Logs for jabber
[05:19:02] * treebilou joined the chat.
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[05:24:18] * niekie joined the chat.
[05:56:31] * k joined the chat.
[06:06:27] <Tehnicka Podrska> good morning
[06:08:54] * Tehnicka Podrska left the chat.
[06:20:39] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[06:21:59] * Susovan joined the chat.
[06:22:18] <Susovan> A
[06:29:53] * k left the chat.
[06:38:06] * Susovan left the chat.
[06:41:07] * Z_God left the chat.
[07:05:34] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[07:07:14] * naw joined the chat.
[07:09:08] * naw_ joined the chat.
[07:09:51] * naw_ left the chat.
[07:12:09] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[07:12:26] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[07:14:23] * dreamcast left the chat.
[07:31:25] * jprieur joined the chat.
[07:31:36] * jprieur left the chat.
[07:47:23] * treebilou left the chat.
[07:55:22] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[07:57:24] * bittin left the chat.
[07:59:25] * naw_ joined the chat.
[08:00:23] * naw_ left the chat.
[08:00:27] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[08:07:59] * Mati joined the chat.
[08:13:23] * adams35187 joined the chat.
[08:14:06] <adams35187> hello. is this the place I can get help with jabber.org services?
[08:14:44] <Lastwebpage> yes
[08:15:36] * Mati left the chat.
[08:15:37] * Mati joined the chat.
[08:15:56] * Mati left the chat.
[08:16:00] <adams35187> I get lots of disconnects lately, but it's not a problem by itself... but my ghost resource won't disappear, and I can't join
conferences I've been to.
[08:16:07] * Mati joined the chat.
[08:16:30] <adams35187> my lifemate get these disconnects too, so I don't think it's an account theft.
[08:17:25] <Kev> adams35187: We had several restarts yesterday, sorry about that.
[08:17:31] <adams35187> np %)
[08:17:35] <Kev> If you tell me the rooms, I can correct the ghosts manually.
[08:18:49] <adams35187> furry@conference.jabber.ru and wikifur@conference.foxie.net.ru .
[08:19:21] <Kev> Can you join this room from the JID you want kicked, please?
[08:20:08] <adams35187> jabber@conference.jabber.org , right?
[08:20:16] <Kev> Yes.
[08:20:48] * EvilCat joined the chat.
[08:21:34] <EvilCat> hi. that's me. I'll quit not from web chat..
[08:21:38] * adams35187 left the chat.
[08:22:46] <EvilCat> sorry, I couldn't join this conference from the client at first, but I seem to mistyped a letter that time...
[08:27:21] <EvilCat> ping (just testing...)
[08:28:40] <naw> pong
[08:28:46] <EvilCat> thanks.
[08:29:00] * bittin joined the chat.
[08:30:28] * Kevmin joined the chat.
[08:30:48] <Kevmin> EvilCat: Ok, I'll sort out the ghosts now (sorry, busy)
[08:30:58] <Kevmin> Oh, wait.
[08:31:02] <Kevmin> Those aren't on jabber.org
[08:31:17] <Kevmin> Sorry, I can't sort those out, you need the jabber.ru admins there.
[08:31:24] <Kevmin> or foxie.net.ru.
[08:31:25] <EvilCat> yes, but I thought that jabber.org sustains the ghosts...
[08:31:40] <Kevmin> No, it's the MUC service that keeps the ghosts.
[08:31:46] * Kevmin left the chat.
[08:32:52] <EvilCat> does this normally happens when you accidnently disconnect or did I do something wrong?
[08:33:19] * treebilou joined the chat.
[08:33:47] <Kev> EvilCat: it happens if a server restarts while users are still connected.
[08:33:54] * treebilou left the chat.
[08:34:17] <Kev> If you know the resource you were using when you were ghosted, you should be able to re-use the same resource to purge the
[08:35:11] * treebilou joined the chat.
