Logs for jabber
[05:05:54] * lyonya joined the chat.
[05:07:02] * lyonya left the chat.
[05:07:16] * mrapple@jabber.org left the chat.
[05:24:27] * taft4529 joined the chat.
[05:28:21] * taft4529 left the chat.
[05:34:35] * Creation joined the chat.
[05:50:26] * Moom joined the chat.
[05:51:39] * Moom left the chat.
[06:26:43] * waqas joined the chat.
[06:36:10] * kennedy21793 joined the chat.
[06:36:30] * grant11491 joined the chat.
[06:37:01] * Moom joined the chat.
[06:38:07] * kennedy21793 left the chat.
[06:38:28] * grant11491 left the chat.
[06:40:01] * Moom left the chat.
[06:46:17] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[07:16:44] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[07:18:32] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[07:20:51] * NEOhidra joined the chat.
[08:06:03] * Creation left the chat.
[08:06:27] * Creation joined the chat.
[08:07:44] * Tobias joined the chat.
[08:08:19] * Nÿco left the chat.
[08:36:48] * waqas left the chat.
[08:57:26] * Kev joined the chat.
[09:08:46] * Duuuark joined the chat.
[09:12:29] * Kev left the chat.
[09:14:08] * mati joined the chat.
[09:18:01] * mati left the chat.
[09:18:16] * mati joined the chat.
[09:28:33] * hajaalavudeen786 joined the chat.
[09:28:37] <hajaalavudeen786> A
[09:29:14] * hajaalavudeen786 left the chat.
[09:31:30] * Link Mauve left the chat.
[09:40:53] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[09:42:49] * cath joined the chat.
[09:46:10] * cath left the chat.
[10:01:25] * Milan joined the chat.
[10:02:56] * Milan left the chat.
[10:04:24] * Milan joined the chat.
[10:04:59] <Milan> !hi
[10:05:27] <Milan> !en
[10:05:28] <HAL> discuss@conference.jabber.org
[10:05:56] * Milan left the chat.
[10:14:29] * Z_God joined the chat.
[10:27:09] * Duuuark left the chat.
[10:30:35] * ∞ left the chat.
[10:30:35] * the ♚ left the chat.
[10:30:43] * ∞ joined the chat.
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[10:34:34] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[10:40:10] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[10:54:34] * ∞ left the chat.
[10:54:34] * the ♚ left the chat.
[10:54:37] * ∞ joined the chat.
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[11:04:59] * Z_God left the chat.
[11:15:39] * ∞ left the chat.
[11:15:40] * the ♚ left the chat.
[11:15:48] * ∞ joined the chat.
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[11:42:25] * apdragon56 joined the chat.
[11:42:50] <apdragon56> !en
[11:42:50] <HAL> discuss@conference.jabber.org
[11:44:15] * apdragon56 left the chat.
[11:45:14] * ∞ left the chat.
[11:45:14] * the ♚ left the chat.
[11:45:19] * ∞ joined the chat.
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[11:46:17] * darkwolf joined the chat.
[11:50:53] * naw joined the chat.
[12:16:03] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[12:18:08] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[12:21:36] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[12:46:17] * rev.22 joined the chat.
[13:10:07] * fillmore58315 joined the chat.
[13:13:05] * fillmore58315 left the chat.
[13:19:59] * Tobias left the chat.
[13:30:29] * Nÿco left the chat.
[14:00:05] * apdragon56 joined the chat.
[14:00:26] <apdragon56> !en
[14:00:26] <HAL> discuss@conference.jabber.org
[14:00:34] * apdragon56 left the chat.
[14:10:36] * treebilou left the chat.
[14:33:41] * jackson38382 joined the chat.
[14:36:13] <jackson38382> hi
[14:37:49] <jackson38382> hi just wrote a python script for creating a gtalk chat client.but it is showing some error which i cant understand
[14:38:19] <mati> jackson38382, well, you have to post the error for someone to help you ;-)
[14:39:04] <jackson38382> mati:yes i will,just a min.
[14:39:12] * darkwolf left the chat.
