Logs for jabber
[05:18:41] * Carl-Johan Sveningsson joined the chat.
[05:19:09] * quincyadams61741 joined the chat.
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[06:01:19] * naw joined the chat.
[06:17:13] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
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[06:32:15] * Tobias joined the chat.
[06:33:18] * hoover6837 left the chat.
[06:36:41] * Kev joined the chat.
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[07:23:54] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[07:41:29] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[07:45:30] * Jaat.boyzz02 joined the chat.
[07:46:27] <Jaat.boyzz02> Hi m male 20 ind like 2 chat any1!
[07:47:41] * naw left the chat.
[07:49:52] * Tobias left the chat.
[07:52:17] * Jaat.boyzz02 left the chat.
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[08:37:37] * Mati joined the chat.
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[08:38:33] * Mati joined the chat.
[08:45:47] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[08:47:55] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
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[09:15:19] * naw joined the chat.
[09:18:48] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[09:26:13] * Mati left the chat.
[09:30:58] * Nulani joined the chat.
[09:35:09] * Tobias left the chat.
[09:40:11] * MattJ joined the chat.
[10:09:13] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
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[10:31:20] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[10:53:27] * darkwolf joined the chat.
[11:01:07] * Link Mauve left the chat.
[11:16:56] * anonymous471 joined the chat.
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[11:25:05] * Creation joined the chat.
[11:28:10] * anonymous471 left the chat.
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[11:51:35] * fillmore12347 joined the chat.
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[11:56:33] * waqas joined the chat.
[12:01:26] * mpranj joined the chat.
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[12:02:14] * Bug joined the chat.
[12:02:22] <Bug> Hello.
[12:02:40] <Bug> After looking at swift basic ideas, I fail to see how it differ from Psi.
[12:05:11] * guillec joined the chat.
[12:06:50] * Nulani left the chat.
[12:08:02] <Kev> Psi tries to have features and options for everyone. Swift doesn't.
[12:08:46] <Kev> (Psi's traditionally been described as a power-user's client).
[12:19:57] * guillec left the chat.
[12:28:17] <Carl-Johan Sveningsson> Hi all, ping, is this room working for me in Adium?
[12:28:35] <waqas> Yes?
[12:28:43] <Carl-Johan Sveningsson> w00t!
[12:28:55] <Carl-Johan Sveningsson> I just saw some strange repetition the other day
[12:29:01] <Carl-Johan Sveningsson> Repeating myself from yesterday: I would appreciate some clarifications regarding interaction with other protocols, both XMPP-based
and not... like for example (I'm using Adium on jabber.dk) I haven't managed to join an IRC chat, and I wonder if I can talk
to GTalk accounts using my regular jabber-account?
Also, jabber is one XMPP-network, are they all connected or not?
[12:31:05] <waqas> Erm, you can compare the jabber network with the email network.
[12:31:23] <waqas> And gtalk is also on the jabber network.
[12:31:53] <Tanguy> And Google Talk is the name of the Google Jabber service, nothing more. You can talk to users of it, just as you can email
to users of Google Mail.
[12:39:08] <Carl-Johan Sveningsson> Ok, but GTalk accept also users authenticated elsewhere than GTalk, for example a third-party jabber server?
[12:39:25] * darkwolf left the chat.
[12:40:01] <MattJ> No, that would be like logging into gmail.com with a hotmail.com account
[12:40:45] * darkwolf joined the chat.
[12:40:55] <Carl-Johan Sveningsson> (which is not completely unreasonable) But oh, wasn't that exactly what was said above? "You can talk to users of it, just
as you can email to users of Google Mail."
[12:41:31] <Carl-Johan Sveningsson> Let me clarify, GTalk accepts communication with users authenticated elsewhere?
[12:42:17] <Carl-Johan Sveningsson> However, that was not my primary concern, are a lot of you using IRC connections from Jabber? I have a jabber.dk account and
can't get it to work
[12:43:54] * Tobias left the chat.
[12:44:46] <MattJ> Carl-Johan Sveningsson, I don't expect that you will be able to log into Gmail with a Hotmail account any time soon :)
[12:45:12] * Tobias joined the chat.
