Logs for jabber
[05:18:34] * harrison18584 joined the chat.
[05:20:50] <harrison18584> Hi
[05:21:14] <harrison18584> Anybody there to help?
[05:21:25] * Pawan.nagwani joined the chat.
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[05:21:28] <waqas> What help do you need?
[05:22:53] <harrison18584> We have a situation where we have to implement Jabber in the front end where if user logs in and posts messages the admin
should also see the same messages if he is logged in to his Jabber
[05:22:59] <harrison18584> Is this possible?
[05:23:54] <harrison18584> R u there?
[05:24:02] <waqas> So, messages from normal users should go to an admin account in addition to the recipient?
[05:25:09] <harrison18584> Yes
[05:25:59] <waqas> This isn't standard XMPP behavior. You need to a plugin for the server you use.
[05:26:08] <waqas> *You need to write a
[05:26:50] <harrison18584> Please tell me
[05:27:35] <waqas> It depends on which server you are using.
[05:28:31] <harrison18584> Hopefully it's Linux, the site is in Php
[05:29:07] <waqas> Ah, so you have your own custom front end?
[05:29:46] <harrison18584> Yes
[05:30:01] <waqas> Just forward the message to an admin then :/
[05:30:10] <waqas> In your XMPP code.
[05:30:45] <harrison18584> yes then
[05:34:53] <harrison18584> Can u please clarify? I have my dev with me
[05:35:04] <harrison18584> This is new to us and client is asking for the same
[05:36:03] <waqas> What language is your client code in?
[05:36:12] <harrison18584> Php 5
[05:36:27] <waqas> What XMPP library are you using?
[05:37:13] <harrison18584> We are not using any as per our knowledge if not any default is already there
[05:38:30] <waqas> There is no Jabber/XMPP support bundled with PHP by default. You have to use a library. Here's a list of libraries for PHP:
[05:39:32] <waqas> See first example on this page for how to send messages using the xmpphp library: http://code.google.com/p/xmpphp/
[05:41:41] <harrison18584> Thanks waqas, we will go thru this but if we are back will u be there again?
[05:41:58] <waqas> Someone will probably be here.
[05:45:05] <harrison18584> Thanks, shud I have to explain the whole scenario again or he will have a record?
[05:49:19] <waqas> You may have to explain again. It should be simple enough: You are trying to send XMPP messages in PHP to a normal user and
to an admin.
[05:59:27] <harrison18584> Ok, thanks a lot
[06:02:13] * Creation joined the chat.
[06:06:31] * harrison18584 left the chat.
[06:17:20] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[06:26:46] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
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[07:20:18] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
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[08:20:49] * nick@lupine.me.uk joined the chat.
[08:21:09] * Mati joined the chat.
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[09:55:08] * reagan32609 joined the chat.
[09:55:16] <reagan32609> hello
[09:55:24] <reagan32609> I am new to jabber
[09:55:36] <Mati> reagan32609, welcome to jabber! ;-)
[09:55:38] <reagan32609> I want to make it work with Asterisk to Google talk
[09:55:45] * DemoscenePassivist joined the chat.
[09:55:50] <reagan32609> anyone have idea
[09:56:06] * Nigel joined the chat.
[09:57:03] <Nigel> o/
[09:57:38] <Nigel> could this be classified as the jabber server admins channel? :)
[09:58:00] <reagan32609> anyone has experience using this with Asterisk
[09:58:20] <Kev> Nigel: This is a channel in which admins of jabber.org,and various other servers, hang out.
[09:58:31] <Kev> It is not specifically a channel tha only server admins may join.
[09:58:46] <Kev> Most people here are not.
[09:58:49] <Nigel> yep, excellent :)
[09:58:54] <Nigel> I"m the jabber.iitsp.com admin :)
[09:59:07] <Kev> Welcome.
[09:59:08] <reagan32609> Nigel
[09:59:22] <Nigel> hey reagan32609
[09:59:23] <reagan32609> can I get some help here about Asterisk to Jabber
[09:59:27] <reagan32609> hello
[09:59:29] <Kev> reagan32609: I have no experienc with this.
[09:59:33] <Nigel> no clue on integration there mate
[09:59:40] <reagan32609> ok
[09:59:43] <reagan32609> thank you sir
[10:00:13] <Nigel> btw, what can you do with integration with asterisk? sounds intrigueing
[10:00:44] * reagan32609 left the chat.
[10:08:53] <Nigel> I must say, I'm pretty impressed with ejabberd
[10:09:09] <Nigel> definitely better imho compared to openfire
[10:09:21] <Mati> Nigel, definetly
[10:09:32] <Nigel> not that flashy, but what do us admins care
[10:09:55] <Kev> Openfire's main selling point is the admin interface.