[14:40:43] <jackson38382> arun@arun-desktop:~/codes$ ./invisible.py
File "./invisible.py", line 11
if presence:
IndentationError: expected an indented block
[14:41:29] <jackson38382> the following is the code:
[14:41:39] <jackson38382> #!/usr/bin/python -W ignore::DeprecationWarning
import xmpp
def presenceHandler (conn, presence):
if presence:
if presence.getType() == "unavailable":
print presence.getFrom().getStripped()
print "Invisible users:"
jid = xmpp.JID(user)
connection = xmpp.Client(server)
result = connection.auth(jid.getNode(), password, "client Name")
while connection.Process(1):
[14:42:11] <jackson38382> help me guys
[14:42:24] * ranafaizsultan joined the chat.
[14:43:10] * ranafaizsultan left the chat.
[14:44:24] * ranafaizsultan joined the chat.
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[14:45:54] * mati left the chat.
[14:50:30] * jackson38382 left the chat.
[15:03:46] * alihmadi89 joined the chat.
[15:03:51] <alihmadi89> A
[15:06:43] * alihmadi89 left the chat.
[15:06:50] * Z_God joined the chat.
[15:16:51] * Jeremy joined the chat.
[15:17:30] * Jeremy left the chat.
[15:28:31] * treebilou joined the chat.
[15:29:06] * treebilou left the chat.
[15:29:38] * Jeremy joined the chat.
[15:30:09] * Jeremy in now known as Jemi.
[15:32:45] <Jemi> !download
[15:32:45] <HAL> http://matthewwild.co.uk/projects/luabot/luabot2.1.tar.gz
[15:37:38] * Tobias joined the chat.
[15:39:18] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[15:41:31] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[15:45:13] * Tanguy joined the chat.
[16:10:41] * treebilou joined the chat.
[16:13:13] * Jemi left the chat.
[16:14:47] * naw left the chat.
[16:15:46] * naw joined the chat.
[16:16:52] * Zhenek joined the chat.
[16:17:24] * Zhenek left the chat.
[16:17:30] * Zhenek joined the chat.
[16:19:06] <Zhenek> Hi! I've a problem with vCard update. :( How to reset or clear all data vCard?
[16:28:25] * mati joined the chat.
[16:29:09] * mati left the chat.
[16:29:22] * mati joined the chat.
[16:30:38] <naw> Zhenek: your client does not enable you to edit the vcard
[16:30:41] <naw> '?
[16:31:20] <naw> *doesn't your vcard allow you to update the vcard?
[16:37:12] <Zhenek> naw: yes, i press update vCard in my client, then update. but all fields kept unchanged.
[16:37:34] <naw> what is your client?
[16:38:56] <Zhenek> qip infium. but i try to change fields in qip 2010, psi and miranda. same effect
[16:38:58] * None joined the chat.
[16:39:25] * None left the chat.
[16:39:37] * akurei left the chat.
[16:39:38] * akurei joined the chat.
[16:40:01] <naw> strange, I just changet it with psi
[16:40:36] * mati left the chat.
[16:41:22] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[16:41:43] * akurei left the chat.
[16:41:45] <Zhenek> naw: particularly, i cant delete avatar, and change some fields.
[16:41:57] * akurei joined the chat.
[16:42:19] <naw> on a jabber.org account?
[16:42:22] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[16:42:51] <naw> oh, I see, I also can't update the avatar
[16:42:54] * mati joined the chat.
[16:43:21] <Zhenek> naw: yes, on jabber dot org
[16:43:49] <naw> some time ago it also happened, but I thought that the admins already had solved it
[16:45:00] <Zhenek> naw: it seems that the problem remained unsolved
[16:45:11] <naw> :(
[16:45:58] <naw> if kev or mattj will appear here, maybe they will be able to give you more information
[16:46:51] * Z_God left the chat.
[16:47:19] <Zhenek> naw: thank you. I'll try to contact them to resolve the problem. :(
[16:48:13] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[16:48:13] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[16:53:31] * akurei left the chat.
[16:55:24] * naw left the chat.
[17:11:05] * alihmadi89 joined the chat.
[17:12:14] * alihmadi89 left the chat.
[17:16:02] * Link Mauve left the chat.
[17:17:43] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[17:35:31] * Happy4craze joined the chat.
[17:35:45] <Happy4craze> Hi da
[17:43:45] * Happy4craze left the chat.
