Logs for jabber
[00:17:58] * Z_God left the chat.
[00:36:10] * darkrain left the chat.
[00:36:19] * darkrain joined the chat.
[01:01:49] * cnabat@gmail.com/meebo joined the chat.
[01:01:49] * cnabat@gmail.com/meebo left the chat.
[01:04:42] * cnabat@gmail.com/meebo joined the chat.
[01:09:51] <cnabat@gmail.com/meebo> hello...
[01:09:51] * cnabat@gmail.com/meebo left the chat.
[01:14:44] * cnabat@gmail.com/meebo joined the chat.
[01:46:35] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[01:57:53] * cnabat@gmail.com/meebo left the chat.
[01:58:04] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[02:02:33] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[02:29:37] * weaver.christopher joined the chat.
[02:29:37] * weaver.christopher left the chat.
[02:50:17] * dreamcast joined the chat.
[02:51:51] * dreamcast left the chat.
[02:54:59] * naw left the chat.
[06:47:01] * Creation joined the chat.
[07:52:32] * Nethajir1992 joined the chat.
[07:52:32] * Nethajir1992 left the chat.
[08:04:51] * Tobias joined the chat.
[08:50:08] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[09:35:50] * 9tf003 joined the chat.
[09:35:51] * 9tf003 left the chat.
[09:35:51] * 9tf003 joined the chat.
[09:35:51] * 9tf003 left the chat.
[09:40:37] * Richrockard joined the chat.
[09:40:37] * Richrockard left the chat.
[09:42:12] * Richrockard joined the chat.
[09:42:39] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[09:43:14] <Richrockard> Wat s this all about?
[09:48:02] * Richrockard left the chat.
[09:59:15] * geethusaju.saju joined the chat.
[09:59:15] * geethusaju.saju left the chat.
[10:01:26] * waqas joined the chat.
[10:16:42] * alhaajoos joined the chat.
[10:17:18] * kennedy52840 joined the chat.
[10:17:57] * alhaajoos in now known as -.
[10:18:03] <-> -
[10:20:14] * kennedy52840 left the chat.
[10:20:33] * - left the chat.
[10:46:52] * Tobias left the chat.
[10:53:24] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[11:01:14] * naw joined the chat.
[11:02:13] * ihristov joined the chat.
[11:02:30] * ihristov left the chat.
[11:14:33] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[11:35:30] * Tobias joined the chat.
[11:47:16] * quincyadams16642 joined the chat.
[11:47:40] * quincyadams16642 left the chat.
[11:59:44] * wxzrw joined the chat.
[12:00:22] * wxzrw left the chat.
[12:15:02] * GavYur joined the chat.
[12:32:30] * wxzrw joined the chat.
[12:32:48] * wxzrw left the chat.
[12:35:26] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[12:57:04] * Tobias left the chat.
[13:05:13] * waqas left the chat.
[13:17:18] * Tobias joined the chat.
[13:19:58] * harrison60270 joined the chat.
[13:20:31] * harrison60270 left the chat.
[13:27:23] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[13:52:14] * MattJ joined the chat.
[13:56:52] * beefon joined the chat.
[14:08:52] * GavYur left the chat.
[14:18:26] * niekie left the chat.
[14:19:42] * GavYur joined the chat.
[14:43:09] * prabhjotsinghsadana@gmail.com/Meebo joined the chat.
[14:43:10] * prabhjotsinghsadana@gmail.com/Meebo left the chat.
[14:46:57] * prabhjotsinghsadana@gmail.com/Meebo joined the chat.
[14:51:38] * zanchin joined the chat.
[14:52:57] * Tobias left the chat.
[15:06:29] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[15:06:59] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[15:07:27] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[15:07:29] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[15:08:55] * niekie joined the chat.
[15:37:35] * prabhjotsinghsadana@gmail.com/Meebo left the chat.
[15:42:56] * Tobias joined the chat.
[16:21:23] * washington50882 joined the chat.
[16:21:46] * washington50882 left the chat.
[16:21:52] * johnson55964 joined the chat.
[16:22:05] * johnson55964 left the chat.
[16:27:42] * GavYur left the chat.
[16:31:21] * GavYur joined the chat.
[16:35:48] * naw left the chat.
[16:53:46] * Tobias left the chat.
[17:02:57] * GavYur left the chat.
[17:03:37] * GavYur joined the chat.
[17:04:13] * stpeter joined the chat.
[17:18:16] * GavYur left the chat.
[17:19:32] * GavYur joined the chat.
[17:37:57] * alice joined the chat.
[17:41:00] * Z_God joined the chat.
[17:44:25] * krishnakhandelwal939 joined the chat.
[17:44:25] * krishnakhandelwal939 left the chat.
[17:44:32] * krishnakhandelwal939 joined the chat.
[17:44:32] * krishnakhandelwal939 left the chat.
[17:50:40] * Tobias joined the chat.
[18:15:14] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[18:15:53] * mpranj joined the chat.
[18:16:28] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[18:46:53] * GavYur left the chat.
[18:46:53] * GavYur joined the chat.
[18:51:33] * Nÿco left the chat.
[19:08:56] * Creation left the chat.
[19:21:00] * the ♚ left the chat.
[19:30:18] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[19:49:59] * njsg joined the chat.
[19:50:27] * njsg left the chat.
[20:00:40] * kf joined the chat.
[20:27:26] * smash6 joined the chat.
[20:31:31] * smash6 left the chat.
[21:32:35] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[22:02:09] * naw joined the chat.
[22:47:12] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[23:26:03] * stpeter left the chat.
[23:29:07] * alice left the chat.
[23:39:56] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[23:46:46] * Tobias left the chat.
[23:58:06] * jameschurchman left the chat.