[10:10:04] <Nigel> nice range of services for server admins aswell in terms of the items in the discover list
[10:10:06] <Nigel> Kev, yea
[10:10:26] <Kev> It seems to be dead in the water these days, although I'm aware that there are people still doing stuff with it.
[10:11:44] <Nigel> yea, i see the services list tho on the xmpp site that ejabberd seems to be gaining some nice ground
[10:12:14] <Mati> !servers
[10:12:16] <Nigel> the only issue i've found so far is the https service doesn't support wildcard certs , i had all kinds of errors ... but yea,
I just used the cacert cert
[10:12:18] <Nigel> !servers
[10:12:28] <Nigel> lol, sorry :)
[10:12:29] <Mati> Nigel, this list is more complete: http://www.jabberes.org/servers/servers_by_uptime.html
[10:12:36] <Nigel> yea, I found that aswell
[10:12:55] <Kev> Nigel: I didn't think the server list gave any sort of time series.
[10:13:25] <Nigel> nope, but I've watched it from time to time, can recall alot of openfire as apposed to now
[10:14:38] <Kev> I'm surprised that you found people were migrating openfire->ejabberd - I'd thought most people migrated these day openfire->prosody.
[10:14:55] <Kev> And, of course, I'd most like them to migrate openfire->M-Link :)
[10:15:32] <Nigel> is M-Link free? *duck*
[10:16:01] <Kev> I'm not paying for it, good enough for me :)
[10:16:26] <Nigel> heheheeh
[10:17:05] <Nigel> I looked at prosody , looks like a great product
[10:17:17] <Nigel> everyone however has their preferences
[10:17:30] <Nigel> and however much I hate erlang ... ejabberd met mine best
[10:19:27] <Kev> Right, that's up to page 31 of 3921bis reviewed.
[10:24:35] <Nigel> 80+- to go :)
[10:25:34] <Kev> Yes, that's the happy thought.
[10:33:22] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[10:38:34] * murali@jabber.org/Meebo joined the chat.
[10:44:43] * murali@jabber.org/Meebo left the chat.
[10:48:26] * MattJ joined the chat.
[10:49:39] <Nigel> one thing I have been looking for is an app for my symbian-based phone that supports MUC
[10:51:39] <MattJ> I know 2-3 of the Openfire public servers are now Prosody
[10:52:11] <MattJ> But I wasn't aware there had ever been that many public servers running Openfire
[10:52:26] <MattJ> Most were jabberd/jabberd2/ejabberd
[10:52:38] <Mati> and a few tigase and openfire
[10:52:50] <MattJ> The progression from jabberd->ejabberd being because many mirrored what jabber.org did
[10:53:32] <MattJ> Tigase is relatively new, so we're not talking about the same period of history if you count it :)
[10:54:24] <MattJ> In fact the only servers running Tigase it seems are im.flosoft.biz and pandion.im
[10:54:32] <MattJ> and they're both hosted by Florian
[10:54:58] <Mati> the jabberes site lists a few more
[10:55:12] <MattJ> /me supposes he should go and figure out why HAL can't join this room
[10:55:14] <Nigel> yea
[10:55:29] <Mati> hmm, only pandium.im
[10:55:52] <MattJ> Woohoo, I see a Prosody 2nd place in the uptime list :P
[10:57:19] <MattJ> The only extra Tigase I see on jabberes is tigase.org... also hosted by Florian :)
[10:57:32] * jackson41194 joined the chat.
[10:57:52] <jackson41194> hello everyone
[10:58:30] <jackson41194> can I get some direction or tutorial to understand jabber xml body
[10:58:34] <Mati> MattJ, @2nd place: grats, but it also means they run an old version
[10:59:10] <MattJ> Mati, it does indeed :)
[10:59:28] <Mati> MattJ, or you haven't released in that time, which is of course not true for prosody
[10:59:49] <MattJ> We release too often, and Prosody users are typically the kind who like to upgrade as soon as a new release is out :)
[11:00:04] <jackson41194> MattJ
[11:00:17] <jackson41194> can you please point me a basic tutorial about Jabber
[11:00:37] <jackson41194> I want to understand the xml tag and its purpose
[11:00:47] <Nigel> http://xmpp.org/
[11:01:05] <MattJ> jackson41194, the <body> in <message>? It's the message content... for display in clients
[11:01:23] <jackson41194> currently i am getting text chat
[11:01:27] <jackson41194> but I try voice
[11:01:29] <jackson41194> call
[11:01:31] <MattJ> jackson41194, probably the most accurate and in-depth tutorial would be the book, XMPP: The Definitive Guide
[11:01:45] <jackson41194> I am unable
[11:01:50] <MattJ> If you're implementing protocols then the documentation is all at http://xmpp.org/
[11:02:04] <jackson41194> can we have voice on this as well
[11:02:27] <jackson41194> google talk is based on jabber
[11:02:39] <MattJ> Yes, that set of of protocols (for voice/video) is called Jingle
[11:02:54] <MattJ> it's documented on http://xmpp.org/extensions/ in several XEPs
[11:03:02] <jackson41194> I need to understand about jingle
[11:03:15] <jackson41194> I want to integrate the gtalk to Asterisk
[11:03:28] <jackson41194> Asterisk has module for this
[11:03:38] <jackson41194> and currently I am only able to make text chat
[11:03:41] <jackson41194> to the server
[11:03:49] <jackson41194> but I want to have voice as well
[11:15:57] * Mati left the chat.
