Logs for jdev
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[07:15:35] <1 2> know anyone good java-applet media player?
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[07:41:35] * mazzachre joined the chat.
[07:41:46] <mazzachre> What is the usecase for multi-subscribe in pubsub?
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[07:54:46] <dwd> mazzachre, In what sense? My understanding of XEP-0060 was that you couldn't have two subscriptions to the same node, but
you *can* have two subscriptions which *include* the same node, due to collections.
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[07:55:50] <dwd> mazzachre, So it's not that you'd intentionally, as a subscriber, have multiple subscriptions, but that you might get a notification
due to more than one subscription, so the subscription identifier stuff is there to help if that happens.
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[08:00:15] <dwd> mazzachre, Oh, and the stuff in XEP-0060§6.1.6 actually relates to different styles of subscription, such as with collections,
where you can subscribe to either nodes or items.
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[08:36:58] <mazzachre> dwd: Oh OK... It is horribly written in the documentation... We have no idea how or even IF we should implement it... And
what it is for...
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[08:51:37] <dwd> mazzachre, Right - it's a sort of generic thing lurking in XEP-0060, which is only used by XEP-0248.
[08:55:34] * Kalyan joined the chat.
[08:57:55] <dwd> mazzachre, And, as someone else implementing '60, I sympathize... I've only just realised that the subscriptions and affiliations
commands are specified in two different places.
[09:19:42] <tkoski> dwd, yep. Beautiful isn't it.
[09:20:37] <tkoski> that XEP maybe needs some diet and refactoring.
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[09:21:09] * Kalyan left the chat.
[09:21:20] <dwd> tkoski, Actually, I've misread. There's two affiliations and subscriptions commands, with no overlap, the same essential syntax,
but one set is in the #owner namespace.
[09:26:03] <mazzachre> There are also a few typoes and consistency errors in the std. and documentation...
[09:29:53] <tkoski> dwd: ah, ok. You ment that one.
[09:32:23] <dwd> tkoski, There's others?
[09:34:53] <tkoski> dwd: let me verify witch version there is now. You are reading the http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0060.html ?
[09:36:32] <tkoski> 1.13rc6
[09:50:28] <mazzachre> I am reading online
[09:56:33] * NebuK joined the chat.
[09:56:47] <NebuK> heho
[09:57:58] <NebuK> i'm trying to write a tool that iterates over ones roster, picks the items that are icq-transport-contacts and rename them
according to their vcard nickname (UIN@foo.bar isn't very readable...)
[09:58:52] <NebuK> i've got everything up and running except for how to actually rename the contacts, aka how to build the IQ stanza that sets
the name...
[09:59:15] <NebuK> i'm using xmpp4r for this, and as i haven't found any decent documentation or support-channel i thought i'd ask here :)
[09:59:42] <NebuK> also ... http://xmpp.org/rfcs/rfc3921.html#roster says that updating a item is the same as adding one ... could i just add
the same JID again, just with a new name?
[10:00:41] <dwd> NebuK, Yes, that's it.
[10:01:12] <NebuK> oh? cool! :)
[10:03:17] <NebuK> mhmm
[10:03:19] <NebuK> http://nopaste.ghostdub.de/?22
[10:03:30] <NebuK> is there anything one would need to do after the add?
[10:07:31] <mazzachre> That gives it the name Foo@icq is that not what you want?
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[10:09:01] <NebuK> that should give the contact named "Foo@icq" the name BarBazBla@ICQ, no?
[10:12:13] <Link Mauve> tkoski, there are errors in the XEP 60?
[10:13:59] <NebuK> mhmm, when adding a new item everything works ... just adding a already existing item doesn't
[10:15:28] <Link Mauve> With a specific implementation or in the spec? I’m writing a PubSub component so if there are errors in the spec…
[10:18:50] <NebuK> as far as i understand rfc3921 the <iq> in line 3 of http://nopaste.ghostdub.de/?23 should be enough to "rename" a contact,
[10:22:34] <NebuK> ouff, now it's getting absurd ... when executing the <iq> in line 3 manually via PSIs XML console it renames that contact
[10:22:40] <NebuK> just when i use the ruby method it doesn't
[10:23:22] <NebuK> mhmm, trying to quit this client...
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[10:25:30] <NebuK> nope, that also didn't work...
[10:26:33] <NebuK> http://nopaste.ghostdub.de/?24 after each add (//'rename') from my client there comes a push with the old name ... Oo why?
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[11:05:04] <tkoski> Link Mauve: no, they are fixed in this one online now.
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[11:06:01] <Link Mauve> Ok, thanks!
[11:06:20] <mazzachre> It depends on how icq contacts are added.. If it is added via some component and not handled via the std. roster implementation,
then changing names might not have an effect (Depending on implementation of component)
[11:11:37] <tkoski> Link Mauve: just out of interest, for what kind of system the pubsub component will be used for?
[11:13:20] <Link Mauve> For now it’ll be only for me, to play with. But I plan to do a generic component, usable for anything.
[11:13:38] <Link Mauve> Oh, and I’m writing it in JS, with node.js and xmpp.js.
