Logs for jabber
[05:36:18] * Creation joined the chat.
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[07:19:24] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[07:39:56] * evilotto left the chat.
[07:54:19] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
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[08:13:33] * Holger left the chat.
[08:15:03] * Tobias joined the chat.
[08:17:16] * Mati left the chat.
[08:25:07] <niekie> Hello :)
[08:25:15] * treebilou joined the chat.
[08:25:21] * Nÿco left the chat.
[08:29:07] <naw> hey
[08:36:11] * Mati joined the chat.
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[11:18:43] * Nÿco joined the chat.
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[12:01:24] * Mati joined the chat.
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[14:52:37] <kk> hello
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[14:53:40] <Nÿco> hi
[14:54:41] * Mati joined the chat.
[15:04:54] * marseille left the chat.
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[15:40:27] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
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[16:01:33] * evilotto joined the chat.
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[16:34:28] * coledav2 joined the chat.
[16:35:24] <coledav2> can anyone help me figure out how to affiliate a member in a group chat? seems like something has changed
[16:36:21] <coledav2> i used to use "/affiliate <user> member"
[16:37:41] <naw> try with /help
[16:37:50] <naw> maybe that will give you a hint
[16:38:42] <coledav2> jabber.org
[16:38:53] <coledav2> it keeps giving me this error. Unknown affiliation: ""
[16:41:08] <Kev> I don't know what client you're using, but can you see what XML it's sending?
[16:41:44] <coledav2> i'm using pidgin on windows.
[16:42:52] <Kev> Ok, you want to enable the debug console plugin then, or something like that.
[16:43:11] <coledav2> this is the feedback from the console.
[16:43:28] <coledav2> <message from='jabber@conference.jabber.org/Kev' to='coledav2@jabber.org/d2eecbfce54babc4' type='groupchat'>
<body>Ok, you want to enable the debug console plugin then, or something like that.</body>
[16:43:33] <coledav2> "<message from='jabber@conference.jabber.org/Kev' to='coledav2@jabber.org/d2eecbfce54babc4' type='groupchat'>
<body>Ok, you want to enable the debug console plugin then, or something like that.</body>
[16:43:49] <coledav2> sorry, hang on
[16:47:09] <coledav2> i think the console is not giving feedback for the other room
[16:47:45] <coledav2> i have progressed to a new error message though. Unable to affiliate user mprice as "member"
[16:48:00] <MattJ> Are you the owner or admin of the room?
[16:48:04] <coledav2> yes
[16:49:24] <Kev> Sounds like it's doing it by nick rather than by jid
[16:49:37] <coledav2> ok, let me try
[16:50:15] <coledav2> yeah! i think that was it!
[16:50:24] <coledav2> thanks for the help
[16:50:50] <coledav2> i tried before, but the syntax order was changed
[16:52:05] <coledav2> very nice of you. thanks all for your help. have a good one
[16:52:08] * coledav2 left the chat.
[16:54:22] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[17:05:39] * Duuuark left the chat.
[17:22:32] * stpeter joined the chat.
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[17:23:49] * Z_God joined the chat.
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[18:16:55] * Mati left the chat.
[18:51:23] * Mati joined the chat.
[18:53:42] * Creation left the chat.
[18:58:33] * tinus joined the chat.
[18:59:52] * Sanek. joined the chat.
[19:00:28] * tinus left the chat.
[19:03:06] * Mati left the chat.
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[19:10:30] * broken_boy joined the chat.
[19:10:58] <broken_boy> hiiiiiiii
[19:10:58] * Nÿco left the chat.
[19:11:59] <broken_boy> hello
[19:12:23] * treebilou left the chat.
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[19:15:35] * broken_boy joined the chat.
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[19:15:39] * broken_boy joined the chat.
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[19:15:42] * broken_boy joined the chat.
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[19:15:48] * broken_boy joined the chat.
[19:15:48] * broken_boy left the chat.
