Logs for jabber
[00:01:33] * the ♚ left the chat.
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[00:57:46] * victorhugo289 joined the chat.
[00:58:57] <victorhugo289> Guys I need to test the camera capability of this thing, so if someone has webcam cut the crap and let me see if it works!
[00:59:26] <victorhugo289> Darkrain, Naw, Nestradamus, can I check this thing momentarily?
[01:00:50] <naw> I don't have camera
[01:01:09] <victorhugo289> But you have the little microphone, I wanted to test that too.
[01:03:46] <victorhugo289> This is the second time I come in here, hey I don't see no much help in here.
[01:03:54] <victorhugo289> ..
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[01:07:45] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
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[01:34:30] * Z_God left the chat.
[01:43:18] * Assassin.creed233 joined the chat.
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[01:57:53] * evilotto left the chat.
[02:05:05] * HedgeMage left the chat.
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[02:56:53] * jackson59106 joined the chat.
[02:59:46] * naw left the chat.
[03:29:29] * nixon20982 joined the chat.
[03:29:49] <nixon20982> Hello, is there anyone here that can help me w/ the ejabber deployment?
[03:31:12] * nixon20982 in now known as john.
[03:38:51] * jackson59106 left the chat.
[04:21:27] * john left the chat.
[04:31:56] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[05:35:38] * GavYur joined the chat.
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[07:38:19] * MattJ joined the chat.
[07:43:13] * Robert ∞ ✈ left the chat.
[07:44:42] * GavYur joined the chat.
[08:20:09] * Holger joined the chat.
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[09:34:30] * treebilou joined the chat.
[10:03:09] * Tobias joined the chat.
[10:05:46] * MattJ left the chat.
[10:21:52] * Kev joined the chat.
[10:31:01] * GavYur left the chat.
[10:48:27] * Tobias left the chat.
[10:48:52] * Freeman.man49 joined the chat.
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[11:27:55] * mpranj joined the chat.
[11:27:58] * naw joined the chat.
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[12:29:54] * jefferson25096 joined the chat.
[12:30:07] <jefferson25096> hey
[12:30:27] <naw> hello
[12:30:28] <jefferson25096> I've a problem with connecting from my jabber server to conference.jabber.org
[12:30:40] <Kev> Which server's that?
[12:30:41] <jefferson25096> getting all the time a timeout
[12:30:53] <jefferson25096> a private one
[12:31:01] <Kev> Yes, but what's the domain?
[12:31:08] <jefferson25096> jabber.der-winnie.de
[12:31:16] <jefferson25096> it worked until some months
[12:31:40] <jefferson25096> jabber.credativ.com can't connect too
[12:32:11] <Kev> What software version do they run?
[12:32:42] <jefferson25096> ejabberd I think
[12:32:54] <jefferson25096> version... wait
[12:33:06] <Kev> Google talk can't connect to them either.
[12:33:25] <jefferson25096> ejabberd 2.1.5
[12:33:32] <Kev> Ah, GTalk can to jabber.credative.com, but not to jabber.der-winnie.de.
[12:34:40] <Kev> jabber.org can talk to jabber.credativ.com fine, it seems.
[12:34:59] <jefferson25096> strange... which ports needs to be open for the connection
[12:35:06] <jefferson25096> only xmpp-server i think?
[12:35:08] <Kev> 5269 if you're running on the defaults.
[12:36:05] <jefferson25096> 5269 is xmpp-server.. it should be open
[12:36:07] <jefferson25096> yes of course
[12:37:12] <Kev> Interesting.
[12:37:23] <Kev> You're sure that jabber.der-winnie.de is running ejabberd?
[12:37:28] <jefferson25096> yepp :)
[12:37:41] <Kev> Are you sure it's well-configured.?
[12:37:45] <jefferson25096> I'm connected with kopete to it
[12:38:05] <jefferson25096> and I'm able to chat with other people...
[12:38:44] <Kev> Curious.
[12:38:56] * quincyadams16810 joined the chat.
[12:39:16] <jefferson25096> thus it should be okay (nevertheless conferences worked several weeks ago when I used conference.jabber.org the last time)
[12:39:48] <Kev> I seem to be able to query jabber.der-winnie.de from jabber.org fine at the moment.
[12:40:15] <Kev> And from my server.
[12:40:55] <jefferson25096> Nmap scan report for jabber.der-winnie.de (
Host is up (0.033s latency).
5269/tcp open jabber ejabberd
[12:41:06] <quincyadams16810> co ai viet nam khong vay
[12:42:24] <Kev> jefferson25096: It seems to be an intermittent problem.
