Logs for jdev
[05:38:47] * gu1ll4um3r0m41n left the chat.
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[10:23:17] * awclinford joined the chat.
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[10:28:14] * Tobias_ joined the chat.
[10:34:01] * Gu1 in now known as gu1ll4um3r0m41n.
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[12:28:31] * Zash joined the chat.
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[12:46:09] * fantasticsid joined the chat.
[12:50:52] * NebuK joined the chat.
[12:59:39] * Tobias left the chat.
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[13:13:03] * Zash_ joined the chat.
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[13:53:59] * Florob joined the chat.
[13:56:17] * hanzz joined the chat.
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[14:16:20] * awclinford joined the chat.
[14:19:32] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[14:22:59] * dax left the chat.
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[14:27:48] <NebuK> oi
[14:38:54] * julm joined the chat.
[14:47:33] * Guus left the chat.
[15:20:49] * gu1ll4um3r0m41n left the chat.
[15:25:25] <NebuK> i'm still fighting with my vcard getting script ... does anyone have a idea why it could be that one account on my ejabberd
(with pyicqt) gets access to the vcards of all of its (icq) contacts
[15:25:34] <NebuK> another account gets a access denied when wanting to query the vcard
[15:26:42] <johnny> they didn't publish one?
[15:26:57] <johnny> oh..or do you mean all icq accounts for that one account?
[15:27:16] <NebuK> afaik every icq-transport-contact publishes a vcard with at least the icq-nickname
[15:27:27] <johnny> ah
[15:27:28] <NebuK> sorry - i wasn't clear enough
[15:27:44] <NebuK> jabber acc 1 with icq acc 1: iterate over all icq contacts, query vcard -> works
[15:27:46] <johnny> are you sure? or is that just made up on the client side?
[15:27:50] <NebuK> jabber acc 2 with icq acc 2: iterate over all icq contacts, query vcard -> access denied
[15:27:55] <NebuK> i'm quite sure...
[15:27:57] <johnny> consider trying spectrum?
[15:28:01] <johnny> :)
[15:28:17] <johnny> over pyicq-t that is.. since py*t are not maintained at all
[15:28:18] <NebuK> spectrum?
[15:28:22] <NebuK> mhmm ;/ yeah
[15:28:26] <johnny> open source transports based on liburple
[15:28:36] <johnny> xmpp,aim,yahoo, msn, icq, etc
[15:28:40] <NebuK> ah
[15:28:42] <NebuK> sounds nice
[15:28:49] <johnny> anything pidgin can do basically
[15:28:55] <johnny> http://spectrum.im
[15:29:30] <johnny> it does have an active maintainer, so if you have problems, you can ask him/them
[15:29:40] * gu1ll4um3r0m41n joined the chat.
[15:29:53] <NebuK> that's a nice idea :)
[15:30:19] <johnny> it's worth a shot anyways
[15:30:21] <NebuK> i'm wondering whether it will be possible to convert the pyicqt databases...
[15:30:23] <johnny> yes
[15:30:27] <johnny> we have a script for that
[15:30:28] <NebuK> yay :)
[15:30:32] <NebuK> thats cool
[15:30:36] <johnny> so at least you can try it out
[15:31:11] <johnny> NebuK, one of the main advantages, is that the protocol stuff is all handled by the libpurple team
[15:31:22] <johnny> spectrum is just an xmpp bridge to it
[15:31:42] <NebuK> libpurple is what pidgin uses?
[15:31:44] <johnny> yahoo, msn and the like are known to often break/change their protocol in many cases
[15:31:45] <NebuK> as backend
[15:31:47] <johnny> yes
[15:31:52] <NebuK> that sounds great :)
[15:31:55] <NebuK> no more twisted breakage
[15:32:04] <johnny> it is written in C++ tho..
[15:32:07] <Zash> On poking around with vcards, xslt for vcard-temp → normal vcard file: http://p.zash.se/2Dveaw.txt
[15:32:09] <johnny> not sure if that's going to be a big issue
[15:32:17] <johnny> depending on if you plan on coding on it
[15:32:40] * waqas left the chat.
[15:32:58] <NebuK> i was trying to write a script that iterates over all icq-transported contacts, queries the vcard, and renames the jabber
roster item to the vcard nickname
[15:33:19] <NebuK> because people who switch from icq to jabber with icq bridge having a large contact list often have to rename all of them
[15:33:27] <NebuK> 4578123648@icq.blablubb.org isn't very readable :)
[15:34:07] <Zash> Spectrum adds contacts with proper nicknames afaik
[15:34:48] <NebuK> wooo?
[15:34:49] <NebuK> WOW
[15:35:14] <Zash> It does for MSN at least, I don't use ICQ nowdays
[15:35:31] <johnny> NebuK, it's roster item exchange
[15:35:36] <johnny> !xep roster item exchange
[15:35:37] <xepbot> Multiple matches: XEP-0144: Roster Item Exchange, XEP-0093: Roster Item Exchange
[15:36:10] <johnny> it takes the name they have already pushed in the icq directory
[15:36:15] <johnny> or whatever that thing is
[15:36:34] <NebuK> yay - that sounds great :)
[15:43:39] <NebuK> johnny: you said there is a converter script ... i can't seem to find it
[15:43:46] <NebuK> do you know where i can get it?
[15:44:06] <johnny> it's in the repo
[15:44:12] <Zash> importing py*t data to spectrum?
[15:44:15] <johnny> did you install it from a package?
[15:44:23] <NebuK> i was planning to...
[15:44:31] <NebuK> is not using bleeding edge a bad idea with spectrum?
[15:44:38] <johnny> sorta..
[15:44:47] <johnny> things are changing pretty fast atm leading up to .3
[15:44:52] <NebuK> okay ...
[15:45:01] <johnny> NebuK, juoin the spectrum room and ask hanzz (one of the maintainers)
[15:45:48] * gu1ll4um3r0m41n left the chat.
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[15:45:59] <Zash> xmpp:spectrum@conference.spectrum.im?join
[15:46:00] <NebuK> okay :) thanks
[15:46:02] <NebuK> i'll do that
[15:48:34] <Zash> hm
[15:48:36] <Zash> !spectrum
[15:48:36] <xepbot> Open-source gateways based on libpurple (Pidgin): http://spectrum.im/
[16:03:39] * Kev joined the chat.
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[16:27:46] * nabatt joined the chat.
[16:46:40] * Treebilou joined the chat.
[17:07:24] * luca tagliaferri joined the chat.
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[18:20:01] * Dan Siemon joined the chat.
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[18:50:53] * gu1ll4um3r0m41n in now known as Gu1.
[18:53:19] * Link Mauve left the chat.
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[19:03:13] * lastsky joined the chat.
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[20:43:03] * hanzz left the chat.
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[23:43:14] * Link Mauve left the chat.
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