[11:28:43] <Kev> "one thing I have been looking for is an app for my symbian-based phone that supports MUC"
[11:29:04] <Kev> You could try and compile Swift for it - in principle it should run fine, but I've not set up the toolchain to do so.
[11:30:07] <Kev> "can I get some direction or tutorial to understand jabber xml body" - http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596521271
[11:30:57] <Kev> Ah, and that was already sai.
[11:30:58] * coolidge24721 joined the chat.
[11:31:01] <Kev> *said.
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[11:31:49] <jackson41194> anyone here
[11:32:57] <jackson41194> when we start jingle rtp session
[11:33:10] <jackson41194> first we send the inititor
[11:33:16] <jackson41194> initiator
[11:33:51] <jackson41194> against this initiator we must have the accept or reject type in description body of xmpp
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[11:54:02] * Link Mauve left the chat.
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[13:25:55] <MattJ> .
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[13:26:10] <Kev> ,
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[13:27:55] <Nigel> ...
[13:28:34] <MattJ> .
[13:28:48] <Nigel> :
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[16:16:33] * waqas joined the chat.
[16:24:26] * flo joined the chat.
[16:38:02] <flo> is there a preferred way of how to bind a jid to a public key via an openpgp user id? i've found an experimental jep which
suggested a "xmpp:" prefix for the user id's address - is this encouraged?
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[16:53:32] <naw> flo: what I do is to put the openpgp key id on my vcard and I also add a identity to my openpgp key with my jid and a comment
saying that is an xmpp address, not an email
[16:54:44] <waqas> naw: You are supposed to use PEP ;)
[16:58:33] <flo> naw: ok, that's what i was doing so far; i just thought there might be a preferred way. thanks
[16:59:01] <naw> waqas: but how many clients will recognize it? besides, as far I know, there are XEPs that intend to replace openpgp usage
[16:59:46] <waqas> naw: 'supposed to' :)
[16:59:50] <flo> waqas: public key publishing is still experimental, isn't it?
[17:00:02] <naw> hehe
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[17:00:37] <waqas> flo: Yes
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[19:09:19] <goradvilas> hello...
[19:11:20] <Mati> hi
[19:12:41] <goradvilas> how r u?
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[21:34:49] * rdqbr joined the chat.
[21:35:05] <rdqbr> hello!
[21:36:18] <rdqbr> so, managed to get this working
[21:37:23] <rdqbr> nobody home??
[21:37:42] <rdqbr> :(
[21:37:45] <stpeter> heh
[21:37:51] <stpeter> we're here, just busy
[21:37:54] <rdqbr> oh
[21:38:01] <rdqbr> sorry
[21:38:32] <rdqbr> just trying this out, umm is there anyone not busy?
[21:38:48] <stpeter> not sure
[21:38:54] <stpeter> can we help you with something?
[21:38:59] <rdqbr> thanks
[21:39:03] <rdqbr> yes
[21:39:18] <stpeter> ok
[21:39:24] <stpeter> if you have questions, fire away :)
[21:39:36] <rdqbr> as I'm switching, or will be switching from yahoo to using jabber ever since
[21:39:42] <stpeter> ah
[21:39:52] <rdqbr> I discoverd that neither pidgin nor empathy works with it
[21:39:56] <stpeter> won't you leave all your Yahoo! friends behind?
[21:40:00] <rdqbr> I figured
[21:40:12] <rdqbr> they can download a jabber client, right?
[21:40:20] <stpeter> Pidgin and Empathy don't work with Yahoo or with Jabber?
[21:40:43] <rdqbr> with yahoo.... on debian 5 and to upgrade is just not worth the download
[21:40:49] <stpeter> hmm
[21:40:56] <stpeter> I figured that Pidgin would work for sure
[21:41:01] <rdqbr> 1 gb to move to testing
[21:41:20] <rdqbr> I'll just pull everyone onto a free protocol, right?
[21:41:49] <stpeter> heh
[21:41:49] <stpeter> yeah
[21:41:56] <stpeter> we've been working on that since 1999 :)
[21:42:09] <stpeter> and yet Yahoo and MSN and AIM (Etc.) are still in existence
[21:42:19] <rdqbr> You? Like you're one of the guys who started this?
