Logs for jabber
[05:10:49] * vz_c0.308967128739378 left the chat.
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[06:55:40] <anonymous19481> hi
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[07:23:58] * MattJ joined the chat.
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[09:23:44] <MattJ> .
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[11:36:58] * nick@lupine.me.uk joined the chat.
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[12:00:37] * Mati joined the chat.
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[12:24:34] * niekie left the chat.
[12:39:52] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
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[15:06:37] <vz_c0.859526393420828> Hi
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[17:38:04] <harrison768> f
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[19:52:43] * vz_c*0.5468459455881915 joined the chat.
[19:59:28] * sarabjot joined the chat.
[20:00:02] <sarabjot> Hey everyone. I had a quick question that I hope someone could help me with.
[20:00:56] <sarabjot> I understand that login is encrypted, (using a secure authentication), but are conversations encrypted?
[20:01:28] <sarabjot> I tried to Wireshark to examine hwat was going over the wire but since it's in markup I have no idea.
[20:02:08] <MattJ> If you can see it in Wireshark... no
[20:02:14] <sarabjot> According to the FAQ "The Jabber.org service uses industry-standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security
(TLS) to encrypt your connection to the server." -- so I assumed that does mean the conversations
[20:02:26] <MattJ> Clients can encrypt their connection to the server, this is pretty much standard
[20:02:46] <MattJ> So if your client isn't ancient and isn't silly, you'll have an encrypted connection
[20:02:46] <sarabjot> In this case, the Jabber.org server?
[20:02:55] <MattJ> Correct
[20:03:26] <MattJ> The message is then decrypted on jabber.org, so jabber.org can read who the message is to, and then it is forwarded to that
[20:03:37] <sarabjot> Thank you! I just wanted to make sure.
[20:03:41] <MattJ> Whether it then goes over an encrypted or unencrypted connection isn't guaranteed
[20:03:53] <sarabjot> We have a nosey sysadmin, so...
[20:04:07] <MattJ> If both users are on jabber.org, and both are connected with encryption, the message will always be encrypted across the network
[20:04:22] <MattJ> Your client should indicate whether you are connected securely
[20:04:48] <sarabjot> I am using Empathy. I checked off to use encryption
[20:05:24] <MattJ> Then it should be encrypted... you shouldn't be able to see any markup in Wireshark past a <starttls> and <proceed> tag
[20:05:51] <sarabjot> I'll take a look again, just to verify.
[20:07:19] <MattJ> Hopefully Empathy verifies the server certificate decently too, otherwise if your sysadmin is really a BOFH then he could
in theory redirect connections through an intermediate proxy which decrypts and then re-encrypts the connection :)
[20:07:40] <MattJ> That would take quite some work though
[20:08:12] <sarabjot> I hope not, hasn't asked me to re-auth the cert.
[20:08:46] <evilotto> if your sysadmin is really nosey and you're really paranoid, look into OTR messaging/encryption
[20:09:19] <MattJ> or look into replacing him :P
[20:09:28] <sarabjot> Haha, can't - he's entrenched.
[20:09:37] <sarabjot> Not a bad guy, usually.
[20:09:46] <MattJ> Trip over a power cable on one of his servers whenever you're about to have a sensitive conversation
[20:09:47] <sarabjot> Just caught him trying to ssh into my machine
[20:10:14] <sarabjot> Yeah, take down cvs so I have the excuse to chat.
[20:10:44] <sarabjot> I just stopped sshd and made sure my Firestarter was loaded.
[20:10:57] <MattJ> Heh
[20:15:08] <sarabjot> Thanks for your feedback. I'll poke around a little more.
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[20:18:01] * monroe56347 joined the chat.
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[20:18:58] * Duuuark left the chat.
[20:30:11] * vz_c*0.8237857117340657 joined the chat.
[20:30:27] <vz_c*0.8237857117340657> hi
[20:31:59] <vz_c*0.5468459455881915> hi
[20:33:31] * vz_c*0.5594911128459541 joined the chat.
[20:33:46] <vz_c*0.5594911128459541> hi
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[20:35:13] <stpeter> :)
[20:36:08] * vz_c*0.1326938129380213 joined the chat.
[20:36:48] <vz_c*0.1326938129380213> hi
[20:36:51] <vz_c*0.1326938129380213> hi
[20:36:57] <stpeter> can we help you?
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[20:39:51] * vz_c*0.1326938129380213 left the chat.
[20:39:59] * vz_c*0.635367606396696 joined the chat.
[20:40:24] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> Yes Stpeter
[20:40:44] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> I am writing a webbased xmpp client
[20:40:44] <stpeter> ok
[20:40:54] <stpeter> great
[20:40:58] <stpeter> and you are doing some testing?
