Logs for jabber
[01:49:15] * MattJ left the chat.
[02:01:28] * naw left the chat.
[02:15:41] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[02:30:14] * cleveland8904 joined the chat.
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[02:42:22] * mux1 joined the chat.
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[02:42:34] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[02:42:34] * GavYur left the chat.
[02:42:35] <mux1> dfsdf
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[05:36:01] * GavYur joined the chat.
[05:43:05] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[06:11:59] * murali@jabber.org/Meebo joined the chat.
[06:13:21] * murali@jabber.org/Meebo left the chat.
[06:23:43] * murali@jabber.org/Meebo joined the chat.
[06:25:17] * murali@jabber.org/Meebo left the chat.
[06:49:29] * Creation joined the chat.
[06:58:19] * harlock joined the chat.
[08:20:26] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[08:24:33] * yuppinturic left the chat.
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[08:28:25] * harlock left the chat.
[08:29:29] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[08:35:43] * harlock joined the chat.
[08:57:06] * naw joined the chat.
[09:29:15] * Tobias joined the chat.
[09:37:55] * sam joined the chat.
[09:38:51] * sam left the chat.
[09:39:08] * sam joined the chat.
[09:40:17] <sam> hi all
[09:40:23] <louiz’> hi
[09:40:59] <sam> any gal is there ?
[09:42:36] <Kev> This isn't the right room for that either.
[09:42:44] <louiz’> :D
[09:44:49] * sam left the chat.
[09:58:40] * şişliğğü joined the chat.
[10:06:13] * şişliğğü left the chat.
[10:20:31] * harlock left the chat.
[10:20:57] * harlock joined the chat.
[10:30:43] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[10:54:09] * Nÿco left the chat.
[10:54:58] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[11:36:28] * naw left the chat.
[11:41:14] * Holger joined the chat.
[11:55:57] * MattJ joined the chat.
[11:56:09] * the ♚ left the chat.
[11:56:56] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[12:04:39] * arthur50920 joined the chat.
[12:12:05] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[12:14:30] * Nidheeshnarayan.ok joined the chat.
[12:14:31] * Nidheeshnarayan.ok left the chat.
[12:22:28] * arthur50920 left the chat.
[12:47:08] * murali@jabber.org/Meebo joined the chat.
[12:58:02] * murali@jabber.org/Meebo left the chat.
[12:58:31] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
[12:58:32] * /gentili.nicola left the chat.
[13:03:12] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
[13:12:26] * Creation left the chat.
[13:12:28] * Creation joined the chat.
[13:13:01] * BeardedMandolin left the chat.
[13:15:26] * Creation left the chat.
[13:15:27] * MattJ left the chat.
[13:15:59] * Creation joined the chat.
[13:21:09] * MattJ joined the chat.
[13:28:18] * BeardedMandolin joined the chat.
[13:31:40] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[13:34:23] * louiz’ left the chat.
[13:34:27] * louiz’ joined the chat.
[13:49:00] * Creation left the chat.
[13:49:10] * louiz’ left the chat.
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[14:00:43] * naw joined the chat.
[14:08:57] * BeardedMandolin left the chat.
[14:09:07] * SteveG left the chat.
[14:15:01] * BeardedMandolin joined the chat.
[14:29:35] * /gentili.nicola left the chat.
[14:36:28] * BeardedMandolin joined the chat.
[14:43:53] * alice joined the chat.
[14:54:20] * zanchin joined the chat.
[14:56:48] * harlock left the chat.
[15:16:15] * Tobias left the chat.
[15:33:39] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[15:49:21] * Scoundrel joined the chat.
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[15:54:45] * Scoundrel joined the chat.
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[15:59:48] * Scoundrel joined the chat.
[16:01:26] * Scoundrel left the chat.
[16:01:30] * makki.faris\40jabber.org joined the chat.
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[16:05:14] * makki.faris\40jabber.org left the chat.
[16:17:47] * Creation joined the chat.
[16:19:37] * Scoundrel joined the chat.
[16:20:47] * Scoundrel left the chat.
[16:34:59] * Tobias joined the chat.
[16:35:00] * zanchin left the chat.
