Logs for jabber
[05:51:27] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[05:54:09] * Creation joined the chat.
[06:03:45] * coolidge60294 joined the chat.
[06:04:05] <coolidge60294> does anyone know a certain joao pinto?
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[06:08:33] * marseille joined the chat.
[07:02:39] * waqas joined the chat.
[07:49:24] * alice joined the chat.
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[07:55:49] * waqas left the chat.
[07:57:02] * MattJ joined the chat.
[08:06:29] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[08:14:27] * marseille left the chat.
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[08:22:24] * eichi joined the chat.
[08:22:54] <eichi> hello, someone knows how to get epeak on linux reading you the pidgin text?
[08:25:55] * waqas joined the chat.
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[08:51:32] * naw left the chat.
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[08:55:29] * bittin left the chat.
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[08:57:55] * waqas joined the chat.
[08:58:16] * NEOhidra joined the chat.
[09:06:20] * waqas left the chat.
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[09:07:42] * MattJ left the chat.
[09:07:49] * MattJ joined the chat.
[09:10:47] * NEOhidra left the chat.
[09:24:09] * marseille joined the chat.
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[10:03:12] * MattJ left the chat.
[10:05:44] * MattJ joined the chat.
[10:14:17] * youngyogesh joined the chat.
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[11:16:42] * Mati joined the chat.
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[11:36:07] * marseille left the chat.
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[11:46:35] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[11:47:58] * adams23934 joined the chat.
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[11:57:34] * asdfsadfsd joined the chat.
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[12:09:15] * Mati left the chat.
[12:19:22] * the ♚ left the chat.
[12:46:30] * kf joined the chat.
[13:05:09] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[13:05:09] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[13:15:32] * jprieur joined the chat.
[13:15:33] * jprieur left the chat.
[13:25:55] * bush48315 joined the chat.
[13:26:31] <bush48315> Hi all
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[13:35:48] * waqas left the chat.
[13:37:41] * eichi left the chat.
[14:16:07] * bittin joined the chat.
[14:17:13] * holden448mex joined the chat.
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[14:28:24] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[14:28:24] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[14:34:10] * Tobias joined the chat.
[14:39:37] * marseille left the chat.
[15:02:29] * eu joined the chat.
[15:02:41] * mpranj joined the chat.
[15:06:14] * holden448mex joined the chat.
[15:06:22] <holden448mex> Hello
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[15:09:54] * waqas joined the chat.
[15:17:50] * Duuuark joined the chat.
[15:18:51] * Dedok joined the chat.
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[15:24:24] * stpeter joined the chat.
[15:29:23] <bittin> Hi
[15:29:42] <MattJ> Hi
[15:45:50] * Duuuark left the chat.
[15:46:29] * naw joined the chat.
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[16:05:03] * Nÿco left the chat.
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[16:17:42] * naw left the chat.
[16:23:50] * marseille joined the chat.
[16:42:08] * evilotto joined the chat.
[16:54:31] * eisenhower2658 joined the chat.
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[17:03:05] * bittin left the chat.
[17:09:24] * bittin joined the chat.
[17:13:37] * waqas left the chat.
[17:13:37] * waqas joined the chat.
[17:15:58] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[17:17:51] * kf left the chat.
[17:23:35] * guest11 joined the chat.
[17:23:44] <guest11> hi mattj
[17:23:47] <guest11> how are you
[17:24:50] <guest11> how to pm someone by the nickname
[17:24:57] <guest11> i know which chatroom he is chatting in
[17:25:02] <guest11> and i know his nickname
[17:25:09] <guest11> but i am not in that chatroom
[17:25:15] <guest11> and i still want to pm him
[17:25:18] * bittin left the chat.
[17:25:27] <guest11> can i pm him?
[17:25:34] <MattJ> You can't
[17:25:38] <guest11> dam
[17:25:48] <guest11> there must be some way to do it
[17:25:56] <guest11> okay
[17:26:13] <guest11> can i find his jid and then pm him ?
[17:27:43] <MattJ> Only if you're an admin and are in the room, or the room is non-anonymous and you're in the room
[17:27:49] * bittin joined the chat.
[17:29:14] <guest11> i cannot enter that room
[17:29:31] <MattJ> Then you cannot PM someone in that room
[17:29:31] <guest11> i tried
[17:29:47] * Florob joined the chat.
[17:29:51] <guest11> i know few people over here can
[17:29:58] <guest11> cos they can hack jabber and stuff
[17:30:16] <guest11> i cant even pm you
[17:30:17] <guest11> i am in the room
[17:30:21] <guest11> i could before
[17:30:26] <guest11> like few months ago
[17:30:30] <guest11> now i cant
[17:30:39] <guest11> I CANT PM ANYBODY IN THE WORLD
[17:30:44] * bittin left the chat.
[17:31:01] <waqas> PMs are forbidden in this room.
[17:31:02] <guest11> make me the admin
[17:31:11] <waqas> And PMs from/to people not in the room are <not-allowed/>
[17:31:26] <waqas> (or was that <not-acceptable/>...)
