Logs for jabber
[00:03:17] * Tobias left the chat.
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[03:26:57] * john66@tom.com joined the chat.
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[03:34:51] * MattJ left the chat.
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[04:58:38] * buchanan45784 joined the chat.
[04:59:03] * танунах joined the chat.
[05:02:36] * танунах left the chat.
[05:15:17] <buchanan45784> have installed ejabbered 2.1.6 in my system .I have registed a jabber id such as admin@localhost.localdomain .Now when i
connect this id using pidgin .It specifies read error
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[05:34:27] * GavYur left the chat.
[05:59:09] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[06:37:17] * treebilou joined the chat.
[06:54:25] * Ranjithmulka90 joined the chat.
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[07:04:57] * Ashu16784 joined the chat.
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[07:49:39] * elnorte left the chat.
[07:50:36] * Milan.in joined the chat.
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[08:01:03] * GavYur joined the chat.
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[08:22:17] * GavYur joined the chat.
[08:40:44] * Z_God joined the chat.
[08:41:44] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[08:42:55] * GavYur left the chat.
[08:43:13] * Koluche joined the chat.
[08:44:00] <Koluche> Hi @}->--
[08:45:17] <Koluche> Hi can you talk me,:-)
[08:45:55] * GavYur joined the chat.
[08:45:56] * Tobias joined the chat.
[08:46:52] <Koluche> No body like me:-(
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[08:50:47] * GavYur left the chat.
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[08:58:22] * Tobias_ joined the chat.
[08:59:50] <buchanan45784> yes koluche
[09:01:39] * Tobias_ left the chat.
[09:04:20] <buchanan45784> how to make my jabber id to listen to my ejabber server
[09:04:54] * Tobias left the chat.
[09:07:50] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[09:08:09] * Tobias joined the chat.
[09:16:27] <Tanguy> What does that mean, buchanan45784?
[09:16:48] <Tanguy> I do not undestand how a JID could “listen” to a server.
[09:17:57] <buchanan45784> I need to create one xmpp id such as (username@chat.com) in my ejabber
[09:18:03] <buchanan45784> how to do that
[09:18:30] <Tanguy> Do you use ejabberd's internal authentication system?
[09:19:06] <Tanguy> (this is the default, if you did not reconfigure it, then the answer is probably yes)
[09:19:17] <buchanan45784> what is that internal authentication system
[09:19:36] <Tanguy> It is ejabberd's embedded account database.
[09:19:38] <buchanan45784> i have seen the file ejabbered.cfg file
[09:19:59] <buchanan45784> i have seen the folder named database in my ejabbered
[09:20:00] <Tanguy> ejabberd needs to use an account database, to know the users' names and passwords.
[09:20:34] <Tanguy> By default it uses its own database, but it can be configured to use MySQL, LDAP, PAM and so on.
[09:20:40] <Tanguy> So, you use the internal auth system.
[09:20:48] <buchanan45784> yes as you said
[09:20:51] <Tanguy> Did you enable in-band registration?
[09:20:56] <buchanan45784> no
[09:21:12] <buchanan45784> how to enable that what was that in-band registration
[09:21:16] <Tanguy> This is mod_register.
[09:21:27] <buchanan45784> is that located in configuration file
[09:21:35] <Tanguy> It allows to create an account from a Jabber client.
[09:21:38] <Tanguy> Yes.
[09:21:50] <Tanguy> I think it is enabled by default.
[09:22:08] <buchanan45784> hmm
[09:22:25] <buchanan45784> then how to create the jabber account using ejabbered
[09:22:40] <Tanguy> Use a Jabber client that supports registration.
[09:22:47] <Tanguy> Gajim does, for instance.
[09:22:52] <buchanan45784> i use pidgin but no use
[09:23:11] <Tanguy> And, when setting up the account, tell it you wish to create the account on the server.
[09:23:21] <Tanguy> I do not know if Pidgin supports that.
[09:23:29] <buchanan45784> yes i specified that in my pidgin
[09:23:43] <Tanguy> I suppose you configured your network and DNS for your Jabber service.
[09:23:59] <Tanguy> And that you configured ejabberd to let it know its domain name.
[09:24:15] <Tanguy> Did you?
[09:24:16] <buchanan45784> i have specified my hostname in my configuration file
[09:24:27] <buchanan45784> sorry virtual host name in my configuration file
[09:24:41] <Tanguy> Is it for an internal use or to connect to the global Jabber network?
[09:24:56] <buchanan45784> it is only for internal use
[09:25:31] <Tanguy> So you will not use it to write to other people than your local users, or to chat on channels such as this one?