[19:15:54] * broken_boy joined the chat.
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[19:15:56] * broken_boy joined the chat.
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[19:15:59] * broken_boy joined the chat.
[19:17:27] <broken_boy> :$
[19:17:30] * broken_boy left the chat.
[19:22:51] * broken_boy joined the chat.
[19:23:44] * marseille left the chat.
[19:24:29] <broken_boy> jabber@conference.jabber.org:d
[19:24:55] <broken_boy> Nigel:p
[19:25:22] <broken_boy> Any body here?
[19:26:07] <broken_boy> 8(
[19:26:22] <Nigel> ?
[19:28:18] <broken_boy> Hi nigel
[19:32:37] <broken_boy> Nigel:d
[19:33:25] <Nigel> what?
[19:35:42] <broken_boy> yuppinturic:p
[19:36:53] <broken_boy> Nigel: u there?
[19:37:47] <broken_boy> ∞:d
[19:38:13] <broken_boy> the ♚: *RABBIT*
[19:38:28] * kf joined the chat.
[19:39:19] <broken_boy> kf: welcome
[19:40:15] <kf> thanks
[19:46:31] <broken_boy> kf: there?
[19:46:36] <kf> yep
[19:46:43] <kf> why ?
[19:47:40] <broken_boy> *HELP*
[19:47:49] * broken_boy left the chat.
[19:47:56] * broken_boy joined the chat.
[19:48:32] <kf> What about hlp?
[19:50:02] <broken_boy> kf: i want scripts
[19:50:27] <kf> ??
[19:50:42] <kf> There are plenty on the internet!
[19:51:13] <broken_boy> I want room create script
[19:51:30] <naw> a bot?
[19:51:44] <kf> You can use ruby
[19:52:03] <kf> I don't no the exact package which is required...
[19:52:05] <broken_boy> Ruby wat?
[19:52:16] <kf> You can use also python
[19:52:55] <kf> You can use also python,
those are the 2 scripting langages, best suitable 4 the task you want:
[19:53:18] <broken_boy> Ok wer i find this python?
[19:54:39] <kf> from ruby using xmpp4r gem or module
[19:55:00] <kf> python is on everu debian GNU/Linux system....
[19:55:56] <broken_boy> X-.
[19:56:09] <kf> from the console, with the prompt of a shell like bash or zsh, you type :
mba@mba-thinkt40:~$ python --version
Python 2.6.2
[19:56:13] <broken_boy> Tx buddy
[19:56:53] <broken_boy> Aha
[19:57:01] <kf> python
Python 2.6.2 (release26-maint, Apr 19 2009, 01:56:41)
[GCC 4.3.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
[19:57:38] <kf> But in python, I don't know how to find the good library, which ease the task you need/want...
[19:57:39] <broken_boy> Buddy i am tokin abt jabber scripts
[19:58:11] <MattJ> Why do you need a script to create a room?
[19:58:26] <kf> which I don't know either.... what's the difference ?
[19:59:25] <kf> sorry, must go out.... will try to
[19:59:36] <broken_boy> MattJ: i wnt to create same anonymouse room on another jabber server
[19:59:58] * kf left the chat.
[20:00:42] <broken_boy> kf:d pythons fan
[20:01:09] * wilson25885 joined the chat.
