Logs for jabber
[05:10:11] * truman22806 left the chat.
[05:28:08] * Ismailban joined the chat.
[05:28:08] * Ismailban left the chat.
[05:28:28] * Ismailban joined the chat.
[05:29:00] * Ismailban left the chat.
[05:34:05] * naw joined the chat.
[05:38:54] * youngyogesh joined the chat.
[05:38:55] * youngyogesh left the chat.
[05:40:58] * naw left the chat.
[05:44:28] * txarnge joined the chat.
[05:44:28] * txarnge left the chat.
[05:50:02] * youngyogesh joined the chat.
[05:50:02] * youngyogesh left the chat.
[05:58:25] * Creation joined the chat.
[06:07:56] * youngyogesh joined the chat.
[06:07:56] * youngyogesh left the chat.
[06:11:04] * Kev joined the chat.
[06:19:09] * Nigel left the chat.
[06:19:33] * Nigel joined the chat.
[06:32:32] * Mati joined the chat.
[06:40:57] * Mati left the chat.
[06:40:57] * Mati joined the chat.
[06:53:51] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[07:05:13] * mpranj joined the chat.
[07:09:56] * mpranj left the chat.
[07:21:53] * Tobias joined the chat.
[07:24:02] * mpranj joined the chat.
[07:26:45] * mpranj left the chat.
[07:26:50] * mpranj joined the chat.
[07:31:24] * mpranj left the chat.
[07:41:57] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[07:49:13] * treebilou left the chat.
[07:52:18] * mpranj joined the chat.
[07:52:42] * mpranj left the chat.
[08:05:43] * niekie joined the chat.
[09:03:19] * admin joined the chat.
[09:06:07] <admin> good morning
[09:06:27] <admin> /NICK tayeb
[09:07:19] <niekie> Hi admin :)
[09:07:46] <admin> niekie: ;)
[09:07:53] * admin in now known as Tayeb.
[09:08:00] <Tayeb> /me is admin...
[09:08:08] * Tayeb left the chat.
[09:08:22] * admin joined the chat.
[09:09:10] <admin> ;)
[09:09:15] * admin in now known as Tayeb.
[09:09:47] * treebilou joined the chat.
[09:10:31] * treebilou left the chat.
[09:10:36] * treebilou joined the chat.
[09:12:23] * niekie left the chat.
[09:12:29] * niekie joined the chat.
[09:28:57] * youngyogesh joined the chat.
[09:28:58] * youngyogesh left the chat.
[09:29:18] * youngyogesh joined the chat.
[09:29:18] * youngyogesh left the chat.
[09:29:22] * youngyogesh joined the chat.
[09:29:22] * youngyogesh left the chat.
[09:44:53] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[09:45:14] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[10:09:37] * Arshadkhan joined the chat.
[10:09:38] * Arshadkhan left the chat.
[10:13:04] <Mati> uhm
[10:13:05] * Arshadkhan joined the chat.
[10:13:06] * Arshadkhan left the chat.
[10:13:06] * Arshadkhan joined the chat.
[10:13:06] * Arshadkhan left the chat.
[10:13:09] * Tayeb left the chat.
[10:13:14] <Mati> when trying to unregister a jabber.org account, I get: "Unregistration with server jabber.org failed: not-allowed"
[10:13:26] * admin joined the chat.
[10:13:37] <Mati> is it not allowed even if I promise to continue to use jabber? ;-)
[10:13:38] * Arshadkhan joined the chat.
[10:15:42] * Arshadkhan left the chat.
[10:16:31] <Tobias> Mati: nope..we're following ICQ's strategy to have higher user numbers
[10:17:02] <Mati> Tobias, I am wondering if I should tell you a terrible secret about jabber...
[10:17:32] <Tobias> i was just jokin' :)
[10:18:08] <Mati> The secret of course is: there are no "numbers" in Jabber :-P
[10:21:30] * ∞ left the chat.
[10:21:30] * the ♚ left the chat.
[10:21:39] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[10:21:40] * ∞ joined the chat.
[10:22:34] <Mati> still: I think I should unregister my test account - and unregistering should generally be possible
[10:35:48] * Shefinmusthafa joined the chat.
[10:35:48] * Shefinmusthafa left the chat.
[10:39:16] * Shefinmusthafa joined the chat.
[10:44:16] * Shefinmusthafa left the chat.
[10:50:46] * Ramen.chandra7 joined the chat.
[10:50:47] * Ramen.chandra7 left the chat.
[10:53:59] * Tobias left the chat.
[11:01:11] * Tobias joined the chat.
[11:04:52] * Kev left the chat.
[11:05:25] * Kev joined the chat.
[11:06:07] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[11:16:15] * ford50772 joined the chat.
[11:16:53] * ford50772 left the chat.
[11:17:08] * niekie left the chat.
[11:17:21] * niekie joined the chat.
[11:19:38] * youngyogesh joined the chat.
[11:19:38] * youngyogesh left the chat.
[11:21:59] * Tobias left the chat.
