Logs for jabber
[05:19:15] * reagan58176 left the chat.
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[05:46:50] * waqas left the chat.
[06:01:07] * Nigel left the chat.
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[06:03:01] * Creation joined the chat.
[06:03:16] * musclebuilder joined the chat.
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[08:42:35] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[08:45:39] * Tobias joined the chat.
[09:04:54] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[09:12:47] * az10 joined the chat.
[09:18:21] * admin joined the chat.
[09:24:17] * andreymal joined the chat.
[09:26:27] <az10> All good
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[10:16:23] * MattJ joined the chat.
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[11:24:23] * IseeDa left the chat.
[12:16:17] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[12:18:59] * treebilou joined the chat.
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[13:40:11] * harrison58232 joined the chat.
[13:40:21] <harrison58232> hello
[13:40:29] <harrison58232> i need some help with my ichat...
[13:40:46] <naw> harrison58232: what is the problem?
[13:41:15] <harrison58232> I am not able to connect to my gmail jabber chat through ichat 4.0.9...i keep getting the following error code:
[13:41:16] <harrison58232> 8/6/10 8:37:03 AM iChatAgent[154] WARNING: JConnection: Error: The server has unexpectedly disconnected., type=3, code=27
[13:41:44] <harrison58232> I am currently connected to AIM and i can connect to another gmail account just fine...but my primary gmail account won't
let me connect now for 2 ays
[13:41:47] <harrison58232> (days_
[13:41:49] <harrison58232> )
[13:42:22] <harrison58232> I have removed the plist file many times, cleared my address book, deleted the account and started over in ichat...
[13:43:10] * pierce34172 joined the chat.
[13:44:27] <harrison58232> and i cant find error code descriptions anywhere...any help?
[13:46:07] <pierce34172> Hello, question about jabber service ... Does jabber.org support archiving messages. The library I am working with (Qxmpp)
has some support for retrieving archived messages and I would like to test it out.
[13:46:21] <naw> harrison58232: well, I have no idea
[13:46:32] <harrison58232> :( ok.
[13:46:38] <naw> as a quick fix, you can use another jabber client such as adium or psi
[13:46:45] <harrison58232> do you know where i can find the description of error messages somehwere?
[13:46:55] <harrison58232> ill try that.
[13:46:55] <naw> pierce34172: as far I know it doesn't
[13:47:08] <harrison58232> HA! then what's the ppoint of error codes??? lol
[13:47:12] <harrison58232> thanks for yoru help naw
[13:47:50] <naw> harrison58232: I guess that it will give detailed information about the error to the developers
[13:49:01] <naw> pierce34172: prosody was implementing it as part of a GSoC project
[13:50:59] <MattJ> pierce34172, yes, Prosody's implementation is largely working
[13:52:10] * harrison58232 left the chat.
[14:02:27] <pierce34172> Okay, thanks, I'll have a look at GSoC
[14:06:05] <MattJ> http://prosody-modules.googlecode.com/hg/mod_archive/mod_archive.lua
[14:06:41] <pierce34172> Ah, thanks for the link ;-)
[14:11:37] * cleveland50860 joined the chat.
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[18:48:34] * Creation left the chat.
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[19:25:27] * admin left the chat.
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[21:31:23] * Kev left the chat.
[21:37:12] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[21:37:51] <Mati> hey guys, on Windows, whats preferrable: Miranda or Pidgin?
[21:38:08] <Mati> (I need a multi-IM program)
[21:48:33] * waqas joined the chat.
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[21:53:32] * admin joined the chat.
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[21:57:14] * Link Mauve left the chat.
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[22:16:55] * euklid joined the chat.
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[22:19:58] <euklid> Hi all
[22:20:38] <Mati> hi
[22:20:39] * pierce36093 joined the chat.
[22:22:31] <pierce36093> Hello.. i knwo this is going to sound stupid but i have been trying for months and months off and on to get jabber-muc working
in debian.. I simply cannot find the information I need to make it work or i am missing something.. I google and google and
never get anywhere, the docs have done me no good.. could anyone point me in the direction of an example set of jabber and
jabber-muc configs (separate process) that I could compare my configs to?
[22:23:54] <Mati> pierce36093, you need a jabber-server and a jabber-client. no more, no less
[22:24:24] <pierce36093> mati.. I have that, we have been using the jabebr server for over a year and I simply cannot make muc work
[22:24:34] <waqas> jabber-muc would be mu-conference I suppose :/
[22:24:39] <pierce36093> yes
[22:25:17] <euklid> Mati: I used pidgin for a while. I find it usable. I have not tested miranda yet.
[22:25:41] <Mati> pierce36093, can you join a muc with your client?
[22:25:57] <pierce36093> Mati.. no i can't thus why it is broken
[22:26:08] <pierce36093> other muc's I dunno
[22:26:14] <Mati> pierce36093, well, that would be a good start
[22:26:25] <pierce36093> pandion has the stuff built into it i woudl imagine it works
[22:26:26] <Mati> try joining this room with your client
[22:26:50] <euklid> Does somebody knows a way to test the jabber VoIP-functionality without disturbing anyone?
[22:26:52] <pierce36093> okay now.. this is going to sound stupid but.. what do I need to do to join this room lol
[22:27:18] <Mati> pierce36093, a client that supports MUCs
[22:28:23] <euklid> pierce36093: A client that supports MUC for example is pidgin.
[22:28:30] <euklid> Have a look here: http://pidgin.im/
[22:28:43] <Mati> pierce36093, what client do you use?
[22:28:56] <pierce36093> Pandion
[22:30:45] <Mati> http://pandion.pbworks.com/Chapter+7+-+Conferences
[22:31:19] <waqas> I don't think pierce36093 is looking for a client. He's looking for server side component configuration.