[20:01:23] <broken_boy> wilson25885: wc
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[20:03:47] <broken_boy> <iq to="indians@conference.jabber.org" type="set" id="muc_owner"><query xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#owner"><x xmlns="jabber:x:data"
type="submit"><field var="FORM_TYPE" type="hidden"><value>http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig</value></field><field
var="muc#roomconfig_roomname" type="text-single"><value>Jabber masters</value></field><field var="muc#roomconfig_roomdesc"
type="text-single"><value>Join chat for fun!</value></field><field var="muc#roomconfig_publicroom" type="boolean"><value>1</value></field><field
var="muc#roomconfig_moderatedroom" type="boolean"><value>1</value></field><field var="muc#roomconfig_membersonly" type="boolean"><value>0</value></field><field
var="muc#roomconfig_roomsecret" type="text-single"><value></value></field><field var="muc#roomconfig_persistentroom" type="boolean"><value>1</value></field><field
var="muc#roomconfig_whois" type="list-single"><value>none</value></field><field var="x-isode#roomconfig_invite" type="list-single"><value>anyone</value></field><field
var="x-isode#roomconfig_privmsg" type="list-single"><value>anyone</value></field><field var="x-isode#roomconfig_vcards" type="boolean"><value>0</value></field><field
var="muc#roomconfig_changesubject" type="boolean"><value>0</value></field><field var="x-isode#roomconfig_history_length" type="text-single"><value>20</value></field><field
var="x-isode#roomconfig_history_clear" type="boolean"><value>0</value></field><field var="x-isode#roomconfig_pass_any" type="boolean"><value>1</value></field><field
var="x-isode#roomconfig_pass_html" type="boolean"><value>1</value></field></x></query></iq>
[20:04:25] <broken_boy> Matt?
[20:04:41] <Kev> You can configure that with your XMPP client.
[20:04:46] <Kev> No need for a script.
[20:05:40] <broken_boy> Kev: bt i wnt to create on another server nt here
[20:05:54] <Kev> You can still do that with your XMPP client.
[20:06:10] <Kev> And if the particular client you use doesn't support MUC admin, grab Psi which certainly does.
[20:06:34] <broken_boy> Kev: ok
[20:07:27] <broken_boy> Kev:d bs some servers doest allow such chat rooms wer jid is nt visible
[20:09:09] <Kev> Well, fully anonymous rooms are a bad idea, indeed.
[20:09:18] <Kev> But almost all servers will allow semi-anonymous rooms.
[20:11:03] <broken_boy> Kev:ok plz genrate 1 semi-annymouse room and gv me i will try it
[20:11:26] <Kev> You can do such a thing yourself, just reconfigure the room with your client.
[20:11:28] <naw> broken_boy: just join a room that doesn't exist
[20:11:34] <naw> the room will be created
[20:16:53] * broken_boy left the chat.
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[20:25:12] <broken_boy> *hi*
[20:27:02] * Duuuark left the chat.
[20:27:37] * brokenboy joined the chat.
[20:28:42] <brokenboy> » Error: forbidden
[20:29:30] <naw> brokenwhen do you see that error?
[20:29:43] <naw> brokenboy: when do you see that error?
[20:30:42] <brokenboy> wen i tried to change room subject
[20:32:51] <naw> and you were the admin of that room?
[20:33:09] <brokenboy> Ok tell all xmpp servers are same?
[20:34:32] <brokenboy> » naw> and you were the admin of that room?
[20:35:08] * buchanan44050 joined the chat.
[20:35:18] <naw> rooms can be configured to only allow admins to change the topic/subject
[20:35:42] * buchanan44050 left the chat.
[20:35:43] <naw> and I guess that all xmpp servers have that option
[20:35:56] <brokenboy> naw: but nimbuzz allows
[20:36:55] * aleksandar.ludajic\40jabber.org joined the chat.
[20:38:17] <brokenboy> naw: many ppl stole chat rooms there is it jabber rooms unsafe?
[20:38:32] <naw> nimbuzz allows to change the room of the same room?
[20:38:49] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[20:39:13] <naw> stole? you mean that someone lost his admin position and others took it?
[20:39:28] <brokenboy> naw: ya
[20:39:35] * aleksandar.ludajic\40jabber.org left the chat.
[20:39:58] <stpeter> brokenboy: and what room is this?
[20:40:14] <naw> and the room was configured as a permanent (non-temporary) room?
[20:40:58] <brokenboy> naw: no its created then unlocked
[20:42:19] <naw> unlocked?
