Logs for jabber
[05:35:26] * serzh-z joined the chat.
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[06:52:48] * Creation joined the chat.
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[07:23:12] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
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[08:55:30] * FreeWorm joined the chat.
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[09:04:15] * serzh-z joined the chat.
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[09:36:48] * niekie joined the chat.
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[10:15:03] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
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[10:37:36] * naw joined the chat.
[11:03:08] * rabinsonrajakumar joined the chat.
[11:23:03] * guillec joined the chat.
[11:28:40] * MattJ joined the chat.
[11:29:32] * waqas joined the chat.
[11:49:06] * rabinsonrajakumar left the chat.
[11:51:33] * niekie left the chat.
[11:58:28] * Tanguy left the chat.
[12:21:10] * Flo left the chat.
[12:55:29] * Tobias left the chat.
[12:55:51] * Tobias joined the chat.
[12:59:55] * bagaz joined the chat.
[13:00:17] <bagaz> finally
[13:02:14] <naw> finally what?
[13:03:35] <bagaz> jabber.org's uptime is 2 days 3 hours 21 minutes 41 seconds
[13:03:43] <bagaz> what happen?
[13:03:44] <waqas> Finally managed to enter the room?
[13:04:47] <naw> the admins deployed an upgrade
[13:04:59] * guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo joined the chat.
[13:05:26] <guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo> Hi all, Yet again here in Isdael, my jabber client(s) are not connection
[13:05:40] <guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo> they hang at : <!-- TS:2010-04-02T16:03:58--><proceed xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls"/>
[13:06:37] <guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo> I have changed ISPs since the last problem, so this is getting pretty strange.
[13:07:52] <waqas> guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo: Can you connect to other servers with TLS enabled?
[13:08:45] <guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo> does talk.google.com count?
[13:08:53] <waqas> Yes
[13:09:04] <guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo> waqas: then yes
[13:09:26] <waqas> So your clients get beyond <proceed> with gtalk?
[13:10:36] <guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo> waqas: http://pastebin.com/CRXbZQuv nor really, here is a pastebin from psi
[13:10:41] <guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo> also have pidign not working
[13:10:49] <guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo> i am talking now via meebo
[13:12:13] <waqas> It could be that the client is failing to verify the jabber.org certificate. Did you try installing the startcom root cert?
[13:12:26] <bagaz> last time i cant ping jabber.org
[13:12:38] <mati> !services
[13:12:38] <HAL> http://www.jabberes.org/servers/
[13:12:40] <guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo> waqas, is there a way to do that in debian?
[13:12:48] <guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo> pidgin should alert me on new certs
[13:13:15] <guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo> Common name: *.jabber.org
Fingerprint (SHA1): 34:b5:ce:15:85:90:37:f5:ad:64:86:9b:14:1e:74:9b:23:d7:e7:e8
[13:14:14] * Ricardo Rodríguez left the chat.
[13:15:04] * Rob Cridland2 joined the chat.
[13:15:17] <guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo> ... seems to be on pidgin, waqas
[13:15:56] <waqas> I don't think the problem is with jabber.org, because I just tested connecting to it using Pidgin, and it works fine :/
[13:16:03] <guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo> is there any other switch i might be able to use? instead of holmes.jabber.org ? i have a feeling its the routing to it form
Israel that is givning me a problem
[13:16:46] <guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo> waqas, i had this before, i think the problem is the ISPs here put the ports on low priority and it screws up jabber.. and
google.com is on high priority here, that i know for a fact
[13:16:50] <waqas> holmes.jabber.org? The correct machine is hermes.jabber.org
[13:17:22] <waqas> And you shouldn't need to specify that. Pidgin should be able to autodetect it.
[13:17:25] <guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo> waqas, yes, sorry about that.. its the one that gets routed from jabber.org here
[13:17:49] <guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo> waqas, i want to change the subdomain because my bet is the routing is problematic here
[13:18:47] <waqas> Can you try using SSL instead of TLS? They enabled it again on jabber.org I think.
