Logs for jabber
[05:43:23] * mpranj joined the chat.
[05:55:12] * mpranj left the chat.
[06:00:33] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[06:03:49] * marseille joined the chat.
[06:10:02] * broken_boy joined the chat.
[06:12:46] <broken_boy> stpeter: *hi*
[06:12:48] * Holger left the chat.
[06:12:59] * broken_boy left the chat.
[06:27:41] * mpranj joined the chat.
[06:50:39] * niekie left the chat.
[07:31:26] * mpranj left the chat.
[07:49:32] * mpranj joined the chat.
[07:57:00] * dwd left the chat.
[08:00:41] * Tanguy joined the chat.
[08:02:05] * Mati joined the chat.
[08:04:54] * Mati left the chat.
[08:08:23] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[08:08:32] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[08:10:00] * Mati joined the chat.
[08:14:57] * kf joined the chat.
[08:14:58] * Tobias joined the chat.
[08:17:52] * Mati left the chat.
[08:23:32] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[08:32:11] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[08:36:45] * jackson11760 joined the chat.
[08:39:18] * roosevelt49964 joined the chat.
[08:39:35] * jackson11760 left the chat.
[08:43:11] * roosevelt49964 left the chat.
[08:45:18] * tyler18644 joined the chat.
[08:46:31] * tyler18644 left the chat.
[09:01:22] * marseille left the chat.
[09:01:24] * marseille joined the chat.
[09:02:16] * arthur41611 joined the chat.
[09:02:48] <arthur41611> hi
[09:02:50] <arthur41611> hi
[09:02:56] <arthur41611> Hello
[09:03:15] <arthur41611> how i am srthur
[09:03:26] <arthur41611> How i am arthur
[09:03:30] <arthur41611> who named me in this way???
[09:03:36] <arthur41611> i am sunit
[09:03:40] <arthur41611> from north east india
[09:04:03] <arthur41611> Hello all
[09:04:20] <arthur41611> WHo created jabber
[09:04:29] <arthur41611> its great
[09:04:33] <arthur41611> and its free
[09:04:57] * arthur41611 left the chat.
[09:17:06] <kf> Good bye arthur41611 !
[09:27:31] * alice joined the chat.
[09:36:03] * Mati joined the chat.
[09:38:03] * Mati left the chat.
[09:43:53] * guest11 joined the chat.
[09:49:26] <guest11> how do you intially connect to any jabbe server?
[09:49:39] <guest11> which port do clients like psi and tkabber use to connect to any jabber server
[09:51:09] * marseille left the chat.
[09:51:43] * treebilou joined the chat.
[09:55:14] * guest11 left the chat.
[09:58:35] <Tanguy> The xmpp-client port is usually 5222.
[09:58:37] <Tanguy> But some servers can use another one.
[10:09:42] * mpranj left the chat.
[10:11:56] * Mati joined the chat.
[10:15:21] * Mati left the chat.
[10:30:18] * guest11 joined the chat.
[10:30:51] <guest11> when i use telnet to connect to the server on port 5222 doesnt work
[10:31:10] <guest11> but when i use the tkabber client it works
[10:32:26] * guest11 left the chat.
[10:35:02] * mpranj joined the chat.
[10:37:13] <Tanguy> What do you mean by “does not work”?
[10:41:10] * jprieur joined the chat.
[10:41:10] * jprieur left the chat.
[10:45:45] * Tobias left the chat.
[11:04:32] * Mati joined the chat.
[11:06:14] * marseille joined the chat.
[11:11:06] * Mati left the chat.
[11:11:06] * Mati joined the chat.
[11:11:13] * alice_ joined the chat.
[11:35:20] * naw joined the chat.
[11:56:53] * Mati left the chat.
[12:00:38] * alice_ left the chat.
[12:03:58] * Mati joined the chat.
[12:06:56] * Mati left the chat.
[12:14:58] * Mati joined the chat.
[12:25:24] * Mati left the chat.
[12:25:45] * Mati joined the chat.
[12:32:30] * mpranj left the chat.
[12:42:23] * Tobias joined the chat.
[12:50:13] * mpranj joined the chat.
[13:39:10] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[13:54:21] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[13:54:22] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[14:04:07] * Mati left the chat.
[14:08:01] * mpranj left the chat.
[14:15:58] * Tobias left the chat.
[14:17:59] * kf left the chat.