[20:41:02] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> the problem is when the user fresh the browser
[20:41:03] <stpeter> or do you have some questions?
[20:41:11] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> here is my question
[20:41:28] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> i have a code liek this:L
[20:41:28] <vz_c*0.635367606396696>
[20:41:30] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> $(window).bind('beforeunload', function() {
[20:41:31] <vz_c*0.635367606396696>
[20:41:31] <vz_c*0.635367606396696>
[20:41:52] <Tobias> that sound awfully javascript related ;)
[20:41:57] <Tobias> *sounds
[20:42:11] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> what this does is that when i catched the refresh event, i want to let the user out of the room, so that he can join back
right away if he wants
[20:42:20] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> yes...
[20:42:31] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> i have a "leave" button
[20:42:52] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> if the user clicks the leave button, i will send the presence with type='unavailable'
[20:43:04] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> this leave button is working perfectly
[20:43:13] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> now when the user refresh the page
[20:43:21] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> $(window).bind('beforeunload', function() { alert('refreshing...'); $('#leave').click(); });
[20:43:35] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> this code will trigger the leave button
[20:43:44] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> as if the user had clicked it
[20:44:06] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> but it doesn't work
[20:44:26] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> i am gussing during the refresh, the connection got lost
[20:44:36] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> any suggestion for this?
[20:48:24] <zanchin> does the alert get triggered?
[20:48:44] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> yes
[20:49:17] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> the leave function is like this:
[20:50:04] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> $('#leave').click(function () {
$('#leave').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
$pres({to: room + "/" + nickname,
type: "unavailable"}));
[20:50:13] <vz_c*0.635367606396696>
[20:50:13] <vz_c*0.635367606396696>
[20:50:38] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> i have put an alert like: alert($pres({to: room + "/" + nickname, type: "unavailable"}));
[20:50:44] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> it also seems fine
[20:50:57] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> but the server never received the stanza
[20:51:55] <zanchin> does the browser ever send it?
[20:52:23] <zanchin> in general you can't rely on the "beforeunload" event.
[20:52:35] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> the http tracking didn't show it's posted.
[20:52:55] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> then what else we can rely on?
[20:53:03] <zanchin> yes, you can't reliably make http requests when the page has been unloaded
[20:53:14] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> the funny thing is that most of the time on safari and firefox it works
[20:53:25] <zanchin> unfortunately, there is no good solution to this as var as I know
[20:53:47] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> so what i am doing as a get around is
[20:54:00] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> i will try to join with the same nick name
[20:54:21] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> if that user still in the room (due to refreshing not working)
[20:54:37] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> i will receive a presence with type=error
[20:55:00] <zanchin> is your full JID the same or different when you try to join the second time?
[20:55:04] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> when i received error, i append a string to the nickname and rejoin the room
[20:55:23] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> the full JID is the same, that's the problem
[20:55:25] * naw joined the chat.
[20:56:29] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> the temporary fix i am using is to catch the error event and append something to the nickname so that the full jid is different
[20:56:42] <zanchin> actually if the full JID is the same and you are rejoining with the same nick, most servers will not return an error
[20:57:17] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> oh, i did get error everytime when i tried
[20:57:31] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> if they don't send error, then we are in trouble
[20:58:51] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> i also tried to open a new connection then send the presence to leave the room ,but it doesn't work
[20:59:06] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> you need to send the unavailable presence with the original connection
[21:00:05] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> i am thinking once we obtain the connection, save it on the webserver, when refresh send the connection back..,
[21:00:09] <zanchin> i mean i think that those servers will let you rejoin
[21:00:35] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> they won't let you rejoin with the same full jid
[21:01:08] * lightwgt joined the chat.
[21:01:11] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> so either you have to send unavailable presence to leave the room
[21:01:30] <vz_c*0.635367606396696> or you have to join with a different nickname (different full jid)
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[21:12:41] <vz_c*0.2083404390141368> hi
[21:12:57] <vz_c*0.2083404390141368> fdgf
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[21:18:27] <vz_c*0.8336820733379964> hi
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[22:07:19] <vz_c*0.8336820733379964> hi
[22:07:40] <vz_c*0.8336820733379964> i don't see my name on the list
[22:07:54] <vz_c*0.8336820733379964> anybody has the same problem?
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[22:08:47] <vz_c*0.0240179377363271> rejoining
[22:12:00] <Mati> vz_c*0.0240179377363271, I see myself and I see you
[22:12:27] <vz_c*0.0240179377363271> thanks
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[22:21:28] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
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[01:09:41] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
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[03:27:21] * Joe joined the chat.
[03:29:01] <Joe> Is there a way I can join a jabber conference (password protected) with Empathy.
[03:29:11] <Joe> Using Ubuntu 10
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