Logs for jabber
[00:00:48] * atheer3 joined the chat.
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[00:01:27] * vanburen35752 joined the chat.
[00:01:36] <vanburen35752> hi
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[00:31:26] * pierce27780 joined the chat.
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[00:47:10] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
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[00:53:44] * xnyhps left the chat.
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[01:17:27] * mpranj left the chat.
[01:23:41] * plugd joined the chat.
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[01:25:53] * plugd left the chat.
[01:28:31] * plugd joined the chat.
[01:29:24] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[01:29:44] * evilotto left the chat.
[01:30:02] <plugd> whois jabber@conference.jabber.org/Neustradamus
[01:30:07] * plugd left the chat.
[01:34:35] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[01:34:35] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[01:45:41] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[01:47:34] * Milan.in joined the chat.
[01:47:35] * Milan.in left the chat.
[01:55:39] * SteveG joined the chat.
[02:19:17] * SteveG left the chat.
[02:26:44] * SteveG joined the chat.
[02:42:47] * MattJ left the chat.
[02:57:20] * plugd joined the chat.
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[03:01:17] * treebilou left the chat.
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[03:03:33] * johnson21719 joined the chat.
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[03:08:17] * treebilou left the chat.
[03:10:16] * SteveG left the chat.
[03:11:16] * treebilou joined the chat.
[03:51:41] * washington53634 joined the chat.
[03:52:00] * washington53634 left the chat.
[04:22:01] * Rrjlove4 joined the chat.
[04:22:02] * Rrjlove4 left the chat.
[04:32:30] * rector joined the chat.
[04:32:49] <rector> test
[04:34:17] <rector> Hi all
q. How I can add my server to http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/servers/ list ?
My domain jabber.ms (openfire)
Chat Conference is work.
[04:36:28] * tgvaughan joined the chat.
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[04:42:30] <HedgeMage> rector: I think stpeter can do that, but you'll have to catch him when he's online.
[04:45:07] * the ♚ left the chat.
[04:50:29] <rector> stpeter ... can u plese told him mail or JID >?
[04:55:58] <rector> and btw did you know how to install xmpp-server-scanner-0.7.tar.gz <http://xmpp-server-scanner.googlecode.com/files/xmpp-server-scanner-0.7.tar.gz> on
[04:57:52] <rector> [root@host xmpp-server-scanner-0.7]# make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
[root@host xmpp-server-scanner-0.7]#
[04:58:00] <rector> or I must install python first
[04:58:20] <rector> but how exactly? yum install python and all ?
[05:14:33] * plugd joined the chat.
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[05:16:24] * rector left the chat.
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[06:26:38] * plugd joined the chat.
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[06:36:14] * harlock joined the chat.
[07:00:02] * plugd left the chat.
[07:00:09] * Vineethjk94 joined the chat.
[07:00:09] * Vineethjk94 left the chat.
[07:00:40] * Vineethjk94 joined the chat.
[07:01:10] * Vineethjk94 left the chat.
[07:10:15] * creation joined the chat.
[07:11:05] * Kamil joined the chat.
[07:12:53] * Kamil left the chat.
[07:12:57] * Kamil joined the chat.
[07:42:22] * harlock left the chat.
[07:42:51] * Holger left the chat.
[07:42:51] * Holger joined the chat.
[07:52:20] * atheer3 joined the chat.
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[07:53:15] * atheer3 joined the chat.
[07:54:31] * atheer3 left the chat.
[07:54:35] * atheer3 joined the chat.
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[08:25:06] * dkdilipbhikhan joined the chat.
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[08:33:38] * dkdilipbhikhan left the chat.
[08:41:44] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[09:00:32] * Spheerys joined the chat.
[09:00:37] * Spheerys left the chat.
[09:04:21] * Jabber.ms joined the chat.
[09:16:57] * Jabber.ms left the chat.
[09:17:01] * Jabber.ms joined the chat.
[09:17:33] <Jabber.ms> test
[09:17:45] <dwd> pass
[09:45:41] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[09:48:17] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[09:51:35] * Jabber.ms left the chat.
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[09:56:35] * Jabber.ms joined the chat.
[09:58:57] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[10:00:02] * sandy joined the chat.
[10:02:06] <sandy> hi all
[10:03:12] * sandy left the chat.
[10:08:19] * Nÿco left the chat.
[10:17:45] * harlock joined the chat.
[10:44:21] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[10:44:45] * Jabber.ms left the chat.
[11:09:40] * dkdilipbhikhan joined the chat.
