Logs for jdev
[05:57:34] * draco joined the chat.
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[06:51:15] * bear left the chat.
[07:04:42] * lastsky joined the chat.
[07:10:30] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[07:15:25] * Arc Riley joined the chat.
[07:19:38] <Arc Riley> i'm having cert trouble with s2s, using a startssl signed cert
[07:19:42] <Arc Riley> and jabberd2
[07:21:35] * Arc Riley left the chat.
[07:22:55] * fantasticsid left the chat.
[07:25:19] * Arc Riley joined the chat.
[07:32:05] * bear joined the chat.
[07:32:26] <Arc Riley> hey bear
[07:36:16] * Kev joined the chat.
[07:41:15] <Arc Riley> hey kev
[07:41:24] <Kev> Morning.
[07:41:45] <Arc Riley> im trying to diagnose why my s2s isnt working with a startcom signed cert and jabberd2
[07:41:55] <Arc Riley> its failing on cert error
[07:42:03] <Kev> You're running jabberd2, or you can't s2s with jabberd2?
[07:42:27] <Arc Riley> im running jabberd2, through which i can connect but cant do s2s through
[07:42:30] <Kev> I'm afraid I'm going to be of little help - I've never run jabberd2.
[07:42:37] <Kev> What do the logs say?
[07:44:04] <Arc Riley> Aug 7 03:27:48 orchestrina jabberd/s2s[19222]: attempting connection to router
at, port=5347
Aug 7 03:27:48 orchestrina jabberd/router[19199]: [, port=48636] connect
Aug 7 03:27:48 orchestrina jabberd/s2s[19222]: error from router: SSL handshake error (error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate
fy failed)
Aug 7 03:27:48 orchestrina kernel: [104371.102357] s2s[19222]: segfault at 1059
aa0 ip 0000000001059aa0 sp 00007fffa152b398 error 15
Aug 7 03:27:48 orchestrina jabberd/router[19199]: [, port=48636] error
: SSL handshake error (error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number)
[07:44:37] <Arc Riley> it seems to be internal
[07:44:50] <Kev> Well, if it's segfaulting I think it's bugreport time.
[07:46:26] <Arc Riley> do you have a suggestion for a better C-based xmppd?
[07:46:44] <Kev> Not for you.
[07:46:55] <Kev> (i.e. not OSS)
[07:47:13] <Arc Riley> gotcha
[07:47:55] <Kev> What's the motivation for needing it to be C-based?
[07:48:42] <Arc Riley> because if its not c-based i might as well run it under python
[07:49:06] <Kev> Well, except there isn't a mainstream xmppd in Python.
[07:49:50] <Arc Riley> we started writing one for gobject
[07:49:56] <Kev> Ah.
[07:50:00] <Arc Riley> i figure we could just get that up and going
[07:50:15] <Arc Riley> my main concern is getting locked in, and the java servers ive seen have a serious lock-in problem
[07:50:23] <Kev> If I was running my own server, and I didn't have an M-Link license, I'd be looking at Prosody.
[07:51:46] <Kev> (Lua)
[07:51:55] <Arc Riley> yea i just looked
[07:52:33] <Arc Riley> i think ill just sprint to get gnation ready
[07:52:42] <Kev> That's the other option :)
[07:53:10] <Arc Riley> everytime i get frustrated with an xmppd i put a batch of time into it, it may be time to get it usable
[08:01:18] * ermine joined the chat.
[08:13:46] <johnny> Arc Riley, prosody is well maintained and quite extensible
[08:14:00] <johnny> and the developers are responsive
[08:14:17] <johnny> it also supports the [xep 227]
[08:14:18] <Kanchil> johnny: XEP-0227: Portable Import/Export Format for XMPP-IM Servers is Standards Track (Proposed, 2007-12-13) See: http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0227.html
[08:14:49] <Arc Riley> hmm, maybe it could get us by for now
[08:15:04] <Arc Riley> xep 227 needs updating though, it doesnt support hashed passwords
[08:15:25] <johnny> oh. prosody supports scram now as well btw
[08:15:42] <Arc Riley> but does it export scram passwords?
[08:16:41] <johnny> you'd have to ask waqas, for the specifics
[08:17:19] <johnny> or Tobias perhaps
[08:17:21] <Arc Riley> its interesting how many diversive xmppds there are in obscure languages, and still no stable server written in C
[08:17:39] <Kev> No stable *open source* server written in C.
[08:17:41] <johnny> lua isn't really obscure..
[08:17:53] <Arc Riley> its a scripting language.
