * yuppinturic left the chat.
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[01:08:39] <truman58098> hi
[01:08:52] * NEOhidra left the chat.
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[01:30:50] * Jin Budelmann joined the chat.
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[01:32:28] * Jin Budelmann joined the chat.
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[01:47:40] * wеstsibe left the chat.
[02:07:20] * Tobias_ joined the chat.
[02:13:06] * Tobias left the chat.
[02:31:38] * Aviator joined the chat.
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[04:34:04] * the ♚ left the chat.
[04:50:52] * coward30328 joined the chat.
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[06:11:32] * Tobias_ left the chat.
[06:31:16] * mebs left the chat.
[07:12:48] * harlock joined the chat.
[07:30:58] * Tobias joined the chat.
[08:21:00] * jean.parpaillon joined the chat.
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[08:45:06] * Tobias left the chat.
[09:09:28] * ford41558 joined the chat.
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[09:23:45] * Tobias joined the chat.
[09:34:23] * eisenhower51757 joined the chat.
[09:41:05] * jean.parpaillon left the chat.
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[10:27:57] * Tobias left the chat.
[10:29:16] * harding31456 joined the chat.
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[10:49:10] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
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[10:54:25] * naw joined the chat.
[11:09:15] * hayes46816 joined the chat.
[11:10:28] * Tobias joined the chat.
[11:10:42] * harrykar left the chat.
[11:10:51] <hayes46816> hi there, my client need 30s to login and then I don't the availability of my buddies. Is there maybe a problem? thanks
[11:11:08] * obama40077 joined the chat.
[11:11:54] * harrison59050 joined the chat.
[11:15:03] * obama40077 left the chat.
[11:22:34] * anonymous45243 joined the chat.
[11:22:56] * Aviator joined the chat.
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[11:23:20] * harrykar joined the chat.
[11:24:14] * hayes46816 left the chat.
[11:24:38] <anonymous45243> hey guys, i forgot my password, is there any way to claim it?
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[11:24:51] * hayes24454 joined the chat.
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[11:29:21] <harrison59050> does jabber supports video chat?
[11:29:59] <louiz’> yes
[11:30:05] <louiz’> depends on your client
[11:30:06] <naw> some clients support it
[11:30:21] <harrison59050> I need web client
[11:30:44] <harrison59050> open source web client, is there any one?
[11:30:59] <naw> I'm not aware on any
[11:38:09] * taft7117 joined the chat.
[11:42:31] <louiz’> that does video chat, I don’t think so
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[11:59:29] * harrison59050 left the chat.
[12:05:33] * Ak47 joined the chat.
[12:13:57] * treebilou left the chat.
[12:15:57] * harlock left the chat.
[12:15:58] * Ak47 left the chat.
[12:48:40] * Mhmad955 joined the chat.
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[12:53:37] * PaulFertser joined the chat.
[12:53:55] * Tobias left the chat.
[12:56:31] * pierce44337 joined the chat.
[12:57:04] <pierce44337> hi. Is jabber.org xmpp down?
[12:57:17] * coward30328 left the chat.
[12:57:20] <PaulFertser> Still no AAAA record for hermes.jabber.org? Still server is suddenly rebooting? Am i the only one who was disconnected a minute
[12:58:45] * coward14787 joined the chat.
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[13:02:53] <pierce44337> it's working again
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[13:03:34] * treebilou joined the chat.
[13:03:42] * grant60768 joined the chat.
[13:03:57] * mebs joined the chat.
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[13:09:26] * adigalion joined the chat.
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[13:20:18] * PaulFertser left the chat.
[13:24:12] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[13:49:32] * mckinley34306 joined the chat.
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[13:52:46] * Tobias joined the chat.
[14:02:21] * PaulFertser joined the chat.
[14:14:46] <PaulFertser> Received error packet [remote-server-not-found] from <xxx@gmail.com> :(((
[14:14:54] <PaulFertser> Some weird connectivity issues again :(
[14:19:53] * harrison42138 joined the chat.
[14:20:45] * Jatinder414 joined the chat.
[14:20:47] * Jatinder414 left the chat.