[08:35:35] <EvilCat> I'm not sure I know... I just connect via Miranda IM, and Jabber chatrooms are still new for me.
[08:36:07] <Kev> Are there moderators in the rooms? They could kick your ghost for you.
[08:36:17] <Kev> Just join with a different nickname.
[08:37:39] <EvilCat> it so happens that one of these room has no moderators, and in the other I'm a moderator, although I can contact the admin.
so, I see... thanks %)
[08:40:31] * EvilCat left the chat.
[08:45:06] * Mati left the chat.
[08:45:53] * Mati joined the chat.
[08:51:16] * bittin left the chat.
[08:53:17] * Tobias joined the chat.
[09:06:56] * naw left the chat.
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[09:10:51] * dwd left the chat.
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[09:10:58] * ther joined the chat.
[09:11:19] <ther> hello, anyone here know how to use gnuplot please?
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[09:11:29] * dwd joined the chat.
[09:12:07] * kennedy14235 joined the chat.
[09:13:16] <kennedy14235> ping (just testing...)
[09:24:20] * naw_ joined the chat.
[09:37:26] * naw_ left the chat.
[09:51:25] * ∞ left the chat.
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[10:07:47] * Mati left the chat.
[10:11:32] * ther left the chat.
[10:13:36] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[10:19:01] * jefferson57806 joined the chat.
[10:20:24] <jefferson57806> What do I do if when connecting to the server njs.netla.cz through jabber to set up new account I get the error "There was
an error registering the account.
Reason: Bad request.
The sender has sent XML that is malformed or that cannot be processed."
[10:30:03] * Mati joined the chat.
[10:35:56] * jefferson57806 left the chat.
[10:38:19] * benfsalem joined the chat.
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[10:39:15] * Mati joined the chat.
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[10:53:48] * Mati joined the chat.
[10:53:52] * Mati left the chat.
[10:54:02] * Mati joined the chat.
[11:09:25] * treebilou left the chat.
[11:22:58] * dmex joined the chat.
[11:25:02] <dmex> Im having problems with spam coming from another server.
[11:27:13] <dmex> no way to block or stop it?
[11:28:36] * niekie left the chat.
[11:28:37] <Kev> Not at the moment. We'll be adding XEP-191 for blocking users, but not yet.
[11:29:01] <Kev> Although some clients have an option to ignore messages from people not in your roster.
[11:29:03] <Kev> (Psi for example)
[11:29:37] <Kev> You could contact the admin of the server sending the spam, and tell them about it.
[11:36:18] <dmex> its talkr.im
[11:36:28] <Tobias> heh
[11:36:32] <dmex> seems their irc gateway is stuck in ubuntu
[11:36:44] <dmex> 2x every one message
[11:37:16] * Mati left the chat.
[11:37:30] <dmex> manually sending <presence type="unavailable" back to the JID does nothing
[11:39:44] <dmex> know anyone at processone?
[11:40:57] * rockyashu1 joined the chat.
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[11:42:01] * rockyashu1 joined the chat.
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[11:44:47] <naw> nyco joins this room from thime to time and, afaik, he works there
[11:46:05] <naw> and there is a room, where you already are
[11:47:51] <dmex> ;)
[11:50:14] * Mati joined the chat.
[11:56:40] <dmex> wouldnt be so bad if psi didnt lock up for 30s processing the 1200 or so presence packets everytime I close the window
[11:58:18] <dmex> seems muc doesnt scale well
[12:00:30] <Tobias> dmex: when you close what window?
[12:01:42] <dmex> their gateway auto-reconnects afterwards so it rejoins the channel and starts sending the presence packets again
[12:02:07] <dmex> theres 1203 users in that channel
[12:03:14] <dmex> my client/psi/pidgin, they all lockup for quite awile processing all the presence packets
[12:04:07] * niekie joined the chat.