[20:42:34] <stpeter> naw: right, that means people can enter the room
[20:43:09] <Kev> Although lots of servers have bugs where rooms are created unlocked.
[20:43:13] <naw> oh
[20:43:19] <brokenboy> No dat was public room
[20:44:04] <naw> you mean that when you create the room, you get the config form, and while you fill it the room is locke
[20:44:05] <naw> d
[20:44:12] <Kev> naw: Correct.
[20:45:26] <brokenboy> Ya when i filled form and press ok it unlocked
[20:46:25] <stpeter> brokenboy: it sounds like that worked as designed -- what is the problem?
[20:46:27] * broken_boy left the chat.
[20:47:50] <brokenboy> .
[20:49:29] <brokenboy> stpeter: bt some 1 stole it how it is possible?
[20:49:54] <stpeter> um
[20:50:00] <stpeter> it's not clear that someone "stole" it
[20:50:04] <stpeter> or what "it: is
[20:50:07] <stpeter> a room on this server?
[20:50:09] <Mati> stpeter, sorry, I reply-to-failed ;-)
[20:50:17] <stpeter> hi Mati
[20:50:38] <Kev> stpeter: I have heard various complaints about Nimbuzz MUCs before.
[20:50:41] <Mati> I think that list must be the only one I'm on that sets that header
[20:51:05] <Mati> Kev, stpeter, nimbuzz is blocked on an IP-level on my server because it was used as spam-gatewa
[20:51:08] <stpeter> Kev: that does not shock me
[20:51:08] <Mati> gateway
[20:51:20] <brokenboy> May U guys dnt able to help becoz its another server
[20:51:41] <stpeter> brokenboy: in general we can't help with other servers, but we can poke the admins of those servers
[20:51:42] <Kev> brokenboy: Indeed, we have no control over the Nimbuzz servers.
[20:51:56] <stpeter> are we use this is a Nimbuzz problem?
[20:51:59] <Mati> stpeter, anywho, I'd help with that list, I think the list is important.
[20:52:25] <stpeter> Mati: yes, thanks
[20:52:51] <stpeter> Mati: we need to figure out the best way to coordinate the verification process among multiple people
[20:52:52] <Kev> I do too, fwiw.
[20:52:58] <Kev> I have no spare time to volunteer on it, though.
[20:53:10] <stpeter> I have spare time, but I use that time to do things like eat and sleep :)
[20:53:27] <brokenboy> stpeter: ok give me admins contact of nimbuzz server :-|
[20:53:35] <Kev> I think we have differing descriptions of 'spare'.
[20:54:02] <stpeter> brokenboy: good question
[20:54:28] <brokenboy> stpeter: tx for supporting.
[20:54:34] <stpeter> brokenboy: I'm going to test email to xmpp@nimbuzz.com but I'm sure that webmaster@, postmaster@, or hostmaster@ might work
[20:54:41] <stpeter> and I see an address in the whois record
[20:55:53] <brokenboy> Its mean u does't operate nimbuzz server?
[20:56:16] <stpeter> no, I don't
[20:56:47] <Mati> stpeter, you mean, you don't operate every xmpp server?
[20:57:05] <Mati> stpeter, in any case, is there a script to do the parts that can be formally verified?
[20:57:25] <Mati> SRV lookup, open connection, verify certificate, ...
[20:58:04] <brokenboy> If u help to solve problem either i have to leave dat server.
[20:58:05] <stpeter> Mati: no script
[20:58:28] <Mati> stpeter, ok, then I volunteer to write a script over the weekend.
[20:58:31] <stpeter> brokenboy: I just sent an email to various people and roles at Nimbuzz, hopefully they will get back to me soon
[20:58:38] <stpeter> Mati: that would be most excellent!
[20:58:43] <Mati> stpeter, my significant other is gone over the weekend :-P
[20:58:57] <stpeter> Mati: heh
[20:59:04] <stpeter> good time to get some work done :)
[20:59:29] <niekie> Hehe.