[09:26:25] <buchanan45784> my requirement is i want to create a jabber id such as username@chat.matrimony.com where chat.matrimony.com is my virtual
host name
[09:26:34] <Tanguy> Is it for an internal use or to connect to the global Jabber network?
[09:27:02] <Tanguy> You did not answer completely to the question.
[09:27:09] <buchanan45784> i do no what is mean for internal use or global jabber network
[09:27:27] <buchanan45784> what is meant for global jabber network
[09:27:32] <Tanguy> Do you plan your users, including yourself, to write to other people on the Internet, or to join rooms such as this one?
[09:28:02] <buchanan45784> no not like this
[09:28:08] <Tanguy> Or is it only for your local users to write to other local users and nothing more?
[09:28:38] <buchanan45784> no the concept is different... i want to create a jabber id and integrate that id to gtalk
[09:29:00] <Tanguy> Then the answer to the previous question is *yes*.
[09:29:09] <Tanguy> Do you plan your users, including yourself, to write to other people on the Internet, or to join rooms such as this one? *Yes*
you do.
[09:29:21] <buchanan45784> how to do that
[09:29:34] <Tanguy> How is your Jabber server connected to the Internet?
[09:29:45] <Tanguy> Direct link on some datacenter, DSL line?
[09:29:51] * kf joined the chat.
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[09:30:04] * kf joined the chat.
[09:30:18] <buchanan45784> how to do include other peoples to include in the chat
[09:30:24] <Tanguy> How is your Jabber server connected to the Internet?
[09:30:26] <Tanguy> Direct link on some datacenter, DSL line?
[09:30:45] <Tanguy> Soory, but if you do not answer my questions, I cannot help you.
[09:31:01] <Tanguy> So either answer then, or goodbye.
[09:31:08] <buchanan45784> i am new to ejabber .
[09:31:13] <buchanan45784> wait
[09:31:14] <Tanguy> I know.
[09:31:25] <buchanan45784> i have downloaded ejabber 2.1.6
[09:31:31] <buchanan45784> and installed in my system
[09:31:32] <Tanguy> Never mind.
[09:31:48] <buchanan45784> then i run the ejabber server .
[09:31:52] <Tanguy> You want to setup a Jabber service, and this does not only implies running and configuring ejabberd.
[09:32:01] <Tanguy> It includes network and DNS setting.
[09:32:09] <buchanan45784> netstat -an | grep -E "5222|5269"
[09:32:09] <Tanguy> So, let me repeat my question:
[09:32:13] <buchanan45784> yes
[09:32:16] <Tanguy> How is your Jabber server connected to the Internet?
[09:32:20] <Tanguy> Direct link on some datacenter, DSL line?
[09:32:38] <buchanan45784> my jabber server is not connected to the internet
[09:33:15] <Tanguy> Then you cannot have it providing a service integrated to other services on the Internet.
[09:33:21] <Tanguy> This is just impossible.
[09:33:49] <buchanan45784> if i am not connected to internet .can i use it for my local purpose
[09:33:50] <Tanguy> 12-24 10:28 <== <buchanan45784> no the concept is different... i want to create a jabber id and integrate that id to gtalk
[09:34:10] <Tanguy> You said you wanted to integrate the Internet Jabber network.
[09:34:12] <buchanan45784> as you said only local members alone chat in the room
[09:34:32] <Tanguy> This contradicts another sentence you said.
[09:34:48] <Tanguy> So, let us say that you only want to set up a local service, then.
[09:35:04] <buchanan45784> yes kindly proceed it
[09:35:16] <buchanan45784> thanks for answering my questions
[09:35:33] <buchanan45784> thanks for your valuable time spending for my questions
[09:35:42] <Tanguy> Have _xmpp-client._tcp.[your local domaine name] SRV resolve to your server.
[09:35:49] <Tanguy> This is a DNS setting.
[09:36:14] <buchanan45784> then
[09:36:52] <Tanguy> Unless you want your client to have to manually specify your server name?
[09:37:35] <buchanan45784> no
[09:37:45] <Tanguy> I suppose your server has a name?
[09:38:10] <buchanan45784> The ejabberd server on C0210217.localdomain
[09:38:39] <buchanan45784> Users can connect to your server 'C0210217.localdomain' with any Jabber/XMPP client. Direct registration from the user client
is enabled by default.
[09:38:40] <Tanguy> And you have a domain name you want to use for your Jabber service?
[09:39:01] <buchanan45784> this is the message i have seen in ejabbered while starting
[09:39:03] <Tanguy> (C0210217.localdomain is awful, for a Jabber domain name)
[09:39:25] <buchanan45784> co210217 is my localhost
[09:39:28] <Tanguy> Well, it is the default setting. If you want to keep it, fine, but, as I said, it is awful.