[12:08:02] <dmex> heres why muc doesnt scale well with 800+ users... Socket receives message on ThreadPool, threadpool thread calls message
handler, handler dispatches SendMessage, UI is looping on PeekMessage, UI processes username/status/participant info, now
do that for every presence packet 1000x or more and you have allot of resource contention
[12:08:45] <dmex> Its not like the roster where you can process the entire message at one time
[12:09:13] <Tobias> well..it could throttle IO to some kbyte/s
[12:10:07] <Tobias> or buffer them and process them at a maximum amount of stanzas/s
[12:10:57] * jsilva joined the chat.
[12:11:05] <dmex> its mostly because of the amount of messages qued up in the message que, it prevents window messages being processed for a
[12:11:19] <dmex> WM_PAINT for example
[12:12:02] <Tobias> with messages i meant XMPP related messages
[12:12:19] <Tobias> if you limit those there's always time left for GUI stuff
[12:13:27] <dmex> how you you suggest this is done upon joining a muc?
[12:14:12] <dmex> the server auto-sends all the presence packets, theres no way to know when its finished
[12:14:18] <Tobias> yeah
[12:14:37] <Tobias> but nobody says the client has to process the the second it receives them
[12:15:58] <dmex> 30-60 secods have a window saying "joining room, please standby..."?
[12:16:25] <dmex> play some funky music while they wait?
[12:16:27] <dmex> ;p
[12:16:38] <Tobias> that's bad UI in that case, if it's showing you a modal dialog or similar to you while joining
[12:17:04] <dmex> psi does for about 8s
[12:17:23] <Tobias> dmex: i know Psi's UI is far from perfect :)
[12:17:56] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[12:18:52] <Kev> "how you you suggest this is done upon joining a muc? dmex @ 13:13
the server auto-sends all the presence packets, theres no way to know when its finished"
[12:18:59] <Kev> That's not quite true - you do know when it's finished.
[12:19:25] <dmex> Howso?
[12:19:55] <Kev> The server MUST send you your own presence last, so you know it's finished.
[12:23:36] <dmex> hmm, Ill need to look into how to handle that case
[12:25:16] <Tobias> Kev: i imagine Swift going crazy in a 1000 participants situation too :)
[12:25:34] <Kev> Tobias: I actually tested it against #ubuntu, and it was something like three times the speed of Pidgin.
[12:25:51] <dmex> yes it is
[12:25:53] <Tobias> even on mac? :)
[12:26:02] <Kev> It was on a Mac.
[12:26:05] <Lastwebpage> someone use Xeus/Xim ?
[12:26:06] * MattJ joined the chat.
[12:26:17] <Kev> I didn't test Pidgin, I just believed the numbers given to me in the Spectrum channel, mind.
[12:26:21] <niekie> Hello MattJ :)
[12:26:25] <MattJ> Hello
[12:43:03] * grant17643 joined the chat.
[12:43:29] <grant17643> nice
[12:43:43] * grant17643 left the chat.
[12:48:20] * reg!ster joined the chat.
[12:49:56] <reg!ster> :)
[12:50:52] <reg!ster> Hi
[12:51:44] <reg!ster> Any 1 here?
[12:51:47] <reg!ster> :o
[12:52:06] <dmex> maybe
[12:52:30] <reg!ster> Aha
[12:52:39] <reg!ster> dmex: hi how r u?
[12:53:10] <reg!ster> Error: forbidden
[12:53:33] * Mati left the chat.
[12:53:33] * Mati joined the chat.
[12:53:50] <reg!ster> Its a frezee room :S
[12:53:51] * Duuuark joined the chat.
[12:53:52] * Mati left the chat.
[12:54:06] * Mati joined the chat.
[12:54:07] * reg!ster left the chat.
[12:54:22] * reg!ster joined the chat.
[12:54:44] <dmex> Its a what?
[12:55:17] <reg!ster> N0 private
[12:55:27] <reg!ster> Got error
[12:56:04] <dmex> no private, like chat?
