Logs for jabber
[00:23:59] * mpranj left the chat.
[00:35:08] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[01:01:31] * naw left the chat.
[01:07:44] * HedgeMage left the chat.
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[01:22:52] * HedgeMage left the chat.
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[02:13:03] * the ♚ left the chat.
[02:54:59] * FattyAcid joined the chat.
[02:55:09] * FattyAcid left the chat.
[03:34:42] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[04:24:48] * truman56112 joined the chat.
[04:24:58] * truman56112 left the chat.
[05:17:51] * GavYur joined the chat.
[05:28:39] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[05:28:56] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[05:34:44] * GavYur left the chat.
[06:02:18] * mahdieh.saeed joined the chat.
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[06:02:35] * HedgeMage left the chat.
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[06:07:23] * mahdieh.saeed joined the chat.
[06:39:05] * GavYur joined the chat.
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[07:05:44] * harlock joined the chat.
[07:26:10] * creation joined the chat.
[07:40:10] * GavYur left the chat.
[07:40:10] * GavYur joined the chat.
[08:18:33] * smartamitjangra joined the chat.
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[08:36:45] * Tobias joined the chat.
[08:40:34] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[09:00:32] * naw joined the chat.
[09:22:54] * mpranj joined the chat.
[09:24:38] * alice joined the chat.
[09:31:35] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[09:43:23] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[09:55:36] * mpranj left the chat.
[10:02:29] * mpranj joined the chat.
[10:09:58] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[10:30:27] * mpranj left the chat.
[10:35:01] * mpranj joined the chat.
[10:40:57] * Tobias left the chat.
[10:47:49] * umans joined the chat.
[10:48:21] <umans> hi
[10:49:40] <louiz’> hi
[10:52:24] * umans left the chat.
[10:58:30] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[10:59:00] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[11:21:22] * Tobias joined the chat.
[11:25:02] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[11:25:31] * the ♚ left the chat.
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[12:05:00] * mpranj left the chat.
[12:05:51] * mpranj joined the chat.
[12:06:45] * mpranj left the chat.
[12:10:06] * umans joined the chat.
[12:11:33] <umans> how to store cutom data on xmpp server? can anyone guide me about this?
[12:12:42] <umans> anyone?
[12:14:25] <umans> I think room topic should be chage to sleeping room:-)
[12:14:54] <louiz’> :-)
[12:15:02] <Kev> http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0049.html
[12:15:09] * umans left the chat.
[12:15:50] * umans joined the chat.
[12:16:04] <umans> thanks a lot kev:
[12:16:11] <Kev> np
[12:22:15] * umans left the chat.
[12:44:06] * alice left the chat.
[12:44:10] * alice joined the chat.
[12:44:26] * alice left the chat.
[12:45:30] * the ♚ left the chat.
[12:50:34] * Thafseers joined the chat.
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[12:52:01] * alice joined the chat.
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[12:57:18] * mpranj joined the chat.
[13:00:13] * BeardedMandolin joined the chat.
[13:00:41] * mpranj left the chat.
[13:00:57] * mpranj joined the chat.
[13:07:24] * mpranj left the chat.
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[13:19:54] * Tobias left the chat.
[13:20:17] * Tobias joined the chat.
[13:35:01] * mpranj left the chat.
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[13:59:05] * perezomail joined the chat.
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[14:04:29] * perezomail joined the chat.
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[14:11:37] * arthur60698 joined the chat.
[14:12:00] <arthur60698> hello everybody
[14:12:34] * mahdieh.saeed left the chat.
[14:13:00] <arthur60698> i have a problem sending a message by XMPP protocol from java program
[14:13:11] <arthur60698> anybody?
[14:15:54] * WarmAndSunnyDay joined the chat.
[14:16:03] <naw> what problem?
[14:16:20] <WarmAndSunnyDay> 1 second
[14:16:33] * arthur60698 left the chat.
[14:17:00] <WarmAndSunnyDay> i have an account on jabber.RU
[14:17:30] <WarmAndSunnyDay> but when i try to connect to it? i have error messange No response from server
[14:17:55] <WarmAndSunnyDay> when i use jabber.ORG? message is : "SASL authentication failed using mechanism DIGEST-MD5"
[14:18:04] <WarmAndSunnyDay> when i use jabber.ORG message is : "SASL authentication failed using mechanism DIGEST-MD5"
[14:18:29] <WarmAndSunnyDay> what server must i use and what does this error means?