[08:18:00] <johnny> sure, but it's quite quite quite fast
[08:18:08] <johnny> check out the benchmarks under luajit
[08:18:57] <Arc Riley> i doubt compared to C
[08:20:17] <Arc Riley> does prosody use openssl?
[08:20:59] <johnny> http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/u32/benchmark.php?test=all〈=all&d=data&calc=calculate&gpp=on&java=on&luajit=on&v8=on&lua=on&tracemonkey=on&box=1
[08:21:37] <johnny> yes, prosody uses openssl
[08:21:48] <Arc Riley> good so i shouldnt need to muck with our .pem files
[08:22:29] <Arc Riley> context: i'm a gentoo user. I'll spend a few days to squeeze an extra 2%
[08:22:32] * teo1 left the chat.
[08:22:45] <johnny> Arc Riley, ah, i run it on gentoo.. directly out of mercurial repo via a live ebuild
[08:22:54] <johnny> i don't have a lot of users tho
[08:23:06] <johnny> just a domain for a company, my personal one, and a friends one
[08:23:15] * teo1 joined the chat.
[08:23:15] * draco left the chat.
[08:23:19] <johnny> if you're interested in seeing a larger hosting situation with prosody, let me show you
[08:23:23] <johnny> they run it on debian or ubuntu tho
[08:24:36] <johnny> ah.. none of those people i want you to ask more specific questions are about .. must be too early for them
[08:24:59] <johnny> i thought there were stats for thiessen.im on his site, but i'm not seeing it
[08:25:44] <Arc Riley> johnny, i'll try prosody for now.
[08:25:49] <Arc Riley> jabberd2 has enough problems
[08:26:27] <johnny> Arc Riley, also, if you're interested, [xep message archiving] will be supported upon summer of code completion
[08:26:28] <Kanchil> johnny: XEP-0136: Message Archiving is Standards Track (Draft, 2009-09-23) See: http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0136.html
[08:26:41] <Arc Riley> in its c2s.xml there's a "7" value randomly thrown in, which turns out causes client connects to fail unless they have a ssl
key themselves
[08:27:01] <Arc Riley> johnny, i'm a developer for a xmppd, its just not ready for this deployment.
[08:27:04] <johnny> i remember running jabberd2.. back at 2.0.0,
[08:27:17] <johnny> i used it when rob norris was maintaining it
[08:27:19] <Arc Riley> does lua even have support to embed python?
[08:27:49] <johnny> i wrote a nice script via the external auth mechanism to tie a cms to my xmpp server :)
[08:27:56] <johnny> that made me happy
[08:28:07] <Kev> johnny: LDAP, man, LDAP! :)
[08:28:15] <johnny> Kev, uhmm.. for websites?
[08:28:20] <johnny> too much trouble
[08:28:27] <Kev> Sure, for anything involving a user directory.
[08:28:58] <Kev> Largely because I've got fun DSA-related toys to play with.
[08:28:59] <johnny> well, that would have involved modifying the cms to support ldap.. and then istalling ldap on my server
[08:29:08] <johnny> too much trouble
[08:29:31] <johnny> the cms already had support for editing users and permissions.. so much easier to just reuse it
[08:30:42] <johnny> at least there was a schema...
[08:31:04] <johnny> Arc Riley, which xmppd is that?
[08:31:19] <Arc Riley> gnation
[08:31:35] <johnny> oh, you said gnation earlier, i just missed the context
[08:31:39] <Arc Riley> its gobject-based, the focus of which is to embed python
[08:31:51] <Arc Riley> its really just us ripping all the C code out of concordance
[08:32:11] <johnny> aha.. swell idea
[08:32:26] <johnny> i was hoping to see an http server based off gobject someday
[08:32:32] <johnny> but then again.. lau is just as good
[08:32:34] <johnny> lua*
[08:33:02] <Arc Riley> i dont think lua can even embed python
[08:33:08] <Arc Riley> which is a pretty big limiting factor to it
[08:33:16] <johnny> well you can ask Mattj that
[08:33:21] <johnny> he's the expert there
[08:33:33] <Arc Riley> does lua have access to C libraries?
[08:33:35] <johnny> embedding python for what tho?
[08:33:36] <johnny> yes
[08:33:54] <Arc Riley> then it likely can embed python.