[12:56:18] <reg!ster> dmex: hm u fr0m?
[12:56:43] <reg!ster> dmex: ya i cant private u
[12:57:10] <dmex> Australia.
[12:57:22] <reg!ster> dmex: aha gud
[12:57:22] <dmex> this is kinda the support room for jabber.org
[12:57:37] <reg!ster> Hm i knw
[12:57:47] <reg!ster> Iam new here
[12:58:51] * reg!ster left the chat.
[12:58:57] * reg!ster joined the chat.
[12:59:49] <reg!ster> dmex: :)
[13:00:22] <reg!ster> Kev: hi
[13:00:32] <reg!ster> :p
[13:00:42] <reg!ster> :D
[13:00:47] <reg!ster> :p
[13:01:02] <reg!ster> All sleeping:p
[13:01:12] <reg!ster> :D
[13:01:23] <reg!ster> Who is help here then?
[13:01:27] <reg!ster> :D
[13:01:33] <reg!ster> :P
[13:02:17] <Duuuark> maybe there is no one, who want help? ;)
[13:02:34] <reg!ster> I want ownership of this c0nference >:)
[13:02:45] <reg!ster> Me want:p
[13:03:00] <reg!ster> Plz gave me power
[13:03:13] <reg!ster> :P
[13:04:11] <reg!ster> I wana knw what is jabber and what is rules of jabber and trick tips were can i go?
[13:04:52] <reg!ster> Any admin owner m0d tel me :O
[13:05:06] <dmex> rules are the same as any IM system
[13:05:19] <reg!ster> dmex: hm
[13:05:32] <dmex> you can chat with IRC/GTalk/Aim etc.. users, just be polite
[13:06:14] <reg!ster> Hm
[13:06:43] <reg!ster> Bt i want jabber website
[13:07:12] <reg!ster> For read rules and trick tips and managemint chat ro0ms
[13:08:15] <reg!ster> Me dnt knw what is running here
[13:08:46] <dmex> whats running the server?
[13:09:44] <reg!ster> dmex: i want website for tel many m00r rules
[13:09:59] <reg!ster> I mean trick tips
[13:10:56] <dmex> http://im.about.com/od/imetiquette/a/unwrittenrules.htm
[13:11:16] <dmex> as for tips/tricks, depends on your client
[13:11:17] <reg!ster> Flo0ding manage bots jabber chat clients scripts and trick tips hacking
[13:11:30] <dmex> they all do different things
[13:12:25] <reg!ster> http://im.about.com/od/imetiquette/a/unwrittenrules.htm
hm its a im client website n0t for jabber?
[13:12:29] <naw> I don't think that the people will like to be flooded, if it is what you want to do
[13:13:03] <reg!ster> naw: hm
[13:14:01] <dmex> you do mean like a bot to prevent people flooding rooms?
[13:14:28] <reg!ster> Me can use jabber bots 0n my hp ph0ne?
[13:14:51] <reg!ster> dmex: bots f0r manage ro0ms
[13:15:01] <naw> I don't think that a bot will be able to run on a phone
[13:15:11] <naw> you should use better a pc
[13:15:13] <reg!ster> naw: hm
[13:15:17] <Mati> run it someplace else, and learn how to type
[13:15:20] <naw> but most clients can manage rooms
[13:15:22] <reg!ster> naw: pc bad
[13:15:35] <reg!ster> naw: i dnt like pc
[13:15:44] <reg!ster> naw: i like ph
[13:16:08] <reg!ster> naw: hm
[13:16:09] <Mati> reg!ster, run it on some server
[13:16:44] <reg!ster> Knw me goin
[13:16:49] <reg!ster> :)
[13:17:05] <reg!ster> Thanks and me c0me again
[13:17:28] <reg!ster> Tc all friends
[13:17:54] <reg!ster> ;) bye:P
[13:18:27] * reg!ster left the chat.
[13:22:19] * niekie left the chat.