[14:21:59] <harrison42138> Our jabber was moved to new hardware and upgraded with new ver. from 3.6.4 to 3.7.0
[14:22:21] <harrison42138> is thee a link on How to move and upgrade the Database?
[14:36:32] * the ♚ left the chat.
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[14:56:12] * paulmad joined the chat.
[15:04:22] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
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[15:25:46] * the ♚ joined the chat.
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[15:25:46] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[15:26:29] * cheney15713 joined the chat.
[15:33:45] * lincoln46053 joined the chat.
[15:35:14] <lincoln46053> can't seem to see any of my contacts when i connect to jabber.org
[15:38:43] <cheney15713> Any news on the connectivity issue to gtalk?
[15:42:47] * yuppinturic left the chat.
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[15:43:26] <ThurahT> still 404 over here..
[15:44:21] * Tobias left the chat.
[16:01:23] * grant28184 joined the chat.
[16:02:08] * psa joined the chat.
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[16:03:25] <grant28184> can't connect to jabber for past 2hrs. is it down?
[16:03:58] <psa> hmm
[16:04:24] <PaulFertser> grant28184: not really but not fully functional either.
[16:05:04] <grant28184> is there an eta on when it will be fixed?
[16:05:48] <psa> grant28184: I can restart the server
[16:06:47] * mathu.g left the chat.
[16:07:41] * jean.parpaillon joined the chat.
[16:09:01] * Vickybaroli joined the chat.
[16:09:14] * Vickybaroli left the chat.
[16:09:33] * mathu.g joined the chat.
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[16:11:37] * Vickybaroli joined the chat.
[16:12:23] * Vickybaroli left the chat.
[16:26:44] * MattJ left the chat.
[16:28:41] <grant28184> no luck, still receiving the following error whilst trying to log in: "bad option "-timeout": must be -default, -detail,
-icon, -message, -parent, -title, or -type"
[16:31:22] <psa> hmm
[16:32:06] <psa> /me is at the W3C meeting in California so is a little distrcted right now, but let me log into the machine that hosts this
server and see what's going on
[16:33:46] <louiz’> (Let’s find an additional task, 2 at the same time is not enough for you :))
[16:38:15] * vhumphrey joined the chat.
[16:53:49] * Kev joined the chat.
[16:53:56] <psa> louiz’: yeah, and I am helping to scribe this meeting I'm in, too :)
[16:54:20] <psa> maybe I'll leave it to Kev
[16:54:51] <louiz’> :)
[16:55:01] * mckinley32243 joined the chat.
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[16:55:22] * Tobias joined the chat.
[16:56:13] <PaulFertser> Kev: hey. What happened this time?
[16:56:23] <PaulFertser> ;)
[16:56:29] <Kev> "This time"?
[16:56:39] <Kev> What happened to who when?
[16:56:48] <PaulFertser> Kev: well... I have to note jabber.org is not that stable lately...
[16:57:34] <Kev> It hasn't crashed, as far as I know - but I do know the system keeps going under heavy load, and I don't know why.
[16:58:29] <PaulFertser> I had at least two strange disconnections these days, and gmail.com connectivity was down for some time today too.
[16:59:07] <PaulFertser> For me it still doesn't work i should say. Received error packet [remote-server-not-found] from <xxx@gmail.com>
[16:59:47] <Kev> Right, that's because if gmail times out during one of the heavy load periods, it'll refuse to try to connect again for $LONG_TIME.
[17:00:59] <PaulFertser> Since you have direct contacts with google admins probably it worth trying solving this issue.
[17:01:16] <PaulFertser> I mean it would be nice ...
[17:01:44] <Kev> I don't think this is an issue that needs resolving with Google.
[17:01:53] <mebs> is the problem, that jabber.org has too many users, or too many chatrooms on one machine? or it has too slow hardware or there
are problems with software?
[17:01:56] <Kev> It's just one of the properties of their server that it caches when it thinks servers are unavailable.
[17:02:20] <Kev> But we do need to know what it is in the environment that keeps triggering these periods of heavy load.
[17:02:28] <Kev> I guess I'll need to start writing some parsers for generating stats from the logs.
[17:02:57] <PaulFertser> But their assumption seems to be unreasonable and harming user experience. Network outages and software glitches happen and
that probably doesn't deserve effectively banning a server for many hours.