[12:42:34] <Kev> I'm trying connections from serveral servers - sometimes they work, sometimes they don't.
[12:42:52] <jefferson25096> yepp I see it in my logs
[12:43:06] <jefferson25096> it seems that the primary dns of ovh seems to have problems currently
[12:43:14] <jefferson25096> I switched to another one
[12:43:38] <Kev> Jolly good, as long as it's not at this end, I don't have to fix anything :)
[12:44:36] <jefferson25096> :)
[12:44:55] <jefferson25096> no, it's working - it really seems to be problem with the dns
[12:45:18] <jefferson25096> ejabberd seems to use only the first dns server in /etc/resolv.conf and doesn't care about the rest
[12:45:25] <jefferson25096> and the first one seems to be offline currently
[12:46:30] <jefferson25096> thanks for you help anyway :)
[12:46:36] <Kev> No problem.
[12:46:52] * jefferson25096 left the chat.
[12:47:00] <quincyadams16810> i have a application but i can't connect to my group chat conference.jabber.org
[12:47:09] <quincyadams16810> anybody help me ?
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[12:48:55] <Kev> quincyadams16810: What's the problem? Or, rather what software are you using, what servers, what does it do, etc.
[12:50:22] <quincyadams16810> my server is jabber.org
[12:50:33] * remodding\40jabber.org joined the chat.
[12:50:47] <remodding\40jabber.org> Hi guys
[12:50:59] <remodding\40jabber.org> i've got a problem with pigin... can somebody help me please?
[12:51:20] <naw> quincyadams16810: what is the error you get?
[12:51:27] <naw> remodding\40jabber.org: which problem?
[12:52:06] <remodding\40jabber.org> when i want to login in pidgin with remodding@jabber.org, i get since i've registered my account a week ago the same error:
invalid authzid
[12:52:16] <quincyadams16810> i don't kown what my room
[12:52:31] <quincyadams16810> sorry
[12:52:49] <quincyadams16810> i am from VietNam
[12:53:13] <quincyadams16810> my english is not very well
[12:53:27] <naw> remodding\40jabber.org: pidgin has worked for you before?
[12:53:53] <remodding\40jabber.org> sure, and i can chat with a few other jabber servers... only jabber.org doesn't work
[12:54:40] <naw> hmmm I can connect to jabber.org with pidgin
[12:54:56] <Kev> remodding\40jabber.org: has your connection to jabber.org ever worked?
[12:55:00] <Kev> Does it work with other clients?
[12:55:05] <Kev> Are you sure you've got the right password?
[12:55:19] <Kev> Ah, clearly it works with other clients, because you're logged in now.
[12:55:25] <Kev> What client are you using at the moment?
[12:55:49] <Kev> As you can log in with other clients, and you're getting an auth error, I suspect you have the password wrong.
[12:55:51] <remodding\40jabber.org> no, i can't connect with pidgin since i'm registered... and now i'm logged in with my account via speeqe.com
[12:56:07] <quincyadams16810> i am learning about XMPP
[12:56:23] <Kev> Or possibly you're putting 'remodding' where you should be putting 'remodding@jabber.org' or such.
[12:56:33] <naw> quincyadams16810: what error does the program give to you?
[12:56:35] <remodding\40jabber.org> hmmm...
[12:56:42] <remodding\40jabber.org> in the configuration i set:
[12:57:00] <Kev> Jan 8 10:01:00 hermes xmppd[5745]: D-MBOX-Auth DIGEST-MD5 authentication [over TLS] failure for remodding@jabber.org []
[12:57:13] <remodding\40jabber.org> user: remodding; domain: jabber.org; ressource: Workstation; password: (my password)
[12:57:14] <Kev> Wrong password then, it seems.
[12:57:24] <remodding\40jabber.org> hm
[12:57:39] <quincyadams16810> in the book Professional XMPP Programming with JavaScript and jQuery
[12:57:41] <Kev> Jan 8 10:01:00 hermes xmppd[5745]: D-MBOX-Auth CRAM-MD5 authentication [over TLS] failure for remodding@jabber.org []
[12:57:46] <Kev> Jan 8 10:01:01 hermes xmppd[5745]: D-MBOX-Auth LOGIN authentication [over TLS] failure for remodding@jabber.org []
[12:57:56] <Kev> So Pidgin's trying lots of different methods, but the password always seems to be wrong.
[12:58:06] <remodding\40jabber.org> okay i will check it now...
