Logs for jabber
[00:51:59] * evilotto left the chat.
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[06:08:08] * nixon2591 joined the chat.
[06:09:03] <nixon2591> For last week I have a problem with my jabber through google talk in miranda, it does not connect anymore, anyone knows what
to do to fix that?
[06:09:10] * harlock joined the chat.
[06:22:05] * mebs joined the chat.
[06:25:28] * mebs left the chat.
[06:42:09] * Tobias joined the chat.
[06:43:33] <nixon2591> hmmm is there anyone alive? :)
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[06:43:54] <ThurahT> guess not..
[06:44:00] <Kev> Almost certainly.
[06:44:03] <ThurahT> : )
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[07:42:55] * aRyo joined the chat.
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[08:14:40] * Tobias left the chat.
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[08:49:28] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[09:20:03] * MattJ left the chat.
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[10:04:50] * Sefaldenm joined the chat.
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[11:13:01] <harrison7384> v
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[11:22:06] * aRyo left the chat.
[12:18:00] * Asma.imrair1987 joined the chat.
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[12:27:43] * [sh]-michael joined the chat.
[12:27:56] * Tobias joined the chat.
[12:42:03] <[sh]-michael> Hello channel. Some Questions... If one compares IRC to XMPP, with focus on administration/channel abuse/bots: 1. Is there
anything like precautions one needs to know about? 2. And in general, is there less or more war about abuse and spam and the
likes in xmpp? 3. Do And how much of that is to be attributed just to different user numbers, or technical precautions?
[12:42:22] <[sh]-michael> ah damn return trap
[12:43:05] <[sh]-michael> Hello channel. Some Questions... If one compares IRC to XMPP, with focus on administration/channel abuse/bots: 1. Is there
anything like precautions one needs to know about? 2. And in general, is there less or more war about abuse and spam and the
likes in xmpp? 3. How much do different user numbers play a role? 4. Technical precautions?
[12:43:11] <[sh]-michael> now i think i got it :)
[12:43:18] <Lastwebpage> ermmmmm
[12:43:46] <[sh]-michael> yes?
[12:43:56] <Lastwebpage> this comparison fails a little bit, in my opinion...
[12:44:04] <[sh]-michael> then explain why<
[12:44:23] <[sh]-michael> doesnt matter, i just need a picture
[12:44:53] <Lastwebpage> you have more spam and bots in IRC, because IRC have more users :P
[12:44:54] <[sh]-michael> so i can decide wether to go xmpp or old school irc with bots and admins and whatever shit is necessary
[12:45:05] <[sh]-michael> that would be 3.
[12:45:18] <louiz’> I think the XMPP protocol has more things to make administration easier, and to protect from spam abuse etc. BUT due to its
age, I think there are more solution deployed on IRC (through bots etc)
[12:45:24] * naw joined the chat.
[12:45:29] * harrykar left the chat.
[12:45:54] <louiz’> Also there is a lot of spam flood etc on russian servers, but I rarely see any on french or US servers…
[12:46:05] <[sh]-michael> russian xmpp, that is?
[12:46:23] * harrykar joined the chat.
[12:46:50] <[sh]-michael> you see, i know how to open an xmpp channel, but i dont know what happens if 40 people join it
[12:47:07] <[sh]-michael> no experience
[12:47:13] <louiz’> on conference.jabber.ru, for example, there was (or there is still?) a lot of spam, but now there is a lot of protection (captchas,
[12:47:35] <louiz’> what do you mean “what happens if”?
[12:47:44] <louiz’> There are 40 people in that room and that’s it :p
[12:48:18] <[sh]-michael> i dont know the technical means that xmpp offers, nor its weaknesses ä- no experience
[12:48:32] <[sh]-michael> i know IRC REQUIRES bots and admins
[12:48:36] <[sh]-michael> and registrations
[12:48:47] <Kev> Essentially what IRC bots do, XMPP MUCs offer in the protocol.
[12:48:53] <louiz’> exactly
[12:48:57] <Kev> Member lists, banning, etc.
[12:49:09] <Kev> Other things (bad word filter, for example), you'd need a bot for.
[12:49:21] <louiz’> Oh a server module.
[12:49:23] <Kev> You have a sense of identity on XMPP that you don't have on IRC.
[12:49:28] <louiz’> Or*
[12:49:33] <Kev> Right, or a server module.
[12:49:40] <[sh]-michael> Kev: but all of that xmpp handling needs to be done manuylly, or by some (easier to implement) bot, right?
[12:50:00] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[12:50:01] <louiz’> Or by the server directly :p
[12:50:11] <louiz’> But I don’t thing there exist such a module ATM
[12:50:12] <Kev> I don't understand the question. XMPP clients support editing the affiliation lists, room configs, etc.
[12:50:39] * the ♚ left the chat.