[13:31:33] * Link Mauve left the chat.
[13:36:48] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[13:44:18] * Duuuark left the chat.
[13:49:43] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[13:52:18] * naw left the chat.
[13:55:52] * bittin joined the chat.
[13:58:36] * Duuuark joined the chat.
[14:03:11] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[14:09:44] * jprieur joined the chat.
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[14:25:35] <dmex> [22:22:57] <Nÿco> it looks like jabber.org now sets its own resources for clients
[22:23:03] <Nÿco> we see random hexadecimal strings in resources from j.org users
[14:26:26] <Kev> Only if the client requests it, or requests a conflicting resource, otherwise they get what they ask for.
[14:27:26] <dmex> [22:26:31] <Nÿco> no, not at login
[14:27:59] <dmex> ugh
[14:28:22] <Kev> That was only half a paste, I suspect?
[14:28:29] <dmex> no it wasnt
[14:28:36] * Kevmin joined the chat.
[14:29:02] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[14:29:21] <Kev> Of the jabber.org users in this room, as a sample, no-one has a random resource.
[14:29:43] <dmex> hence the ugh
[14:29:58] <dmex> I knew that already ;)
[14:30:13] <dwd> Server-assigned resources are random. The server will assign resources if the client doesn't ask for one, or if the client's
requested resource is currently bound to/by a responsive client.
[14:30:26] <dwd> Which is more or less what Kev said.
[14:32:09] * hameed8588 joined the chat.
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[14:32:41] <dmex> [22:30:44] <Nÿco> not in a room, on the IRC transport on Talkr.im
[22:31:10] <dmex> that would be a bug on your side?
[14:34:46] <dmex> bug on their irc transport I would assume
[14:37:37] <Kev> I don't know - I'll try and remember to chat to Nÿco about it next time he's in here, and see if we can work out what's going
[14:37:40] * hameed8588 joined the chat.
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[14:38:19] * mpranj joined the chat.
[14:38:33] <dmex> Im talking with him now, I just want the spam to stop.
[14:41:54] * Duuuark left the chat.
[14:42:02] * Duuuark joined the chat.
[14:48:14] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[14:50:26] <Kev> dmex: Yes, I can understand that.
[14:50:46] <Kev> I don't understand what the problem is, though, that Nÿco's refering to.
[14:51:42] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[14:51:50] * nverite joined the chat.
[14:51:58] * Nÿco left the chat.
[14:51:58] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[14:52:14] <nverite> hi
[14:52:23] * aleksey joined the chat.
[14:52:39] <aleksey> hi
[14:53:38] * Nÿco left the chat.
[14:54:24] <dmex> Kev: their irc transport wont stop sending messages
[14:54:38] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[14:54:45] * Nÿco left the chat.
[14:54:50] <nverite> wow, weird MUC
[14:55:04] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[14:55:14] <dmex> manually sending a <presence type="unavailable" has no effect
[14:55:23] <nverite> to what?
[14:55:40] <nverite> Psi is connecting to this MUC forever
[14:55:58] <nverite> when I cancel, the presence is set to unavailable
[14:57:15] <Kev> nverite: Any idea what's happening in the console while it's not connecting with Psi?
[14:57:32] <aleksey> dmex: presence unavailable should be from the same resource, and it seems a bit ago j.o was setting resources to some random
[14:57:45] <Kev> nverite: Also: sorry, I wasn't understanding the messages about random resources.
[14:58:40] <aleksey> at least i see a few dead random resources from j.o users in my rosters, and today i saw one in conference.jabber.ru rooms
[15:00:38] <Kevmin> Sorry, looks like my VPS is on a go-slow again, I'll try here.
[15:00:41] <dmex> now theres two forwarder bots in #ubuntu, forwarding all messages to my jabber.org client that I cant stop or d/c
[15:01:09] <Kevmin> aleksey: right - jabber.org will give out a server-generated resource if either the client requests one (by not suggesting
a resource of its own), or requests a resource that's already in use and active (responding to xmpp pings).
