Logs for jabber
[05:41:07] * HedgeMage left the chat.
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[06:01:19] * Creation joined the chat.
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[07:41:15] * naw joined the chat.
[07:52:55] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[07:56:15] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[07:59:43] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[08:00:15] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[08:22:16] * Tobias left the chat.
[09:06:08] * darkwolf joined the chat.
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[09:11:49] * waqas left the chat.
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[09:30:26] * Tobias joined the chat.
[09:33:29] * mgruel joined the chat.
[09:40:54] <mgruel> Is it possible to lose messages if you logout immediately after sending due to connection problems?
[09:43:05] <Kev> If you disconnect sufficiently quickly, yes, assuming you're asking about jabber.org. This will be fixed when I upgrade the
server to the latest packages.
[09:44:43] <mgruel> Yes, its about jabber.org
[09:44:50] <mgruel> Thanks for the info
[09:49:11] <mgruel> Does the problem exist on the receiving end, too?
[09:51:37] <Kev> In what sense?
[09:53:20] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[09:54:13] <mgruel> A friend of mine asking me about missing messages from yesterday. And i know he has problem with his mobile internet connection.
[09:56:34] <mgruel> And he says, he should received a message by 11:26 CEST, but the message didn't get to him.
[09:56:38] * Tobias left the chat.
[09:57:46] <Kev> Oh, certainly.
[09:58:18] <Kev> If his server thinks he's connected, and he's not, any messages will black-hole.
[09:58:33] <Kev> There's a spec to fix this (XEP-0198), but very few things implement it.
[10:04:01] <mgruel> Ah, i see
[10:04:40] <mgruel> maybe my friend should get better mobile hardware or a better provider
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[10:20:16] * Mati left the chat.
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[10:22:14] * Arunchalmers joined the chat.
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[10:26:33] * Mati joined the chat.
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[10:30:17] * adams34063 joined the chat.
[10:30:35] * wax40 joined the chat.
[10:30:43] <adams34063> Hi
[10:31:14] <Mati> hi
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[10:33:25] <adams34063> Is there xmpp extesion that allows colaborative text editing? I would like to be able to invite my contacts to edit text document
[10:34:04] <Mati> hmm
[10:34:16] <Mati> adams34063, I dunno, but I'd love such an extension
[10:34:28] <Mati> Kev, naw, you know something?
[10:34:58] <adams34063> I prefer to do it within my editor. So it would need to be extended to become xmpp client that handles just this extension.
[10:35:07] <Kev> There's Shared XML Editing, but that's not exactly what you want.
[10:35:51] <Kev> Well, maybe it is.
[10:36:00] <Kev> That stuff needs to be readdressed at some point.
[10:38:10] <adams34063> You mean: XEP-0228: Requirements for Shared Editing?
[10:38:29] <adams34063> It is very general. Looks more like a draft.
[10:38:51] <Kev> I mean http://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/sxe.html - it's not been accepted as a XEP (yet?)
[10:39:06] <Kev> That's why I said it needs to be readdressed at some point.
[10:41:24] * Tobias joined the chat.
[10:42:58] <naw> abiword had a plugin to collaborative editing usong jabber
[10:43:45] <naw> *using
[10:43:47] <Kev> I've no idea what protocol they use, though - have you?
[10:43:49] <naw> http://www.abisource.com/~uwog/abiword/abicollab.htm
[10:46:16] <naw> adams34063: if it's for something simple, you could use google wave to do the editions. Is not integrated with jabber, though
[10:48:15] <adams34063> I know about wave and etherpad. I have been just wondering what would one need to integrate it with text editor.
[10:48:52] * naw left the chat.
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[10:49:51] <adams34063> There is even extension for emacs: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/Rudel
[10:50:35] <Mati> awesome
[10:52:58] <adams34063> Problem is that there are a lot of editors out there. Unless it is a standard lowest common denominator will be wave or etherpad.
[10:53:34] <Kev> Yes, a standard is a good thing.
[10:58:18] <adams34063> sxe does not seem to allow simultaneous editing...
[10:58:24] * MattJ joined the chat.
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[11:11:21] * HAL left the chat.
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[11:13:55] * waqas joined the chat.
[11:24:47] * matrixcat@jabber.org joined the chat.
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[11:53:10] * mgruel left the chat.
[12:00:29] * carter31944 joined the chat.
[12:00:38] <carter31944> hi
[12:01:12] <carter31944> when i get a message the exodus does not flash
[12:01:18] <carter31944> how do i set that
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[16:13:26] * ziahaqmal joined the chat.