[12:50:54] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[12:52:53] <[sh]-michael> Kev: that "sense of identity", why isnt it same with irc? It's not just about some avatars, isnt it?
[12:53:19] <Kev> No.
[12:53:50] <[sh]-michael> instant messaging? It's still not available in irc?
[12:53:51] <Kev> If the user 'bob@example.com' joins the room, you know that the user is using the example.com server, and that the server
is asserting their identity as bob.
[12:54:19] <Kev> (Not the nickname, obviously, but their real JID - which is hidden to you in here as you're not an admin)
[12:54:36] <Kev> Whereas with IRC, sessions aren't authenticated in that way.
[12:54:51] <Kev> (I know some services have hacks on top of that, like NickServ to simulate this)
[12:56:31] <[sh]-michael> well, someone recommended to me to use IRC, "because it's easier to use/access". I am reluctant to follow that advice, so
im asking about differences...
[12:56:47] <Kev> Well, that's slightly true.
[12:56:51] <louiz’> I don’t see how IRC is easier…
[12:56:53] <Kev> In the sense of IRC not requiring an account.
[12:57:03] <louiz’> It’s just more common so more people know how to use it
[12:57:05] <Kev> You need to login to an account with XMPP, you don't with IRC.
[12:57:11] <[sh]-michael> when i joined irc recently, via chatzilla, i can's say it looked that easier than this...
[12:57:17] <louiz’> you can also just use a anonymous account, Kev
[12:57:38] <Kev> louiz’: Yes, but then you can't (or the specs say you can't although some people ignore this) use s2s etc.
[12:57:47] <louiz’> [sh]-michael, indeed, IRC is not really simple. Most XMPP clients are more userfriendly
[12:58:10] <louiz’> Kev, the XEP says the server SHOULD not allow it, afaik
[12:58:44] <Kev> Which means "Don't do this".
[12:59:12] <louiz’> hm, yeah
[12:59:12] <[sh]-michael> i just was lucky i found a clickable irc channel link, so i could join that server (which i failed to enter manually in chatzilla).
On the other hand, inexperienced users fail to set up an xmpp client, too...
[12:59:26] <Kev> Some XMPP clients are easier than others.
[13:00:22] <[sh]-michael> i've seen several, i cant approve their gui, from a newcomer view. May be partly because of more features included.
[13:00:49] <Kev> Swift tries very hard to have a low learning curve.
[13:01:09] <[sh]-michael> at what stage is it? alpha?
[13:01:15] <Kev> Turn it on, it asks you for your username and password, nothing else.
[13:01:17] <Kev> etc.
[13:01:25] <Kev> 1.0 was released quite some time ago.
[13:01:27] <louiz’> I also find that clients such as pidgin or empathy make the account creation+login process a lot harder than it should be…
[13:01:27] <[sh]-michael> platforms?
[13:01:31] <Kev> 2.0 is much better but still alpha.
[13:01:33] <louiz’> multi
[13:01:35] <Kev> Mac/Win/Lin/etc.
[13:01:41] <[sh]-michael> download?
[13:01:45] <Kev> Yes.
[13:01:45] <[sh]-michael> or screenshots
[13:01:55] <Kev> http://swift.im
[13:02:00] <[sh]-michael> ok ill look
[13:02:13] <Kev> http://swift.im/about/ has a couple of screenshots.
[13:02:24] <Kev> There aren't many because screenshots of a chat client aren't really very exciting :)
[13:02:33] <louiz’> Does it use webkit for the interface? The green/blue bubbles?
[13:02:39] <Kev> louiz’: Yes.
[13:02:42] <louiz’> ok
[13:03:12] <louiz’> I hope you check for HTML injection, unlike empathy :p
[13:03:39] <Kev> louiz’: We HTML escape the input, if that's what you're asking.
[13:03:50] <Kev> We don't explicitly check for it and do anything if we find it, we just avoid it.
[13:03:59] <louiz’> ok
[13:05:22] <louiz’> There is a security leak in empathy with certain themes, with the nickname.
[13:06:14] <louiz’> anyway, I should try swift some day, to know if I could advise newcomers to use it :p
[13:06:45] <[sh]-michael> Kev, nice to read, your page. Looks somewhat promising (phrasing it carefully, after all the fuss...)
[13:06:56] <[sh]-michael> (in recent weeks)
[13:07:29] <louiz’> Also, on the other end, for power users who like the way IRC is, there is poezio :p
[13:08:22] <Kev> louiz’: Qt::escape(P2QSTRING(senderName))
[13:08:30] <louiz’> great great :)
[13:08:40] <Kev> I checked for you.
[13:08:57] <louiz’> thanks :)
[13:11:37] <Kev> I finally got the last stuff implemented week before last so I can use Swift for everything. (MUC Admin). Which is nice.
