Logs for jabber
[05:23:35] * daniel@malarhojden.nu joined the chat.
[05:24:09] * daniel@malarhojden.nu left the chat.
[05:36:56] * Creation joined the chat.
[05:42:35] * rev 22 joined the chat.
[05:51:13] * dwd joined the chat.
[06:23:45] * rev 22 left the chat.
[06:25:39] * rev.22 joined the chat.
[06:42:00] * naw joined the chat.
[07:22:02] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[07:59:05] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[08:00:37] * vanburen41500 joined the chat.
[08:01:26] * vanburen41500 left the chat.
[08:02:05] * mati joined the chat.
[08:02:50] * mati left the chat.
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[08:12:46] * lincoln42916 joined the chat.
[08:20:35] * bush50188 joined the chat.
[08:20:38] * bush50188 left the chat.
[08:34:57] * waqas joined the chat.
[08:37:49] * Pradetarus joined the chat.
[08:39:28] <Pradetarus> Ì
[08:39:31] * Duuuark joined the chat.
[08:40:09] * Pradetarus left the chat.
[08:43:57] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[08:43:57] * rev.22 left the chat.
[08:44:52] * rev.22 joined the chat.
[09:03:34] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[09:03:37] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[09:06:34] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[09:10:25] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[09:15:34] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[09:15:52] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[09:20:37] * treebilou joined the chat.
[09:29:50] * NEOhidra joined the chat.
[09:34:02] * Tobias joined the chat.
[09:42:30] * rev.22 left the chat.
[09:44:26] * rev.22 joined the chat.
[09:48:04] * Creation left the chat.
[09:48:41] * Creation joined the chat.
[09:50:35] * ugesh999 joined the chat.
[09:51:31] <ugesh999> Hai
[09:54:18] * ugesh999 left the chat.
[10:03:14] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[10:16:43] * lincoln42916 left the chat.
[10:22:02] * yuppinturic left the chat.
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[10:26:41] * sunishthadathil joined the chat.
[10:27:25] * sunishthadathil left the chat.
[10:34:00] * Duuuark left the chat.
[10:34:33] * Duuuark joined the chat.
[10:43:17] * Z_God joined the chat.
[10:48:28] * NEOhidra left the chat.
[10:51:02] * Link Mauve left the chat.
[11:01:12] * Duuuark left the chat.
[11:02:22] * arthur15017 joined the chat.
[11:05:20] * arthur15017 left the chat.
[11:21:01] * jprieur joined the chat.
[11:22:18] * jprieur left the chat.
[11:23:12] * akurei joined the chat.
[11:27:38] * MattJ joined the chat.
[11:36:05] * clinton55024 joined the chat.
[11:38:54] <MattJ> What kind of client?
[11:44:44] <MattJ> Well one of the most customisable clients I know is Miranda
[11:45:24] <MattJ> I recall you can change the window title, contact list background, and there was a splash screen plugin where you could create
a custom splash screen, etc.
[11:45:26] <Tobias> Padium is quite customizable too IIRC
[11:45:34] <Tobias> or was it called Pandium?
[11:45:40] <MattJ> You mean Pandion? :)
[11:45:45] <Tobias> yeah
[11:45:46] <Tobias> or that
[11:45:47] <Tobias> :)
[11:48:02] <Tobias> "The language in the dialog separates the intellectual property and copyright of the source code from the brand trademark,
i.e. the "Pandion" logo and name. I hope this clarifies the freedom for anyone to create derivatives under a different name.
In fact all Pandion source code is structured so that branding properties can be changed from a single meta file (/Client/settings/brand.xml)."
[11:48:17] <Tobias> from their http://blog.pandion.im/2009/11/about-dialog-redesign.html blog post
[11:53:47] * notKev joined the chat.
[11:55:25] <notKev> What's your timeframe?
[11:55:47] <notKev> (Wondering if we'll have Swift out soon enough to help or not)
[11:59:57] * notKev left the chat.
[12:06:27] * kev joined the chat.
