Logs for jabber
[05:29:29] * Sams5420 joined the chat.
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[06:22:38] * naw joined the chat.
[06:44:11] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[06:46:07] * Quality joined the chat.
[06:46:13] * bittin left the chat.
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[07:51:48] * Tobias joined the chat.
[07:58:11] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[07:59:35] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[08:00:51] * Sams5420 joined the chat.
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[08:22:32] <nikita51> !ru
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[09:12:36] * Mati joined the chat.
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[09:18:29] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[09:22:51] * Sams5420 joined the chat.
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[09:55:38] * MattJ joined the chat.
[10:00:02] * Www.shreyas4u joined the chat.
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[11:14:53] * Link Mauve left the chat.
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[11:22:28] * Mati left the chat.
[11:27:08] * lincoln30337 joined the chat.
[11:27:15] <lincoln30337> hi
[11:27:38] <lincoln30337> i have a question regarding jabber and pidgin
[11:27:57] <lincoln30337> it ask for domain in the config.. is the domain www.jabber.org?
[11:28:38] <naw> no, it's jabber.org
[11:28:47] <lincoln30337> ok
[11:28:56] <lincoln30337> also it ask for resource?
[11:29:15] <lincoln30337> whats that
[11:30:14] <naw> you can connect to the same account from different programs/places, the resource is used to identify the connection
[11:30:28] <naw> you can put "home" or "work"
[11:30:35] <naw> others put the client name
[11:30:45] <naw> or just a random word
[11:30:49] <lincoln30337> kool
[11:31:08] <MattJ> http://www.jabber.org/faq/#resource
[11:31:12] <lincoln30337> thanks for the help
[11:31:35] <lincoln30337> ;)
[11:34:20] * andreymal joined the chat.
[11:35:19] * Mati joined the chat.
[11:37:13] <lincoln30337> how do i encrypt jabber using pidgin O.o
[11:38:22] <naw> the connection is encripted by default
[11:38:44] <naw> if you want end-to-end encription pidgin has a plugin called OTR
[11:38:51] <lincoln30337> it is koool hm my friend asked me in the email to please encrypt it if possible
[11:38:55] <naw> but not all programs support OTR
[11:42:54] <lincoln30337> ok
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[11:52:35] * treebilou left the chat.
[11:58:32] * Duuuark joined the chat.
[12:21:32] * Vishal.dav27 joined the chat.
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[14:12:41] * jackson45552 joined the chat.
[14:13:37] <jackson45552> hellow
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[14:21:00] * harding40456 joined the chat.
[14:24:57] * Mati joined the chat.
[14:26:43] <harding40456> hello jabber people
[14:27:23] <naw> hello
[14:27:44] * mpranj joined the chat.
[14:28:22] <harding40456> jabber.org does not seem to have a MSN gateway, nor gtalk.. is there a reliable hub that offers that service?
[14:29:36] <naw> take a look to www.jabberes.org/servers
[14:29:41] <naw> www.jabberes.org/servers/
[14:29:57] <harding40456> jabberes, eh?
[14:30:21] <MattJ> harding40456, you don't need a gateway to gtalk, it uses XMPP the same as jabber.org
[14:30:26] <naw> there is a server list, and it shows if the server has transports
[14:30:43] * Sams5420 joined the chat.
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[14:31:03] <naw> you can add gtalk contact to your jabber account, since gtalk uses jabber
[14:31:23] <naw> you also can log in your gtalk account with a jabber client
[14:32:34] <harding40456> nice, thanks :)
[14:33:14] <harding40456> naw: that url does not like to give me server info, it says "No se encontró la página" :)
[14:33:30] <naw> the second one should work
[14:33:45] <naw> with the final slash
[14:33:59] <harding40456> yes it does, thank you
[14:35:11] <harding40456> so, basically I find a server that has a MSN transport and hope it stays up/in business enough for me to use it, that is the
preferred way to connect to MSN users?
[14:35:40] <naw> I prefer to use a multiprotocol client
[14:35:48] <naw> or an specific msn client
[14:36:28] <naw> but if you need to use a jabber-only client, you can use transports
[14:36:55] <naw> you don't need to have an account on their jabber server
[14:37:20] * zanchin joined the chat.