[13:12:28] <louiz’> nice
[13:13:15] <louiz’> oh
[13:13:21] <louiz’> it’s in fedora’s repos
[13:13:24] <louiz’> great :)
[13:19:52] <[sh]-michael> That "Off with their heads!" reads like something i'd like to do...
[13:20:43] <louiz’> :D
[13:23:11] <[sh]-michael> There's so much info these days on people being betrayed absolutely ultimately, but i am afraid that their agendas, fueled
by stolen money funding organization, will move faster than people realizing what's being done. Thus i doubt their heads will
[13:25:25] <[sh]-michael> yeah that's ot but people complaining about that deserve something serious
[13:26:56] <[sh]-michael> ive got gajim running. if i start swift now, too, what happens? It gets access to client listen port denied, because it's
in use?
[13:27:25] <louiz’> no
[13:27:38] <louiz’> you can connect many clients at the same time on the same account
[13:27:49] <louiz’> or on any account
[13:27:53] <[sh]-michael> so they all get the same inbound data?
[13:28:03] <Kev> No.
[13:28:08] <[sh]-michael> ill jsut do it now
[13:28:33] <louiz’> no, there are on different resources, with different (or not) priority
[13:29:01] <louiz’> One client can receive messages while the others don’t, a client can join a room while others don’t, etc
[13:31:04] <[sh]-michael> resources? is that connected to the resource option in the account mangement?
[13:31:37] <[sh]-michael> (assumed that's just some client info for other users)
[13:32:05] <[sh]-michael> ah maybe i just shouldn ask and skip the details
[13:32:44] <louiz’> for example, if you are connected with gajim, your full jid is something@example.com/Gajim
The “Gajim” part is your resource identifying thes specific client. It could be anything, a random string, etc
[13:32:58] <louiz’> this*
[13:33:22] <Kev> louiz’: Well, your resource might be that, it might be something completely different.
[13:33:30] <Kev> There's no obligation on the server to give you the JID you ask for.
[13:33:36] <Kev> Resource, rather.
[13:33:38] <louiz’> Indeed
[13:33:55] <louiz’> but most of the time you get the “Gajim” resource on gajim
[13:34:33] <[sh]-michael> and the client listening, it just uses another port?
[13:34:40] <Kev> Clients don't listen.
[13:34:43] <louiz’> the client doesn’t listen
[13:34:49] <[sh]-michael> huh
[13:34:53] <Kev> The client connects to the server, not the reverse.
[13:34:54] <louiz’> only a server does
[13:35:22] <[sh]-michael> i did misunderstand something about ip-nat then?
[13:35:40] <[sh]-michael> damn im too old...
[13:36:15] <louiz’> You can contact more than one website at the same time, even if they all listen on the port 80, you know? :p
[13:37:17] <[sh]-michael> hmm
[13:38:38] <[sh]-michael> i guess i should have know that
[13:38:45] <[sh]-michael> but, the cookie crumbles
[13:40:25] <[sh]-michael> damn i forgot the pw for this jabber.org account...
[13:40:28] <[sh]-michael> i ahte it
[13:41:25] * naw left the chat.
[13:43:14] <louiz’> :D
[13:43:35] <[sh]-michael> ive got tons of notes flying around, and some contain pws...
[13:44:06] <[sh]-michael> if i stacked those in one specific location, it would be easy to access but also easy to exploit, so i did not
[13:44:34] <[sh]-michael> if i saved them on hd they could get lost on hd failure...
[13:44:38] <[sh]-michael> its fuck
[13:45:20] * paulmad joined the chat.
[13:47:58] <[sh]-michael> found
[13:48:43] * sh-michael@jabber.org joined the chat.
[13:49:01] <sh-michael@jabber.org> joined
[13:49:29] <louiz’> nice
[13:49:30] <sh-michael@jabber.org> a somewhat "birdie" experience...
[13:49:43] <sh-michael@jabber.org> correction: birdy
[13:51:13] <sh-michael@jabber.org> those eggs are nice, but they also are positioned at where the shit gets dropped, Kev
[13:52:02] <sh-michael@jabber.org> they look like a twofold meaning to me
[13:54:26] <sh-michael@jabber.org> "Jedes legt noch schnell ein Ei, und dann kommt der Tod herbei." http://de.wikisource.org/wiki/Datei:Max_und_Moritz_(Busch)_011.png
[13:54:52] <louiz’> hmhm
[13:54:53] <louiz’> k
[13:57:35] * harlock left the chat.
[14:03:34] <[sh]-michael> btw i guess i like chats. email sucks
[14:04:32] * Tobias left the chat.
[14:10:02] * Fofo44 joined the chat.