[17:46:48] * alihmadi89 joined the chat.
[17:56:39] * alihmadi89 left the chat.
[18:03:48] * Link Mauve left the chat.
[18:07:07] * Creation left the chat.
[18:11:26] * aprilku joined the chat.
[18:11:35] * aprilku left the chat.
[18:32:27] * naw joined the chat.
[18:38:18] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[18:39:14] * Duuuark joined the chat.
[18:50:01] * Z_God joined the chat.
[19:07:11] * Mast.amit.rocks joined the chat.
[19:07:35] * Mast.amit.rocks left the chat.
[19:08:20] * vperetokin joined the chat.
[19:08:41] <vperetokin> How can one edit the channel settings not within an IM client? I don't find the option anywhere in Pidgin.
[19:11:45] <Duuuark> type "/configure" into the message field
[19:12:45] * Scoundrel joined the chat.
[19:14:16] <vperetokin> thank you.
[19:14:19] * vperetokin left the chat.
[19:29:13] * Duuuark left the chat.
[19:54:01] <mati> !servers
[19:54:01] <HAL> http://xmpp.org/software/servers.shtml
[20:23:30] * MattJ joined the chat.
[20:30:28] * darkrain joined the chat.
[20:33:41] * Scoundrel left the chat.
[20:37:56] * Tobias left the chat.
[20:40:26] * naw left the chat.
[20:45:12] * Tobias joined the chat.
[20:46:36] * akurei joined the chat.
[21:19:26] * akurei left the chat.
[21:19:45] * reagan64556 joined the chat.
[21:20:21] <reagan64556> hello?
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[21:22:42] * reagan64556 left the chat.
[21:24:39] * treebilou left the chat.
[21:34:50] * lishadif joined the chat.
[21:34:52] <lishadif> Jhtg
[21:35:15] <lishadif> Hi
[21:35:22] <lishadif> Hi
[21:40:26] * NEOhidra left the chat.
[21:48:26] * akurei joined the chat.
[22:13:12] * Duuuark joined the chat.
[22:33:01] * darkwolf joined the chat.
[22:33:01] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[22:40:58] <Zhenek> MattJ: Hi! I've a problem with vCard update on jabber dot org. I fill vCard fields, press update vCard in my client. but then
i press update all fields kept unchanged, as it were before. also i can't to delete or change avatar.
[22:41:03] * Z_God left the chat.
[22:54:54] * lishadif left the chat.
[23:07:12] * Z_God joined the chat.
[23:18:15] * wiretap joined the chat.
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[23:41:55] <MattJ> Zhenek, hey
[23:42:16] <MattJ> I think this issue may be fixed, but it won't take effect until the next server upgrade
[23:42:38] <MattJ> which will be soon, but I'm not entirely sure when it's scheduled for (could be tomorrow)
[23:42:52] * Tobias left the chat.
[23:48:12] * waqas joined the chat.
[23:53:38] * mati left the chat.
[23:55:10] <Zhenek> MattJ: Ok. Thank you. I hope this problem will be solved in future. I'll wait. :)
[23:57:43] * Duuuark left the chat.
[23:58:56] * Z_God left the chat.
[00:04:04] * Zhenek left the chat.
[00:20:45] * waqas left the chat.
[00:20:45] * waqas joined the chat.
[00:44:53] * mati joined the chat.
[01:00:43] * dreamcast joined the chat.
[01:09:34] * MattJ left the chat.
[01:21:50] * mati left the chat.
[01:25:46] * treebilou joined the chat.
[01:37:40] * dreamcast left the chat.
[01:37:44] * dreamcast joined the chat.
[02:41:17] * Spicypunjabiboy joined the chat.
[02:42:14] <Spicypunjabiboy> Hi
[02:42:57] <Spicypunjabiboy> Hws u all?
[02:43:17] <Spicypunjabiboy> :-)
[02:43:27] <Spicypunjabiboy> :FUCK:
[02:43:51] <Spicypunjabiboy> Sb mar gaye kya
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[02:48:15] * waqas left the chat.
[03:07:33] * darkwolf left the chat.
[04:34:48] * evilotto joined the chat.
[04:53:26] * rashed2ali@gmail.com/Meebo joined the chat.