[11:25:16] * youngyogesh joined the chat.
[11:25:17] * youngyogesh left the chat.
[11:28:09] * hi joined the chat.
[11:28:16] <hi> hello all
[11:29:34] <Mati> hi, hello
[11:30:22] * hi left the chat.
[11:39:06] * kartiksharma653 joined the chat.
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[11:41:16] * hayes24304 joined the chat.
[11:42:15] <hayes24304> hello
[11:42:22] <hayes24304> any body here
[11:43:10] <Kev> Many people. What can we help you with?
[11:43:39] <hayes24304> how can i go to chat rooms
[11:43:53] <Kev> From your Jabber client?
[11:44:28] <hayes24304> yes plz
[11:44:36] <Kev> Which client do you use?
[11:44:49] <hayes24304> jabber
[11:44:57] <Kev> Jabber isn't a client.
[11:45:00] <hayes24304> jabber.org
[11:45:12] <Kev> Neither's that, it's a server.
[11:45:27] <hayes24304> what about nimbuzz
[11:45:44] <Mati> /me 's head explodes
[11:45:46] <Kev> Nimbuzz is a server and client, but I thought they stopped supporting Jabber.
[11:46:02] <Mati> Kev, hard to say
[11:46:06] <hayes24304> i dont know
[11:46:51] <hayes24304> how can i add a msn friend
[11:48:12] * hayes24304 left the chat.
[11:48:38] * Tobias joined the chat.
[11:48:57] <Kev> Hmm. hayes24304 leaves, Tobias joins.
[11:49:01] <Kev> It was you, wasn't it?
[11:49:15] * kennedy12509 joined the chat.
[11:50:18] <Mati> ... or that guy ;-)
[11:55:19] * kennedy12509 left the chat.
[11:58:07] * reagan48288 joined the chat.
[11:59:53] * reagan48288 left the chat.
[12:02:54] * silverlock joined the chat.
[12:32:31] * ravi joined the chat.
[12:32:40] * mafeco joined the chat.
[12:32:49] <ravi> hi all
[12:33:15] <Mati> hi
[12:33:19] <mafeco> hi ravi
[12:33:43] <mafeco> ravi are you a developer ?
[12:33:50] <ravi> hi mafeco
[12:33:56] <ravi> yes
[12:34:13] <mafeco> wich language program
[12:34:27] <ravi> now only i configured but i was trying from 5 days
[12:34:46] <ravi> .net
[12:35:28] <ravi> prviously i did this with jabber.net without silverlight
[12:35:53] <ravi> i think u are on some chat server
[12:36:46] <ravi> now using silverlight i configer it on my local system'
[12:36:52] <ravi> it's gr8 exp.
[12:36:52] <mafeco> ok. I am trying to developer a private chat room in Silverlight. Have you a suggestion about a good XMPP Server for Windows
[12:37:31] <ravi> openfire is best
[12:37:55] <Tobias> prosody should work on windows too :)
[12:37:57] <ravi> if u go with .net use jabber.net
[12:38:15] <Mati> some of the chats here are really bizarre
[12:38:17] <mafeco> oh very cool. It´s exactly i intend to use
[12:38:29] * youngyogesh joined the chat.
[12:38:30] * youngyogesh left the chat.
[12:38:39] <ravi> it will work in windows also
[12:38:57] * youngyogesh joined the chat.
[12:39:18] * youngyogesh left the chat.
[12:39:25] <mafeco> it´s made with Java isn´t it?
[12:40:19] <ravi> it's originaly made with java
[12:40:30] <ravi> but u will find lib for .net
[12:41:37] <mafeco> openfire website shows where i can get .NET libs
[12:43:19] <ravi> http://code.google.com/p/jabber-net/
[12:44:35] <mafeco> thank you very much. By the way i from Brazil and you ?
[12:44:35] <ravi> this is the project which will include some tools reated to jabber chat in .net framework
[12:44:48] <ravi> from India
[12:44:57] * the ♚_ joined the chat.
[12:46:20] <mafeco> nice to me to you ravi. I like the movies from your country.
[12:47:44] <ravi> and i like Brazil football team
[12:48:00] <mafeco> sorry my english (i mean to meet you)
[12:48:01] <ravi> nice to meet u also
[12:50:48] <mafeco> eventually to exchange ideias and discussion about tech, are you a regular user in this room. This is my first time here
[12:51:34] <ravi> this is my first
[12:51:55] * silverlock left the chat.
[12:52:04] <ravi> i just configer it with silverlight and came to this room
[12:52:44] <ravi> i need to create my private muc room through coding so i tried this
[12:53:50] <Mati> ravi, ever coded before?
[12:54:34] <ravi> yes..
[12:54:59] <mafeco> ok . i have to go now but i will come back more times and who knows i find you to talk. bye!
[12:55:33] <ravi> bye
[12:55:39] * mafeco left the chat.
[13:05:32] * Link Mauve left the chat.
[13:05:54] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[13:11:41] * ravi left the chat.
[13:12:42] * youngyogesh joined the chat.