[14:10:08] <sh-michael@jabber.org> Kev: When i entered the account for jabber.org, i automatically got a channel entry. that one is pw-protected. when i examine
that room entry in swift, it contains the password. but i cant enter it twice, and it says "password needed" in swift. Shouldn't
that be something like "you cant enter twice" or so? is that protocolwise limitation, or clientwise limitation?
[14:11:21] <Kev> If you're trying to join the same room twice, Swift should cope with that and just not try it.
[14:13:26] <sh-michael@jabber.org> "Konnte die Nachricht nicht senden: Es ist nicht möglich diesem Chatraum beizutreten: Ein Passwort ist nötig." translates
to "its not possible to join, a password isneeded"
[14:13:33] * Fofo44 left the chat.
[14:14:20] <Kev> Then the problem is that you need a password (which isn't supported in 1.0, it is in 2.0), rather than multiple joining being
the problem.
[14:14:29] <sh-michael@jabber.org> i see
[14:14:42] <sh-michael@jabber.org> then i cant recommend it for now... :(
[14:14:49] <Kev> I've done a lot of MUC work for 2.0.
[14:15:17] <Kev> I don't really understand passworded rooms - using membership controls is almost always better.
[14:16:34] <sh-michael@jabber.org> didnt know
[14:18:49] * mebs left the chat.
[14:30:41] <[sh]-michael> that would mean i create some account names, enter them into the according room/s, send those account names to future members
(who are not registered yet), and make them register at jabber.org?
[14:30:46] <[sh]-michael> that would work?
[14:33:04] <Kev> You should do it the other way around - get them to register, tell you their JIDs and then add them as members.
[14:33:23] <[sh]-michael> hm hm
[14:33:27] <[sh]-michael> yeah ...
[14:35:32] <[sh]-michael> after that i'd have a heap of requests "how do i join that jabber.org server??", and "i cant find the room!" lo0lk
[14:35:45] <[sh]-michael> i hate dumb people
[14:36:15] <[sh]-michael> they all should install some remote control and hand me over their comps, forgor the name for that program
[14:37:17] <[sh]-michael> "vnc"
[14:38:52] * jean.parpaillon left the chat.
[14:46:26] * aRyo joined the chat.
[14:46:33] <[sh]-michael> If you were to recommend a client especially for xmpp noobs, which would you recommend? (I've got 'Swift', 'Gajim' and 'Adium'[mac
os] on my candiddate list so far.)
[14:46:43] <[sh]-michael> anything to correct about that list?
[14:47:21] <louiz’> Pidgin, maybe
[14:47:28] <[sh]-michael> Any guides/tutorials you want to recommend?
[14:47:54] <[sh]-michael> Pidgin, on windows the gui is somehwat flawed, and it tends to crash occasionally, as afar as i remember...
[14:48:27] <aRyo> pandion is lightweight
[14:48:32] <[sh]-michael> bu true, it's among the most active client developments i guess, right?
[14:48:46] <louiz’> It’s pretty active, yes
[14:48:57] <[sh]-michael> pandion, rare one? never heard so far
[14:49:23] <[sh]-michael> development seems to be quite important
[14:49:36] <[sh]-michael> it's all about compromises :(
[14:50:38] <[sh]-michael> pandion lightweight, how strong is development?
[14:50:54] <Kev> It was abandoned a few years ago.
[14:51:04] <[sh]-michael> then its no good i assume
[14:51:05] <Kev> I think it may have been resumed though.
[14:51:13] <aRyo> sigh i didn't know that
[14:51:24] <[sh]-michael> my client people shall be able to join some progress of xmpp network
[14:51:24] <Kev> There was some legal problem with the codebase a number of years ago.
[14:51:33] <Kev> I think they finally got that sorted out relatively recently and started dev again.
[14:52:15] <[sh]-michael> http://jabberwiki.de/wiki/index.php/Pandion#Konto_erstellen <- complete guide, tahts a plus
[14:53:21] <aRyo> what are you using right now?
[14:53:35] <louiz’> no, gajim
[14:54:16] <[sh]-michael> gajim here, and swift for an expedition ;)
[14:54:50] <aRyo> expedition? do u mean going mobile?
[14:54:53] <[sh]-michael> i got miranda on hd, too, but the gui is still as confusing as gajim's is/was...
[14:55:17] <[sh]-michael> no i mean a temporary examination
[14:55:23] <[sh]-michael> of swift
[14:55:33] <aRyo> ah ok
[14:55:39] <[sh]-michael> seems ill stick to gajim until later
[14:55:57] <[sh]-michael> cleitns should have interchangebale account and contact data files
[14:56:03] <[sh]-michael> do they?
[14:56:15] <[sh]-michael> it_'s always a hassle swirtching clients
[14:57:24] <aRyo> if u use web-based client then u won't need to switch
[14:57:31] <[sh]-michael> and miranda isnt open source iirc
[14:57:55] <[sh]-michael> aRyo, if im about to get serious, i cant stick to web clients
[14:58:34] <[sh]-michael> does jabber.org have browser access?