[12:45:19] <MattJ> and yes, GTalk accepts communications with users authenticated elsewhere, again - just like you can email Hotmail users from
[12:45:42] <MattJ> and no, I don't tend to use IRC through Jabber
[12:46:14] <MattJ> An IRC client or even a multi-protocol one like Pidgin is going to do better
[12:46:31] <MattJ> But the list of [services] shows servers with IRC gateways:
[12:46:32] <HAL> http://www.jabberes.org/servers/
[12:47:00] <Carl-Johan Sveningsson> MattJ, probably not in that combination, but it's not preposterous considering OpenID and whatever. I was just curious about
what cross-communication between networks is allowed
[12:47:02] <Carl-Johan Sveningsson> Oh, thanks
[12:47:15] <Carl-Johan Sveningsson> Well, I use Adium and was surprised it doesn't do IRC natively
[12:49:41] <Carl-Johan Sveningsson> ... though Adium doesn't feel like a full-fledged Jabber client either
[12:50:57] <MattJ> It's not really, from what I've heard
[12:52:13] <Carl-Johan Sveningsson> Ahwell, will figure it out sometime, interesting to play around with
[13:09:27] * Carl-Johan Sveningsson left the chat.
[13:09:55] * UncleCJ joined the chat.
[13:10:09] <UncleCJ> Niice, Psi manages to talk to my GTalk!
[13:10:41] <MattJ> :)
[13:11:49] <UncleCJ> Ok, Psi has proper service discovery... jabber.dk doesn't have an IRC connection, are any other server likely to let me in?
[13:12:09] <waqas> irc.jaim.at
[13:12:32] <waqas> Here's #jabber on freenode: #jabber%irc.freenode.org@irc.jaim.at
[13:12:33] <UncleCJ> Yep, probably they will...
[13:14:25] <naw> waqas: are you sure that you need the # ?
[13:14:47] <UncleCJ> I get a "JID malformed" error...
[13:14:48] <MattJ> Not anymore
[13:14:53] <MattJ> It used to be ##jabber
[13:15:03] <MattJ> and then you needed the
[13:15:05] <MattJ> #
[13:15:22] <MattJ> # is next to \n on UK keyboards :)
[13:15:37] <waqas> UncleCJ: You are putting "#jabber%irc.freenode.org" as the room and "irc.jaim.at" as the server in Psi?
[13:16:21] <UncleCJ> Wohooo!
[13:16:33] <UncleCJ> waqas, exactly, I put it all in the room line
[13:16:35] <UncleCJ> My bad
[13:16:37] * darkwolf left the chat.
[13:16:45] * darkwolf joined the chat.
[13:18:28] <naw> User interface idea for those clients that split the room JabberID in room and server:
- display also the jid in the form "room@server" as the user is writing it
- if the user writes an @ in the room textbox, switch the focus to the server textbox
[13:19:18] <MattJ> +1
[13:19:35] <waqas> +2
[13:19:44] * UncleCJ2 joined the chat.
[13:19:52] * UncleCJ left the chat.
[13:20:08] <waqas> And let the JID be editable. It's a pain to copy JIDs and then manually split them for the two text boxes.
[13:20:08] * Sumanta.saha17 joined the chat.
[13:20:40] <UncleCJ2> Now the strange thing, why can't I reach EFnet?
[13:21:25] <waqas> What room are you trying?
[13:21:36] <UncleCJ2> Oh, just a friendly old room
[13:22:03] <waqas> You need to strip off a # from the room's name.
[13:22:30] <UncleCJ2> Yeah, got that
[13:22:41] <UncleCJ2> 502 ERROR (You are not authorized to use this server)
[13:22:50] <UncleCJ2> That's EFnet's problem I think, not jaim.at
[13:23:04] <naw> you also can try another irc gateway
[13:23:12] <UncleCJ2> Yeah, will
[13:23:19] <waqas> They may have banned irc.jaim.at.
[13:23:19] <naw> take a look to [services] and choose one
[13:23:19] <HAL> http://www.jabberes.org/servers/
[13:24:10] <waqas> Look in the IRC column. The public ones have a color icon.