[12:08:09] <kev> Could keep an eye on Swift as well, then.
[12:08:23] <kev> We really must get around to releasing it...
[12:10:07] <kev> swift.im
[12:11:14] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[12:11:14] <kev> I'm hoping for a public beta in the next couple of months.
[12:11:19] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[12:12:35] <kev> I can't see it not being an open beta.
[13:04:40] * taft51938 joined the chat.
[13:06:19] <MattJ> Hello!
[13:07:08] <MattJ> If you mean jabber.org admins, yes
[13:08:08] <MattJ> Email me a username to mwild1@gmail.com and I'll reply when it's done
[13:09:41] * guillec joined the chat.
[13:10:49] * mpranj joined the chat.
[13:19:21] * rev.22 left the chat.
[13:20:50] * taft51938 left the chat.
[13:20:58] * rev.22 joined the chat.
[13:23:14] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[13:24:10] * fillmore23395 joined the chat.
[13:25:18] * Duuuark joined the chat.
[13:26:28] * fillmore23395 left the chat.
[13:40:28] * Donovan joined the chat.
[13:44:49] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[13:59:23] * Tobias left the chat.
[13:59:26] * Tobias joined the chat.
[13:59:33] * Tobias left the chat.
[13:59:54] * Tobias joined the chat.
[14:03:23] * Tobias left the chat.
[14:03:25] * Tobias joined the chat.
[14:04:18] * Tobias left the chat.
[14:05:44] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[14:08:33] * Tobias joined the chat.
[14:29:06] * Poovil joined the chat.
[14:32:18] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[14:32:22] * rev.22 left the chat.
[14:32:46] * Poovil left the chat.
[14:33:20] * rev.22 joined the chat.
[14:40:45] * samlovekumar joined the chat.
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[14:44:40] * naw left the chat.
[14:44:40] * naw joined the chat.
[15:02:15] * treebilou left the chat.
[15:07:27] * hoover55839 joined the chat.
[15:09:21] * waqas left the chat.
[15:17:34] <MattJ> Sure, feel free
[15:18:18] * kev left the chat.
[15:18:45] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[15:21:19] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[15:27:42] * vanburen48967 joined the chat.
[15:31:00] * vanburen48967 left the chat.
[15:32:11] * skbelle81 joined the chat.
[15:33:41] * skbelle81 left the chat.
[15:34:45] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[15:35:26] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[15:46:39] * Nÿco left the chat.
[15:50:01] * stpeter joined the chat.
[15:50:08] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[15:50:32] * treebilou joined the chat.
[15:56:32] * evilotto joined the chat.
[16:00:57] * waqas joined the chat.
[16:03:08] <evilotto> conference.jabber.org chatrooms are no longer logged ... is this by design or by accident?
[16:03:30] <naw> it happens since the migration to m-link
[16:03:57] <naw> I don't know if m-link will have support for it
[16:04:11] <MattJ> They're being logged but not yet published I think
[16:08:15] * kuperski joined the chat.
[16:10:41] <kuperski> Hi my account jabbder org forgot password pls help me
[16:10:56] <kuperski> Jabber.org
[16:12:06] <kuperski> MattJ:
[16:12:26] <MattJ> http://www.jabber.org/lost-password/
[16:14:13] <kuperski> and why i cant create new account jabber.org :-|
[16:14:29] <kuperski> MattJ: thank you
[16:19:58] * kuperski left the chat.
[16:21:46] * kuperski joined the chat.
[16:23:31] * kuperski left the chat.
[16:33:15] * Kev joined the chat.
[16:35:03] * Tobias left the chat.
[16:35:22] <Kev> evilotto: someone (probably me) needs to install the script to make the logs into html. I'll get onto that soon.
[16:43:02] * Tobias joined the chat.
[16:54:06] * grant39097 joined the chat.
[16:55:38] * grant39097 left the chat.
[17:05:29] * muralikodavati4u joined the chat.
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[17:05:29] * muralikodavati4u joined the chat.