[20:59:31] <niekie> Hi all :)
[20:59:52] <niekie> Hrm, Pidgin has made quite some improvements in MUC support. Only one thing irks me still.
[21:00:02] <niekie> I can't see presence status in here. :(
[21:00:05] <Kev> niekie: That it's not Swift? :)
[21:00:13] <stpeter> Mati: there are really two processes -- one is the verification stuff that we can automate and the other is contacting the
right people to make sure that the request is legitimate
[21:00:26] <brokenboy> Love u guys but i am fool that im finding help of nimbuzz here :-&
[21:00:31] <niekie> Kev: Haven't seen Swift.
[21:00:39] <Kev> I have :)
[21:00:48] <niekie> Oh, it's beta now? :D
[21:00:58] <Kev> For some months, yes.
[21:01:12] <Kev> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkzlmiQVhJw&feature=player_embedded
[21:01:19] <niekie> Nice. Can't believe that slipped my attention.
[21:01:35] <niekie> /me is unofficial XMPP client fan/tester :P
[21:01:37] <stpeter> I downloaded the latest Swift but I haven't been swift about installing it
[21:01:43] <niekie> LOL
[21:01:47] <niekie> stpeter: you rule.
[21:01:55] <stpeter> :P
[21:02:01] <Kev> stpeter: It's improved a lot since beta6 anyway :)
[21:02:22] <brokenboy> Well this chat room is quiet intresting from prev server :-P
[21:02:29] <stpeter> Mati: mythicalbox will join the room soon
[21:02:37] <stpeter> Mati: he was one of the people who volunteered before
[21:02:47] <stpeter> Mati: he has some automation stuff working at http://www.weavver.com/Company/Services/Chat/Public%20Servers.aspx
[21:05:52] <brokenboy> Stpeter tell me is it really possible remove anybody adminship?
[21:06:16] <stpeter> brokenboy: no
[21:06:27] <stpeter> brokenboy: but it might be a bug in the Nimbuzz code
[21:07:54] * harrison18280 joined the chat.
[21:08:33] <brokenboy> Is dat my jid visible to you?
[21:08:37] * harrison18280 left the chat.
[21:08:51] * adams37845 joined the chat.
[21:09:02] <adams37845> hello hello :)
[21:09:08] <Kev> brokenboy: Yes, it's visible to the admins.
[21:09:12] <Mati> stpeter, I was thinking more of a command-line script ;-)
[21:09:18] <stpeter> hi adams37845
[21:09:26] <Mati> hi adams37845
[21:09:32] <adams37845> hello, this is mitch.. mythicalbox.. trying to figure out how to change my nick :)
[21:09:32] <stpeter> Mati: yeah me too, that would be fine with me
[21:09:43] <stpeter> adams37845: are you the mythical weaver? :)
[21:09:54] <brokenboy> Mati: command line :-|
[21:10:01] <adams37845> yes
[21:10:17] <adams37845> oh well, i guess i'm adams for today :)
[21:10:26] <Kev> Weaver: /nick ?
[21:10:32] * adams37845 in now known as mythicalbox.
[21:10:36] <mythicalbox> test
[21:10:42] <mythicalbox> k, better :D
[21:10:45] <stpeter> heh
[21:10:54] <brokenboy> R u bryans adams brother *RABBIT*
[21:10:55] <stpeter> mythicalbox: I pointed to your website
[21:11:04] <mythicalbox> i can see the chat history ! yay
[21:11:08] <brokenboy> mythicalbox:d
[21:11:30] <mythicalbox> stpeter, i also made a google map of the server list, http://www.weavver.com/Company/Services/Chat/Server%20Map
[21:12:29] <brokenboy> mythicalbox: tx for suggestin i will check it later
[21:12:47] <evilotto> "Your browser doesn't support geolocation. We've placed you in Siberia." That's a chilly response.