[14:58:49] <[sh]-michael> i didnt see such a note
[14:58:55] <Kev> [sh]-michael: The contact details are all stored on the server, so all you need is your address and password.
[14:59:00] <aRyo> why not? u can access it from any browsers, no need to install, the most important thing no hassle :)
[14:59:29] <louiz’> you could use http://jappix.com for example
[14:59:35] <louiz’> can be used with any account
[14:59:41] <louiz’> like any client, it’s just on the w€b
[14:59:42] <louiz’> web*
[14:59:44] <[sh]-michael> aRyo, i never saw a line reading "one can access any xmpp server from any later web growser"?
[14:59:49] <[sh]-michael> g=b
[15:00:40] <[sh]-michael> jappix, Comodo CA ltd, wasnt that one hacked recently, dunno if that matters, though
[15:01:25] <louiz’> what
[15:01:29] <louiz’> what is comodo CA?
[15:05:25] <[sh]-michael> aRyo, hmm, that jappix shit works. for an existing account at jabber.org, that is.
[15:05:44] <Kev> Only by providing Jappix with your password, though.
[15:05:50] <Kev> Which you shouldn't do.
[15:05:57] <aRyo> not sure, i don't use jabber.org jid
[15:06:02] <[sh]-michael> Comodo, some internet company i dont know well, COmodo CA is a certification (missing word)
[15:06:13] <Kev> (As you shouldn't give passwords to any third party)
[15:07:01] <[sh]-michael> can the pw bechanged at jabber.org?
[15:07:19] <[sh]-michael> or is it gone now
[15:08:24] <Kev> You can change your password with some clients (although not Swift yet)
[15:11:07] <[sh]-michael> i changed it for some jabber.org account in gajim, no error message
[15:15:45] <[sh]-michael> changed it for jappix account, should be fixed
[15:16:25] <[sh]-michael> aRyo, Kev is right in principle. as for jappix, it has some dubios design, appealing to retards. Fishy, if you ask me.
[15:16:53] <[sh]-michael> it works, yes, but i'll not use it again
[15:18:01] <aRyo> yea it just clients
[15:27:44] <[sh]-michael> louiz’: i have peerblock running, that list blocks "Comodo CA". Maybe because they got hacked, who knows.
[15:28:20] <[sh]-michael> so accessing jappix runs on their servers
[15:28:22] <louiz’> hum, yeah, but how is that related to jappix ?
[15:28:28] <louiz’> really? :/
[15:28:35] <louiz’> ok, didn’t know
[15:28:48] <[sh]-michael> according to that peerblock entry, to be specific. louiz.
[15:28:55] <louiz’> k
[15:29:17] <[sh]-michael> it's got pros and cons, running such ip filters...
[15:31:23] <aRyo> michael, may i know why u want to use xmpp? cause there are a lot of other chat service like gtalk, yahoo, msn, etc. which
i think already mature
[15:31:48] <[sh]-michael> 1. im fond of the latest tech :)
[15:31:55] <Kev> aRyo: GTalk *is* XMPP.
[15:32:01] <[sh]-michael> 2. i dont like facebook and all those other data miners
[15:32:20] <ThurahT> [sh]-michael: Pidgin, on windows the gui is somehwat flawed, and it tends to crash occasionally, as afar as i remember...
[15:32:24] <ThurahT> when was this=
[15:32:26] <ThurahT> *?
[15:33:00] <[sh]-michael> ThurahT, i cant tell, sorry. it's been at least a week since i last started it.
[15:33:10] <ThurahT> I've been using it from śome years now on windows and haven't had any flaws.. except that jingle doesn't work with windows
[15:34:00] <ThurahT> gajim on the other hand did not work because the gui was a mess
[15:34:50] <ThurahT> so I chose Pidgin instead.. but you are successfully running gajim on windows right now?
[15:34:50] <[sh]-michael> i stuck to gajim, well, because i got it working first, and it's xmpp only, like swift
[15:34:59] <aRyo> did your friends/colleagues also knows about xmpp? what are they using for chat?
[15:35:03] <[sh]-michael> i dont like th gui, though
[15:35:33] <[sh]-michael> aRyo, they are using nothing mostly, i guess. i dont know them well, so theyre contacts, not friends
[15:35:46] <[sh]-michael> it's about getting a bunch of people together
[15:35:56] <ThurahT> teh day when facebook allows s2s.. boooom..
[15:36:19] <ThurahT> there's where everyone is..
[15:36:21] <[sh]-michael> and since noone else seems to be working on that, i feel i may have an opportunity for imposing xmpp on them, those noobs
[15:36:40] <ThurahT> that is a great choice..
