Logs for jabber
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[05:12:40] * MattJ left the chat.
[05:22:05] * hayes24349 joined the chat.
[05:28:23] <hayes24349> How to auto accept the authorization by using the ejabbered server
[05:40:56] * darkrain left the chat.
[05:42:37] * darkrain joined the chat.
[05:46:16] <hayes24349> When i created a new user in ejabbered by using the jabber client .Where this new user is saved in ejabber server
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[09:39:43] <Nokerghazida512> Helo
[09:39:59] <Nokerghazida512> H
[09:40:52] <Anshsinghdhamija> Hi
[09:40:59] <Nokerghazida512> Nokerghazida512:
[09:41:01] <Anshsinghdhamija> Noker
[09:41:15] <Anshsinghdhamija> Hw r u
[09:41:19] <Nokerghazida512> Helo
[09:41:36] <Nokerghazida512> Iam fine
[09:42:05] <Nokerghazida512> Kahan gy
[09:42:24] <Nokerghazida512> Hi
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[10:09:21] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[10:13:39] * Tobias left the chat.
[10:16:02] * Tobias joined the chat.
[10:49:10] * GavYur left the chat.
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[11:09:55] * naw joined the chat.
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[11:15:25] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[11:19:01] * mpranj joined the chat.
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[11:20:47] * GavYur left the chat.
[11:27:00] <hayes24349> how to auto accept the authorization from jabber id to my admin id
[11:27:18] * guidobert joined the chat.
[11:30:21] <guidobert> hi .... anybody knows where is the url for de directory of users ?
[11:30:45] <Lastwebpage> URL?
[11:30:55] <Lastwebpage> there is no URL
[11:31:23] <Lastwebpage> some servers have a Jabber_User_Directory, JUD
[11:31:35] * Z_God joined the chat.
[11:31:58] <Lastwebpage> but not all servers, e.g. google.com or jabber.org haven't it
[11:32:34] <guidobert> yes .... but is a url like "jud.jabber.org" .... no ?
[11:32:57] <Lastwebpage> no, because jabber.org haven't an JUD ;)
[11:34:31] <Lastwebpage> e.g. on jabbim.com it's users.netlab.cz
[11:35:37] <Lastwebpage> and you can search only at ONE server for users, there is no global direcctory like ICQ, MSN,...
[11:37:22] <naw> years ago there was a jud.jabber.org but not anymore
[11:37:36] <Lastwebpage> SO, to add an user in Jabber you must always know the JID from this person. :|
[11:38:29] <guidobert> ok ..... thanks .....
[11:38:48] <Lastwebpage> (This include the search too, and make the search senseless, in my opinion)
[11:43:01] * treebilou left the chat.
[11:44:28] <hayes24349> can any one knows how to make the jabber id online always without login into the jabber client
[11:46:51] <guidobert> bye people ....
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[12:03:37] * dnano91 joined the chat.
[12:06:20] <dnano91> hello can anyone help me with ejabberd? i have 3 problems:
-clients cannot register new users (although {access, register, [{all, all}]}. is set)
-i don't know how to get into the webinterface (which username and pw?)
-how can i connect to the server frome the same computer?
[12:09:25] * carter63307 joined the chat.
[12:10:21] <dnano91> first problem solved... but now idea how to solve the others
[12:10:37] <naw> -i don't know how to get into the webinterface (which username and pw?) <- with the jabber account configured as admin in
the config file
[12:11:15] <dnano91> that was the first account i tried but it's not working
[12:11:15] <carter63307> How to log to ejabberd? i thingk it is admin@yourserver, and the pass I don't remember if you configure in the intallation
of it
[12:11:40] <carter63307> you can try with the pass: admin
[12:11:46] <carter63307> tell me what happens
[12:11:53] <naw> -how can i connect to the server frome the same computer? <- I guess that the problem is that the domain resolves the public
ip instead the local ip. Add the domain to the /etc/hosts file, or, in your client, use the advanced configuration to give
the ip
[12:11:57] <hayes24349> what password you have entered during installation
[12:12:03] <hayes24349> specify that password
[12:12:52] <carter63307> someone can explain me a little bit about commands? because i'm having a hard time to understand t
[12:13:30] <naw> I guess that you already know the manual http://www.process-one.net/docs/ejabberd/guide_en.html right?
