Logs for jabber
[05:23:13] * Kev joined the chat.
[05:48:22] * Creation joined the chat.
[06:23:22] * fdgs joined the chat.
[06:23:47] <fdgs> hi
[06:23:50] <fdgs> :D
[06:36:04] * polk24222 joined the chat.
[06:36:30] * Adit.s.sharma joined the chat.
[06:36:30] * Adit.s.sharma left the chat.
[06:36:42] <polk24222> try
[06:36:58] <polk24222> test 123
[06:37:02] * Adit.s.sharma joined the chat.
[06:37:18] * polk24222 left the chat.
[06:40:40] * Adit.s.sharma left the chat.
[06:40:57] * fdgs left the chat.
[07:00:05] * Creation left the chat.
[07:08:01] * Creation joined the chat.
[07:26:45] * ∞ left the chat.
[07:26:45] * the ♚ left the chat.
[07:44:49] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[07:45:32] * yuppinturic left the chat.
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[08:00:06] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[08:26:29] * MattJ joined the chat.
[08:50:26] * Tobias joined the chat.
[08:56:47] * nick@lupine.me.uk joined the chat.
[09:00:41] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[09:02:27] * Mati joined the chat.
[09:18:28] * Mati left the chat.
[09:18:28] * Mati joined the chat.
[09:32:54] * sattrack joined the chat.
[09:35:24] * andreymal joined the chat.
[09:36:19] <andreymal> !ru
[09:36:51] <andreymal> ping
[09:37:15] <andreymal> :(
[09:38:18] * sattrack left the chat.
[09:38:33] * andreymal left the chat.
[09:38:37] * andreymal joined the chat.
[09:43:50] * Duuuark joined the chat.
[10:16:54] * naw joined the chat.
[10:18:22] * treebilou joined the chat.
[10:19:53] * Mati left the chat.
[10:21:23] * bittin joined the chat.
[10:24:19] * az10 joined the chat.
[10:25:36] <az10> _ping
[10:25:39] <IseeDa> az10: Ping from you 2.167 sec.
[10:27:45] * andreymal left the chat.
[10:31:19] * az10 left the chat.
[10:33:04] * jawathebeast joined the chat.
[10:33:04] * jawathebeast left the chat.
[10:34:07] * jawathebeast joined the chat.
[10:34:17] * jawathebeast left the chat.
[10:34:47] * jawathebeast joined the chat.
[10:36:03] <jawathebeast> Anyone dere
[10:40:26] <Tanguy> Yes.
[10:41:14] <jawathebeast> Tanguy: maa chuda
[10:42:14] <Tanguy> Sorry?
[10:42:51] <jawathebeast> Where r u from
[10:43:26] <Tanguy> Paris, France.
[10:43:57] <Tanguy> But please write complete words and sentences.
[10:44:34] <Tanguy> r → are, u → you, question mark at the end of a question. We are not chatting by SMS, here.
[10:44:39] * Mati joined the chat.
[10:45:04] <Tanguy> Plus I do not understand English abbreviations very well.
[10:45:53] <jawathebeast> Ok ok
[10:48:02] <jawathebeast> Tell me something about yourself
[10:49:46] * bittin left the chat.
[10:50:13] <Tanguy> Well, this is a channel to get help with Jabber, not to meet other people. I am sure there are channels for that.
[10:51:38] <jawathebeast> I know that then tell me wat i can say u
[10:51:58] * Mati left the chat.
[10:54:53] * jawathebeast left the chat.
[10:59:20] * jawathebeast joined the chat.
[10:59:46] <jawathebeast> Hey wat happend
[11:01:56] <jawathebeast> wiretap:hell
[11:05:23] * jawathebeast left the chat.
[11:09:29] * jawathebeast joined the chat.
[11:09:29] * jawathebeast left the chat.
[11:09:58] * bittin joined the chat.
[11:45:45] * Mati joined the chat.
[11:48:14] * Mati left the chat.
[11:48:25] * Mati joined the chat.
[12:07:28] * bittin left the chat.
[12:32:51] * bittin joined the chat.
[12:34:21] * niekie left the chat.
[12:42:19] * cleveland40495 joined the chat.
[12:42:33] * grant41680 joined the chat.
[12:44:18] * cleveland40495 left the chat.
[12:45:31] * grant41680 left the chat.