[17:03:37] <Kev> mebs: The number of users has certainly grown recently (by several thousand), I don't think it's a chatroom problem. The process
becomes CPU-bound, possibly by lots of users logging in at once, sometimes and this causes timeouts. I'll add to my todo to
try and write some log parsers.
[17:05:14] <PaulFertser> btw, any news wrt ipv6?
[17:06:30] * harding25914 joined the chat.
[17:08:27] * harding25914 left the chat.
[17:08:37] * vhumphrey left the chat.
[17:08:37] * paulmad left the chat.
[17:10:09] * obama7748 joined the chat.
[17:17:25] <obama7748> So sorry to interrupt, but I need some help from you smart folks. I'm just a mom who knows not of things you speak, but just
needs a quick answer to a dumb question and then I will leave you to your discussions again if it is ok. I have an old DexRex
account that has "told" me (maybe through "auto discover"- I don't know) that there is an account in this format: cupcakequeen@jabber.org.
How and where do I log on to find the conversations/ instant messages/ history/ whatever it is? Any help would be so very
much appreciated!
[17:19:22] * evilotto joined the chat.
[17:22:58] <PaulFertser> obama7748: tbh, i can not understand you at all...
[17:44:28] * ford1901 joined the chat.
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[17:44:28] * taylor11817 joined the chat.
[17:44:30] <Kev> obama7748: If I understand what you're asking (which I probably don't) it seems to be "How do I use the dexrex mobile phone
client to connect to my jabber.org account", which I'm afraid you'd likely need to ask the DexRex vendor about.
[17:44:34] <psa> obama7748: let me see if that account exists
[17:45:39] * harrykar left the chat.
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[17:56:10] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[17:58:37] * vhanoe@gmail.com/Meebo joined the chat.
[17:58:38] * vhanoe@gmail.com/Meebo left the chat.
[17:59:59] <mebs> obama7748: you need to have your own jabber (or for example gmail) account and contact it from your account
[18:02:18] * psa left the chat.
[18:03:49] * treebilou left the chat.
[18:03:57] * PaulFertser left the chat.
[18:04:36] * m joined the chat.
[18:05:59] * evilotto left the chat.
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[18:09:27] * mebs left the chat.
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[18:20:12] <ThurahT> server dive check
[18:20:46] * psa joined the chat.
[18:21:43] <psa> sorry, got disconnected from the 'net here
[18:22:09] * treebilou joined the chat.
[18:22:26] <ThurahT> now it works again..
[18:22:50] <psa> ThurahT: hi
[18:23:12] <ThurahT> hi
[18:24:34] <ThurahT> a bit slow but it's up n running.. seems like gtalk is back also.
[18:24:53] * grant21077 joined the chat.
[18:25:01] * PaulFertser joined the chat.
[18:25:16] <PaulFertser> Got disconnected again, sigh.
[18:26:58] * evilotto joined the chat.
[18:27:17] <PaulFertser> psa: btw, what are w3c folks are about? Still voting for some questionable presentation-specific greedy-vendor's features
like html5? ;)
[18:28:24] <grant21077> still getting the same login error: "bad option "-timeout": must be -default, -detail, -icon, -message, -parent, -title, or
[18:29:10] <grant21077> I haven't been able to connect for just over 4hrs now : (
[18:29:19] <PaulFertser> grant21077: what are you talking about? Probably you can provide xml log instead?
[18:29:30] <psa> /me is in a meeting abotu CORS right now
[18:31:31] <grant21077> I use jabber.org to log in, connect, and communicate in Coccinella. Have been getting that same login error for over 4hrs
[18:31:37] <PaulFertser> Oh my, the description looks like an attempt to do something very wrong :( btw, i still fail to understand how XSS "attacks"
are server-side "vulnerabilities". It's client browser that should do whatever the user asks it to do, and it's user's responsibility
to control it, isn't it?
[18:33:33] <psa> cf. http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/wiki/TPAC2011 -- discussion about "MIME sniffing" at the moment, see also http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-websec-mime-sniff
[18:34:21] * eisenhower51757 left the chat.
[18:34:59] <psa> unfortunately they use IRC for their chatrooms ;-)
[18:35:57] * the ♚ left the chat.