[13:24:14] <UncleCJ2> Got it. Trying
[13:29:04] <naw> MattJ: time ago, you asked if I had historic data about the servers, were you planning something in particular?
[13:29:27] <MattJ> naw, graphs, graphs aplenty :)
[13:30:39] <naw> like what?
[13:31:05] * Sumanta.saha17 left the chat.
[13:31:07] <naw> for most things you don't need historic data
[13:31:13] <UncleCJ2> Wohoo, another IRC gateway worked, though now it's not using utf8 encoding, so people hate me :-P
[13:31:38] <naw> UncleCJ2: in the service discovery, select the gateway, right click, register
[13:31:49] <naw> there you should be able to select the encodings
[13:32:06] <naw> at least in ejabberd gateways
[13:32:19] * the ♚ left the chat.
[13:32:20] <MattJ> naw, well to be honest I was hoping for a graph of jabberd dominating, splitting to jabberd2/ejabberd, some rise in Openfire,
and by today I wanted to see where Prosody was going in relation :)
[13:32:34] <MattJ> History is a wonderful thing
[13:33:13] <UncleCJ2> Ohh... advanced
[13:33:24] <UncleCJ2> naw: Thanks!
[13:33:35] <naw> MattJ: I only have dayta since january or so
[13:33:43] <naw> *data
[13:34:53] <UncleCJ2> Haha, "by default this server uses koi8-r encoding"!
[13:35:39] <naw> thats korean characters, right?
[13:38:28] <UncleCJ2> I think russian
[13:40:47] * zanchin joined the chat.
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[13:41:34] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
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[13:49:42] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[13:55:41] * Tobias left the chat.
[13:58:37] * Tobias joined the chat.
[14:02:54] * Nÿco left the chat.
[14:12:58] * klm joined the chat.
[14:13:41] * UncleCJ joined the chat.
[14:14:04] <UncleCJ> And I'm back
[14:14:31] <UncleCJ> Actually EFnet is the only thing giving me trouble, and often without Adium actually giving any error messages
[14:18:56] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[14:20:55] * johnson30322 joined the chat.
[14:20:57] <johnson30322>
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[14:47:20] * MattJ left the chat.
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[15:26:30] * Tobias left the chat.
[15:48:44] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[15:49:15] * evilotto joined the chat.
[15:53:27] * waqas left the chat.
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[17:04:36] * Link Mauve left the chat.
[17:12:04] * Bug left the chat.
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[19:07:56] * loxs joined the chat.
[19:08:27] <loxs> Hi folks, Is there any room devoted to discussing ejabberd?
[19:09:03] <Mati> loxs, yes
[19:09:16] <Mati> loxs, ejabberd@conference.jabber.ru
[19:09:22] <waqas> ejabberd@conference.jabber.ru
[19:09:25] <waqas> .
[19:09:29] <Mati> waqas, ha!
[19:09:41] <Mati> loxs, but be aware, the room is usually rather quiet
[19:10:13] <loxs> um, OK, would you mind then if I ask you several questions (quite basic) on ejabberd?
[19:11:29] * Creation left the chat.
[19:12:15] <naw> loxs: feel free to ask
[19:13:36] <Mati> loxs, feel free to ask!
[19:14:30] <loxs> so far I am almost convinced that ejabberd is the right server for me, because I already use CouchDB extensively and they
are both written in erlang.
My concerns are regarding the mnesia database (for sure I don't know to have some SQL server running). Is it mature enough
to be relied upon without too much effort in learning it?
[19:14:36] * mpranj joined the chat.
[19:14:52] <loxs> *don't want to have SQL server running
[19:15:10] <Mati> loxs, it always worked for me, but I never did much stuff with it, I only used it as a db backend
[19:16:11] <loxs> Mati: well, I'll probably rely quite heavily on it, as I am planning to build a web application on XMPP
[19:16:56] <evilotto> mnesia questions ar eprobably better answered on the erlang ML
[19:17:00] <loxs> probably the best way for me would be if it's not very hard to make ejabberd store the vital information (like user profiles
and rosters) in CouchDB
[19:17:06] * waqas left the chat.