[15:37:19] <[sh]-michael> i dont knoiw, but as written earlier, chatzilla wasnt that easy either, when i jsut wanted to enter a server not preconfigured
in the last
[15:37:20] <[sh]-michael> list
[15:37:34] <[sh]-michael> that pissed me off
[15:37:48] <ThurahT> I actually only use pidgin for xmpp.. I love chatzilla.. : )
[15:39:03] <ThurahT> I wonder how the server load is on irc server compared to a xmpp server..
[15:39:15] <[sh]-michael> ThurahT, on running Gajim sucessfully, the beta seems to be considerably more reliable
[15:39:26] * sujithpv123 joined the chat.
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[15:39:44] <Kev> ThurahT: Not really an interesting comparison, I think.
[15:39:45] <ThurahT> oh.. okay..I tested a stable version.. and I couldnt see anything in the gui..
[15:40:00] <Kev> Given how different they are.
[15:40:12] <ThurahT> yeah.. but still..
[15:40:22] * sujithpv123 joined the chat.
[15:41:05] <Kev> I guess if you had a C-based XMPP server, disabled TLS, disabled compression, didn't do any S2S and only had SASL ANONYMOUS
users chatting in MUCs, it probably wouldn't be much higher than IRC.
[15:41:18] <Kev> But all those extra things that XMPP gives you over IRC have to cost something.
[15:41:28] <ThurahT> yeah..
[15:41:37] <ThurahT> agreed
[15:42:30] <[sh]-michael> does IRC have compression?
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[15:43:22] <Kev> NAFAIK.
[15:44:25] <[sh]-michael> so does xmpp gain some edge from that, as long as cpu power is disregarded?
[15:44:36] * jean.parpaillon joined the chat.
[15:44:38] <Kev> For lower bandwidth links, certainly.
[15:45:18] <Kev> Well, 'edge'.
[15:45:29] <Kev> XMPP uses much less bw when compression is enabled, in any case.
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[15:53:27] * cheney46853 joined the chat.
[15:53:35] <cheney46853> Hi guys!
[15:53:51] <cheney46853> I have a question about concurrent logins in jabber
[15:54:58] <cheney46853> basically, what I want is to have a large number of machines connected to http://www.jabber80.com/'s server to be able to
"listen" onto a conference using only one account
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[15:56:24] <cheney46853> Would the resources system get in the way (that is, can I login into the same reource of same account, such as "me at jabberserver.org/same_for_all"
from many different IPs, or will that break horribly ?
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[16:02:15] <cheney46853> machines won't need to post into the conference, only have messages delivered to them
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[16:17:13] <aRyo> .
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[16:58:00] <pierce50919> hiiiiiiiii
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[17:11:30] <eisenhower537> hi aRyo ! I am cheney46853@ speeqe.com - had a disconnect
[17:12:01] <eisenhower537> Could someone please kindly answer my questions regarding multi-login ?
[17:12:58] <aRyo> sup?
[17:13:46] <aRyo> multi login using which server?
[17:16:08] <eisenhower537> Jabber80.com ideally, but I think jabber org will work too
[17:16:38] <aRyo> the question is?
[17:17:45] <eisenhower537> I am concerned that resources system will not allow that. Is resource separation mandatory when multi-login is done ?
[17:18:52] <aRyo> can you and i enter the same door at the same time?
[17:20:15] * SaMtns joined the chat.
[17:20:52] <Kev> Are you asking if the same bare JID can enter the same room more than once?
[17:21:31] <Kev> If so, you can, but you shouldn't run bots on public services. At least jabber.org forbids it.
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[17:31:07] <eisenhower537> hm, mind if I try something right in this conference (logging in from different IPs using different resources with same priority)
[17:34:23] <Kev> It's typically best to run experiments on your own servers, not on jabber.org
[17:34:48] <Kev> Just joining with two resources for a moment sounds fine ,though.
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[17:40:26] <nixon39095> how do i send offline messages in IM client using open fire
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[17:50:08] * creepingfunguys@jabber.org joined the chat.
[17:52:02] <creepingfunguys@jabber.org> hm, it won't let me in from a different resource while I am logged in from this one
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[17:52:21] * creepingfunguys@jabber.org joined the chat.
[17:52:57] <aRyo> weird huh..
[17:53:56] <creepingfunguys@jabber.org> aRyo - is this a protocol thing or a security/usability setting of this server/conference ?
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[17:54:33] <aRyo> not sure
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[17:55:42] <creepingfunguys@jabber.org> @Kev any comments ? Basically, I'd like to figure out whether Jabber can function a mite like IRC in that regards
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[18:08:19] <creepingfunguys@jabber.org> eh, looks like it's a protocol thingie (
[18:08:29] <creepingfunguys@jabber.org> well, gotta go then
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[18:11:16] <ThurahT> http://memebase.com/2011/10/19/internet-memes-a-wild-snorlax-appeared/
[18:11:32] <ThurahT> oh crap.. wrong windwo. sorry guys..