[17:31:47] <guest11> waqas i want to pm to you
[17:31:53] <guest11> give me your msn
[17:32:09] <waqas> You can't. We don't like PMs here. We banned them!
[17:32:14] * bittin joined the chat.
[17:32:22] <waqas> I don't use msn.
[17:32:33] <guest11> how do you guys tell secrets to each other?
[17:32:41] <Florob> secretly
[17:32:57] <guest11> pms are blocked bloblob
[17:34:03] <guest11> jabber is very vunerable to sql attack
[17:34:10] <guest11> my friends can hack jabber in a minute
[17:34:39] * notKev joined the chat.
[17:35:15] * mpranj left the chat.
[17:35:44] * notKev left the chat.
[17:45:13] * waqas left the chat.
[17:46:40] * the ♚ left the chat.
[17:52:54] * waqas joined the chat.
[17:54:40] * marseille left the chat.
[17:54:57] * marseille joined the chat.
[17:55:34] * marseille left the chat.
[17:56:06] * marseille joined the chat.
[17:56:44] <guest11> hi
[17:56:54] <guest11> hello?
[17:57:24] <waqas> Your friends can't attack us. We updated the SQL, and only we now know how to attack it.
[17:57:41] <guest11> waqassssssss
[17:57:48] <guest11> teach me how to attack the jabber
[17:57:58] * kennedy12327 joined the chat.
[17:58:16] <guest11> waqas!!11111111111111
[17:58:29] <waqas> No. Only I get to know that.
[17:58:48] <guest11> we can have some kind of a deal or something
[17:58:59] <guest11> but you gotta give me your msn
[17:59:01] <guest11> or just pm me
[17:59:11] <waqas> I don't use MSN, and PMs are disabled :)
[17:59:24] <guest11> who told them to disable the pm
[17:59:34] <guest11> why do they keep making changes to this chatroom
[17:59:40] <waqas> Ask Tobias. He knows how to hack jabber, and he uses MSN.
[17:59:55] * kennedy12327 left the chat.
[17:59:56] <guest11> tobias
[18:00:22] <stpeter> :)
[18:00:26] <guest11> what do you do exactly
[18:00:33] <guest11> do you get passwords of the users?
[18:00:43] <stpeter> guest11: yes, I have all the passwords
[18:00:46] <guest11> what type of a hack is that
[18:00:51] <guest11> you dont have my password
[18:01:01] <Tobias> stpeter: cool..do you have a spare one?
[18:01:01] <stpeter> nope, but I can kick you from the room :)
[18:01:04] * Mati joined the chat.
[18:01:18] <guest11> who me?
[18:01:21] <stpeter> yes you
[18:01:26] * Florob left the chat.
[18:01:26] <guest11> okay fine
[18:01:33] <stpeter> on the other hand, you're entertaining, so I'll allow you to stay
[18:01:44] <guest11> okay
[18:01:51] * Mati left the chat.
[18:01:52] * Florob joined the chat.
[18:01:53] <MattJ> guest11, stpeter knows how to hack Jabber... he's been doing it longer than any of us here :)
[18:02:01] * Mati joined the chat.
[18:02:14] <guest11> he is too rude to talk to
[18:02:27] <stpeter> heehee
[18:02:29] <stpeter> you betcha!
[18:02:32] <stpeter> so rude :)
[18:02:36] <guest11> i wish you knew how to hack jabber mattj
[18:02:37] <waqas> He didn't even kick you.. ^^
[18:02:39] <guest11> or waqas
[18:02:43] <stpeter> /me goes back to editing rfc3920bis
[18:02:57] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[18:03:40] <guest11> cos i didnt antagozine him
[18:05:33] <guest11> people who work in the jabber office knows the passwords of everyone
[18:05:48] <guest11> one of my friend is going to get employed in the jabber office
[18:05:55] <stpeter> cool
[18:06:00] <stpeter> where is the jabber office located?
[18:06:11] <stpeter> I wish I could get a job there!
[18:06:19] <stpeter> that would be so kewl!
[18:06:22] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[18:06:39] <guest11> i wont tell you which branch
[18:06:52] <guest11> peter dont you work in the jabber office
[18:07:03] <guest11> you have written so many xeps and stuff
[18:07:04] <stpeter> oh they have multiple branches? they must be really big!
[18:08:02] <guest11> peter can you tell me how to find out the list of members of a chatroom
[18:08:13] * Mati left the chat.
[18:08:13] * Mati joined the chat.
[18:08:14] <guest11> without me entering the chatroom or how to search a chatroom with its title name
[18:08:21] <guest11> mati is matt?
[18:08:29] <guest11> mati are you matt?
[18:08:36] <waqas> Join the room. Look to the right for a list, and at the top for the title ^^
[18:08:46] <guest11> I cant join the room
[18:08:49] <guest11> thats the problem
[18:08:58] <waqas> Banned? ^^
[18:09:01] <guest11> noooo
[18:09:27] <guest11> i
[18:09:29] <guest11> dont
[18:09:31] <guest11> want
[18:09:35] <guest11> to enter the chatroom
[18:09:42] <guest11> i am learning thats why
[18:10:25] <guest11> but there should be a way to find out the members of a chatroom without joining the chatroom?