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[11:21:25] <tkoski> ok.
[11:21:57] <tkoski> It's a huge xep, good luck. Let us know all the problems you find out.
[11:33:16] * tofu joined the chat.
[11:36:01] <mazzachre> I am implementing one in Java here (pubsub) generic aswell, but with some support for stuff that is not (yet) in std.... And
implementing the pubsub queueing
[11:37:22] <MattJ> Link Mauve, xmpp.js! You win :)
[11:37:38] <Link Mauve> ^^
[11:42:05] <dwd> MattJ, Indeed. Only way that could be beaten is if someone were insane enough to write on in LUA, right? :-)
[11:42:16] <MattJ> !LUA
[11:42:17] <xepbot> Lua is NOT LUA: http://www.lua.org/about.html#name
[11:42:19] <MattJ> Done
[11:42:37] <Link Mauve> dwd, and Verse exists. ;)
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[12:51:24] <mazzachre> Just wondering.. Is it OK for my pubsub implementation to accept any config form sent to it only to ignore what it does not
understand? Or must I parse it and check that something is set that nothing handles?
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[13:07:11] <dwd> mazzachre, It's not clear to me, but my inclination would be to ignore unknown fields.
[13:07:43] <dwd> mazzachre, This is primarily down to experience with MUC config forms, where some implementations send arbitrary fields even
if they're unsupported.
[13:10:29] <MattJ> I'd say if they're in the spec, and support is non-discoverable, error
[13:10:40] <MattJ> if it's discoverable by the client, don't error
[13:10:43] <MattJ> Fair :)
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[14:13:49] <mazzachre> Well... The way I parse the form is that all parts I have implemented that have configure options will read the recieved form
(after it have been merged with default) and takes it's values... Then when all are run through and have configured I give
OK (Unless an invalid argument to a read value is recieved) this leaves any field that no one wants as unread and unhandled...
So Ignored...
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[14:48:39] * Link Mauve left the chat.
[14:48:44] * StuFF mc joined the chat.
[14:48:47] <StuFF mc> Hi folks
[14:49:08] <StuFF mc> anybody having experience with mu-conference? Nobody helping on their side :(
[14:49:14] <StuFF mc> tiny question
[14:50:01] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[14:53:55] <MattJ> StuFF mc, what's up?
[14:54:19] <StuFF mc> I'm just trying to understand how to set the maximum number of users higher than 30
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[14:54:45] <MattJ> Heh, then I wouldn't know, sorry
[14:55:20] <deryni> There's a maximum number of users setting?
[14:55:29] <StuFF mc> yes there is
[14:55:40] <StuFF mc> but it doesn't seem to override the fixed 30 in the code
[14:57:57] <deryni> What setting?
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[14:59:50] <StuFF mc> when you create a room
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[15:00:07] <StuFF mc> adium for example will ask you if you want to use the defaults
[15:00:13] <StuFF mc> or set the settings
[15:00:24] <StuFF mc> you can also use the script/roommaker.pl
[15:01:03] <dwd> StuFF mc, That sounds as if it's using the configuration form defined in XEP-0045. Have you tried using a client like Psi,
or Gajim - one that fully understands those forms?
[15:01:50] <dwd> StuFF mc, Of course, there *could* be some site-wide setting, too - those aren't part of the spec, so I wouldn't know if they
exist in mu-conference.
[15:02:05] <deryni> From a quick look at trunk it looks like setting it in the room config form should be working.
[15:02:50] <StuFF mc> yeah *should* be
[15:03:00] <StuFF mc> what is using this room? :D
[15:03:13] <StuFF mc> isn't it also mu-conference by any means?
[15:03:17] <StuFF mc> coz we're 31 :D
[15:03:19] <deryni> No.
[15:03:20] <StuFF mc> my dream :p
[15:03:48] <deryni> I'm assuming you are setting a higher value then checking the room config and not seeing the higher value?
[15:04:27] <StuFF mc> exactly
[15:04:31] <StuFF mc> blocked at 30 whatever I do
[15:04:41] <deryni> Do other setting changes take?
[15:09:37] <dwd> I reckon there must be a site-wide max, somewhere.
[15:09:52] <StuFF mc> "somewhere" :)
[15:10:18] <deryni> I didn't see any indication of such a setting in my looking. Rooms are initialized with a hard-coded 30.
[15:10:33] <deryni> Do other settings changes work?
[15:14:47] <StuFF mc> not sure
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[15:15:03] <StuFF mc> deryni: there's a hardcoded 30
[15:15:06] <StuFF mc> but then in /spool
[15:15:24] <StuFF mc> you can create an XML that changes this
[15:15:57] <deryni> You can create configurations for specific rooms there, right? Since that's where mu-conference stores persistent rooms.
[15:16:29] <StuFF mc> yep
[15:16:32] <StuFF mc> but it doesn't help
[15:17:05] <deryni> Are you trying that with new rooms or with rooms that are already in use?
[15:17:38] <StuFF mc> both
[15:17:58] <deryni> Changing the spool file for a live room is almost certainly not going to work.