[08:34:30] <johnny> Arc Riley, http://lua-users.org/wiki/BindingCodeToLua
[08:34:33] <Arc Riley> i'm not a huge fan of the component protocol. it works, but has limited flexibility and is roughly equiv to running a xmpp
[08:34:49] <johnny> i don't actually know what it would take to embed python.. so don't take my word for anything about this
[08:35:09] <Arc Riley> if you're going to do that, you might as well run a whole xmppd just for s2s on another port and use srv records to point
to it
[08:35:47] <johnny> hmm http://labix.org/lunatic-python
[08:36:27] <Arc Riley> ah cool, so you can
[08:38:18] <johnny> i have no idea of the quality of any of this, but at least you know it' possible
[08:38:25] <Arc Riley> yea
[08:40:37] <Arc Riley> the goal i have with the new xmppd, besides keeping the gobject xmppd code from getting tossed to /dev/null, is to embed python
to run services rather than running them as components or standalone xmppds
[08:40:49] <johnny> i just wish vala would have been invented sooner
[08:41:03] <johnny> i doubt it will see the popularity it could have.. if only it would have been a few years earlier..
[08:41:29] <Arc Riley> eh, its catching on quickly
[08:41:31] <Arc Riley> we're using it
[08:41:46] <johnny> seems like js is the overall trend tho
[08:41:59] <johnny> it's in so many of those presentations
[08:42:11] <jonas> some day, Haskell will take over
[08:42:17] <Arc Riley> lol
[08:43:18] <johnny> i've been wanting a client that can run both web based and locally and act very similiarly
[08:43:41] <johnny> obviously the local client would have access to dbus and the like for tunes, idle status and whatnot
[08:44:01] <Arc Riley> heh it'd be nice to get xmpp support natively in firefox
[08:45:19] <johnny> sure, but that's the least of the problem i had at the time
[08:45:46] <johnny> the previous best way to have the same UI was via xul
[08:46:01] <johnny> but that would never work when using my friend's mac
[08:46:24] <johnny> (and they didn't have firefox installed)
[08:47:32] <johnny> but the css specs, html 5, and the new crop of amazing js libraries really makes it possible to do it all in via the browser
[08:48:03] <johnny> and when using the local instance bind it with pywebkit to handle the stuff requiring local access
[08:49:12] <Arc Riley> yea. we need a more robust BOSH js library
[08:49:34] <johnny> well on the local side, you would skip the bosh , and just bind the port yourself in webkit
[08:49:46] <johnny> as far as i know, that's possible in some fashion
[08:50:00] <jonas> I think using web sockets and some server component could be a decent solution
[08:50:12] <johnny> jonas, but ther'es no need for a server component really
[08:50:17] <jonas> and a web application should never be browser dependent
[08:50:18] <johnny> i mean for local
[08:50:21] <Arc Riley> web sockets isnt a standard yet.
[08:50:32] <jonas> but they will be
[08:50:33] <johnny> Arc Riley, strophe is well enough for a bosh lib
[08:50:50] <Arc Riley> no, it really isnt. it doesnt even have multitab/multiwindow support
[08:50:52] <johnny> jonas, really , you don't need the server component, altho i guess it should be possible
[08:51:06] <johnny> Arc Riley, ?
[08:51:15] <johnny> the pywebkit?
[08:51:17] <jonas> ah, that is possible
[08:51:31] <jonas> can web sockets connect to any ip?
[08:51:38] <johnny> bosh can connect to any ip
[08:51:40] <Arc Riley> strophejs does not share a connection when you're browsing to the same site from multiple tabs
[08:51:45] <johnny> Arc Riley, ah
[08:51:51] <Arc Riley> and will instead eventually lock up.
[08:52:25] <johnny> i wonder how you solve that, especially if each tab is it's own process
[08:52:34] <Arc Riley> cross browser communication
[08:52:38] <johnny> as will be the case
[08:52:38] <Arc Riley> er, cross window
[08:52:46] <johnny> isn't there a security issue with that?
[08:52:52] <Arc Riley> not to the same site
[08:52:58] <johnny> ah, yes..
[08:53:07] <johnny> and of course, anything specified in CORS
[08:53:24] <johnny> i wonder if there's an xep...
[08:53:29] <johnny> probably doesn't need to be
[08:53:42] <Arc Riley> nope. its an implementation detail.
[08:53:58] <Arc Riley> ive used strophejs quite a bit, the problem is the same as any ajax implementation
[08:54:09] <johnny> prosody's http server supports CORS
[08:54:20] <johnny> so you don't have the use the flXHR hack
[08:54:34] <johnny> for supported browsers anyways. :(
[08:55:15] <johnny> Arc Riley, well.. if it's fixable, i hope it gets fixed :)
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