[18:10:28] <waqas> You can't talk to someone in a room, unless you are in the room. Jabber rooms are sound proof. No matter how much you shout
outside, noone will hear you inside.
[18:10:55] <guest11> i dont want to talk in the room
[18:11:03] <guest11> i want to call up someone in the room and talk to him
[18:11:04] <waqas> Service discovery lets you get a list of occupants, if the server/room configuration allows it.
[18:11:11] <guest11> right now i am outside and the room is sound proof
[18:11:13] <guest11> so he cant hear me
[18:11:23] <guest11> but i want to do something ike make a call on his mobile from outside
[18:11:28] <guest11> and talk to him and then open the door of the room
[18:11:51] <waqas> Create a new fake account, and join using that.
[18:11:52] <guest11> discovery
[18:11:52] <evilotto> guest11: here is a cool page I found on hacking jabber chatrooms: http://tinyurl.com/yaap2ca Don't share it, ok?
[18:11:58] <guest11> no i cant
[18:12:11] <guest11> haha virus
[18:12:19] <waqas> xD
[18:12:19] <guest11> i am over all this virus stuff and all
[18:12:44] <guest11> after being booted several times i have learned my lessons
[18:13:04] <guest11> i can enter even after creating a new account cos only the members can invite me in the chatroom
[18:13:11] <guest11> or else i dont get to enter in the chatroom
[18:13:24] <guest11> i just know the nickname of the person who chats in that chatroom
[18:13:56] <guest11> i can't enter even after *
[18:14:46] <guest11> did anyone of you click that link?
[18:16:09] <Florob> I did. But it was old and boring news
[18:17:08] <Florob> and I think I feld somthing patching my rundll32.exe... oh wait
[18:17:23] <guest11> ha ha how funny
[18:17:31] <guest11> i know its a virus for sure
[18:18:28] <evilotto> the worst kind ... it's a /mind/ virus! Mua-ha-ha-ha!
[18:18:49] <evilotto> ALL YOUR XEPS ARE BELONG TO US!
[18:19:00] <guest11> mine?
[18:19:05] <guest11> i dont have any
[18:19:05] <Florob> guest11, http://tinyurl.com/preview.php if you don't trust us
[18:19:24] <guest11> i am not gonna click any links
[18:19:41] <Florob> c&p?
[18:20:26] <guest11> someone tell me how to hack jabber
[18:20:37] <guest11> or get the list of members of a chatroom without joining the chatroom
[18:22:07] <waqas> Just get a job in the jabber office, and all your problems will be solved.
[18:23:17] <Florob> guest11, okay, honestly? We won't tell you how you can do something you shouldn't do, nor something that's technically impossible.
Frankly the only reason you have not been banned is because your somewhat amusing, now move on.
[18:25:26] * reagan43835 joined the chat.
[18:27:17] <guest11> can you refer to me some names of real jabber hackers who are active if you dont mind?
[18:28:20] * guest11 left the chat.
[18:29:15] <stpeter> :)
[18:29:22] * reagan43835 left the chat.
[18:29:26] <stpeter> oh in fact I can know this guy's password :)
[18:31:56] <Florob> I knew I should've said something about that cisco backdoor text in 3920bis ;)
[18:32:09] <stpeter> hehe
[18:35:29] * anonymous33102 joined the chat.
[18:36:07] <waqas> /me is hacking a jabber server named Prosody. It should gain a few features when I'm done ^^
[18:37:00] <anonymous33102> hi! may i create my node on pubsub.jabber.org or i need any public service?
[18:37:34] <waqas> There is no pubsub.jabber.org AFAIK
[18:41:54] <anonymous33102> thanks, waqas - do you know the public pubsub where i may create my node (i am testing my xmpp app)
[18:42:06] * Creation left the chat.
[18:42:24] <waqas> There's pubsub.jaim.at. Not sure if it's public.
[18:42:34] <waqas> !services
[18:42:37] <waqas> !servers
[18:42:58] <waqas> Here's a server list: http://www.jabberes.org/servers/ - you can check which ones have a pubsub service.
[18:43:40] <anonymous33102> thanks a lot! - i'll try it
[18:43:41] <waqas> You can also use PEP, as that's pubsub too. That page has a column for PEP support.
[18:52:00] * notKev joined the chat.
[18:52:14] <notKev> Oh, show's over?
[18:52:58] <notKev> Well, that defeats the point of me joining.
[18:53:32] <waqas> Did you have any jabber hacks to share?
[18:53:47] <notKev> anonymous33102: Although the best thing is to set up your own server for testing your application.
[18:53:59] <notKev> waqas: One or two, yes.
[18:54:13] <notKev> waqas: I can hack even stpeter's password!
[18:54:28] <stpeter> heehee
[18:54:44] <stpeter> thankfully all of my passords are unique
[18:54:49] <waqas> Not on stpeter's domain I assume ^^
[18:55:34] <Tobias> i wouldn't call looking it up hacking :)
[18:55:49] <stpeter> probably there is a backdoor in Swift :P
[18:56:00] <Tobias> or maybe even a frontdoor :P
[18:56:10] <notKev> stpeter: Maybe, but I don't know of it.