[21:12:54] <Mati> mythicalbox, the box doesn't show anything for me
[21:12:58] <mythicalbox> lol..
[21:13:05] <stpeter> mythicalbox: http://www.jabber.org/get-help/ updated
[21:13:10] <mythicalbox> Mati: try a newer browser.. firefox or chrome
[21:13:18] <Mati> mythicalbox, firefox 3.6
[21:13:38] <brokenboy> :-|
[21:13:54] <stpeter> yeah, as expected, mailto:xmpp@nimbuzz.com bounced
[21:15:08] <Mati> stpeter, nimbuzz is one *very strange* xmpp server... or not
[21:15:10] <brokenboy> » stpeter> yeah, as expected, mailto:xmpp@nimbuzz.com bounced
remove nimbuzz from ur server its nt safe for users :-@
[21:15:27] <brokenboy> :-(
[21:15:42] <Mati> stpeter, somebody used my xmpp transport to connect to nimbuzz MUCs. But I was unable to join any of the rooms myself, or
even connect to nimuzz using gajim
[21:16:20] <brokenboy> Mati: mine also doesn't work
[21:16:45] <mythicalbox> stpeter: looks better :)
[21:18:53] <brokenboy> Stpeter create jids was disabled on ur server on few prev. months ,why?
[21:19:22] <Kev> brokenboy: It's not disabled, it's now done through a web form to help with bot accounts.
[21:20:03] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[21:20:33] <brokenboy> Kev: ya guys i wnt a jabber username ,
[21:21:02] <Kev> brokenboy: You already have one.
[21:21:07] <Mati> brokenboy, you can register one on *any* jabber-server
[21:21:23] <Mati> brokenboy, try this list: http://www.jabberes.org/servers/servers_by_uptime.html
[21:22:35] <Mati> Kev, oh, I thought he was a speeqe user ;-)
[21:22:55] <brokenboy> Kev:d now i have bt few mnths ago i dnt and new sign up is disabled
[21:23:30] <Kev> It was disabled for a while, while we ported the scripts yes.
[21:23:48] <Mati> (only a few months or so)
[21:24:19] <Kev> Longer than was ideal, certainly.
[21:24:38] <brokenboy> Mati: tx for this link "i love u" :-*
[21:25:03] <brokenboy> :-|
[21:26:40] <brokenboy> Bye guys its late nyt here
[21:26:56] <brokenboy> I am too sleepy
[21:27:27] <stpeter> <-- tired 2
[21:27:35] <Kev> <-- tired 3
[21:27:50] <brokenboy> Nice to meet u! I hope u will help me
[21:27:58] <brokenboy> stpeter:d
[21:28:18] <brokenboy> Wts time there?
[21:28:32] <stpeter> /me finds that he has less tolerance for IM-speak than he once did, but probably he's just getting old and grumpy
[21:28:54] <Kev> I was born old and grumpy.
[21:29:21] <stpeter> hey I heard back from the CTO at Nimbuzz :)
[21:29:24] <brokenboy> :-|
[21:29:33] <Kev> Excellent.
[21:29:46] <brokenboy> stpeter:p what he said?
[21:29:59] * Tobias left the chat.
[21:30:43] <brokenboy> stpeter: dnt told dem i am here :-|
[21:30:52] * Mati left the chat.
[21:30:52] * Mati joined the chat.
[21:31:09] * Mati left the chat.
[21:31:18] * Mati joined the chat.
[21:31:38] * kf joined the chat.
[21:31:52] <brokenboy> kf:d wcbk
[21:32:41] <stpeter> OTP
[21:32:41] <kf> rb!
[21:33:54] <kf> brokenboy: In what/wich language is Jabber script development?
[21:33:55] * Mati left the chat.