[16:14:43] <ziahaqmal> Hi
[16:16:33] <ziahaqmal> I need an acount
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[16:25:12] <MattJ> ziahaqmal, http://register.jabber.org/
[16:27:48] <Tobias> MattJ: is that working again?
[16:29:25] <MattJ> Yes, should be
[16:33:55] * sshahanas87 joined the chat.
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[16:37:25] <Tobias> ok
[16:37:39] <Tobias> then i can recommend jabber.org again when people ask me for a jabber server
[16:38:31] <Tanguy> I am not sure this is a good idea.
[16:38:42] <Tanguy> jabber.org is the most loaded Jabber server that you could find.
[16:38:56] <Tanguy> It would be better to use a less loaded one, would not it?
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[16:56:23] * Nÿco left the chat.
[17:01:37] * truman53759 joined the chat.
[17:02:56] <truman53759> New to Jabber and iChat, can someone direct me to an article on getting started or give me a quick rundown? Thanks
[17:04:10] <naw> well, jabber is a instant messaging system
[17:04:50] <naw> is a decentralized system, like email, that means taht anybody can create his own server and comunicate with others
[17:05:21] <naw> this is the jabber.org server, google also has his own server (gmail.com)
[17:05:45] <naw> google also has a jabber service, which they call google talk
[17:06:05] <truman53759> my understanding is that GTalk isn't working with iChat these days
[17:06:10] <naw> iChat is one of the several jabber clients available
[17:06:33] <naw> I think that it should, but I have no experience with ichat
[17:06:51] <naw> if it doesn't work, you can try with adium or Psi
[17:06:56] <truman53759> Thanks naw! I can
[17:07:10] <truman53759> thanks naw! I can't wait to get started, this will be fun!
[17:07:40] <naw> http://www.google.com/support/talk/bin/answer.py?answer=24076
[17:08:43] <naw> the most prominent feature of jabber is that is an open protocol, so anybody can create clients and servers based on jabber
[17:09:55] <truman53759> I like that
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[17:25:35] * Mati joined the chat.
[17:31:05] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[17:31:05] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
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[19:10:29] * Creation left the chat.
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[20:16:10] * jjhall joined the chat.
[20:18:25] <jjhall> I'd like to chat with someone knowledgable about Jabber servers. Is this a good place or is there another conference or room
that may be more appropriate?
[20:19:28] <Tanguy> I think it is appropriate.
[20:20:00] * Tobias left the chat.
[20:20:08] <Tanguy> I could give you some information about my use of ejabberd myself, but I have to go.
[20:20:18] * elmo joined the chat.
[20:20:24] <jjhall> Ok, thanks. Well basically there is so much information overload in regards to the various servers out there, I'm just trying
to figure out what is the best one to use for my organization.
[20:21:47] <jjhall> I'll have somewhere between 50 and 100 users, some have e-mail addresses inside our organization and some will not. For those
that do, it would be great to authenticate them to our LDAP rather than an isolated system, but that is not an absolute requirement
since there will be users that won't be in LDAP.
[20:22:42] <Mati> jjhall, well, I think with any server, you will have either all or no users in LDAP. ad least when you serve only one domain
[20:22:47] <Mati> at least
[20:23:02] <jjhall> Ok, that is understandable.
[20:23:55] <jjhall> The other thing is I'd like to be able to pre-populate users and groups (purchasing, IT, etc) so that the users won't have
to add everybody in the company to their own personal lists.
[20:24:42] <jjhall> And the last thing I'd like is to be able to set up conduits so a few of us can log into MSN, AIM, etc via the Jabber clients.
[20:24:56] * elmo left the chat.
[20:25:33] <Mati> jjhall, I so far only used ejabberd, but for prepopulating rosters its certainly possible with ejabberd
[20:25:42] <Mati> I don't know about prosody or the like
[20:25:53] <Mati> the last thing is certainly possible with almost all jabber servers
[20:25:54] <jjhall> Based on what I've seen the dominant players are ejabberd, jabberd (1 and 2) and Openfire. As to which one is the better
one to go with is what I can't really tell without installing and playing.
[20:25:57] <naw> I think that openfire also has it
[20:26:10] <Mati> jjhall, don't forget prosody
[20:26:25] <jjhall> Ok, I'll check that one out.