[18:56:10] <anonymous33102> notKev: i see :) but i need a quickly test
[18:56:35] <Florob> oh, btw. Don't try to enter JIDs with two @ in swift. It hangs terribly
[18:56:46] <notKev> Florob: in the login screen?
[18:56:58] <Florob> notKev, can you enter them elsewhere?
[18:57:07] <notKev> When joining a MUC, or adding a contact.
[18:57:20] <Florob> well, no login screen
[18:57:30] <notKev> Thanks, I'll file that.
[18:57:33] <notKev> Against what server?
[18:58:24] <Florob> Prosody. I have some doubt it matter though (also two @ is invalid as far as I know, but I was wondering whether it'd get
escaped correctly)
[19:00:14] <notKev> Well, there's no such thing as escaped correctly, is there?
[19:00:32] <Florob> why not?
[19:00:36] <notKev> It's just invalide
[19:00:38] <notKev> s/e//
[19:02:02] <Florob> That doesn't mean you can't escape it using XEP-106. Might be harder if you don't separate node and domain in UI though
[19:05:27] * anonymous33102 left the chat.
[19:06:00] * guest11 joined the chat.
[19:06:30] <guest11> i found a script
[19:06:34] <guest11> but i dont know how to use it
[19:06:42] <guest11> <script>alert(document.cookie)</script>
[19:07:00] <guest11> it gets the passwords of web jabber applications
[19:08:08] <notKev> Impressive.
[19:11:41] <notKev> Florob: You could, but that's not saying that it's wrong to not escape with 106.
[19:12:08] <Florob> notKev, it's not, but it's in any case wrong to accept it
[19:13:54] <notKev> Well, there is that.
[19:14:31] <waqas> Hanging terribly is also not good :)
[19:15:32] <notKev> waqas: I'm wondering why that is, unless Prosody didn't reject it.
[19:16:03] <Florob> now that you remember me. It was actually a ejabberd. *whistle*
[19:16:03] <waqas> I /think/ Prosody would return a jid-malformed, with the to/from swapped :/
[19:16:57] <waqas> And I'm still not sure if that's the right or wrong thing to do :)
[19:19:29] * Tobias left the chat.
[19:20:13] * Tobias joined the chat.
[19:22:46] * jprieur joined the chat.
[19:23:01] * jprieur left the chat.
[19:23:19] * marseille left the chat.
[19:27:44] * bittin left the chat.
[19:27:45] * bittin joined the chat.
[19:35:44] * bittin left the chat.
[19:47:29] <stpeter> so are there any world cup bots?
[19:48:10] <Mati> stpeter, what should they do?
[19:48:30] <notKev> Not a lot, if they're English world cup bots :)
[19:48:37] <stpeter> tell me what's happening
[19:48:49] <Lastwebpage> a little bit late for the last 5 matches.
[19:49:36] <Mati> hmm true
[19:49:48] <Mati> is there a machine-readable form for getting updates?
[19:49:53] <stpeter> I suppose I could launch Collecta, but that's really sipping from the firehose :)
[19:55:29] <guest11> if someone steals my cookies can he get access my myspace homepage
[19:56:08] <stpeter> guest11: because you are such a security expert, you must use strong passwords -- that's a very smart strategy!
[19:58:16] * bittin joined the chat.
[20:00:07] <Mati> guest11, yes, he can
[20:01:48] * bittin left the chat.
[20:02:01] * bittin joined the chat.
[20:02:10] <guest11> how mati
[20:03:30] <guest11> if i copied all the content from the cookies folder of my friends pc who had logged in into myspace and pasted it in my comps
cookies folder it doesnt open up his mypsace homepae
[20:08:20] <guest11> ???????????
[20:09:45] <stpeter> for instance, if I'm a coder I would never have the word "coder" in my password, if I'm a hacker I would never have the word
"hacker" in my password, etc. -- right, guest11?
[20:10:07] <guest11> lol
[20:10:20] <stpeter> I mean, that would be insecure, right?
[20:10:29] <guest11> lmao
[20:10:41] <stpeter> a real security expert like you would never do a thing like that!
[20:10:50] <Florob> stpeter, are you implying he has the word "script kiddie" in his password?
[20:10:50] <stpeter> I'm glad we have you here so that we can learn
[20:10:55] <guest11> peter you are cool
[20:11:11] <stpeter> /me sits right down at the feet of the master
[20:11:26] <guest11> you guys hacked me?
[20:11:47] <stpeter> guest11: yeah, it is really easy to hack the jabber!
[20:11:52] <stpeter> I could do it in a minute, you said!
[20:12:02] <guest11> it took you about one hour i think
[20:12:14] <stpeter> well, I'm a busy guy
[20:12:19] <stpeter> I have a lot of work to do
[20:12:22] <guest11> lol
[20:12:33] <stpeter> /me goes back to fixing up rfc3920bis
[20:12:48] <guest11> TELL ME HOW YOU DID IT
[20:12:54] <stpeter> did what?