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[17:05:37] * Ilya joined the chat.
[17:15:19] * waqas left the chat.
[17:15:19] * waqas joined the chat.
[17:36:04] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[17:50:46] * Peter Williams joined the chat.
[17:50:47] * Peter Williams left the chat.
[17:51:35] * naw left the chat.
[17:52:30] * Peter Williams joined the chat.
[17:54:11] * Peter Williams left the chat.
[18:29:47] * darkwolf joined the chat.
[18:35:17] * cuc joined the chat.
[18:36:44] * Duuuark left the chat.
[18:37:12] * Duuuark joined the chat.
[18:37:42] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[18:38:16] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[18:45:10] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[18:53:46] * harrison43852 joined the chat.
[18:58:47] * Creation left the chat.
[19:04:31] <dwd> harrison43852, Like what?
[19:05:26] * Duuuark left the chat.
[19:07:34] * mati left the chat.
[19:08:35] * Kev left the chat.
[19:18:54] * rev.22 left the chat.
[19:19:50] * rev.22 joined the chat.
[19:21:44] * rev.22 left the chat.
[19:23:01] * rev.22 joined the chat.
[19:29:11] * Duuuark joined the chat.
[19:30:17] * guillec left the chat.
[19:35:14] * darkwolf left the chat.
[19:39:47] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[19:44:09] * Scoundrel joined the chat.
[20:02:43] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[20:14:46] * Kev joined the chat.
[20:16:39] * ruiogawa joined the chat.
[20:17:48] * naw joined the chat.
[20:18:49] * Scoundrel left the chat.
[20:19:18] <ruiogawa> hi, i'm using empathy as a client. does it's webcam works in jabber chat rooms?
[20:20:59] * ruiogawa left the chat.
[20:31:07] * Kev left the chat.
[20:32:29] * Duuuark left the chat.
[20:37:12] * rev.22 left the chat.
[20:38:44] * rev.22 joined the chat.
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[21:18:04] * clinton55024 left the chat.
[21:18:26] * hoover55839 left the chat.
[21:22:15] * rev.22 left the chat.
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[21:24:43] * stpeter left the chat.
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[21:37:32] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[22:00:48] * mati joined the chat.
[22:14:27] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[22:19:21] * rev.22 left the chat.
[22:20:42] * rev.22 joined the chat.
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[22:27:05] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
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[22:38:06] * mpranj left the chat.
[22:42:46] * mpranj joined the chat.
[22:47:51] * mpranj left the chat.
[23:34:56] * MattJ left the chat.
[23:49:51] * naw left the chat.
[23:52:53] * mati left the chat.
[00:00:44] * evilotto left the chat.
[00:03:55] * dejan1 joined the chat.
[00:05:48] * dejan1 left the chat.
[00:05:53] * dejan1 joined the chat.
[00:07:39] * waqas left the chat.
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[00:30:53] * rev.22 left the chat.
[00:31:48] * rev.22 joined the chat.
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[00:34:18] * Link Mauve left the chat.
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[00:49:33] * rev.22 left the chat.
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[01:08:11] * waqas left the chat.
[01:08:11] * rev.22 left the chat.
[01:08:16] * waqas joined the chat.
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[01:08:57] * Z_God left the chat.
[01:40:06] * waqas left the chat.
[01:40:06] * waqas joined the chat.
[02:05:50] * waqas left the chat.
[02:09:40] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
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[02:37:34] * dreamcast joined the chat.
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[02:50:38] * cuc left the chat.
[02:50:45] * dejan1 left the chat.
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[03:40:38] * HAL left the chat.
[03:42:39] * HAL joined the chat.
[03:43:59] * vanburen42492 joined the chat.
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[04:09:43] * albertcruise96 joined the chat.
[04:11:17] <albertcruise96> Hi....
[04:11:19] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
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[04:18:23] * rev.22 left the chat.
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[04:55:29] * Somuriju joined the chat.
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[04:56:32] * Somuriju left the chat.
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