[14:19:10] * Tobias joined the chat.
[14:22:08] * marseille left the chat.
[14:35:27] * adams22531 joined the chat.
[14:35:52] * adams22531 left the chat.
[15:01:53] * Mati joined the chat.
[15:06:57] * niekie joined the chat.
[15:08:05] * nixon24867 joined the chat.
[15:08:55] * nixon24867 left the chat.
[15:10:43] * Mati left the chat.
[15:10:44] * Mati joined the chat.
[15:39:17] * marseille joined the chat.
[15:43:22] * naw left the chat.
[15:45:47] * Duuuark joined the chat.
[15:52:35] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[15:54:14] * marseille left the chat.
[15:54:22] * Tobias left the chat.
[16:13:47] * marseille joined the chat.
[16:16:22] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[16:19:37] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[16:20:00] * Z_God joined the chat.
[16:42:20] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[16:44:52] * Sanek. joined the chat.
[16:47:51] * kf joined the chat.
[16:48:30] * naw joined the chat.
[16:49:12] * naw left the chat.
[16:49:18] * Sanek. left the chat.
[16:49:21] * Tobias joined the chat.
[17:22:55] * Sanek. joined the chat.
[17:29:00] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[17:33:33] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[17:51:45] * Sanek. left the chat.
[18:04:13] * marseille left the chat.
[18:04:15] * marseille joined the chat.
[18:07:06] * alice left the chat.
[18:08:09] * mpranj joined the chat.
[18:16:31] * debio264 joined the chat.
[18:16:31] * debio264 left the chat.
[18:18:29] * debio264 joined the chat.
[18:18:40] * debio264 left the chat.
[18:19:04] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[18:19:56] * debio264 joined the chat.
[18:20:07] * debio264 left the chat.
[18:20:29] * Mati left the chat.
[18:20:30] * debio264 joined the chat.
[18:23:56] * debio264 left the chat.
[18:24:09] * debio264 joined the chat.
[18:24:09] * debio264 left the chat.
[18:24:36] * debio264 joined the chat.
[18:24:36] * debio264 left the chat.
[18:27:48] * debio@jabber.org/Meebo joined the chat.
[18:28:02] <debio@jabber.org/Meebo> hello?
[18:28:02] * Nÿco left the chat.
[18:28:07] <debio@jabber.org/Meebo> hrmmm
[18:28:20] <debio@jabber.org/Meebo> does anyone know why Google Talk doesn't seem to get along with this server?
[18:29:04] * debio264@gmail.com/Meebo joined the chat.
[18:29:05] * debio264@gmail.com/Meebo left the chat.
[18:29:13] * debio264@gmail.com/Meebo joined the chat.
[18:29:13] * debio264@gmail.com/Meebo left the chat.
[18:29:36] <debio@jabber.org/Meebo> yea, seems broken
[18:29:37] * debio264 joined the chat.
[18:29:37] * debio264 left the chat.
[18:30:07] <debio@jabber.org/Meebo> I keep getting the chat history repeated over and over, but I seem to disconnect every few seconds
[18:30:13] <debio@jabber.org/Meebo> doesn't matter what client I use
[18:34:19] * kf left the chat.
[18:34:38] * debio264 joined the chat.
[18:38:14] <debio264> hello?
[18:38:25] <debio@jabber.org/Meebo> and... now it works
[18:38:27] <debio@jabber.org/Meebo> I give up
[18:38:41] <debio@jabber.org/Meebo> /nick debio
[18:38:44] <debio@jabber.org/Meebo> hrmmmmm
[18:39:18] * debio@jabber.org/Meebo left the chat.
[18:39:43] <debio264> wait
[18:39:43] * debio264 left the chat.
[18:40:15] * debio264 joined the chat.
[18:40:15] * debio264 left the chat.
[18:43:18] * debio264 joined the chat.
[18:43:28] <debio264> test?
[18:43:34] <debio264> and... now it's working?
[18:43:37] <debio264> sadness
[18:43:50] <debio264> does anyone know why GTalk seems not to like the MUCs here?
[18:43:59] <debio264> it periodically starts disconnecting and reconnecting
[18:44:39] <zanchin> debio264, there have been periodic problems with google talk and jabber.org in the past
[18:48:45] <debio264> zanchin: I'd say they've returned :(
[18:48:57] <debio264> I don't really see any errors, my client just seems to disconnect and reconnect
[18:49:14] <debio264> which I assume means that my client isn't really reconnecting, the GTalk server is
[18:49:16] <debio264> ?