[15:02:26] <Nÿco> Psi's connection to this MUC takes ages
[15:02:42] <Kevmin> Ah, but it does get there eventually?
[15:04:19] <Nÿco> yep
[15:04:37] <Nÿco> I send the presence right, but receiving all presence takes ages
[15:04:51] <Kevmin> How strange. I've got Psi here, let's try.
[15:04:52] * Kevmin left the chat.
[15:04:56] * Kevmin joined the chat.
[15:05:08] <aleksey> Kevmin: yeah, and it looks like those rules were broken :)
[15:05:10] <Kevmin> Instant. I wonder if jabber.fr <->jabber.org link is being slow.
[15:05:14] <Nÿco> ah Psi-0.15-dev
[15:05:19] <Nÿco> long time I've not updated
[15:05:24] <Nÿco> nevermind
[15:05:26] <Kevmin> Ah, all bets are off with 0.15, I think.
[15:05:37] <Nÿco> ok, sorry
[15:05:57] <Kevmin> No problem :) I think the new roster code is still causing problems, although I've no real idea.
[15:06:27] <Kevmin> aleksey: Hrmm, strange. What makes you think that?
[15:06:35] <Kev> aleksey: Right - jabber.org will hand out a server-generated resource if either the client asks for one (i.e. doesn't suggest
a resource of its own), or if the client requests a resource that's already in-use, and active (i.e. responding to xmpp pings)
[15:07:24] <Kevmin> Ignore that message from Kev - I sent it several minutes ago before the duplicate, but my server 'hardware's been playing
up today.
[15:08:51] <Kev> Seems the network froze up, lovely.
[15:12:58] <dmex> Nÿco: what resource are the two connections coming from?
[15:14:00] <dmex> dmex04@j.org/?
[15:15:35] * Sathishram joined the chat.
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[15:16:44] <aleksey> dmex: just a minute
[15:16:55] <aleksey> (a few mote minutes :)
[15:17:00] <aleksey> *more
[15:17:48] <aleksey> dmex04@j.o/be1c88a3462aef59
[15:17:57] <aleksey> and /599419a09987a983
[15:20:10] <dwd> aleksey, Argh! Presence leak!
[15:21:15] <dwd> Kev, You should be able to find those resources in the logs.
[15:21:27] <dwd> Kev, Certainly if they're conflict losers, they're certainly logged.
[15:21:59] <Kev> Only if it's recent.
[15:22:05] <Kev> The logs cycle pretty quickly.
[15:22:13] <dwd> Kev, True, what's your log cycle?
[15:22:25] <Kev> I don't remember off-hand.
[15:22:27] <dmex> this was just today
[15:22:31] <Kev> A couple of days.
[15:23:32] <dwd> kennedy14235, Grep-tastic.
[15:23:35] <dwd> Whoops.
[15:23:41] <dwd> Kev, grep-tastic.
[15:23:53] <Kev> Indeed."be1c88a3462aef59" isn't in the logs, as far back as they go.
[15:24:08] <Kev> dmex: Were you using the same Psi install when you joined the IRC channels?
[15:24:13] <dmex> yes
[15:24:42] <dmex> I joined twice today
[15:24:54] <dmex> I think it didnt d/c the first time and I didnt notice
[15:25:12] <Kev> I'm not seeing any conflicts in the logs over the last day or so.
[15:26:05] <Kev> (for dmex)
[15:33:13] <dmex> Im also guessing their not the resources Ive used?
[15:33:43] <dmex> they should be /psi, /client or /pidgin
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[15:42:40] <dmex> Im gussing just use the above two resource ID's to d/c the irc gateway
[15:43:17] <dmex> I dont know where them resource ID's come from though
[15:47:49] <aleksey> dmex: an hour before your report, i got another one about the same problem on conference.jabber.ru, and there was also a user
with a random resource
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[16:10:29] <dmex> well that did the job, manually setting the resource and manually sending the presence type="unavailable"
[16:11:11] <dmex> aleksey: do you know how the random resource ID's come about?