[22:31:29] <pierce36093> YES! THANK YOU! dayum
[22:32:05] <pierce36093> was sitting here trying to figure out how I was going to spell this out.. my Jabberd and muc are not linking up..
[22:32:14] <Mati> waqas, well, pierce36093 didn't know how to join *this* room
[22:32:42] <waqas> Mati: He couldn't join rooms on his server...
[22:32:44] <pierce36093> Mati.. I just tried making an account etc etc.. wont do it
[22:33:14] <Mati> [12:26:42 AM] pierce36093: okay now.. this is going to sound stupid but.. what do I need to do to join this room lol
[22:33:16] <Mati> waqas, ^^
[22:33:16] <pierce36093> i am assuming I conenct to jabber.org and just make a new account
[22:35:43] <waqas> pierce36093: Most people tend to use components bundled with their server, and most people tend not to use jabberd (since
it isn't really being maintained). That's one reason you probably didn't find much docs or support for mu-conference and jabberd.
Not many use them.
[22:36:07] <waqas> pierce36093: You don't need to make an account on jabber.org if you have an account elsewhere. e.g., I'm in this room from
my jaim.at account.
[22:36:30] <pierce36093> our server does not connect anywhere to the outside world
[22:36:45] <Mati> waqas, wait, you're from .at? ;-)
[22:36:47] <waqas> Ah, then you need an account on a server which does connect
[22:36:52] <waqas> Mati: No ;)
[22:37:16] <pierce36093> yes thats why I asked about new accoutn creationg using jabber.org..
[22:37:24] <Mati> waqas, ah, ok
[22:37:45] <pierce36093> would I just be better off starting over with ejabberd?
[22:38:06] <Mati> *must-not-think-loud*
[22:38:11] <waqas> pierce36093: Yes, you should create an account. Though using speeqe is fine as well.
[22:38:11] <pierce36093> right now we haven't deployed it but to the IT staff but we plan to deploy company-wide
[22:38:54] <pierce36093> the onyl thing holding me back is the damn thign will not do what I want and i cant find any sort of real documentation for
[22:39:16] <waqas> pierce36093: ejabberd and Prosody are probably the most popular actively developed servers. There's also Tigase and Openfire
(great admin UI in openfire).
[22:39:37] <pierce36093> ejabberd is the only one officially supported in debian I will go there I think
[22:39:45] <Mati> ... oh god
[22:39:57] <waqas> pierce36093: I think the others are too :/
[22:39:59] <admin> ;)
[22:40:16] <pierce36093> hmm lemme search by name.. they didn't come up searchign packages
[22:40:49] <Mati> waqas, well, debian stable doesn't include prosody, I guess
[22:41:15] <pierce36093> look folks.. I know I am coming off as an idiot but i need to enlighten you.. I manage all kinds of server software all over
the world.. this one damn thign I want to do is just tearing me up lol
[22:41:47] <pierce36093> and I mean asterisk configs make the jabber stuff look like child's play
[22:42:35] <Mati> pierce36093, I'm sure you won't have any problems with ejabberd, then
[22:42:48] * euklid left the chat.
[22:43:30] <pierce36093> k thanks.. btw I did just check and none of the other alternatives are available in Debian stable.. for future reference
[22:44:30] <waqas> Mati: I don't use debian, but I thought that it did.
[22:45:03] <Mati> waqas, debian stable is more than three years old
[22:45:09] <waqas> Mati: Aha
[22:45:10] <Mati> ... I don't think prosody is that old
[22:45:16] <waqas> Mati: Right you are
[22:45:25] <pierce36093> stable is only 2 yrs
[22:45:27] <pierce36093> old
[22:45:37] <Mati> pierce36093, wikipedia says: April 7th, 2007
[22:45:41] <pierce36093> well.. you could go 3 if you include freeze time probably
[22:45:48] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
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[22:46:06] <waqas> pierce36093: Just try setting any of those servers up. I suppose what you should be looking at is development activity, community,
and documentation/ease of administration.
[22:46:22] <Mati> pierce36093, btw, there is a prosody package in debian-backports
[22:46:40] <waqas> If you go for ejabberd, join the ejabberd room, etc.
[22:46:52] <pierce36093> yah I just can't go there, no security support.. against our policy
[22:47:25] <pierce36093> Debian 5.0 (lenny) was released February 14, 2009
[22:47:40] <Mati> oh yes, I just saw it, you are right
[22:47:57] <pierce36093> yah easy mistake ;)
[22:49:01] <Mati> that makes it roughly 1 1/2 years
[22:49:51] <pierce36093> welp I'm gonna pick myself up off the floor, brush off all the dust, get my two black eyes checked after and never step into
the ring with the old jabberd again.. this weekend I test ejabberd at hoem then bring it to work next week lol
[22:50:34] <pierce36093> i appreciate your help though.. at least I know I'm not going nuts not finding docs
[22:51:03] <pierce36093> have a good one
[22:51:04] * pierce36093 left the chat.
[22:51:21] <Mati> /me is looking forward to when he tries to configure ejabberd
[22:51:32] <waqas> I decided not to say anything about erlang.
[22:51:54] <Mati> its really amazing what kind of people join here
[22:52:11] <Mati> mpranj, btw, that ejabberd package works well? besides that erlang-nox issue?
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[00:01:52] * Tobias left the chat.
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[00:46:21] * Z_God left the chat.
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[02:11:32] * MattJ left the chat.
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[03:08:51] * waqas joined the chat.
[03:10:03] <waqas> HedgeMage: Still connected? Delivery failures on messages to you.
[03:10:20] <HedgeMage> weird
[03:10:23] <HedgeMage> I'm still here
[03:10:33] <HedgeMage> /me checks her s2s to see if it's acting up