[18:13:21] * aRyo left the chat.
[18:21:28] <[sh]-michael> uh now i have to check that out :)
[18:22:35] <ThurahT> u'll wish u hadn't...
[18:23:46] <[sh]-michael> Hey! Give me back those seconds of my life!
[18:24:22] <[sh]-michael> hey goatse.cx was grosser.
[18:24:38] <[sh]-michael> i wonder, is gaotse still alive? i recall he took it down.
[18:24:47] <ThurahT> well.. yeah..
[18:24:53] <ThurahT> : )
[18:25:11] <ThurahT> it has become a legend actually..
[18:25:25] <[sh]-michael> a damn at least a laugh on this sick day
[18:25:37] <ThurahT> : )
[18:25:56] <[sh]-michael> im so fed up with all those horrors you can hear of all over the news sites
[18:26:32] <ThurahT> well.. it's the internets..
[18:26:39] <ThurahT> I'll try to stay in the correct tab from now on.. Have a good one
[18:26:42] <[sh]-michael> yesterday someone wrote an article, pointing out (i had expected that), that those occupy "banksters street" people are nothing
but a scam for global boslshevism
[18:27:07] <[sh]-michael> well shit happens, so what
[18:27:14] <[sh]-michael> noone was typing anyway
[18:31:23] * aRyo joined the chat.
[18:31:57] <ThurahT> hehe.. bolshevism.. sounds almost like an anachronism..
[18:32:14] <ThurahT> who would use that word today? In that sense
[18:35:06] <[sh]-michael> i do
[18:35:19] <[sh]-michael> becuase, communism is just a pre-stage of bolshevism
[18:35:29] <[sh]-michael> as well as socialism
[18:36:25] <aRyo> bullshitvism
[18:36:39] <aRyo> :D
[18:36:50] <[sh]-michael> it's better to anticipate the worst, because 1. otherwise people tell themsleves "it won't be that bad", and 2. it's been
predicted to end at bolshevism, not before.
[18:37:09] <[sh]-michael> of course, it's utter bullshit
[18:37:29] <[sh]-michael> but news tell you every and each day, it's progressing according to plan
[18:37:54] <aRyo> who's plan?
[18:38:05] <aRyo> *whose
[18:38:25] <[sh]-michael> i dont know for sure, i could name you suspects, inclduing those holy ones. But wahts the point?
[18:38:33] <[sh]-michael> it's way enough to know the plan
[18:38:40] <[sh]-michael> it doesnt matter who in the end
[18:38:55] <aRyo> or what will it be in the end
[18:39:11] <aRyo> sounds like lyrics :D
[18:39:32] * karlsve joined the chat.
[18:39:53] <[sh]-michael> 5 or more years ago Dr. Walter Veith warned that UNo will take away the children from all parents. 5 years alter, and it's
in full swing.
[18:39:54] * karlsve left the chat.
[18:40:07] <[sh]-michael> families are destroyed methodically
[18:40:42] <[sh]-michael> music can be used to present the plot, of course
[18:41:39] <[sh]-michael> gangsta rap of course doesnt cut it, jsut complaining about living in an unfair world
[18:41:49] <[sh]-michael> or promoting that
[18:42:08] <aRyo> yeah part of life..
[18:42:37] <[sh]-michael> (see Veith: "Uno" "occult agenda")
[18:43:27] <[sh]-michael> one can also see Texe Marrs latest video on Obama, the commi puppet
[18:44:02] <[sh]-michael> (whose teleprompter was stolen days ago, but unfortunately abandoned and found)
[18:45:18] <[sh]-michael> Obama the "president otus" can'T speak without reading from the "Teleprompter Of The United States"
[18:46:11] <ThurahT> commi puppet?
[18:46:39] <[sh]-michael> Obama is an ardent communist
[18:46:39] <aRyo> teleprompter?
[18:46:55] <ThurahT> interesting..
[18:47:40] <aRyo> hm..
[18:48:22] <[sh]-michael> in the book "The Wedge" some agent, forgot his name, look him up, tells the story how cia and FBi got undermined by communist
moles in the 60s. Since then, USA was fucked up dearly.
[18:49:01] * aRyo left the chat.
[18:49:31] <[sh]-michael> And if you look at Washington white house, administration, it's full of zionists. Obama is jsut a teleprompter puppet, doing
the speechesm, but not deciding.
[18:50:27] <[sh]-michael> Since Kennedy there wasn't a real president with own will anymore.
[18:50:31] * aRyo joined the chat.
[18:51:05] <[sh]-michael> And Kennedy was rather an accident in the line, he just got his own ideas in the end, and then they stopped him.
[18:51:35] <ThurahT> the bolsheviks you mean?