[20:13:02] <guest11> YOU KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT
[20:13:05] <stpeter> I'm just talking about good security pratices
[20:13:06] <guest11> you know
[20:13:12] <guest11> nooooo tell me
[20:13:14] <guest11> tell me now
[20:13:56] * Florob left the chat.
[20:13:59] <guest11> PETERR
[20:14:01] * Florob joined the chat.
[20:14:01] <stpeter> now if it were me, I'd have a password like N/0klRFKaUKf0dJ7nHoAsanuYPo
[20:14:04] <stpeter> or something like that
[20:14:11] <guest11> but how
[20:14:17] <guest11> give me your msn
[20:15:14] <notKev> I guess I should get in on this fun, shouldn't I?
[20:15:23] <guest11> he hacked into my account
[20:15:29] <stpeter> guest11: I don't use secure technologies like msn!
[20:15:29] <guest11> hes a haxor
[20:15:43] <guest11> peter
[20:15:46] <stpeter> those secure systems are no fun
[20:15:53] <stpeter> you can have much more fun with insecure systems
[20:16:02] <notKev> Are we talking about secure password policies?
[20:16:04] <guest11> tell meee how you did it
[20:16:12] <guest11> ddid you use that cookie script>?
[20:16:29] <notKev> The important thing is to always have a password that's at least 14 characters, isn't it stpeter?
[20:16:39] <stpeter> oh yeah
[20:16:49] <stpeter> and nothing that is subject to a dictionary attack
[20:17:08] <notKev> Lots of numbers and special characters.
[20:17:08] <stpeter> so no regular English words allowed
[20:17:13] <stpeter> indeed
[20:17:17] <guest11> mine is 13
[20:17:21] <guest11> wait let me count
[20:17:22] <notKev> Oh, blimey.
[20:17:23] <stpeter> only 13??!?!
[20:17:28] <notKev> Yes guest11, it's 13 :p
[20:17:31] <stpeter> yeah that would be a problem
[20:17:39] <guest11> its 13
[20:17:42] <notKev> I know.
[20:17:47] <stpeter> 13 is a really unlucky number, too
[20:17:48] <guest11> you know my password peter stop fooling around
[20:18:20] <guest11> peter
[20:18:22] <stpeter> it is just too easy to hack the jabber
[20:18:24] <guest11> give me your yahoo
[20:18:25] <stpeter> sad
[20:18:30] <stpeter> very sad
[20:18:45] <notKev> stpeter but you're some sort of blood-thirsty hacker.
[20:18:49] <guest11> i want to become a haxor too
[20:19:00] <guest11> telll me atleast one hacking trick
[20:19:02] <stpeter> h4x0rz FTW!
[20:19:19] <guest11> omg
[20:19:22] <guest11> OMG
[20:19:26] <guest11> EVEN KEV KNOWS???
[20:19:37] <notKev> I'm not sure I like the sound of this 'even Kev' thing.
[20:19:43] <stpeter> yeah
[20:19:50] <stpeter> *Even* Kev!
[20:20:25] <guest11> you cant just hack into my account without telling me
[20:20:34] <guest11> i can get cyber cobs to arrest you guys
[20:20:43] <stpeter> true
[20:20:46] <guest11> i have proof
[20:20:57] <stpeter> guest11: I can call my friends at the FBI
[20:21:06] <stpeter> let me know if you need a reference
[20:21:15] <guest11> its not fair
[20:21:19] <stpeter> /me digs around for the guy's email address
[20:21:37] <guest11> you cant do that .. how can you hack into my account like that
[20:21:54] <Florob> wait wait wait. Cyber cobs? Whith white long necks and pixely? Like in loom? That's awesome. I want one
[20:22:08] <stpeter> but you said it would take you only a few minutes to hack the jabber!
[20:22:12] <guest11> peter
[20:22:22] <guest11> tell me how to do it
[20:22:25] <stpeter> now, I admit that I'm not *nearly* as smart as you
[20:22:33] <stpeter> so it might take me a long time
[20:22:39] <guest11> lol
[20:22:42] <guest11> akj;slf
[20:22:46] <guest11> hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa shut up
[20:22:56] <guest11> someone tell me how to hack jabber account
[20:23:33] <stpeter> guest11: you need to attack the weakest link, of course
[20:23:37] <guest11> i am using sasl authentication
[20:23:49] <guest11> did you use the cookie script?
[20:23:57] <guest11> that steals the cookie
[20:23:59] <guest11> ?
[20:24:27] <stpeter> social engineering attacks are always the most effective because people don't know or care about security
[20:24:29] * lurker13739 joined the chat.
[20:24:46] <guest11> peter tell me how to do it
[20:24:52] <guest11> i want to learn and hack
[20:24:55] * lurker13739 left the chat.
[20:25:04] <stpeter> guest11: for me, it all started in 1999
[20:25:18] <guest11> TELL ME
[20:25:22] <guest11> tell me how to do it
[20:25:23] <notKev> Peter's already used the only hacking technique I've used.