[14:37:21] <naw> you can use the transport with your jabber account
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[14:37:47] <naw> and you need to provide the msn account data to the transport
[14:37:52] * Mati left the chat.
[14:37:52] * Mati joined the chat.
[14:37:56] <harding40456> I dont like MSN but want to keep in touch with people that use it
[14:39:12] <harding40456> it killed me last time I tried to break free of MSN that the transport/gateway was not reliable
[14:51:25] <Nigel> 554 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using dnsbl-1.uceprotect.net; IP is UCEPROTECT-Level
1 listed. See http://www.uceprotect.net/rblcheck.php?ipr=;
[14:51:27] <Nigel> hrmmm
[14:51:44] <Nigel> atlas.jabber.org[]
[14:54:13] * naw left the chat.
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[15:06:37] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
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[15:43:24] * Z_God joined the chat.
[15:49:59] * marseille joined the chat.
[16:04:04] * mpranj left the chat.
[16:05:49] * Tobias left the chat.
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[16:33:57] <siracusa> Hi! Is this the right place to ask about XMPP related problems?
[16:34:10] <Kev> Give it a go.
[16:34:25] * Nigel left the chat.
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[16:37:11] <siracusa> I'm trying to write a simple XMPP game bot that reacts to message stanzas. The problem is if there are for about 20min or
so nor incoming messages, all later messages are not received. So my question is, do I have to send a ping or something like
this periodically to the server to tell it I'm still alive?
[16:38:09] <Kev> If I had to guess, I'd suspect that you're ignoring iq stanzas with an unknown namespace, instead of correctly returning an
[16:38:13] <Kev> Is that possible?
[16:38:42] <siracusa> Yes, iq stanzas are ignored for now.
[16:38:52] <Kev> I'd fix that first.
[16:39:31] * Tobias joined the chat.
[16:39:48] <siracusa> So each iq stanza has to be responded?
[16:39:55] <Kev> Yes.
[16:40:16] * Sanek. joined the chat.
[16:40:18] <siracusa> Ok, thanks.
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[16:50:48] * marseille left the chat.
[16:50:51] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
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[17:18:33] * ford12422 joined the chat.
[17:30:41] * Link Mauve left the chat.
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[17:33:59] * ramsesII joined the chat.
[17:34:57] <ramsesII> !id
[17:35:26] <stpeter> can we help you?
[17:35:43] <stpeter> ah, I see
[17:35:44] <stpeter> hmm
[17:35:55] <stpeter> our bot isn't working, perhaps....
[17:36:44] <ramsesII> stpeter~> i need to know about some conference chat with this server with id language
[17:37:35] <Kev> HAL's gone, I don't think he's coming back.
[17:37:38] <ramsesII> ~stpeter> our bot isn't working, perhaps....~
> :-| if the bot run good what will happen if i type !id
[17:40:28] <ramsesII> Ping?
[17:40:57] <stpeter> there is a room indonesia@conference.jabber.org but I think it is used by Russian people :)
[17:41:31] <ramsesII> ok thank's
[17:41:35] <stpeter> hmm
[17:41:41] <stpeter> well I see some Arabic there
[17:41:55] <stpeter> anyway perhaps that room is useful for you :)
[17:43:59] <ramsesII> :-( that room was leaved by original owner
[17:44:15] <stpeter> yes
[17:48:15] <ramsesII> :-( indonesian jabber user was decreased
[17:49:31] <ramsesII> :-) but thank's for your help at all bye
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[17:53:18] * siracusa left the chat.
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[20:43:24] * Kev left the chat.
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[21:07:02] * anonymous15934 joined the chat.
[21:07:11] <anonymous15934> hello
[21:07:17] <anonymous15934> anybody here?
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[21:28:52] * SteveG left the chat.
[21:32:41] * naw joined the chat.
[21:38:10] * cdubouloz joined the chat.
[21:38:57] <cdubouloz> hi
[21:39:09] <cdubouloz> i 'ld have a little question
[21:40:38] <cdubouloz> is there a way to keep some notes with a contact or also in a groupchat without to use the history log, typically to reminder
something to do?
[21:43:43] <naw> cdubouloz: that depends on the clients, maybe some are able to do that
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[21:44:48] * naw joined the chat.