[18:51:46] <[sh]-michael> History has been a conspiracy since ww1, and before.
[18:52:51] <[sh]-michael> ThurahT: i dont know exactly about who was who at that time, sorry. i just don't care about such details, theyre unimportant.
but look up Kissinger. Tells a great deal about who influences whom.
[18:53:35] <[sh]-michael> ort go to comeandhear.com
[18:54:50] <ThurahT> no thanks.. : )
[18:54:58] <[sh]-michael> tells a great deal about loss of sovereignity, implementing child abuse as official law
[18:56:41] <ThurahT> It's been amusing.. But I have to go.. Bye all..
[18:56:52] <[sh]-michael> Theres nothing amusing about this.
[19:01:26] * harrykar left the chat.
[19:01:31] <aRyo> awesome that u know all of this thing
[19:04:55] * harrykar joined the chat.
[19:11:33] <[sh]-michael> well, this topic has been around for years now, and the proof has been piling up on hds worldwide
[19:11:47] <[sh]-michael> and on webpages and platforms
[19:12:19] <[sh]-michael> youtube is full of this, recently. On one hadn thats good, on the other that means people rely on youtube.
[19:12:53] <[sh]-michael> and generally, complaining and talking about stuff on the net doesnt mean action
[19:13:38] <[sh]-michael> years ago p2p was the main pool for files of all kinds, these days videoportals are taking over. not a good sign imho.
[19:14:13] <aRyo> world change
[19:14:33] <[sh]-michael> if you look for a rare book on p2p, you find some diehards with giant colelctions, but they are very few,l compared to years
[19:15:07] <[sh]-michael> like, when alex jones, the fear monger, was still rising up, and william cooper was still alive
[19:15:23] <[sh]-michael> and David Icke still promoting reptilian conspiracy
[19:15:53] <[sh]-michael> somewhat funny Icke has come around and turned towards zionism recently
[19:16:06] <[sh]-michael> he doesnt tell waht became of the reptiles
[19:16:47] <[sh]-michael> the drakos
[19:16:48] <aRyo> perhaps crocodilles :D
[19:17:12] <[sh]-michael> i dont know, amybe it's reptilians promoting global warming, because outside it's too cold for them?
[19:17:34] <[sh]-michael> unfortunately, the world is cooling, so they have to spray artifical clouds all day, as a heat blanket...
[19:17:40] <[sh]-michael> wont help them :)
[19:17:46] <[sh]-michael> just posion water and earth
[19:20:27] * Moygen joined the chat.
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[19:30:23] <ThurahT> not sure if insane or on trolling spree..
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[19:47:01] <Kev> Either way, this isn't a politics room, so it should stop.
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[20:43:31] <[sh]-michael> i value it to be absurd banning politics even if doom is knocking on the door
[20:44:13] <[sh]-michael> or rather, to me it seems to sort of idiotic
[20:44:50] <[sh]-michael> feel free to start a less relevanttech topic, im not hidnering anyone
[20:45:19] * SaMtns left the chat.
[20:45:51] <Kev> I suggest calling people idiots isn't the way to get on with them, either.
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[21:31:46] <monroe47492> hey what am i doin
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[21:35:48] <jackson31344> hi, is the jabber network down a the moment? Every single day the service seems to crash and I can't login around 4pm.
[21:36:09] <jackson31344> Same thing happens when trying to login from my phone as well
[21:36:39] <jackson31344> between 4-4:30pm Central US time is when it dies
[21:36:47] <louiz’> the jabber network cannot be down
[21:36:56] <louiz’> but maybe jabber.org, I don’t know
[21:37:07] <louiz’> It seems like it is under heavy load (it is lagging)
[21:37:33] <jackson31344> Yea jabber.org domain specifically, sorry I should have specified.
[21:37:36] * [sh]-michael joined the chat.
[21:37:59] <jackson31344> The strange thing is, it consistantly does this at the same time almost every day.
[21:38:47] * seqizz joined the chat.
[21:38:50] <eisenhower20856> I've noticed that, too.
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[21:40:46] <jackson31344> Another pattern I see is that if left to connect repeadedly, it will eventually maintain a shakey connection with just jabber.org
[21:41:11] <jackson31344> But the linkup to gchat users is severed, and they don't show up in the buddy list.
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[21:49:55] <[sh]-michael> question for the staff
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[21:53:48] <[sh]-michael> Petitionen... Laternenmasten.
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[22:50:23] <monroe47492> who am i talking to!??!?!?
[22:50:49] <louiz’> noone
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[22:55:09] * aRyo joined the chat.
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[22:55:57] <emcwhirter> hello
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[22:58:54] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[23:06:54] * aRyo left the chat.
[23:09:34] * [sh]-michael left the chat.
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[23:47:23] * jameschurchman joined the chat.