[21:42:42] <stpeter> I was involved back then, yes
[21:42:49] <stpeter> I was not part of the very original team
[21:43:00] <rdqbr> oh wow, nice to meet you, either way
[21:43:02] <stpeter> I got involved about 10 months after the project started
[21:43:07] <rdqbr> original team or not
[21:43:17] <stpeter> nowadays that 10 months doesn't seem like much, I grant you ;-)
[21:43:51] <Kev> I should work out when I first got involved.
[21:44:14] <stpeter> Kev: oh yeah, you're definitely one of the ancient ones :)
[21:44:26] <Kev> I don't think I've got any record of my first posts to Psi.
[21:44:33] <Kev> Predates my email records :)
[21:44:51] <rdqbr> well, umm, what about JWchat? I don't want to install anything on this other windows machine we've got, does it work, or better
yet is there anything to getting it to work?
[21:45:03] <stpeter> http://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/jdev/1999-November/060711.html
[21:45:05] <stpeter> :P
[21:45:15] <Kev> It was somewhere around '02
[21:45:16] <rdqbr> I mean, I'm sure it works
[21:45:21] <Kev> Or do I mean '01?
[21:45:32] <stpeter> rdqbr: there are a few options for web clients
[21:45:40] <stpeter> I don't have a good handle on the state of the art
[21:45:40] <rdqbr> ah, ok...
[21:45:47] <waqas> Is room logging supposed to be on for this room?
[21:45:55] <stpeter> http://xmpp.org/software/clients.shtml#web has a list
[21:46:01] <stpeter> waqas: supposed to be, I'm sure
[21:46:03] <Kev> waqas: on, but not exposed.
[21:46:08] <stpeter> ah
[21:46:22] <rdqbr> right, been there, and that's how I picked JWchat I think...
[21:46:22] <Kev> stpeter: you saw the mail I sent asking which rooms we wanted enabled? :)
[21:46:51] <waqas> I see jdev logs are exposed.
[21:47:13] <stpeter> kev: seeing != reading != acting upon
[21:47:38] <stpeter> /me replies to a message from waqas on the xmpp@ietf.org list
[21:47:43] <rdqbr> so, I just tell my buddies to register there and I give them my ID and we start chatting?
[21:48:12] <rdqbr> or can they register here at jabber.org?
[21:48:26] <Kev> Anyone want to help me with grep -e syntax? :)
[21:48:47] <MattJ> No :P
[21:48:53] <Kev> LOGGED_ROOMS="^(jdev|jabber)$" is what I'm suspecting, but I'll be amazed if it works :)
[21:49:54] <MattJ> you need "^\(jabber\|jdev\)$"
[21:50:40] <MattJ> brb
[21:50:57] <Kev> LOGGED_ROOMS="\/\(jdev\|jabber\)\$" in fact, because I'm silly :)
[21:50:58] <Kev> ta
[21:51:42] <Kev> waqas: logs for this room are coming online now.
[21:51:51] * wilson7758 joined the chat.
[21:51:51] <waqas> Thanks
[21:52:03] <waqas> Are all rooms logged, just logs not exposed?
[21:52:05] <rdqbr> uh, anyway, I guess you guys are really busy, so I'll go tinker with this some more. Nice to meet you all
[21:52:55] <Kev> waqas: All logged, although we should have a script around here somewhere that purges the ones we don't want logged.
[21:53:28] <wilson7758> Hi all, im looking for some advice - is it possible to search for rooms by keyword (ie. discover topics etc) or do you need
to know the server and rooms in advance?
[21:53:43] * rdqbr left the chat.
[21:54:42] <Kev> waqas: should be up.
[21:55:18] <waqas> Thanks
[21:55:57] <Kev> Now sleep, nn.
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[22:09:34] <stpeter> /me finally finishes his reply to waqas
[22:10:04] <stpeter> i18n issues are so much fun
[22:10:04] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[22:10:10] <waqas> Thanks :)
[22:10:23] <stpeter> oops, I could've answered wilson7758 but I wasn't really here
[22:10:27] <stpeter> /me waves to HedgeMage
[22:11:51] <HedgeMage> hi :)
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[02:47:12] * emery joined the chat.
[02:49:07] <emery> so uh, are there any MUC to freenode gateways that anybody knows of?
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[04:21:00] * Donovan joined the chat.
[04:21:44] <Donovan> /me skims through room history
[04:22:39] <Donovan> Anyone else experience disconnects with "XML Parsing Error" and then all subsequent reconnection attempts result in that?
[04:23:14] <Donovan> (for say the past 2 hours)
[04:24:53] <Donovan> This is for multiple users, multiple clients, multiple room@ conference.jabber.org, so I know it's not just me :)
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[04:33:29] * Donovan joined the chat.
[04:34:05] <Donovan> Figured it out, must have been some oddball resource contention hiccough on the server side, only for MUC though
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