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[19:17:25] <loxs> On which I have no troubles relying :)
[19:18:25] <evilotto> I'm pretty sure mnesia has been around a lot longer than couchdb.
[19:18:59] <loxs> well, CouchDB is around with me for years and I'm much more willing to rely on it :)
[19:19:01] <naw> loxs: http://thetofu.com/archive/ejabberd_couchdb_20090407.html
[19:19:05] <Mati> evilotto, that is not necessarily a criteria
[19:21:08] <loxs> hmm, thanks naw. I'll try it as it seems
[19:22:00] <waqas> I'd guess ejabberd has been tested more with mnesia than anything else. It's the default, no?
[19:22:04] <evilotto> Mati: no, but if often suggests that most of the nasty data corruption bugs have already been discovered and fixed.
[19:22:33] <loxs> another question. Are the "components" the right thing to investigate in order to achieve things like, creating/destroying
large number of rooms. and also forcibly joining users to them etc.
[19:23:25] <loxs> evilotto: well, I can't imagine mnesia being more bulletproof than CouchDB, for the pure reason that I haven't seen anyghing
as close to it (even in the RDBMs world)
[19:24:14] <MattJ> Mnesia doesn't scale too well
[19:24:17] <loxs> it uses document revisions in order to ensure document consistency, even between replicating nodes.
[19:24:23] <loxs> yeah, that too
[19:26:46] <naw> for technical questions you can also ask in the jdev room
[19:26:57] <naw> or in the mail lists
[19:29:03] <loxs> I see, I'll go ask at jdev
[19:29:05] <loxs> thanks
[19:31:23] <evilotto> is there a more up-to-date comparison of servers than http://www.saint-andre.com/jabber/jsc/ ? (to answer the question,
"what server should I install?")
[19:31:58] <MattJ> Mine!
[19:32:11] <loxs> In no way am I an expert on the topic, but I wouldn't look at the feature comparisons too long :)
[19:32:17] <Mati> evilotto, there is a list on wikipedia
[19:32:22] <MattJ> That page is hopelessly out of date
[19:32:33] <MattJ> Wikipedia... looked inaccurate last I checked
[19:32:58] <Mati> MattJ, I basically updated prosody, ejabberd and tigase for when I evaluated software for jabber.at
[19:33:02] <MattJ> Zash (who isn't here) started on a project we've discussed a bit for making a tool to generate the comparison tables automatically,
I'll be glad to see that finished :)
[19:34:18] <evilotto> Yeah, feature lists are only half the story; real-world feedback is good too. Where are the Amazon reviews on the OSS servers?
[19:35:19] <Mati> loxs, I migrated ejabberd from mnesia to postgres. My experience is, that support for external DBs is marginal at best
[19:35:27] <MattJ> evilotto, I've been collecting those reviews: http://prosody.im/testimonials ;)
[19:38:47] * mpranj left the chat.
[19:38:53] <waqas> Ha, I didn't see that
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[21:06:18] <mandardhongdi123> akurei:HIII R U THERE
[21:07:22] <mandardhongdi123> HHIIII
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[21:20:48] <mandardhongdi123> HH
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[23:56:25] * pierce25737 joined the chat.
[23:58:28] <pierce25737> hello, the Psi app for mac under the "Service Discovery" function cannot find the MSN Transport, could anybody assist me
[00:00:08] * jorgecarrero\40jabber.org joined the chat.
[00:00:55] <jorgecarrero\40jabber.org> hello, the Psi app for mac under the "Service Discovery" function cannot find the MSN Transport, could anybody assist me
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[00:02:27] <jorgecarrero\40jabber.org> hello, the Psi app for mac under the "Service Discovery" function cannot find the MSN Transport, could anybody assist me
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[00:24:11] <jorgecarrero> hello, the Psi app cannot find the MSN Transport service
[00:24:28] <jorgecarrero> could you please help me
[00:24:54] <jorgecarrero> I just want to setup my MSN into my iChat app
[00:25:53] <jorgecarrero> hello, is anybody there???
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[02:41:11] <zanchin> !xep 115
[02:41:13] <HAL> XEP-0115: Entity Capabilities is Standards Track (Draft, 2008-02-25) See: http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0115.html
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