[21:46:04] <cdubouloz> ok but it's a feature that is already implemented in a xep? just to know, cause i don't remember to do that with some clients
[21:48:11] <naw> cdubouloz: I'm not aware of a xep that does that, but I don't know all xeps
[21:48:23] <naw> anyway, it looks like an interesting idea
[21:49:16] <cdubouloz> ok i guess :), i 'll take a look on some usual clients that i use, thanks naw :)
[21:49:54] <cdubouloz> bye bye
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[21:53:46] * bittin left the chat.
[21:55:46] * fmagrosoto joined the chat.
[21:56:15] <fmagrosoto> hello
[21:57:36] <naw> hi
[22:00:06] <fmagrosoto> i have a little answer
[22:00:31] <fmagrosoto> i want to check my MSN on iChat via JABBER
[22:00:40] <fmagrosoto> how can i do that?
[22:00:54] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[22:01:49] * Z_God left the chat.
[22:01:56] <fmagrosoto> i mean, how can i configure my jabber account to use my MSN contacts
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[22:02:24] <naw> you would need a msn transport
[22:02:38] <naw> but ichat doesn't allow to configure it
[22:02:57] <fmagrosoto> yes, but ... where can i find that... or where is the transport?
[22:02:58] <naw> so you would need to do the configuration through other client like psi
[22:03:13] <naw> http://www.jabberes.org/servers/ there is a list
[22:03:27] <fmagrosoto> i need to download it?
[22:03:38] <naw> anyway, I prefer to use a multiprotocol client, on mac you can use adium
[22:04:11] <fmagrosoto> and replace iChat?
[22:04:44] <naw> psi? yes, although I once saw a server (jabber-hispano, that is not online anymore) that offered a way to add the transport
using a web interface
[22:05:05] <naw> no, you use psi to add the transport to the account, and the you go back to ichat
[22:06:00] <fmagrosoto> but i need a jabber.org <http://jabber.org> account, is that a problem?
[22:06:46] <naw> no, you can add a transport from other servers
[22:07:13] <naw> just like you can talk join rooms at jabberes.org, or talk with contacts from gmail
[22:07:28] <naw> * just like you can join rooms at jabberes.org, or talk with contacts from gmail
[22:08:10] <fmagrosoto> ok, let me see if i understand, in the page you sent me i choose any server to add a "transport"?
[22:09:31] <naw> download psi, configure your account on it, connect, then on the servide discovery, browse one of the server listed on that
[22:09:58] <naw> double click on the "msn transport", it will ask your msn id and your msn password
[22:10:43] <fmagrosoto> ah, ok.
[22:11:07] <fmagrosoto> PSI is for mac, i guess?
[22:11:39] <naw> yes
[22:11:45] <naw> is available for mac
[22:12:09] <fmagrosoto> ok, so, first, download the client
[22:12:35] <fmagrosoto> then, login in and add a transport
[22:13:03] <fmagrosoto> then, use iChat with my jabber account
[22:13:11] <fmagrosoto> and.... done!
[22:13:49] <naw> in psi you can activate an auto-accept contacts option, it will help you if you have a lot of contacts
[22:15:00] <fmagrosoto> veo que hablas español
[22:15:19] <naw> si, pero esta sala es en ingles
[22:15:26] <fmagrosoto> ah ok
[22:15:36] <naw> puedes ver informacion en ejañol en www.jabberes.org
[22:15:45] <naw> igual te interesa www.jabberes.org/transportes
[22:16:18] <fmagrosoto> ahhhhh!!!!! eso necesito!!!!
[22:16:29] <fmagrosoto> Thanks so much!!
[22:16:54] <MattJ> :)
[22:17:01] <naw> fmagrosoto: you also can join the jabberes@conf.jabberes.org room
[22:17:12] <naw> we talk in spanish there
[22:17:48] <fmagrosoto> ok, i'll change the room.
[22:17:57] <fmagrosoto> thanks so much.
[22:18:06] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[22:18:52] <fmagrosoto> mmmm.... but, how can i change the room?
[22:19:23] <naw> with ichat? no idea but you can join via web http://www.jabberes.org/salas/entrar/?room=jabberes
[22:19:52] <naw> try if the xmpp:jabberes@conf.jabberes.org?join link works
[22:19:54] <fmagrosoto> ok, i will try
[22:20:08] <naw> maybe ichat is able to recognize it
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[02:18:47] <mhibbs09> hi all
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