[20:25:28] <guest11> kev tell me how to do it
[20:25:29] <notKev> *told you.
[20:25:32] <guest11> please
[20:25:36] <stpeter> see, I convinced the creator of the jabber to give me access
[20:25:38] <guest11> kev
[20:25:43] <stpeter> he came to trust me
[20:25:48] <guest11> kev tell me how to do it
[20:25:50] <stpeter> then he gave me access to everything
[20:25:54] <stpeter> now I know all
[20:26:03] <guest11> the creator of jabber is dead
[20:26:07] <stpeter> oh
[20:26:09] <stpeter> I didn't know that
[20:26:11] <notKev> That's strange.
[20:26:12] <stpeter> when did that happen?
[20:26:18] <notKev> I should tell him, he's online in my roster at the moment.
[20:26:19] <guest11> he died it came in the news
[20:26:21] <stpeter> heck, I just had dinner with him a few days ago
[20:26:22] <guest11> i am not sure
[20:26:23] <guest11> i think so
[20:26:30] <guest11> few years ago
[20:26:37] <notKev> On two of his accounts, no less.
[20:26:39] <stpeter> did I tell you guys that there was a jabber meetup in Denver recently?
[20:26:41] <guest11> or maybe it was michael jackson
[20:26:47] <guest11> some celebrity died
[20:26:48] <stpeter> it was crazy seeing all the original dudes
[20:26:49] <stpeter> oh
[20:26:50] <guest11> few years ago
[20:26:52] <stpeter> that's right
[20:27:03] <stpeter> in fact Michael Jackson created the jabber
[20:27:09] <stpeter> he was friends with Al Gore at the time
[20:27:10] <guest11> no hes not i am sorry lol
[20:27:18] <guest11> al gore?
[20:27:19] <stpeter> right after Al created the Internet, Michael created the jabber
[20:27:29] <guest11> al goat
[20:27:37] <stpeter> guest11: yes, Al Gore, the guy who invented the Internet
[20:27:46] <stpeter> gosh, you need to study up on your history
[20:27:47] <guest11> PETER
[20:27:50] <guest11> PETER PETER PETER
[20:28:00] <guest11> TEll me how to hack jabber account
[20:28:11] <stpeter> social engineering attacks, they are the best
[20:28:16] <guest11> nooooo
[20:28:18] <stpeter> you simply need to fool people
[20:28:18] <guest11> they are not
[20:28:23] <stpeter> and they are so easily fooled
[20:28:25] <guest11> it takes forever
[20:28:28] <stpeter> nah
[20:28:30] <stpeter> simple
[20:28:32] * Florob left the chat.
[20:28:39] <guest11> peter give me your msn
[20:28:50] <notKev> I bet Peter and I could fool someone into thinking we were hackers in just an hour or two.
[20:28:51] <guest11> peter give me your yahoo gmail icq aim
[20:29:02] * Florob joined the chat.
[20:29:05] <stpeter> once you have the keys, you can unlock all the locks
[20:29:14] <guest11> no
[20:29:15] <guest11> i wont
[20:29:17] <guest11> i promise
[20:29:25] <guest11> i want to hack only two accounts
[20:29:37] <stpeter> only two? you need to set your sights higher
[20:29:47] <stpeter> aim high, that's what I always say!
[20:29:49] <guest11> tell me how to hackkkkk
[20:29:53] <guest11> jabber
[20:29:57] <notKev> I bet Peter could get the passwords for around 330,000 accounts within a couple of minutes.
[20:29:57] <guest11> pleaseee
[20:30:08] <guest11> then how did you get it notkev
[20:30:12] <guest11> i know you guys are using some script
[20:30:16] <stpeter> notKev: piece of cake! easy as pie!
[20:30:21] <notKev> stpeter: I bet you could even get mine.
[20:30:39] <stpeter> I've always wondered, why is it not "easy as cake" and "piece of pie"?
[20:30:41] <guest11> peter is the boss of the jabber office in newyork
[20:31:00] <notKev> guest11: I'll point you in the right direction for how I can get your password, but you have to promise only to use it for
[20:31:13] <guest11> yes i promise
[20:31:23] <stpeter> ah, New York, New York -- I was there only 6 weeks ago, wonderful place -- the city so great they had to name it twoce
[20:31:26] <guest11> i promise i wil use it to hack only two accounts thats all
[20:31:27] <notKev> Ok, you need to Google for LDAP and BOFH.
[20:31:29] <stpeter> twice, that is
[20:31:43] <stpeter> what a piker -- only two accounts?
[20:31:43] <guest11> what is that
[20:31:44] <stpeter> sheesh
[20:31:54] <stpeter> aim high, my friend!
[20:31:58] <stpeter> go for the gusto!
[20:32:08] * Mitul Shah joined the chat.
[20:32:08] <guest11> i am a simple person
[20:32:16] * Mitul Shah left the chat.
[20:32:35] <guest11> i dont want more i am happy with what i have
[20:32:43] <stpeter> but you're not
[20:32:48] <guest11> no right now
[20:32:56] <stpeter> you will be truly happy if you can get the passwords for those two accounts
[20:33:00] <stpeter> now that would be happiness!