[13:19:14] <guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo> waqas, ah, yes that did the trick before, did not know they re-enabled it. let me check
[13:20:04] <guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo> yep, 5223 on SSL works again :)
[13:20:49] <waqas> I still suspect your settings (or it could in theory be your ISP), because jabber.org TLS works for me.
[13:21:18] * serzh-z left the chat.
[13:22:23] <guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo> waqas, i had an ongoing saga with my last ISP. they gave me hell with jabber. they refuse to admit they are "blocking" sites.
net neutrality here when it comes to high ports is a problem
[13:22:55] <guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo> still, its hard to point with the TLS since the new jabber.org update.. but before i clearly saw how they put high ports
[13:23:38] <guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo> also have a few friends with servers in the main Israeli server farm here, they confirm it... so yes. we have ISP problems
when it comes to jabber.org
[13:24:29] <bagaz> hmm
[13:27:14] * Rob Cridland2 left the chat.
[13:28:14] * guysoft@jabber.org/Meebo left the chat.
[13:29:27] * FreeWorm left the chat.
[13:35:21] * Tobias left the chat.
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[13:54:18] * Flo joined the chat.
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[15:21:08] * stpeter joined the chat.
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[15:42:49] * evilotto joined the chat.
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[16:27:06] * waqas joined the chat.
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[16:58:05] * Ricardo Rodríguez joined the chat.
[17:01:41] * treebilou joined the chat.
[17:03:37] * mati joined the chat.
[17:18:02] * SteveG joined the chat.
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[17:30:36] * taylor12410 joined the chat.
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[17:49:22] * Flo joined the chat.
[17:50:23] <MattJ> Hi taylor12410 - what domain did you set in the client when you tried to connect externally?
[17:54:58] <mati> also: jabberd1.4?
[18:00:00] <mati> taylor12410, a little, yes, AFAIK there are very few new jabberd1.4 setups
[18:02:17] * waqas joined the chat.
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[18:05:49] <MattJ> taylor12410, you shouldn't have compatibility issues with any of them
[18:06:05] <MattJ> which is the whole point of XMPP :)
[18:06:25] * jkhii joined the chat.
[18:06:25] <MattJ> taylor12410, but I think you likely have the domain wrong - it needs to be the same one you use when you connect locally
[18:11:01] * HAL left the chat.
[18:11:16] <mati> taylor12410, can you connect to your external IP on port 5222?
[18:13:02] * HAL joined the chat.
[18:13:50] <Kev> You shouldn't have @externalip
[18:14:01] <Kev> XMPP is built on DNS, you should have a hostname there.
[18:16:02] <Donovan> /me peeks in, sees conversation beyond his knowledgebase, and returns to server vulnerability testing :)
[18:18:14] <Kev> You may be able to get that to work, ut it's not a correct config
[18:18:58] <Kev> The right thing to do is to have a server that thinks it's example.com, with example.com dns records pointing to it, and clients
trying to connect to it as user@example.com
[18:22:38] * snoop joined the chat.
[18:22:52] * Nick (Home) left the chat.
[18:23:17] <snoop> HI ALL
[18:23:50] <snoop> when i connect to a room sometimes my nick appears duplicated
[18:23:56] <snoop> any help?
[18:24:18] * Nÿco left the chat.
[18:24:56] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[18:25:16] * grog joined the chat.
[18:26:37] <mati> taylor12410, you can configure the server to listen to example.com
[18:26:58] <mati> the outside client must think your server is example.com, you can do this very easily with your hosts-file
[18:28:35] * mebs left the chat.
[18:33:16] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[18:36:08] <Kev> taylor12410: if you only want c2s, that will work, probably
[18:36:15] <Kev> If you want s2s, it certainly won't.
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[18:52:31] * grog left the chat.
[19:04:54] * vetetix joined the chat.
[19:22:17] * Creation left the chat.
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[19:30:42] <MattJ> :)
[19:33:01] <stpeter> taylor12410: it's not a client issue
[19:33:53] <stpeter> taylor12410: create where?