[12:13:54] <hayes24349> That manual specifies all the information
[12:13:55] <naw> also, there is http://www.ejabberd.im/support
[12:14:27] <dnano91> naw: domain added to hosts (localhost mydomain) but i still get "not authorised"
[12:15:20] <naw> of, I thought that you received a not found error
[12:17:31] <dnano91> just found an error in the mysql database. now it works...
[12:18:54] <hayes24349> i have installed ejabbered successfully and created two jabber ids in my ejabber server.After i installed two jabber clients
named as gajim and kopete in my linux system.And login the both jabber ids .Upto this successfull.
[12:19:48] <hayes24349> When i add the jabber id from buddy list .It sends authorization request to another jabber client.When i accept the authorization
.The jabber id is enabled in jabber client
[12:20:15] <hayes24349> every thing is fine .I can able to chat with both of them
[12:21:14] <dnano91> like i said: the problem was caused by an error in the database... i already fixed it, but thanks for the help
[12:21:15] <hayes24349> Now my question is i dont want to accept the authorization every time when my friends add my jabber id .
[12:21:42] <hayes24349> i want to auto accept it .Is any possibilities
[12:23:17] <carter63307> anything about commands?
[12:24:46] * kf joined the chat.
[12:24:46] <naw> hayes24349: some clients allow to utoauthorize commands
[12:24:56] <naw> *autoauthorize contacts
[12:25:06] <hayes24349> yes.
[12:25:15] <hayes24349> which jabber clients will do that
[12:25:25] <carter63307> jabber-net
[12:25:37] <hayes24349> or any other configuration is requeired in ejabber server.
[12:25:40] <naw> psi does for sure
[12:25:51] <carter63307> but i'm not understanding quit well the definition of it
[12:26:13] <hayes24349> http://www.process-one.net/docs/ejabberd/guide_en.html#saslanonymous
[12:26:13] <carter63307> i'm doing my own application
[12:26:50] <naw> hayes24349: in the jabber server you can crerate a shared roster group
[12:27:07] <hayes24349> what is the purpose of shared roster group
[12:27:21] <hayes24349> what that url specifies ?
[12:27:27] <hayes24349> anonymous login ?
[12:27:40] <naw> the server admin can manage a group of contacts that will be show to the users
[12:27:55] <naw> http://www.process-one.net/docs/ejabberd/guide_en.html#htoc60
[12:28:55] <hayes24349> naw :What is that anonymous refer to ejabber server ?http://www.process-one.net/docs/ejabberd/guide_en.html#saslanonymous
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[12:29:44] <naw> that's to allow users to create temporary accounts
[12:30:02] <naw> the account will only be used during a session
[12:30:24] <hayes24349> temporary accounts means
[12:30:36] <naw> I have seen it to be used in web clients, like you seem to do now
[12:31:28] <naw> an account with a random id like 234567890920838477432@server that is destroyed when the user disconnects
[12:31:58] <hayes24349> i have seen the id such as jobs@chat.naukri.com .When i add this id my jabber client.It always in online.
[12:32:15] <hayes24349> How they to make the jabber id always in online .
[12:32:38] <naw> https://support.process-one.net/doc/display/MESSENGER/Anonymous+users+support
[12:33:34] <naw> maybe they use a bot for that
[12:33:58] <hayes24349> how to create a bot
[12:34:45] <naw> there are several created, but if you need it to do something specific you probably will need to program your own
[12:35:05] <hayes24349> yes i am ready to do that program
[12:35:21] <hayes24349> can u kindly specify some url for how to create a bot
[12:37:51] <naw> http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/libraries/ take a look to the libraries and choose one in your favourite programming language
[12:38:03] <naw> their documentation will probably have examples
[12:38:10] <hayes24349> thank you naw
[12:38:17] <hayes24349> one more question.