[18:36:11] <PaulFertser> If one needs to fetch an image from another server, it already works just fine. And they want to do something more complex
and seemingly meaningless...
[18:37:01] <PaulFertser> (with CORS)
[18:38:26] <grant21077> would anyone be able to shed some insight on the error I am receiving? Is their a disconnect between jabber.org and Coccinella,
or is this user error?
[18:38:53] <psa> PaulFertser: see http://metajack.im/2010/01/19/crossdomain-ajax-for-xmpp-http-binding-made-easy/ for example
[18:38:57] <Kev> jabber.org has been having some load-related slowness, which might explain temporary difficulty connecting.
[18:39:03] <Kev> Does it work right now, for example?
[18:39:25] <PaulFertser> psa: is there any web standards group that cares about things that matter for emacs-w3m users and not those using bloated
scripts-executing css-rendering monsters like firefox?
[18:39:31] <ThurahT> psa: oh.. the irony..
[18:39:46] <grant21077> Kev: wow, for the first time after many attempts, yes!
[18:39:48] <PaulFertser> Kev: works for me.
[18:40:28] * m left the chat.
[18:40:32] <Kev> I'll be investigating this tomorrow, if not tonight.
[18:40:53] <grant21077> Kev: thanks so much for your response
[18:43:34] * archerseven joined the chat.
[18:44:09] <PaulFertser> psa: that sounds so wrong... Layering violations, technologies misuse. AJAX itself is a dirty hack basically imho. I can't
understand why it's not obvious to everybody, does it mean i'm insane?
[18:44:19] * niek joined the chat.
[18:44:46] <archerseven> Hey guys, before I completely give up, anyone know a good gtk jabber client that isn't Gajim?
[18:45:02] <ThurahT> Pidgin
[18:45:56] <archerseven> eh, Pidgin's what I'm using. Lacks a lot of things that I'd like to have though, like proper resource/priority support
and state awareness. Also, with gstreamer, it's unstable, but I guess I'm not really even hoping to get good voice and vid
[18:45:58] <psa> PaulFertser: well, the Internet is just a hack on the phone system, y' know ;-)
[18:46:49] <PaulFertser> psa: hm, i thought internet originated as a dedicated network system (arpanet?). The phone system was used by Fido back in
the days.
[18:46:58] <ThurahT> doesn't pidigns resource handling work?
[18:47:08] <archerseven> It can set resource names, but not prioirities
[18:47:28] <ThurahT> ah.. I thought that was automatic..
[18:47:30] <archerseven> nor can it specify a resource to talk to when someone else has multiple resources up
[18:47:40] <archerseven> Semi. but gtalk likes to mess with it
[18:48:00] <archerseven> so I prefer to set it manually, since Google doesn't know what I want and most people don't realize they can talk to my jabber
account from gtalk.
[18:48:23] <ThurahT> yea ok..
[18:48:31] <archerseven> I dunno, I'm probably asking too much.
[18:48:48] <archerseven> Gajim looks really good! Unfortunately it's all kinds of bugs when I actually use it for any amount of time.
[18:49:15] <ThurahT> maybe they'll fix that in the upcoming pidgin 3.0.. it's a major update so it could be covered. But I haven't checked it
[18:49:23] <archerseven> mmm.
[18:49:48] <archerseven> I hope so, their XMPP support needs an overhaul, it's just too much of a "we rewrote AIM support for XMPP and left out the
features that both didn't have"
[18:51:07] <ThurahT> heh.. Gaim.. almost forgot that. I ahev only used Pidgin.. But that is its origin...
[18:51:21] <archerseven> yeah, I used it when it was gaim
[18:51:51] <ThurahT> by that time I used Miranda IM.. and before that trillian.. : D
[18:51:59] <archerseven> Miranda's nice.
[18:52:06] <archerseven> I don't use Windows. Practically ever
[18:52:11] <archerseven> but Miranda looks really good :P
[18:52:40] * yuppinturic left the chat.
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[18:52:46] <ThurahT> I haven't used it in a long time. Mayeb they have proper resource handling+
[18:53:00] <archerseven> Do believe so.