[16:16:13] <aleksey> no idea, ask j.o team :)
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[16:24:30] <dmex> /me blames Kev.
[16:24:32] <dmex> ;)
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[16:27:48] <Kev> dmex: A reasonable approach to life.
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[18:12:35] <obama60274> hi people
[18:12:43] <obama60274> an answer
[18:12:49] <obama60274> the server of jabber?
[18:12:59] <obama60274> for setting im client?
[18:13:30] <kennedy39785> Hi. Does anyone has installed jabber sever on a redhat EL machine?
[18:14:17] <obama60274> hey kennedy, U know the server address of jabber for setting im client?
[18:14:45] <kennedy39785> as far as I know, there are dozens of them.
[18:15:01] <kennedy39785> gmail for instance.
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[18:16:10] <Mati> obama60274, have you already created an account?
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[18:17:07] <obama60274> yep
[18:17:25] <Mati> obama60274, well, on what server? on jabber.org?
[18:17:31] <Mati> then the server is jabber.org
[18:17:38] <obama60274> all right
[18:17:48] <obama60274> now i tri
[18:17:51] <obama60274> try
[18:22:00] <obama60274> thankz for all
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[18:59:33] <Fabio> hi
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[19:46:39] * PaulFertser joined the chat.
[19:47:20] <PaulFertser> Hey folks. Having gmail.com<->jabber.org lost messages issue again here. :(
[19:50:00] <PaulFertser> My friend resorted to connecting to me via ssh and using the traditional "talk". And it ain't quite nice enough because it
(the version installed on my machine) doesn't handle utf-8 sanely.
[19:55:50] <evilotto> have your friend get a regular jabber account instead of using gtalk?
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[19:57:30] <PaulFertser> evilotto: that's not exactly the point. Also jabber.org was known to have s2s issues on its side of the gmail.com link, and
it was server's fault, not google's.
[19:58:07] <Mati> hmm, many ejabberd installations have the same problem
[19:58:17] <Kev> PaulFertser: I'm not aware of any such problems at the moment, though.
[19:58:37] <Kev> I know gmail was having s2s issues recently with the world at large, but I thought they'd been resolved.
[19:59:23] <PaulFertser> Kev: and yet they seem real. The same person i used to talk with with the same setup and everything (she uses the gmail web
interface) now is not able to talk to me the regular way.
[19:59:42] <PaulFertser> Kev: and Hi, pleased to see you again :)
[20:00:24] <Kev> We've not made any significant changes to jabber.org in quite some time, so it's unlikely (I don't claim impossible, but very
unlikely) that it's something we've done.
[20:01:55] <PaulFertser> Kev: even so, probably worth investigating... I know google is evil but otoh i have no proof it's them violating XMPP or something.
[20:02:27] <Kev> I'm not claiming Google are evil :)
[20:02:36] <Mati> Kev, you must be the only one here
[20:02:54] <dwd> PaulFertser, Didn't you have some funky scripts and things, from the last time?
[20:04:56] <PaulFertser> dwd: yes, i have a simple python script to send messages, but i can't conduct the same experiment again as that server i used
of a friend of mine is offline :/
[20:05:08] <PaulFertser> Mati: LOL
[20:05:37] <dwd> PaulFertser, You need another server?
[20:06:35] <PaulFertser> dwd: not really, i rather need access to that particular server to fetch my scripts :)
[20:06:42] <dwd> OIC...
[20:11:05] <PaulFertser> Those recent gmail.com issues didn't manifest themselves as randomly lost messages though (at least that's what my quick googling
[20:11:22] <Kev> Ok, what are you seeing exactly?
[20:11:28] <Kev> I can check logs quickly before I head off to bed.
[20:12:38] * dwd-jorg joined the chat.