[19:34:25] * snoop left the chat.
[19:34:43] <stpeter> taylor12410: right now, on-the-fly user creation is disabled at jabber.org
[19:34:51] <stpeter> so it won't work with any client
[19:35:36] <stpeter> taylor12410: and "the server" = ?
[19:35:36] <stpeter> no
[19:35:47] <stpeter> jabber.org is totally separate from your own server that you install and run yourself
[19:36:42] <stpeter> ok
[19:37:19] <stpeter> in that case it is still possible that one of the clients you are using doesn't support in-band registration, doesn't interact
nicely with the server software you're using, has a bug, etc.
[19:37:49] <stpeter> Exodus hasn't been updated in a long time and might have a bug or might not interact well with the software you installed
[19:37:50] <Kev> stpeter: is anyone maintaining Exodus these days?
[19:37:55] <stpeter> Kev: not really
[19:38:23] <stpeter> Kev: every few months I poke someone at Cisco about it, but I don't think that a release is forthcoming
[19:38:28] <stpeter> taylor12410: try Pandion
[19:51:49] <stpeter> taylor12410: possible -- what server software did you install?
[19:52:27] <stpeter> well I know that jabberd14 supports in-band registration
[19:55:15] <stpeter> hmm I have not used jabberd14 in a long time...
[19:55:44] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[19:56:43] <stpeter> personally I use Prosody
[19:56:59] <stpeter> let me check the old jabber14 HOWTO I wrote :)
[19:57:41] <stpeter> I think that was the first document I wrote in the jabber community :)
[19:58:17] <stpeter> heh http://www.saint-andre.com/jabber/howto/
[19:58:19] <stpeter> still online
[19:59:03] <stpeter> hmm that doesn't answer the question
[20:01:14] <stpeter> /me looks in his old copy of "Programming Jabber:"
[20:01:28] <stpeter> is the line about <mod_register> commented out?
[20:01:40] <stpeter> what about the <register> section of the config file?
[20:01:56] <stpeter> and is the spool file writable?
[20:02:05] <stpeter> spool directory, that is
[20:04:17] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[20:04:17] <stpeter> ok
[20:04:38] <stpeter> MattJ: you'd enjoy some of the old stuff in this directory on my websever :)
[20:05:25] <MattJ> Likely :)
[20:05:31] <stpeter> MattJ: nice old things like http://www.saint-andre.com/jabber/telnet.txt
[20:06:06] <stpeter> and http://www.saint-andre.com/jabber/haiku.txt (dated October 12, 2000 -- I think that was right around the date of jabberd
1.2, now with dialback!)
[20:06:27] <MattJ> lol
[20:07:15] <stpeter> heh, I don't remember what http://www.saint-andre.com/jabber/misc/xmap.html was
[20:07:23] <stpeter> taylor12410: and how about the spool directory
[20:07:49] * Quilz joined the chat.
[20:10:11] * Rob Cridland2 joined the chat.
[20:10:36] <stpeter> hmm ok
[20:11:54] <stpeter> taylor12410: I don't have the answer, then
[20:24:46] <Rob Cridland2> taylor12410 : I think even stpeter will tell you the "people" not just person
[20:25:43] <stpeter> I'm not the person :)
[20:26:07] <stpeter> one of the people, for sure
[20:26:56] <Rob Cridland2> Modest to the end ;)
[20:27:08] <stpeter> Rob Cridland2: why are you "2"?
[20:27:27] <Rob Cridland2> stpeter: I'm getting older?
[20:28:29] <stpeter> :)
[20:30:00] <mati> Rob Cridland2, talk for yourself, I get younger by the day
[20:30:29] <Rob Cridland2> Don't worry chaps... I'm just as pretty as ever! :D
[20:31:23] <mati> Rob Cridland2, thats good to know!
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[00:44:14] * dreamcast joined the chat.
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[01:02:56] * Link Mauve left the chat.
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[03:01:42] * Flo left the chat.
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[03:18:59] * MattJ left the chat.
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[04:18:39] * jmlane@jabber.org joined the chat.
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