[20:33:11] <guest11> yes
[20:33:17] <guest11> yees yes yessss
[20:33:29] <stpeter> the passwords, my precioussssss!
[20:33:35] <guest11> and i wont even do anything .. i ll just learn their password and thats all
[20:33:46] <guest11> i would even happy to know that i can hack jabber accounts
[20:33:47] <guest11> thats all
[20:33:50] <notKev> guest11: I've told you how I would get your password, but I don't think you want to look up what it means.
[20:33:51] <guest11> even be*
[20:34:00] <Mati> this is one of the funniest chats I have ever seehn
[20:34:02] <Mati> seen
[20:34:14] <stpeter> Mati: I'm here for you! :)
[20:34:23] <notKev> Mati: The combined intelligence of a group is that of the lowest individual, divided by the size of the group :)
[20:34:41] <stpeter> notKev: you are so smart! how can I become more like you?
[20:35:00] <notKev> stpeter: you're too kind.
[20:35:35] <stpeter> /me bows to notKev
[20:35:35] <guest11> you guys will not tell me right
[20:35:45] <stpeter> guest11: knowledge takes time
[20:35:45] <guest11> ?
[20:35:54] <guest11> i just want to know one thing is life
[20:36:00] <guest11> just tell me
[20:36:20] <guest11> just tell me i wont misuse the powers
[20:36:22] <stpeter> to grok in fullness, now that take a lifetime
[20:38:56] <stpeter> /me goes back to 3920bis
[20:40:04] * notKev left the chat.
[20:42:51] <guest11> you are using a psi client
[20:43:01] <guest11> peter
[20:43:09] <guest11> you are using a psi client peter
[20:43:20] <stpeter> I love Greek letters, don't you?
[20:43:27] <stpeter> it's such a gorgeous alphabet
[20:43:35] <guest11> peter tell me how you did it
[20:43:40] <guest11> tell me come onnnnn
[20:44:06] <stpeter> I mean if you can use a client called, simply, "ψ" -- why not?
[20:44:12] <guest11> peter tell me
[20:44:19] <Mati> stpeter, I love the greek alphabet too
[20:44:34] <guest11> mati do you know my password?
[20:44:35] <stpeter> Mati: cool
[20:44:46] <Mati> guest11, sure
[20:44:52] <guest11> you too??
[20:44:58] <guest11> how
[20:45:02] <Mati> guest11, you know what a cool feature in the jabber is?
[20:45:06] <evilotto> they're all just 1's and 0's
[20:45:14] <stpeter> α β γ and all the rest
[20:45:15] <guest11> what mati
[20:45:42] <stpeter> well I have a bunch of deadlines between now and next Monday morning, I'd better get back to work here
[20:45:48] <evilotto> β, not ß
[20:45:48] <Mati> guest11, if I type my password in a chat, it automatically transforms into stars, like this: ************
[20:45:48] <guest11> wait
[20:46:05] <guest11> oh okay
[20:46:06] <evilotto> mati, how'd you get my password???
[20:46:09] <guest11> peter tell me how you did it
[20:46:14] <Mati> I was just typing my password, but you only see stars
[20:46:20] <guest11> peter wait
[20:46:21] <guest11> dont leave
[20:46:23] <guest11> you cant go
[20:46:26] <guest11> just like that
[20:46:28] <guest11> peter come back
[20:46:31] <stpeter> can't?
[20:46:32] <guest11> bring him back to me
[20:46:35] <guest11> yes you can
[20:46:36] <stpeter> I can't?
[20:46:37] <guest11> but you wont
[20:46:39] <guest11> i know you wont
[20:46:41] <stpeter> hmm
[20:46:42] <Kev> stpeter: Can't means won't.
[20:46:42] <guest11> tell me how you did it
[20:46:45] <stpeter> maybe I'm stuck here
[20:46:46] <Mati> evilotto, I type my password, and it just prints stars on your end
[20:46:50] <stpeter> the hotel california!
[20:46:57] <guest11> stoppppppppp
[20:47:01] <stpeter> you can check in any time you like, but you can never leave!
[20:47:08] <guest11> peter
[20:47:08] <stpeter> chatroom purgatory!
[20:47:10] <stpeter> OMG
[20:47:10] <Kev> Mirrors on the ceiling with pink champagne on ice!
[20:47:13] <guest11> peter peter peter
[20:47:19] <stpeter> I'll be here for *ever*
[20:47:19] <guest11> tell me how to you got my password
[20:47:24] <evilotto> you can go hunter2 my hunter2-ing hunter2
[20:47:25] <guest11> you cant do this to me
[20:47:28] <guest11> i cant even sleep now
[20:47:30] <evilotto> hahaha, does that look funny to you?
[20:47:53] <Mati> evilotto, yes, I only see stars!
[20:47:53] <guest11> peter
[20:48:18] <Mati> guest11, why don't you type your password like I type mine: ************
[20:48:21] <stpeter> guest11: sleep is for the weak!