[12:38:40] <naw> if you want to take a look to an existing bot, take a look to http://code.google.com/p/neutron/
[12:39:03] <hayes24349> if i have run the bot to enable the jabber id in online always .How that bot communicate with ejabber server
[12:39:31] <hayes24349> that is if some add my jabber id .The bot will add that customer id to ejabber server
[12:40:06] <hayes24349> that is bot to ejabber server integration (mnesia,mysql,odbc)
[12:41:31] <naw> the bot will connect to the server as an user, only that it is a program
[12:42:37] <hayes24349> hmm fine .
[12:43:54] <hayes24349> if that bot auto accepts the friends request
[12:44:37] <hayes24349> as we accept manually in jabber clients
[12:45:03] * vadium joined the chat.
[12:45:33] * vadium_ joined the chat.
[12:46:04] <vadium_> what the hell im connected here?
[12:46:05] <hayes24349> ok naw thank you soon i will refer that urls
[12:46:20] <vadium_> hello, i'm trying to set up a jabber server, and for some jabber servers you are unable to communicate with
[12:46:24] <vadium_> some servers arnt able to get the service list for instance
[12:46:29] <vadium_> and I have no idea why...
[12:46:42] <vadium_> and jabber.org is one of the servers that dont seem to be able to connect to me
[12:47:18] <vadium_> but as you can see here, it looks like im connected
[12:47:19] <naw> do you receive any error?
[12:47:28] <vadium_> but i dont recieve any info
[12:47:33] <hayes24349> check the logs
[12:47:51] <vadium_> yep i have, i have some pastebin's with the logs of what happens
[12:48:03] <vadium_> its just like, it sends the info, it connects up, seems all fine...
[12:48:09] <naw> when they try to get the services list, does your client try also to get the room list? (the room list here is huge, and some
servers discargs huge messages)
[12:48:21] <vadium_> no it doesnt
[12:48:35] <vadium_> my server is haste.ws by the way
[12:48:46] <vadium_> at jabber.ru i am able to get the services list of my server
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[12:49:03] <vadium_> but on other servers, just nothing happens
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[12:49:28] <vadium_> im running ejabberd 2.1.6 by the way
[12:49:57] <vadium_> for instance you can see here: http://pastebin.com/YJiXGJG9
[12:50:09] <vadium_> this is me trying to get the services for jabber.ccc.de
[12:50:16] <vadium_> from my server
[12:51:04] <vadium_> lol, thanks if your reading :)
[12:52:16] <naw> I'm tring to get your service list from 3 different servers, no luck
[12:52:35] <vadium_> it works at jabber.ru
[12:53:11] <vadium_> also when i have s2s starttls turned off, its possible to make connections even, and sometimes it magically works perfectly
for a second
[12:53:30] <naw> in your pastebin there is a <error code='404' type='cancel'><remote-server-not-found xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/></error>
[12:53:38] <vadium_> yes, which makes no sense
[12:53:49] <naw> maybe there is some problem resolving the domains.......
[12:53:59] <vadium_> but look at the log, it resolved the domain
[12:54:16] <naw> oh, yes
[12:54:29] <vadium_> then it does starttls, and then... nothing happens?l ol
[12:55:02] <naw> I don't know then, you can ask in the ejjabberd support forum/room/mail list http://www.ejabberd.im/support
[12:55:13] <vadium_> if someone has a server running, that doesnt work... then i'd like to see what it looks like on their side
[12:55:34] <vadium_> well, i've been asking in the ejabberd conference room, and nobody is awake lol
[12:55:54] <vadium_> except one guy there said it works for his server perfectly
[12:56:43] <vadium_> do you have a server? i'd really like to see what is happening on the non-working server end
[12:57:30] * vadium left the chat.
[12:57:35] <vadium_> WTF
[12:57:37] <naw> I have a local test server that I use from time to toime
[12:57:56] <vadium_> seee that vadium guy who just left, thats me, i tried to connect at my server, and it was like nothing happen
[12:58:00] <vadium_> i just closed the tab
[12:58:04] <vadium_> and i disconnected?
[12:58:07] <vadium_> lolll wtf
[12:58:39] <naw> vadium <- haste.ws
vadium_ <- jabber.ccc.de
[12:58:55] <vadium_> yeah
[12:59:13] * vadium joined the chat.