[15:18:00] <deryni> Can you try changing some other setting in a live room and then checking the config form to see if it worked (and/or check
the spool store for the room if it is persistent)?
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[15:30:27] <StuFF mc> wow
[15:30:27] <StuFF mc> that's insane
[15:30:43] <StuFF mc> upon starting muc it changes the previously set "50" (for example) to 30
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[15:31:38] <StuFF mc> so whatever I set, it's overriden the next time the MUC server starts
[15:32:40] <MattJ> Heh
[15:32:50] <MattJ> "30 ought to be enough for anyone"
[15:35:28] <dwd> I never put a max users setting in my code - I couldn't see why I'd want one.
[15:36:19] <StuFF mc> https://gna.org/bugs/index.php?16081
[15:36:37] <Kev> dwd: it was added to ejabberd because of jabber.org abuse, iirc.
[15:36:49] <StuFF mc> I tried changing it to 300 and make again, but it doesn't help
[15:37:17] <StuFF mc> not sure what they thought by putting 30…
[15:37:25] <StuFF mc> it's not very "multi" user :D
[15:38:03] <deryni> Are you setting it to 50 in the spool file for an existing room while the server is running?
[15:47:08] <StuFF mc> back
[15:49:37] <StuFF mc> ah!
[15:49:41] <StuFF mc> thanks deryni!!
[15:49:42] <StuFF mc> :D
[15:49:55] <StuFF mc> works much better when you change the setting while the server isn't running
[15:50:10] <StuFF mc> can you guys explain me this? :p
[15:50:44] <MattJ> You were editing the file then restarting the component?
[15:51:09] <deryni> The component writes its configuration out when it quits, stomping over your changes.
[15:52:12] <StuFF mc> yup
[15:52:58] <StuFF mc> I have to leave guys, thanks for the heads up!
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[17:08:51] <Link Mauve> Is there a mean to extend a node’s with something from an other node? I thought to two solutions: extend node metadatas or
put the other node’s URI into every item of the node. It’d be useful to, e.g. propose styles associated to content, complementary
informations, links related to the node…
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[17:21:33] <Zash> /me slaps firefox for "Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (xmpp) isn't associated with any
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[17:40:25] <Neustradamus> Zash: http://wiki.xmpp.org/web/XMPP_URIs#Web_browsers
[17:41:13] <Zash> The real bug is Firefox not using xdg-open
[17:42:40] <deryni> Well, not querying the list of URIs in the local URI registry. You wouldn't just want it to pass anything that looked like
a link to xdg-open would you?
[17:44:01] <Zash> Yes, I would, except with links it handles itself
[17:45:31] <deryni> Yeah, I actually wouldn't mind it either, and I'd even want it to optionally not handle any links internally.
[17:45:36] <Link Mauve> zanchin, is there a bug open in their Bugzilla?
[17:45:44] <Link Mauve> For xdg-open.
[17:46:02] <deryni> It'd make loading different URLs in different browsers, etc. possible.
[17:46:03] <Link Mauve> Oups, s/zanchin/Zash/ sorry.
[17:52:39] <Zash> And then muc-links whithout ?join
[17:54:03] <Zash> Ah, was missing ff3.5-gnome-support
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[18:48:33] * Fritzy joined the chat.
[18:49:06] <Fritzy> just made sleek@conference.jabber.org if anyone's interested
[18:49:19] <Fritzy> for sleekxmpp/sleekpubsub discussion
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[19:56:08] <Zash> Hm, what should one do about xmpp:someroom@conference.example.net links?
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[20:03:23] <Zash> disco#info and check iq/query/identity[category]==conference ?
[20:04:33] <waqas> May or may not work. But, yes.
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[20:23:57] <NebuK> heho
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[22:29:46] <NebuK> oi :)
[22:30:04] <NebuK> anyone still around? i'm having some problems with a strangely behaving icq transport..
[22:30:39] <NebuK> i'm testing a roster cleanup script that -- among others -- fetches vcard information. on my account on that transport everything
worked, on a different test account i get a
[22:31:05] <NebuK> <iq from='BAR' to='FOO@BAR/23703698571274912969596455' id='33378' type='error'><error code='401' type='auth'><not-authorized/></error></iq>
[22:31:06] <NebuK> for each
[22:31:29] <NebuK> <iq from='FOO@BAR/23703698571274912969596455' id='33378' to='BLA@BAR' type='get' xmlns='jabber:client'><vCard xmlns='vcard-temp'/></iq>
[22:31:35] <NebuK> (again, only icq transport contacts)
[22:34:09] <NebuK> any ideas what that could be - or what i could do to get authorized (i already re-requested auth from all the problematic
[22:35:31] <deryni> That error is coming from the transport itself?
[22:36:01] <NebuK> thats what xmpp4r with Jabber::debug=true tells me as "verbose error"
[22:38:52] <deryni> And your test account has the transport set up?
[22:38:58] <NebuK> yes
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[23:06:05] <NebuK> deryni: no ideas? ;/
[23:07:26] <deryni> I don't really know the stuff involved enough to even begin to guess and I don't have time to dig into them right now, sorrt.
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