[14:18:50] <Kev> WarmAndSunnyDay: If you're writing your own code, you should be testing it against your own server, not against public servers.
[14:19:21] <WarmAndSunnyDay> but there are many examples with jabber.org
[14:19:42] <WarmAndSunnyDay> i use java library called smack
[14:19:45] <Kev> But the error you're getting is exactly what it says on the tin, auth is failing, and you're using the DIGEST-MD5 mechanism.
[14:23:09] <WarmAndSunnyDay> can i make a program which will send messages to any server?
[14:23:17] <WarmAndSunnyDay> like miranda or qip?
[14:23:33] <WarmAndSunnyDay> without connecting to each server
[14:23:57] <WarmAndSunnyDay> sory for my english)
[14:24:05] <WarmAndSunnyDay> sorry*
[14:24:43] <Kev> You can send a message to any server from any server - like email.
[14:25:54] <naw> if you are user1@server1 and want to send to user2@server2, the process is user1 -> server1 -> server2 -> user2
[14:29:35] <WarmAndSunnyDay> i just can't find any example of connecting to jabber.RU, only ORG. when i'm trying to connect to it from my program it's
not responding. Maybe all accounts stores on jabber.ORG?
[14:31:27] <naw> no
[14:31:34] <naw> servers are independient
[14:31:53] <naw> you need an account opn that server to be able to connect
[14:31:57] <naw> *on
[14:32:36] <naw> and the account is stored on the server where you created it
[14:33:49] <naw> some servers allow account creation through the jabber/xmpp client, some only through their website and some doesn't allow
new users
[14:36:22] <WarmAndSunnyDay> ok, i'll try to get help on russian jabber site. thanks
[14:36:46] * WarmAndSunnyDay left the chat.
[14:41:42] * treebilou left the chat.
[14:49:24] * Tobias left the chat.
[14:51:42] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[15:00:00] * harlock left the chat.
[16:06:46] * aslan83 joined the chat.
[16:06:47] * aslan83 left the chat.
[16:12:06] * Z_God joined the chat.
[16:23:36] * GavYur left the chat.
[16:31:49] * alice left the chat.
[16:44:50] * treebilou joined the chat.
[16:45:43] * treebilou left the chat.
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[17:00:34] * subha88ghosh joined the chat.
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[17:11:09] * Tobias joined the chat.
[17:12:00] * Nÿco left the chat.
[17:24:02] * mpranj left the chat.
[17:32:32] * stpeter joined the chat.
[17:42:09] * Alialtmemys joined the chat.
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[17:48:17] * Tobias left the chat.
[17:54:58] * alice joined the chat.
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[17:55:58] * ali206 joined the chat.
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[18:11:16] * kf joined the chat.
[18:25:59] * naw left the chat.
[18:26:14] * evilotto joined the chat.
[18:36:53] * alice joined the chat.
[18:54:35] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[18:57:51] * Tobias joined the chat.
[19:07:41] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[19:10:14] * mpranj joined the chat.
[19:45:53] * jamal.alghazal joined the chat.
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[19:51:15] * creation left the chat.
[20:15:40] * kf left the chat.
[21:04:42] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[21:09:21] * obama14979 joined the chat.
[21:12:15] * obama14979 left the chat.
[21:15:33] * alice left the chat.
[21:26:27] * Link Mauve left the chat.
[21:26:48] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[21:49:41] * mpranj left the chat.
[22:10:13] * naw joined the chat.
[22:11:23] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[22:12:24] * louiz’ left the chat.
[22:13:52] * louiz’ joined the chat.
[22:22:04] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[22:22:37] * the ♚ left the chat.
[22:22:51] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[22:31:25] * Z_God left the chat.
[22:55:56] * Tanguy left the chat.
[23:26:52] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[23:29:29] * a.l.k.a.h.r. joined the chat.
[23:30:50] * a.l.k.a.h.r. left the chat.
[23:35:16] * stpeter left the chat.
[23:35:58] * Tanguy joined the chat.
[23:36:18] * Tobias left the chat.
[23:38:03] * mpranj joined the chat.
[23:49:53] * mpranj left the chat.