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[11:09:47] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[11:13:38] * dkdilipbhikhan joined the chat.
[11:14:39] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[11:20:29] * Tobias joined the chat.
[11:23:41] * dkdilipbhikhan left the chat.
[11:46:32] * niekie joined the chat.
[11:48:41] * reagan36281 joined the chat.
[11:54:09] * Tobias left the chat.
[11:54:39] * reagan36281 left the chat.
[12:02:25] * naw joined the chat.
[12:11:33] * niekie left the chat.
[12:28:12] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[12:58:50] * Nÿco left the chat.
[13:02:52] * harlock left the chat.
[13:03:52] * creation left the chat.
[13:03:58] * harlock joined the chat.
[13:18:30] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[13:21:45] * Nÿco left the chat.
[13:22:57] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[13:28:24] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[13:29:02] * the ♚ left the chat.
[13:29:14] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[13:55:51] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[14:04:35] * harlock left the chat.
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[14:09:05] * mpranj joined the chat.
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[14:13:51] * thasim25m joined the chat.
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[14:24:47] * Kamil left the chat.
[14:26:54] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[14:27:49] * simon joined the chat.
[14:28:00] <simon> Greetings Jabber wizards of the west!
[14:28:37] <simon> Can somebody point me to a XEP that would be useful for writing client plugins and transmitting data between them?
[14:28:51] <dwd> You're best off asking in jdev@.
[14:49:04] * simon left the chat.
[14:51:54] * harlock left the chat.
[15:02:04] * MattJ joined the chat.
[15:08:04] * BeardedMandolin left the chat.
[15:33:37] * niek@bergnetworks.com joined the chat.
[15:34:29] * xnyhps left the chat.
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[15:41:04] * simon joined the chat.
[15:42:43] * mpranj left the chat.
[15:48:33] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[15:55:14] * obama18591 joined the chat.
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[16:22:36] * Z_God joined the chat.
[16:53:31] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[16:57:06] * marseille_ joined the chat.
[17:01:24] * simon left the chat.
[17:14:42] * misha joined the chat.
[17:16:00] * evilotto joined the chat.
[17:21:13] * simon joined the chat.
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[17:48:33] * Z_God left the chat.
[17:52:44] * simon joined the chat.
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[17:57:09] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[18:20:32] * MattJ left the chat.
[18:32:24] * Kamil joined the chat.
[18:34:09] * Nÿco left the chat.
[18:46:10] * marseille_ left the chat.
[19:01:43] * simon joined the chat.
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[19:04:09] * SteveG joined the chat.
[19:06:13] * SteveG left the chat.
[19:06:24] * SteveG joined the chat.
[19:10:40] * Z_God joined the chat.
[19:14:28] * Tobias joined the chat.
[19:24:12] * niek@bergnetworks.com left the chat.
[19:24:14] * obama63146 joined the chat.
[19:24:59] <obama63146> test
[19:25:45] <obama63146> hi all
[19:27:37] <obama63146> i'm trying to connect to icq from a jabber client. i entered my icq# as username, my password and tried f.e. icq.jabber.bluendo.com
as server. but somehow, this doesnt work...
[19:27:45] <obama63146> am i doing sth wrong?
[19:30:01] * johnson33762 joined the chat.
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[19:35:58] * Tobias left the chat.
[19:36:05] * madison3904 joined the chat.
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[19:36:20] * Tobias joined the chat.
[19:36:37] * Tobias_ joined the chat.
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[19:36:39] * Tobias__ joined the chat.
[19:38:03] * Tobias left the chat.
[19:38:03] * Tobias__ left the chat.
[19:38:10] * Tobias__ joined the chat.
[19:38:19] * Tobias joined the chat.
[20:16:48] * Z_God left the chat.
[20:17:10] * obama63146 left the chat.
[20:27:05] * MattJ joined the chat.
[20:54:35] * Z_God joined the chat.
[21:10:43] * Tobias__ left the chat.
[21:10:44] * Tobias left the chat.
[21:15:57] * Tobias joined the chat.
[21:32:30] * Kamil left the chat.
[21:50:31] * Tobias left the chat.
[21:54:20] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[21:56:24] * Tobias joined the chat.
[22:05:59] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[23:11:46] * mpranj joined the chat.
[23:22:45] * Mouhand joined the chat.
[23:23:08] <Mouhand> هاي
[23:32:54] * Mouhand left the chat.
[23:48:46] * atheer3 joined the chat.
[23:48:47] * atheer3 left the chat.
[23:49:58] * atheer3 joined the chat.
[23:50:24] * atheer3 left the chat.