[12:55:24] * andreymal joined the chat.
[12:56:39] <andreymal> !ru
[12:56:50] <andreymal> ping
[12:57:13] <andreymal> _ping
[12:57:15] <IseeDa> andreymal: Ping from you 1.984 sec.
[12:57:21] <andreymal> IseeDa: !ru
[12:57:36] <andreymal> :'(
[13:07:54] * andreymal left the chat.
[13:10:27] * niekie joined the chat.
[13:29:14] * Mati left the chat.
[13:29:26] * Mati joined the chat.
[14:00:42] * bittin left the chat.
[14:26:14] * taylor27599 joined the chat.
[14:29:12] * taylor27599 left the chat.
[14:33:53] * andreymal joined the chat.
[14:56:27] * carter1068 joined the chat.
[15:01:37] * Smnpatil673 joined the chat.
[15:01:38] * Smnpatil673 left the chat.
[15:01:46] <carter1068> I am looking for an IM solution to use at our work place would anyone be able to help?
[15:02:04] <naw> you can use jabber for that
[15:02:32] <carter1068> would you be able to help me understand what I would need in order to use jabber?
[15:02:32] <naw> there are several servers that you can install (some have LDAP (active directory) integration)
[15:03:02] <carter1068> Our requirements are that conversations be logged and if it is AD aware that would be great
[15:03:35] <naw> you will need to choose a server and the client which will be installed on the workstations
[15:03:47] <naw> almost all clients log the conversation
[15:03:49] <Kev> carter1068: M-Link at least is designed for scenarios like that.
[15:03:52] <carter1068> we have some mac os x servers
[15:03:54] <naw> I'm not sure about the servers
[15:04:15] <carter1068> M-Link?
[15:04:30] <Kev> http://www.isode.com/products/m-link.html
[15:04:34] <naw> there are several servers http://xmpp.org/software/servers.shtml
[15:04:38] <Kev> It's the Jabber server that the company I work for make.
[15:05:04] <carter1068> thank you!
[15:05:26] <naw> openfire and ejabberd have active directorey integration
[15:05:45] <carter1068> now client wise - is their a "jabber" client? from teh website I sort of got the impression that jabber is the underlying
source but im clients vary
[15:05:53] <Kev> There are many clients.
[15:06:18] <naw> openfire has a monitoring plugin that lets you to store logs in the server
[15:06:31] <naw> and I guess that ejabberd should have some module too
[15:06:49] <naw> jabber/xmpp is the protocol
[15:07:14] <naw> there are several server and client implementations http://xmpp.org/software/clients.shtml
[15:07:32] <carter1068> perfect thank you naw and kev
[15:07:36] <carter1068> I will have a look at these for now
[15:07:43] <carter1068> and be back with more questions :P
[15:07:48] <carter1068> appreciate your help
[15:07:50] <naw> :)
[15:08:16] * Karma.199494 joined the chat.
[15:08:16] * Karma.199494 left the chat.
[15:10:12] * Karma.199494 joined the chat.
[15:16:53] * Sanek. joined the chat.
[15:18:20] <Karma.199494> Hi
[15:19:29] <Karma.199494> Any 1 hear
[15:20:25] <Karma.199494> Hallo
[15:20:28] <andreymal> Karma.199494, hi
[15:20:37] * Sanek. left the chat.
[15:20:53] <Karma.199494> How r u
[15:21:58] <Karma.199494> Where r u from
[15:22:43] <andreymal> Karma.199494, не знаю
[15:22:47] <Karma.199494> Hallo
[15:23:53] <Karma.199494> What
[15:25:14] <Karma.199494> Do u speak english
[15:26:01] <Karma.199494> Hi
[15:26:48] <andreymal> Karma.199494, no
[15:32:49] <Karma.199494> :-(
[15:33:12] * Karma.199494 left the chat.
[15:33:13] * 0heartsbreaker0 joined the chat.
[15:33:13] * 0heartsbreaker0 left the chat.
[15:33:15] <andreymal> Karma.199494, i very bad speak
[15:33:31] * 0heartsbreaker0 joined the chat.
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[15:33:36] * 0heartsbreaker0 joined the chat.
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[15:37:12] * 0heartsbreaker0 joined the chat.
[15:37:12] * 0heartsbreaker0 left the chat.