[18:51:14] <zanchin> you mean disconnecting from the MUC?
[18:57:00] * treebilou left the chat.
[18:59:11] * treebilou joined the chat.
[19:00:03] * Mati joined the chat.
[19:04:19] * Mati left the chat.
[19:04:19] * Mati joined the chat.
[19:06:43] * Duuuark left the chat.
[19:13:36] * Maranda joined the chat.
[19:51:51] * Ravi1983sagar joined the chat.
[19:51:51] * Ravi1983sagar left the chat.
[19:54:17] * danielpereira joined the chat.
[19:54:47] <danielpereira> Can someone help me?
[19:54:57] * Ravi1983sagar joined the chat.
[19:55:13] <danielpereira> I'm havving problems while logging in with my main account
[19:55:47] <danielpereira> Every time that I try to login with my main account I get this error:
[19:56:36] * coward33928 joined the chat.
[19:56:37] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[19:56:49] * coward33928 left the chat.
[19:57:36] <danielpereira> Invalid authzid
[19:58:15] <danielpereira> Gaim will not attempt to reconnnet the account until you correct the error and re-enable the account
[19:58:22] <danielpereira> So, can someone help me?
[20:01:44] <Ravi1983sagar> A
[20:06:08] * Ravi1983sagar left the chat.
[20:06:12] * Ravi1983sagar joined the chat.
[20:06:12] * Ravi1983sagar left the chat.
[20:07:50] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[20:09:11] * Ravi1983sagar joined the chat.
[20:10:34] <debio264> zanchin: I assume so
[20:11:01] <debio264> zanchin: there are no errors on my side, and Pidgin doesn't even seem to be aware that I'm disconnecting and reconnecting,
but every so often the topic and history will be resent
[20:11:10] <debio264> and messages will randomly start dropping
[20:13:13] * Ravi1983sagar left the chat.
[20:16:37] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[20:24:05] <zanchin> debio264, maybe the s2s connection between gtalk and jabber.org is dropping out
[20:29:33] <debio264> zanchin: it does seem that way
[20:33:53] * guest11 joined the chat.
[20:34:04] <guest11> hi
[20:34:57] <guest11> which is the other chatroom for jabber chat?
[20:39:26] <zanchin> guest11, you mean jdev?
[20:40:46] <guest11> yea
[20:40:59] <Mati> guest11, he probably means discuss@conference.jabber.org, right?
[20:41:28] * jkhii joined the chat.
[20:41:46] <guest11> how can you be sure that i am a he or she
[20:41:46] <guest11> ..
[20:42:04] * guest11 left the chat.
[20:42:23] * danielpereira left the chat.
[21:35:19] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[21:40:34] * Mati left the chat.
[21:42:55] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[21:52:16] * Mati joined the chat.
[21:55:09] * mpranj left the chat.
[22:04:55] * Maranda left the chat.
[22:12:47] * Z_God left the chat.
[22:21:09] * evilotto joined the chat.
[22:26:07] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[22:41:14] * Mati left the chat.
[23:13:42] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[23:32:29] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[23:51:27] * jkhii left the chat.
[00:13:28] * evilotto left the chat.
[00:13:29] * whatever left the chat.
[00:13:30] * whatever joined the chat.
[00:35:37] * Tobias left the chat.
[01:24:04] * madison61736 joined the chat.
[01:24:30] <madison61736> good morning
[01:24:36] * madison61736 in now known as six.
[01:24:45] <six> that's better
[01:26:15] <six> /me has been working with irc since the 80s. Feeling confused about a lot of xmpp schtuff
[01:26:29] <six> this must be what windows users feel like the first time they use linux
[01:27:12] <six> wondering where to find things like technical or dev chat channels
[01:27:24] <six> though still confused about many basic things
[01:27:28] <six> for example...
[01:27:38] <six> I am using the lovely psi client
[01:28:32] <six> very confused how to figure out what mucs are available on a server I am connected to
[01:40:04] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[02:27:00] * marseille left the chat.
[02:50:41] * treebilou left the chat.
[02:51:35] * six left the chat.
[04:02:14] * yob joined the chat.
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[04:09:39] * yob joined the chat.
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