[21:34:02] <brokenboy> stpeter: sorry wat OTP ? i less undestand jabber language
[21:34:26] <stpeter> OTP = on the phone
[21:34:34] * Tobias joined the chat.
[21:34:43] <Kev> On the prowl? :)
[21:35:09] <brokenboy> kf: i m nt jabber expert bt i am tryin to learning it
[21:35:34] <mythicalbox> lol kev
[21:35:48] <brokenboy> stpeter:X i am also OTP
[21:36:20] <brokenboy> mythicalbox:D
[21:37:35] <naw> I guess that he means that is talking on the phone, not that he is in this room using the phone
[21:37:52] <kf> ok, but this is the starter.... In my opinion (and I share my opinion with myself!)...
Do You see what I mean?
[21:38:32] <mythicalbox> :-)
[21:39:13] <mythicalbox> i lost track of the chat.. how can we help maintain xmpp.org/services ?
[21:39:17] <brokenboy> :-)
[21:40:09] <brokenboy> Box wats time there?
[21:40:39] * kf left the chat.
[21:40:57] <mythicalbox> 2:40pm sir
[21:41:09] * kf joined the chat.
[21:41:21] <naw> mythicalbox: a couple of guys offered to help with the services in the operators mail list
[21:41:36] <brokenboy> 3-|{
[21:41:45] <mythicalbox> i have offered too :)
[21:41:55] <mythicalbox> i think we need stpeter to make a decision?
[21:42:26] <brokenboy> mythicalbox: wht decession
[21:42:45] <mythicalbox> how we can help maintain the services list
[21:44:17] <brokenboy> mythicalbox: ya bt iam surprised how they discoverd new tricks after banned any 1 again nd again
[21:44:43] <mythicalbox> who?
[21:45:30] <brokenboy> U cnt read chat history :-P
[21:46:27] <mythicalbox> there are multiple conversations going on :P
[21:46:45] <brokenboy> :-|
[21:46:50] <brokenboy> Ok
[21:46:59] <Kev> And then I said "Pretentious? Moi?".
[21:47:24] <brokenboy> I am tokin abt nimbuzz :-X
[21:47:25] * mythicalbox left the chat.
[21:47:26] * Mati joined the chat.
[21:47:26] * mythicalbox joined the chat.
[21:49:16] <stpeter> woot, got down below 1000 messages in my inbox
[21:49:21] <brokenboy> *CHERRY*
[21:50:06] <brokenboy> Hey is my emos visible to u guys?
[21:51:09] <brokenboy> G
[21:52:35] * brokenboy left the chat.
[21:55:39] * broken_boy joined the chat.
[21:58:02] <naw> broken_boy: no, better use basic amoticons, like :) :(
[21:58:22] * Kevmin joined the chat.
[21:58:28] * Kevmin left the chat.
[21:58:35] <stpeter> bbl
[21:58:39] <broken_boy> naw: ok sir :-)
[21:59:10] <broken_boy> stpeter: wts mean bbl?
[21:59:17] <naw> Be Back Later
[21:59:24] * stpeter left the chat.
[21:59:40] <broken_boy> :-|
[22:00:10] <broken_boy> naw: uaw
[22:00:58] <broken_boy> Bbc
[22:01:19] * broken_boy left the chat.
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[00:42:23] * evilotto left the chat.
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[04:05:16] <broken_boy> » [09:26] Sanek. is now online (ℒℴνℯ - Повезет же моей будущей жене - муж и силен, и умен, и не курит, и не пьет, и лапшу
готовит и на уши повесит :))) ...) [8]
[04:05:39] <Sanek.> hm
[04:06:02] <Sanek.> what?
[04:06:11] <broken_boy> mythicalbox: hi
[04:06:37] <broken_boy> Sanek.: how r u
[04:07:45] <Sanek.> excellent
[04:07:55] * treebilou joined the chat.
[04:08:31] <broken_boy> treebilou: welcome
[04:21:44] * rahul2d91 joined the chat.
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