[12:59:23] <vadium_> hello
[12:59:32] <naw> maybe that means that messages only go in one dirrection
[12:59:45] <vadium_> yeah it is
[12:59:58] <naw> so we get the presence messages but you don't receive what is said
[13:00:04] <vadium_> but how can that happen?
[13:00:10] <naw> the other day something like that happened here
[13:00:21] <naw> a server bug I guess
[13:00:34] <vadium_> i mean, you have to create the full tcp handshake to send the message
[13:00:46] <vadium_> actually
[13:00:50] <vadium_> that doesnt matter
[13:01:11] <vadium_> do you need vcard to work to chat? lol
[13:01:38] <naw> no, you don't need one
[13:02:00] <naw> trying to connect from my local server......
[13:02:38] <vadium_> to haste.ws ?
[13:02:42] <vadium_> or to here?
[13:03:07] <naw> to waste
[13:03:14] <naw> *haste
[13:03:21] <vadium_> lol, ok
[13:04:58] <naw> my logs only show the "Trying to open s2s connection" message
[13:05:34] <vadium_> what server are you running?
[13:06:30] <vadium_> if i turn off starttls, things kind of work... at least lol
[13:07:09] <naw> maybe the problem is the server certificate
[13:07:31] <naw> most of the jabber servers use one from startcom or from cacert
[13:07:33] <vadium_> well, what im trying to say is, its not, because its still messed up without ssl
[13:07:47] <vadium_> ill turn ssl off, so you can see
[13:07:53] <vadium_> but the communication is still only one way
[13:08:05] <naw> :s
[13:08:24] <naw> I have an ejabberd, but is only for tests
[13:08:31] <vadium_> what version?
[13:09:09] <naw> 2.1.6
[13:09:21] <vadium_> ooh, ok, weird
[13:09:31] <vadium_> why the hell does jabber.ru work fine..
[13:09:40] <vadium_> ill turn tls off
[13:10:11] <vadium_> ooh yeah, im using a cert from startcom btw
[13:10:29] <naw> I(<0.410.0>:ejabberd_s2s_out:434) : wait_for_validation: xxxxxxxxxxx.homeunix.com -> haste.ws (connect timeout)
[13:10:46] <vadium_> lol actually i just noticed something stupid
[13:11:06] <naw> a closed port in the firewall?
[13:11:11] * vadium left the chat.
[13:11:23] <vadium_> no, the certfile line was still commented out
[13:11:25] * vadium joined the chat.
[13:11:52] <vadium_> lol well, that didnt fix my client from connecting here properly
[13:12:35] <vadium_> btw c2s works perfectly fine
[13:13:13] * vadium left the chat.
[13:13:25] * vadium joined the chat.
[13:13:49] * vadium left the chat.
[13:14:23] <vadium_> alright well s2s tls is off now
[13:14:45] * Naveenjustu joined the chat.
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[13:15:10] * Naveenjustu joined the chat.
[13:16:39] <Naveenjustu> :->
[13:17:50] <vadium_> :(
[13:18:45] <vadium_> communication from gtalk works fine now... but not from headcounter.org ... T_T
[13:18:55] <Naveenjustu> :lol:
[13:19:53] <naw> fine from jabber.org and jabberes.org too
[13:20:02] <vadium_> really?
[13:20:09] <vadium_> jabber.org never worked before
[13:20:14] <naw> at least I see your service list
[13:20:36] <vadium_> yep and i can get them from jabber.org
[13:20:47] * Naveenjustu left the chat.
[13:20:58] <vadium_> but not from jabberes.org ?
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[13:21:03] * Naveenjustu left the chat.
[13:21:03] * Naveenjustu joined the chat.
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[13:22:18] <vadium_> lol, im stumped
[13:22:54] <vadium_> been going at the problem for 8 hours straight now.
[13:24:36] * Nokerghazida512 joined the chat.
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[13:24:49] * Nokerghazida512 joined the chat.
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[13:25:20] <carter63307> someone can explain me commands?
[13:25:33] <vadium_> commands for what
[13:27:09] * Nokerghazida512 joined the chat.