[18:53:04] <archerseven> My friends all use it.
[18:53:15] <PaulFertser> mcabber ftw
[18:53:16] <archerseven> well, the Windows users among them, at least.
[18:53:36] <archerseven> mcabber is Qt, right?
[18:53:52] <archerseven> oh, console
[18:53:53] <archerseven> legit.
[18:54:17] <PaulFertser> Perfect for keeping in one's screen.
[18:54:38] <PaulFertser> I'm yet to find a client for a 300 baud teletype though ;)
[18:55:00] <archerseven> as much as I like my terminals, my text editing, web browsing, games, IM, etc. are much better in GTK :P
[18:57:46] <PaulFertser> archerseven: i use X-capable Emacs too, i've to admit.
[18:58:15] <archerseven> PaulFertser: my friend wrote a gtk text editor using gtksourceview, gcw. I swear by it.
[18:58:34] <archerseven> it's a text editor that _isn't_ an operating system!
[18:58:39] <archerseven> (as much as I respect emacs :P)
[18:58:58] <archerseven> http://pronou.net/code/gcw/ < if you're interested.
[19:00:49] <PaulFertser> archerseven: i do calls on my cellphone and send messages solely with emacs. Do you still think i might get interested? ;)
[19:01:02] <archerseven> lol.
[19:01:18] <archerseven> you know, not _all_ new software is crap :P
[19:05:24] <PaulFertser> archerseven: well... SystemTap is cool indeed. Care to provide any other example? ;)
[19:07:19] <archerseven> :P, Chromium's not a bad browser (even if I prefer Midori)... Idk, i live in a GTK world, not a CLI one :P
[19:10:02] <PaulFertser> Come one, Chromium is as awful as it can get. Constraning, inflexible, "web applications"-targetted. Meh :/ BTW, do you know
it probably still doesn't support Kerberos auth for proxies, eh? And it refuses to use gstreamer for playback and thus supports
only that webm stuff instead of the whole gstreamer plugin portfolio?
[19:10:37] <archerseven> gstreamer is crap :/
[19:10:49] <archerseven> that aside, Chromium is way too limiting for me, hence I use Midori
[19:11:06] <archerseven> and I thought it did to Kerberos, but I've never personally web proxied
[19:11:13] <archerseven> so it's not been an issue for me.
[19:13:21] <archerseven> looks like it might not be able to do Kerberos auth.
[19:13:48] <ThurahT> is no one sing SeaMonkey these days?
[19:13:53] <ThurahT> *using
[19:14:30] <archerseven> wow
[19:14:33] <archerseven> that looks....
[19:14:38] <archerseven> pretty terrible. :/
[19:14:59] <ThurahT> it's great though.
[19:14:59] <PaulFertser> I'm personally using emacs-w3m and firefox (when i'm forced to by those "modern" standards).
[19:15:05] <archerseven> Firefox+thunderbird+chatzilla :/
[19:15:15] <archerseven> eww w/r/t/ Firefox :/
[19:15:20] <archerseven> emacs-w3m would be okay
[19:15:28] <archerseven> if it wasn't using your text editor like an operating system.
[19:15:31] <archerseven> lynx ++
[19:15:38] <ThurahT> well.. actually it is the original mozilla suite.
[19:15:51] <archerseven> I believe that.
[19:16:24] <archerseven> Mozilla might have a good philosophy, but I don't actually like anything they've put out (albeit, Thunderbird is still my
mail client as I can't seem to find an alternative worth noting)
[19:17:17] <PaulFertser> archerseven: if you've ever tried programming in elisp or using emacs more extensively, you'd feel the power of integration
it provides.
[19:17:24] <ThurahT> FF and TB are light weight versions of the suite IMO..
[19:18:02] <archerseven> PaulFertser: I've used it enough to feel it's power, but I just don't respect it. I won't deny that it is powerful, or that
it has a good use, it's just not my thing.
[19:19:05] <archerseven> that said, I don't code much, and when I do, it's not in lisp/elisp :P
[19:19:08] <archerseven> mostly C/Pytho
[19:19:14] <archerseven> Python, even.
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[22:56:17] <arthur13775> is jabber down (again) ?
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[22:56:17] <coward15930> v
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