[13:12:43] * youngyogesh left the chat.
[13:34:10] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[14:00:35] * josef.weisskopf joined the chat.
[14:04:51] * josef.weisskopf left the chat.
[14:08:19] * the ♚_ left the chat.
[14:10:42] * the ♚_ joined the chat.
[14:11:03] * the ♚_ left the chat.
[14:11:37] * the ♚_ joined the chat.
[14:14:35] * the ♚_ left the chat.
[14:17:59] * Duuuark joined the chat.
[14:18:39] * the ♚_ joined the chat.
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[14:59:06] * washington27232 joined the chat.
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[15:01:28] * Duuuark left the chat.
[15:01:45] * admin left the chat.
[15:01:46] * admin joined the chat.
[15:02:17] * the ♚_ left the chat.
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[15:09:21] * Duuuark joined the chat.
[15:14:07] * the ♚_ joined the chat.
[15:21:09] * the ♚_ left the chat.
[15:21:49] * MattJ joined the chat.
[15:22:20] * the ♚_ joined the chat.
[15:30:47] * Link Mauve left the chat.
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[15:40:22] * IseeDa joined the chat.
[15:40:45] * MrGrage joined the chat.
[15:40:55] * the ♚_ left the chat.
[15:43:34] * the ♚_ joined the chat.
[15:43:39] <MrGrage> ping jabber.org
[15:44:01] <MrGrage> _ping
[15:44:03] <IseeDa> MrGrage: Ping from you 1.492 sec.
[15:44:18] <MrGrage> _ping jabber.org
[15:44:19] <IseeDa> MrGrage: Ping from jabber.org 0.224 sec.
[15:44:37] * the ♚_ left the chat.
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[15:47:56] * Pouya joined the chat.
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[15:56:36] * waqas left the chat.
[16:00:55] * the ♚_ left the chat.
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[16:04:18] * youngyogesh joined the chat.
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[16:12:28] * MrGrage left the chat.
[16:15:52] * youngyogesh joined the chat.
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[16:20:09] * yuppinturic left the chat.
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[16:30:08] * Nigel left the chat.
[16:30:10] * Nigel joined the chat.
[16:31:42] * youngyogesh joined the chat.
[16:31:43] * youngyogesh left the chat.
[16:33:43] * Nigel left the chat.
[16:33:45] * Nigel joined the chat.
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[16:42:51] * mpranj joined the chat.
[16:48:14] * Kev left the chat.
[16:48:43] * Kev joined the chat.
[16:49:29] * youngyogesh joined the chat.
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[16:56:38] * mpranj left the chat.
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[17:00:57] * the ♚_ left the chat.
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[17:46:59] * naw joined the chat.
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[18:02:34] <naw> happy sysadmin day
[18:02:50] <MattJ> Yay, same to you :)
[18:03:42] * Duuuark left the chat.
[18:05:12] * Duuuark joined the chat.
[18:10:49] * the ♚_ left the chat.
[18:28:56] <naw> I'm not a sysadmin
[18:29:08] * yuppinturic left the chat.
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[18:33:03] <Mati> I am, and I say "same to all sysadmins here" ;-)
[19:11:10] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[19:13:31] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[19:23:27] * Creation left the chat.
[19:27:31] * MattJ left the chat.
[19:27:32] * MattJ joined the chat.
[19:27:51] * MattJ left the chat.
[19:28:00] * MattJ joined the chat.
[19:50:06] * waqas joined the chat.
[20:06:51] * yuppinturic left the chat.
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[20:32:09] * Mati left the chat.
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[20:36:03] * arthur59222 joined the chat.
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[21:01:39] * naw left the chat.
[21:09:27] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[21:11:04] * Tobias left the chat.
[21:13:54] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[21:18:48] * waqas left the chat.
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[21:38:12] * treebilou left the chat.
[21:42:08] * Mati left the chat.
[21:53:49] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[22:03:25] * Kev left the chat.
[22:06:51] * Duuuark left the chat.
[22:07:29] * Duuuark joined the chat.
[22:49:20] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[23:15:32] * Tobias left the chat.
[23:22:43] * Duuuark left the chat.
[23:32:52] * david.r.wharton joined the chat.
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[23:57:14] * MattJ left the chat.
[00:15:16] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[00:23:59] * waqas left the chat.
[00:26:13] * admin left the chat.
[00:41:45] * naw joined the chat.
[00:51:16] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[01:01:40] * Link Mauve left the chat.
[01:02:23] * chealer joined the chat.
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[02:24:19] * mudrock joined the chat.
[02:25:17] <mudrock> 8-|
[02:29:39] <mudrock> The room filled with human but no massages. 8-|
[02:30:48] <mudrock> I think all r bots :-\
[02:30:51] <mudrock> Bye
[02:30:55] * mudrock left the chat.
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[04:18:46] * ma2ze joined the chat.
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[04:43:30] * youngyogesh joined the chat.
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[04:47:51] * MrGrage joined the chat.
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[04:56:49] * chealer left the chat.