[20:12:40] <PaulFertser> Kev: my friend has sent me a message, and then i replied with several messages and then she used "talk" (after connecting
to my machine) because i never received her replies. So basically, the symptoms are the same as i saw before.
[20:13:16] <dwd-jorg> PaulFertser: Well, we haven't changed that code back, for sure.
[20:13:23] <PaulFertser> dwd-jorg: no doubt :)))
[20:13:46] <PaulFertser> That's why i said "the symptoms are the same" not "the same issue" :)
[20:14:25] <PaulFertser> It happened ~45 minutes ago.
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[20:14:38] <Kev> PaulFertser: With you on gmail, and friend on jorg?
[20:14:56] <PaulFertser> Kev: the opposite
[20:14:57] <dwd-jorg> Erm.
[20:15:00] <dwd-jorg> I haven't left.
[20:15:08] <dwd-jorg> As in, from my gtalk account.
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[20:16:05] <PaulFertser> You see now, it's reproducible ;)
[20:16:07] <dwd-jorg> Well, that's odd.
[20:16:28] <dwd-jorg> (And BTW, I hate Psi)
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[20:16:46] <Kev> We know.
[20:17:00] <PaulFertser> dwd-jorg: what about that new fancy user-friendly child of Kev? ;)
[20:17:47] * dwd-gtalk joined the chat.
[20:17:49] <dwd-jorg> PaulFertser: Swift is okay, but I have to say I still prefer Gajim. Just don't tell him.
[20:18:12] <Tobias> dwd-jorg: what do you hate most?
[20:18:17] <dwd-jorg> Oh. I rejoined? Interesting. I'm not seeing unavailable from that end.
[20:18:21] <dwd-jorg> Tobias: The UI.
[20:18:36] <Tobias> dwd-jorg: its UI is large, which part of it?
[20:18:42] <dwd-gtalk> Tobias: All of it.
[20:18:48] <dwd-gtalk> GOsh, see, I can speak.
[20:18:55] <Tobias> so if we remove it, it would work better for you?
[20:21:31] <PaulFertser> No ``jabber.el'' fans in here? Come on, did the days when every (except some ;)) developer was using emacs really go away
forever? ;)
[20:21:49] <dwd-jorg> <iq type="set" to="dave.cridland@googlemail.com/puncture7B9F86F4" id="854560AF">
<query xmlns="jabber:iq:roster">
<item subscription="both" name="Jabber from Google" jid="dwd@jabber.org">
<group>My Accounts</group>
<item subscription="both" name="Isode from Google" jid="dave.cridland@isode.com">
<group>My Accounts</group>
<item subscription="both" name="Home from Google" jid="dwd@dave.cridland.net">
<group>My Accounts</group>
<iq type="result" id="854560AF"/>
<!-- The above looks terribly terribly weird to me - received after the first instantly-dropped join -->
[20:23:44] <dwd-gtalk> Aaaand rejoined. Got to love that repeating directed presence.
[20:24:12] <dwd-jorg> Tobias: So yeah, basically it'd be nice if Psi had a UI replacement.
[20:25:16] <Tobias> dwd-jorg: i'm all with it's UI is not perfect and that it could need improvement but it doesn't apply to all parts of it
[20:29:51] <Tobias> dwd-jorg: personally i don't use psi either; but psi+ which already shows that i there was some need of larger improvements
on it
[20:30:02] <Tobias> s/i/
[20:33:22] * Tobias left the chat.
[20:33:53] <Kev> I'm off to bed. PaulFertser (or anyone else) feel free to leave me a message with my nick in in if you find anything useful
about gmail issues, I'll find it in the morning.
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[20:34:02] <PaulFertser> Kev: good night
[20:34:11] <PaulFertser> Kev: and good luck, thanks for you attention :)
[20:37:37] <PaulFertser> dwd: big thanks to you as well :) /me's off to bed too, see you soon.
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