[13:29:11] <carter63307> I'm having a hard time understanding the concept of it
[13:29:19] <carter63307> let me tell you a little bit more
[13:29:58] <carter63307> I develop a game, that when a new record is made a Component sends a message to all the users that have installed this game,
[13:30:22] <carter63307> and with that message the game call to the Data Base to bring the new record
[13:30:53] <carter63307> I don't know if i can implement commands instead of sending a regular message
[13:32:14] <vadium_> well, if this "game" is a component on the server, then you dont need to send the message? you just manipulate the database
directly instead no?
[13:32:29] <vadium_> (i don't really know much about this stuff)
[13:32:50] * hayes24349 left the chat.
[13:32:55] <vadium_> because you know who the person is, where you need to put the record
[13:33:15] <carter63307> no, the game is not a component, the game is a client. I develop a NotificationComponent that is a WCF
[13:33:37] * Tobias left the chat.
[13:33:39] <vadium_> ooh well, I really dont know enough about this to help... sorry
[13:33:50] <vadium_> im just here for support :D
[13:34:01] <carter63307> ok thanks any way.
[13:34:23] <carter63307> one more question, do you have any idea if jabber-net supports commands?
[13:35:29] <vadium_> you'll have to wait for someone else, I hardly know anything about jabber lol
[13:36:12] <vadium_> maybe you can help me though
[13:36:15] <carter63307> ok thanks vadium
[13:36:38] <carter63307> about what, I'm kind of new in this, but i will try it
[13:36:56] <vadium_> i'm trying to set up a jabber server, and when i do s2s some servers arnt able to communicate with me, or i with them
[13:37:08] <vadium_> or its a one way communication
[13:37:27] <vadium_> the server at jabber.ru works fine 100% though
[13:37:47] <vadium_> do you have a jabber server, maybe you can help me figure out what the problem is?
[13:38:28] <carter63307> right now I'm using ejjaberd, but I never try s2s connections, only c2s. Like I told you I'm very new at this
[13:39:11] <vadium_> ahhh ok
[13:39:44] <vadium_> well im using ejabberd too... eh
[13:40:09] <carter63307> maybe something about the configuration of it
[13:40:40] <vadium_> well there must be something stupid... other people can set up ejabberd that works fine lol
[13:41:46] <carter63307> in access rules you can configure the s2s connection
[13:41:54] <carter63307> but really i don't have any idea
[13:42:03] <vadium_> well i have allow for everyone
[13:42:04] <carter63307> you can post in the ejabberd community
[13:42:19] <vadium_> i've no idea either, i've spent my whole day on this lol
[13:44:48] <carter63307> http://www.ejabberd.im/tracker
[13:44:56] <carter63307> this is the link to the new post
[13:45:06] <carter63307> you can create an account and post messages
[13:45:36] <carter63307> my own experience is the first posts were rapid solve, but then no one answer my questions
[13:46:14] <vadium_> well, maybe your first ones more people knew the answer
[13:46:24] <carter63307> ja, maybe
[13:46:45] <carter63307> you can try there and see if anyone can help you a little bit better than here
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[17:52:10] * niek in now known as niek@bergnetworks.com.
[17:52:53] <niek@bergnetworks.com> Wow. Am I the only one here or is my client being buggy again?
[17:53:42] <Tobias> .
[17:53:45] <Tobias> nope
[17:53:48] <niek@bergnetworks.com> Huh.
[17:53:50] <niek@bergnetworks.com> That's odd :)
[17:54:03] <niek@bergnetworks.com> It shows me as the only one here.
[17:54:10] <niek@bergnetworks.com> /me restarts.
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[17:54:19] <Tobias> that means you're special :P
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[17:55:00] <niek@bergnetworks.com> Ah. That's better :-)
[18:37:45] <naw> /me also wants to be special
[18:37:50] <naw> :p
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[20:24:31] <zwaluw\40jabber.org> wow
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[21:48:23] <hoover34998> has anyone been experiencing massive connect problems today?
[21:50:16] <hoover34998> was just curious as i have tested multiple accounts at 3 different locations (home, server, work) and have had frequent disconnects,
high latency with the jabber server and website at times and then also friends on gchat not showing up in the list
[21:52:31] <hoover34998> yea like right now its 100% packet loss yet again
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