[09:39:47] <buchanan45784> the name of the current ejabberd node is ejabberd@C0210217.localdomain.
[09:39:59] <Tanguy> I know.
[09:40:16] <Tanguy> But do you have a domain name you want to use instead of C0210217.localdomain?
[09:41:01] <buchanan45784> can i use the sub domain name such as chat.matrimony.com
[09:41:35] <Tanguy> Why chat.?
[09:42:04] <Tanguy> You can use the full domain name without the chat. at no cost. Do you really want to put this chat.?
[09:42:06] <buchanan45784> it is subdomain name from matrimony.com
[09:42:29] <buchanan45784> ok for example : www.example.com
[09:42:58] <buchanan45784> so during installation i have specify my host name such as ejabbered@example.com
[09:43:22] <Tanguy> In general, when people want to use chat.something, it is because they are poorly informed and do not know they do not need
that prefix.
[09:43:32] <Tanguy> So, do you *really* want this chat. prefix?
[09:43:54] <buchanan45784> ok i omit that
[09:44:01] <buchanan45784> only matrimony.com
[09:44:02] <Tanguy> Good.
[09:44:12] <Tanguy> Then publish that to your DNS zone:
[09:44:33] <buchanan45784> which dns zone
[09:44:44] <buchanan45784> domain name service
[09:44:46] <Tanguy> _xmpp-client._tcp.matrimony.com. SRV 10 100 5222 C0210217.localdomain.
[09:45:00] <Tanguy> Well, matrimony.com…
[09:45:43] <buchanan45784> where should i specify that _xmpp-client._tcp.matrimony.com
[09:45:46] <Kev> That assumes that you're publishing C0210217.localdomain already as an A (or AAAA) record. If not, substitute the IP, or a
valid A record.
[09:46:41] <Tanguy> In the DNS zone, buchanan45784.
[09:47:21] <buchanan45784> where should i specify the dns zone
[09:47:30] <buchanan45784> i am using the redhat linux system
[09:48:24] <Tanguy> No idea, this is your job.
[09:48:42] <Tanguy> You own the domain name matrimony.com, configuring this DNS zone is your job.
[09:48:43] <buchanan45784> ok
[09:49:01] <buchanan45784> ok i will configure that
[09:49:08] <buchanan45784> later
[09:49:51] <Tanguy> Is that a company?
[09:50:00] <buchanan45784> yes
[09:50:08] <Tanguy> And are you the network adminstrator inside it?
[09:50:46] <buchanan45784> yes
[09:51:06] <Tanguy> Well then, configuring the DNS zone is certainly up to you.
[09:52:07] <Tanguy> After having done so, edit ejabberd config file to let it know that it serves matrimony.com and not C0210217.localdomain.
[09:52:11] <Tanguy> Then restart it.
[09:52:16] <buchanan45784> ok i will talk to my network administrator
[09:52:26] <Tanguy> I thought that was you.
[09:52:43] * treebilou left the chat.
[09:54:30] <buchanan45784> ok tanguy i will soon
[09:54:36] <buchanan45784> talk to them
[09:58:30] <buchanan45784> ok tanguy thanks a lot
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[11:19:45] <Nÿco> OneTeam Desktop beta1 is out, and opensource! http://www.process-one.net/en/blogs/article/christmas_gift_oneteam_desktop_beta1_released_as_open_source/
[11:25:32] <Kev> Cool.
[11:26:18] <Kev> I'll be very interested to know if the threading stuff takes off.
[11:32:45] <Nÿco> well, it depends on the support of the clients of the other participants
[11:32:57] <Nÿco> honestly, when they have it, people use it
[11:33:27] <Nÿco> we use it in ProcessOne, and our private-alpha period as brought us good feedback on this
[11:33:58] <Nÿco> also the correction is cool(tm), but it needs to be refined, it's a bit raw today, it needs a UI at least
[11:35:06] <Nÿco> threading is used on LinuxFr.org web chat system since... ages! (many years) and people _won't_ switch to any other chat system
if they don't have the threading
[11:42:14] * tester joined the chat.
[11:42:46] <Kev> *nod*
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[11:42:53] <Kev> I can see it being genuinely useful for some communities.
[11:43:10] <Kev> And I think the sensible UI for correction is simply pressing the up cursor
[11:44:53] <Kev> That's what I'll be doing in Swift, in any case.
[11:44:54] <Nÿco> ah yes, right!