[20:26:46] <naw> for MSN you will have to install gateways, but they are server-agnostic
[20:26:47] <Mati> jjhall, you might also want to check out this list: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_XMPP_server_software
[20:27:00] <naw> !servers
[20:27:00] <HAL> http://xmpp.org/software/servers.shtml
[20:28:09] <jjhall> What concerned me right off the bat when looking at the ejabberd website was when I saw the "Connect to other IM services"
feature, it took me to a pay-for add-on. While I'm not opposed to paying for a server, being nickeled and dimed to death
every time I want to add another feature scares me.
[20:28:47] <Mati> jjhall, that is certainly a misunderstanding on your part
[20:29:08] <jjhall> That very well could be, hence the reason I came to chat with the "experts."
[20:29:35] <naw> ejabberd website <- you mean proccess one website, right?=
[20:29:40] <Mati> jjhall, look at this page: http://www.jabberes.org/servers/servers - these are all servers on the open network. The symbol
on the left symbolizes the server they run
[20:29:45] <Mati> (hover over the image to get info)
[20:29:56] <naw> there are free transports like pymsnt or kraken
[20:30:45] <naw> these aren't all the servers :p
[20:31:08] <jjhall> ejabberd really seems to be the big player, which is a plus to me.
[20:31:18] <Mati> naw, you forgot spectrum ;-)
[20:31:38] <Mati> jjhall, it certainly is, in a way, BUT as a long-time ejabberd admin I have to say that its pretty hard to maintain
[20:31:44] <naw> there aren't servers like gmail, gmx, livejournal.........
[20:31:52] <jjhall> And yes I was on the Process One site. I found it via the wikipedia link earlier today.
[20:32:52] * mysterious joined the chat.
[20:33:08] <jjhall> Mati: What would you say makes it hard to maintain?
[20:34:03] <Mati> jjhall, basically, the documentation is good, but it is in erlang, so if you don't know erlang (I don't) that definetly makes
it hard
[20:34:35] <Mati> jjhall, just look at the config-files, this is what we use: http://websvn.fsinf.at/listing.php?repname=fs&path=%2Fejabberd%2Fconfig%2F&#a5415650e2be4a1fb247e1bba3eafa07a
[20:34:44] <Mati> (though this is a rather advanced version)
[20:36:18] <jjhall> Ok, that doesn't look to be any more difficult than other config file flavors, but it could take some getting used to.
[20:43:46] <jjhall> Well I think I'm going to give ejabberd a shot to start with, worst case I can always scrap it and go with something else.
Thank you everybody for the extra info and for straightening out my misunderstanding.
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[21:58:23] * lurker26404 joined the chat.
[21:59:59] <lurker26404> HI, I need to connect my account using the PHPBB Forum Application,
[22:00:24] <lurker26404> How I can do it ??
[22:01:18] <naw> you will need a jabber account for the forum
[22:01:53] <naw> then the forum will connect to that account and will send notifications to the forum users
[22:03:41] <naw> you can create an account on jabber.org at https://register.jabber.org/ but it would look better if you had your own server,
that way your users will see messages comming from an account like (notifications@yourdomain.com)
[22:04:32] <naw> I guess that with google apps you also should be able to do something similar, having them hosting the Jabber (google talk)
[22:06:09] * Tobias left the chat.
[22:15:04] <lurker26404> yes..
[22:15:34] <lurker26404> but, a have the registered account foro@jabber.org
[22:17:11] <lurker26404> and when I configure the account in my FORUM, I have this error mesage: -------------- Information
Could not authorise on Jabber server.
SEND: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
SEND: <stream:stream to='jabber.org' xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' version='1.0'>
RECV: <?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' id='52468948'
from='jabber.anywise.com' xml:lang='en'>
RECV: <stream:error><host-unknown xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'/></stream:error>
Notice: Unknown server response (stream:error) -------------------
[22:18:07] <lurker26404> For what servers can I connect my foro ??
[22:19:48] <naw> strange, since you are sending messages to jabber.org but is jabber.anywise.com who is answering
[22:20:06] <naw> you can see a public server list at
[22:20:08] <naw> !services
[22:20:09] <HAL> http://www.jabberes.org/servers/
[22:21:28] <naw> by the way, you said "foro", are you spanish? if so you can ask questions in spanish on jabberes@conf.jabberes.org ( http://www.jabberes.org/salas/entrar/?room=jabberes
) I'm there too
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[22:27:09] <lurker26404> ok..
[22:27:12] <lurker26404> thanks
[22:27:34] <lurker26404> I'am spanish
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