[15:48:59] * niekie left the chat.
[16:08:30] * Tobias left the chat.
[16:13:16] * subodhridick joined the chat.
[16:13:17] * subodhridick left the chat.
[16:16:27] * Tobias joined the chat.
[16:16:58] * subodhridick joined the chat.
[16:18:23] * subodhridick left the chat.
[16:24:52] * andreymal left the chat.
[16:26:40] * vanburen52896 joined the chat.
[16:26:49] * vanburen52896 left the chat.
[16:43:34] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[16:43:51] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[16:44:15] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[17:16:17] * sunspamix left the chat.
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[17:33:21] <carter1068> Helloo
[17:33:24] <carter1068> :)
[17:34:02] <carter1068> so i have narrowed it down to 4 possible servers that more or less meet the requirements : I-Chat Server
M-Link Server
E-Jabberd (not sure if this logs messages)
[17:35:07] <carter1068> any recommendations on potential clients with stability and functionality that would work best with these servers?
[17:35:25] <Kev> Psi's popular, Gajim's popular, Pandion's popular if you're on Windows.
[17:35:31] <Kev> I used to write Psi, now I write Swift.
[17:36:10] <carter1068> we have a mixed enviornment.. mostly windows
[17:36:12] <carter1068> but some macs
[17:36:25] <carter1068> ill check out those
[17:36:31] <Kev> Psi and Swift work on both.
[17:36:34] <carter1068> that you mentioned
[17:36:36] <carter1068> great
[17:36:45] <carter1068> do you know any that would have a "live meeting" sort of functionality?
[17:37:12] <Kev> Do you mean video conferencing? If so, no.
[17:37:33] <naw> carter1068: ejabberd manual mentions bandersnatch for logs
[17:38:18] <carter1068> more like shareing of your desktop
[17:38:33] <carter1068> naw, thank you
[17:48:21] * Z_God joined the chat.
[17:54:33] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[18:13:15] * naw left the chat.
[18:33:34] * waqas joined the chat.
[18:34:22] * Duuuark left the chat.
[18:58:49] <carter1068> have you ever used SIP Communicator?
[19:03:03] * Creation left the chat.
[19:23:46] * Duuuark joined the chat.
[19:33:41] * niekie joined the chat.
[19:42:56] * waqas left the chat.
[19:46:40] * waqas joined the chat.
[19:57:41] * lynx-r1 joined the chat.
[19:58:05] * lynx-r1 left the chat.
[20:10:09] * Duuuark left the chat.
[20:16:17] * admin joined the chat.
[20:47:54] * admin left the chat.
[20:52:15] * admin joined the chat.
[21:36:25] * carter1068 left the chat.
[21:47:28] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[21:48:22] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[21:51:28] * Z_God left the chat.
[22:07:56] * naw joined the chat.
[22:16:54] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[22:38:08] * admin left the chat.
[22:50:14] * mpranj joined the chat.
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[23:17:46] * bagaz joined the chat.
[23:23:17] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[23:23:21] * mpranj left the chat.
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[00:15:03] * naw left the chat.
[00:15:34] * Tobias left the chat.
[00:46:45] * Link Mauve left the chat.
[01:02:32] * MattJ left the chat.
[01:03:36] * Hhadad101 joined the chat.
[01:03:36] * Hhadad101 left the chat.
[01:05:13] * Karma.199494 joined the chat.
[01:05:13] * Karma.199494 left the chat.
[01:05:49] * Karma.199494 joined the chat.
[01:07:54] <Karma.199494> Hi
[01:08:45] <Karma.199494> Hallo carter
[01:09:36] <Karma.199494> Hallo
[01:11:40] <Karma.199494> Hi
[01:13:10] * bagaz left the chat.
[01:17:50] * musclebuilder joined the chat.
[01:18:19] * Mati left the chat.
[01:18:56] * Karma.199494 left the chat.
[02:04:00] * treebilou left the chat.
[02:54:35] * nak joined the chat.
[02:55:39] <nak> dsfasdfasd
[02:55:41] <nak> sdfsdfsdf
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[02:57:44] * nak left the chat.
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[03:39:47] * bittin joined the chat.
[03:58:59] * hkotyhov joined the chat.
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[03:59:17] * reagan58176 joined the chat.
[04:08:26] * musclebuilder joined the chat.
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