[12:58:47] <quincyadams16810> i don't kown how to work for application chapter 8
[12:59:09] <remodding\40jabber.org> Kev, can you reset it please?
[12:59:29] <Kev> There are instructions on the web site for having your password reset.
[12:59:35] <Kev> I don't do those.
[13:00:36] <remodding\40jabber.org> i see... but i have to give you two names from my contact list
[13:00:45] <remodding\40jabber.org> but there's nobody in this
[13:01:31] * Tobias joined the chat.
[13:02:28] <remodding\40jabber.org> what should i do?
[13:03:08] * scott_onanski joined the chat.
[13:03:56] <scott_onanski> How come most of these Jabber rooms are empty?
[13:04:20] <Kev> People create them, mark them so they won't expire, and then never use them.
[13:04:25] <scott_onanski> Ah.
[13:04:35] <scott_onanski> They should fix that.
[13:04:44] <Kev> They'll get cleared up at some point.
[13:05:13] <scott_onanski> I'm new to jabber so I have a lot of questions about it.
[13:05:27] <scott_onanski> Is it text based chat only?
[13:05:30] <Kev> No.
[13:05:53] <Kev> XMPP (the protocol) is really just an XML-snippet routing protocol.
[13:06:09] <scott_onanski> I don't know what that means.
[13:06:13] <Kev> It's used a lot for passing around text chat snippets, but you can use it for lots of stuff.
[13:06:27] <Kev> It just means "People can use XMPP to send whatever data they want", pretty much.
[13:07:11] <naw> In example, I receiveyour message as
<message from="jabber@conference.jabber.org/scott_onanski" type="groupchat" to="xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxx">
<body>Is it text based chat only?</body>
[13:07:14] * Tobias left the chat.
[13:07:23] <scott_onanski> Is it possible to set up one of these rooms with audio, and video?
[13:07:33] <naw> not yet
[13:08:23] <scott_onanski> I'm just figuring it out. I opened a jabber account because I saw the protocol in my Pidgin IM client.
[13:08:32] <scott_onanski> Seems coo.
[13:08:34] <scott_onanski> cool*
[13:08:40] <quincyadams16810> in the ebook Professional XMPP Programming with JavaScript and jQuery, i don't kown how to work for chapter 8' application
[13:09:01] <Kev> Ah, Jack doesn't hang around in here.
[13:09:08] <naw> quincyadams16810: I don't know that book, sorry
[13:09:11] <Kev> You could try dropping him a line directly, I think his site is metajack.com.
[13:09:28] <remodding\40jabber.org> thanks for everything, cu
[13:09:38] * remodding\40jabber.org left the chat.
[13:10:02] <quincyadams16810> :(
[13:10:13] <quincyadams16810> help me
[13:10:20] <quincyadams16810> plz
[13:10:41] <scott_onanski> Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol. Interesting stuff.
[13:11:26] * GavYur joined the chat.
[13:13:37] * quincyadams16810 left the chat.
[13:14:52] * Tobias joined the chat.
[13:18:35] <scott_onanski> What clients are some of you guys using to connect to this room?
[13:25:21] <louiz’> poezio
[13:27:02] <naw> Psi
[13:27:07] <Kev> Swift.
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[19:32:10] <pseudo> silverlight
[19:32:18] <pseudo> knock knock
[19:32:26] <louiz’> who's there?
[19:32:43] <pseudo> hello louiz
[19:32:55] <louiz’> hello louiz who?
[19:32:56] <pseudo> so have you tried this sdk?
[19:33:04] <louiz’> silverlight?
[19:33:06] <pseudo> oh my a bot
[19:33:21] <pseudo> silverlight what?
[19:33:25] <louiz’> nope, I thought you wanted to make a joke
[19:33:28] <louiz’> watwat
[19:33:32] <louiz’> 20:29:55 pseudo> silverlight
[19:33:32] <louiz’> 20:30:03 pseudo> knock knock
[19:33:36] <louiz’> silverlight wat
[19:34:09] <pseudo> ah ok...I just answer a question above...What clients are some....
[19:34:35] <louiz’> what clients are some what?
[19:34:42] <pseudo> so do u use this sdk already?
[19:34:56] <pseudo> that's a question from above thread ok :d
[19:35:12] <pseudo> that was from scott_onanski
[19:35:23] * GavYur left the chat.
[19:35:45] <pseudo> who's online pls raise your hand
[19:36:03] <louiz’> WHICH sdk?
[19:36:19] <pseudo> XMPP sdk :d
[19:37:21] <pseudo> gotta go..thanks
[19:37:52] <louiz’> euh, well, bye.
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