[11:45:04] <Nÿco> so obvious I did not even think about it
[11:45:19] <Nÿco> we have the up key feature, but it's to recall previous sent messages
[11:46:07] <Kev> Ah, we don't do that, so up is free for correction.
[11:46:16] <Nÿco> yep
[11:51:31] * ∞ left the chat.
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[11:56:46] <Kev> The other intuitive option is an 'edit' link beside the message in the log.
[11:57:02] <Nÿco> yep
[11:57:32] <Nÿco> we discussed that with users: there should be an indicator saying what and when has a message been modified
[11:57:50] <Nÿco> oh, it's a non-English sentence, but you may understand it...
[11:58:02] <Kev> Yep.
[11:58:34] <Kev> I think xep-correct says this, too.
[11:59:31] <Kev> I was going to look at implementing that yesterday, but I spent the day replacing the Add Contact window instead.
[12:00:31] <Nÿco> ok, please tell us when you release this xep, we need to be compliant
[12:00:44] <Kev> Will do.
[12:00:58] <Kev> I'll either get a lot of Swift done over Christmas, or none at all.
[12:01:01] <Kev> We'll have to see :)
[12:01:08] <Kev> Merry Christmas by the way :)
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[12:02:40] <Nÿco> yes, thx, you too ;-)
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[12:50:09] * anonymous46559 joined the chat.
[12:51:47] <anonymous46559> Hello and Happy HoLidays Jabber team ... i keep getting and Error message in my iChat for jabber text messages ... can u guys
help me out ?
[12:52:42] <anonymous46559> You can Email me direct at: Jonatan2uYahoo.com ... thanks !!
[12:52:54] <anonymous46559> Jonatan2u@Yahoo.com
[12:55:52] <naw> what error?
[13:12:16] <anonymous46559> i'd send an IM thru iChat/Jabber to any Hotmail/msn/gmail account and it seems like it goes thru then about a minute later
i'll get an error message saying: "THE WAS AN ERROR WITH JABBER ... iChat couldn't send the message to ... so and so"
[13:16:55] * MattJ joined the chat.
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[13:38:50] <anonymous46559> I'm running Mac OSX version 10.6.5 ... any help would be appreciated ... Thanks !!
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[13:41:28] <Tanguy> Well, .NET Messenger Service (what you call MSN) is not a Jabber service.
[13:41:48] <Tanguy> So trying to send a message by Jabber to the address of a .NMS user will not work.
[13:42:09] <Tanguy> Google Mail is a Jabber service, though, so this should work.
[13:43:47] <Link Mauve> But you have to be in the roster of your contact, google will reject any other message.
[13:45:00] <Tanguy> That is right, I forgot it. This may be your problem with Google contacts, anonymous46559.
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[15:53:01] <anonymous46559> Thanks for the feedback guys ... big hugs !! ;-)
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[18:29:36] <gsman> hi
[18:32:26] <gsman> Ehm... It seems to be a very stupid question. But HOW can I search available conferences?
[18:32:49] <gsman> I am using Pidgin
[18:33:39] * Scoundrel left the chat.
[18:33:43] <gsman> I tried to get Room List, but it's f***ing empty
[18:34:50] <gsman> Anybody alive?
[18:35:35] <Lastwebpage> the way seems to me is correct, but I don't know why the list is empty
[18:36:03] <gsman> Maybe because, I am from Russian server.
[18:37:36] <Lastwebpage> is there a field where ypu can a server?`
[18:39:27] <Lastwebpage> if yes, try conference.jabber.org
[18:39:50] <gsman> http://img.leprosorium.com/1024913
[18:39:57] <gsman> this is screenshot
[18:40:10] <Lastwebpage> yes
[18:40:20] <Lastwebpage> hmmmh
[18:40:52] <gsman> but it's working with conference.jabber.ru
[18:41:12] <MattJ> gsman, it's likely that the list is so large, your server rejects it when jabber.org sends it to you
[18:41:22] <Lastwebpage> moment
[18:42:09] <gsman> maybe... I will try to register account on jabber.org
[18:42:14] * gsman left the chat.
[18:42:19] <Lastwebpage> errrmmm
[18:43:15] <Lastwebpage> LOL
[18:43:26] <Lastwebpage> I got no list too...
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[21:27:49] * Kev joined the chat.
[21:28:39] * GavYur joined the chat.
[21:53:51] * Tobias left the chat.
[21:58:33] * Tobias joined the chat.
[22:23:17] * naw left the chat.
[22:26:03] * Tobias left the chat.
[22:32:20] * Tobias joined the chat.
[22:59:12] * Tobias left the chat.
[22:59:13] * Tobias joined the chat.
[23:33:10] * Tobias left the chat.