[20:48:27] <evilotto> that's neat, I didn't know jabber did that
[20:48:28] <guest11> ****************** there
[20:48:37] <guest11> i am weak
[20:48:46] <guest11> i am dieing i have blood cancer now tell me how you ddi it
[20:49:08] <guest11> PETER!!!!!!!!
[20:49:09] <stpeter> guest11: I have a friend who died of that -- he had myeloma IIRC, what exactly do you have?
[20:49:10] <guest11> TELL ME
[20:49:35] <evilotto> guest11: ok, I'll tell you the secret. Do you know what prime numbers are?
[20:49:43] <Mati> damn, that didn't work
[20:49:44] <guest11> SHUT UP EVILOTTO
[20:49:47] <stpeter> oh I love prime numbers
[20:49:47] <guest11> I AM NOT TAKLING TO YOU
[20:49:57] <stpeter> I even wrote a poem about prime numbers once
[20:50:04] <stpeter> let me track down the URL for you
[20:50:21] <guest11> you guys will all die a painful death
[20:50:26] <stpeter> ah here it is
[20:50:27] <stpeter> http://books.stpeter.im/fire/indivisible.html
[20:50:32] <guest11> jesus is coming for yu guys
[20:50:42] <stpeter> oh I wrote a poem about Jesus once, too!
[20:50:43] <guest11> i am going to the cyber cobs straight away after i leave from here
[20:50:49] <stpeter> so many coincidences here
[20:50:55] <Kev> This is going to be amusing.
[20:51:01] <stpeter> http://books.stpeter.im/fire/jesus.html
[20:51:03] <stpeter> see?
[20:51:08] <stpeter> it can't be a coincidence
[20:51:12] <stpeter> there must be meaning here
[20:51:24] <Kev> "Dear Mr. Cyber-Cop. I want to learn how to hack people's computers, but the people in the the jabber room won't teach me.
Arrest them. Love guest11"
[20:51:27] <evilotto> all you need to be able to hack passwords is to be able to factor a number into primes. Like, 22 = 11*2, or 57 = 19 * 3.
If you can do that, you can break all the encryption that protects passwords and stuff.
[20:51:33] <stpeter> guest11: does jesus work for the cyber cops?
[20:51:54] <stpeter> that would be mixing spiritual and temporal power
[20:52:03] <evilotto> stpeter: hehe, at first I read that as "I even wrote porn about prime numbers".
[20:52:04] <stpeter> I think that's a big no-non
[20:52:06] <evilotto> Rule 34, eh?
[20:52:08] * guest11 left the chat.
[20:52:12] <Florob> I liked the part that shifted my whole view 90° to the left
[20:52:31] <stpeter> yes, life *is* beautiful :)
[20:52:40] <stpeter> evilotto: :)
[20:53:11] <stpeter> ah well, it's been real, it's been fun, and it's even been real fun!
[20:53:19] <stpeter> unfortunately, work beckons
[20:54:31] <stpeter> /me cranks up the Palestrina and gets back to editing
[20:54:51] <Kev> I'm listening to the Eagles now.
[20:55:04] <Kev> E_SONG_IN_HEAD.
[20:55:35] <stpeter> oh, that's the end of Palestrina
[20:55:38] <stpeter> /me switches to Cream
[20:55:57] <stpeter> I like jarring musical transitions :)
[20:56:36] <Kev> That would be a reasonable description for my playlist :)
[20:56:59] <stpeter> :)
[20:59:12] <evilotto> someone asked about a world-cup bot - info-bot@appspot.com
[20:59:27] <stpeter> thanks :)
[21:00:02] <stpeter> I found that I could not subscribe to bots at appspot.com unless I used my gmail.com address
[21:02:00] <evilotto> really? I had no problem.
[21:02:09] <stpeter> I haven't tried in a long time
[21:02:17] <stpeter> but perhaps my memory is bad, too
[21:02:43] <stpeter> I think I'm remembering a different domain, like googlebots.com or something
[21:06:53] * Bl@ck joined the chat.
[21:08:13] <Bl@ck> chat@conference.jabber.org походу вайп атака сделайте что нибудь
[21:08:38] <stpeter> more problems with that stupid [chat] room?
[21:09:10] <Bl@ck> Вайп атака
[21:10:06] * bittin left the chat.
[21:11:52] <stpeter> solved
[21:12:02] <stpeter> I banned the entire domain jabber.reynera.com.mx
[21:12:06] <stpeter> just FYI
[21:14:00] * bittin joined the chat.
[21:14:43] <Bl@ck> What kind of garbage, pancake .. put all my bots .. I could not even go
[21:14:55] <stpeter> yum, pancakes
[21:19:06] <Bl@ck> I do not understand you, I use a translator
[21:21:47] <stpeter> I use Google Translate :)
[21:24:09] <Bl@ck> I prefer a boat, with the phone is more convenient :-)
[21:28:04] <stpeter> heh
[21:28:16] <stpeter> Google Translate thinks you said: "Я предпочитаю лодку с телефона удобнее :-)"
[21:28:25] <Bl@ck> Well, good night, I'll rest :-)
[21:28:30] <stpeter> bye!
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[04:52:19] * waqas joined the chat.