[16:36:47] * mpranj joined the chat.
[16:46:02] * Tobias left the chat.
[16:46:08] * reagan28866 joined the chat.
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[16:46:41] * quincyadams46841 joined the chat.
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[16:47:09] * Scoundrel joined the chat.
[16:47:20] <Scoundrel> MattJ are you there?
[16:47:26] <MattJ> Here
[16:47:44] <Scoundrel> Hi! Got a small problem. look at this line......
[16:47:48] <Scoundrel> {u'scoundrels@conference.jaim.at': {'nick': u'Merlin', 'passw': None}}
[16:48:12] <Scoundrel> How do I apend another room(scoundrels@conference.jabber.org) to that line?
[16:49:00] <Scoundrel> Ive tried some ways, but get a syntax error.
[16:49:16] <MattJ> Is that Python?
[16:49:24] <Scoundrel> Yeah, its an indibot
[16:49:47] <Scoundrel> It used to have both rooms then I forgot to admin the thing so it erased the line.
[16:50:12] <MattJ> {u'scoundrels@conference.jaim.at': {'nick': u'Merlin', 'passw': None}, u'scoundrels@conference.jabber.org': {'nick': u'Merlin',
'passw': None } }
[16:50:30] <Scoundrel> Thanx! I'll try it!
[16:51:32] <Scoundrel> MattJ saves the day!!! It worked!
[16:51:45] <MattJ> np :)
[16:59:26] * Creation left the chat.
[17:04:40] * Tobias joined the chat.
[17:05:57] * Z_God joined the chat.
[17:13:10] * Tobias left the chat.
[17:15:43] * louiz’ joined the chat.
[17:26:11] * asluozijun joined the chat.
[17:26:26] * asluozijun in now known as Red.
[17:29:21] * Red left the chat.
[17:36:17] * Tobias joined the chat.
[17:53:27] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[17:54:58] * Tobias left the chat.
[18:00:29] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
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[18:15:08] * kf joined the chat.
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[18:21:37] * testing joined the chat.
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[18:37:04] * Creation joined the chat.
[18:38:43] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[18:48:38] * /gentili.nicola left the chat.
[19:01:12] * Nÿco left the chat.
[19:24:25] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[19:40:30] * czhan joined the chat.
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[19:44:19] * SteveG joined the chat.
[19:49:31] * kf left the chat.
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[19:52:17] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[19:55:06] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[19:58:11] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
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[20:00:21] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
[20:00:46] * zanchin joined the chat.
[20:01:33] * /gentili.nicola left the chat.
[20:03:33] * yuradomrachev joined the chat.
[20:04:16] * Tobias joined the chat.
[20:07:09] * Creation left the chat.
[20:12:31] <yuradomrachev> hello all. please answer: are "core@powercode.net" live? and if yes, what are doing this bot?
[20:12:55] * Scoundrel left the chat.
[20:13:04] * Scoundrel joined the chat.
[20:16:17] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
[20:16:18] * /gentili.nicola left the chat.
[20:16:19] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
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[20:18:26] * kf left the chat.
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[20:21:05] * washington11288 joined the chat.
[20:21:51] <washington11288> i have registered on jabber.org
[20:22:06] <washington11288> what is the name of server if i want to configure digsby comunicator
[20:22:06] <washington11288> ?
[20:22:50] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
[20:23:21] <Nÿco> the answer is in the message before your question
[20:23:29] <louiz’> :D
[20:25:02] * washington11288 left the chat.
[20:25:49] * yuradomrachev left the chat.
[20:49:16] * /gentili.nicola left the chat.
[21:18:49] * waqas joined the chat.
[21:32:34] * bush50840 joined the chat.
[21:32:42] <bush50840> hi
[21:34:30] <bush50840> is anybody there -;)
[21:36:44] <Kev> Probably, What's up?
[21:36:58] <bush50840> are you administrator?
[21:37:21] <bush50840> would like to speak to someone regarding commercial usage of jabber.org
[21:37:38] <Kev> One of several, yes.
[21:38:18] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[21:38:19] <bush50840> if i wanted to use jabber.org for commerical purposes what is the agreements
[21:39:40] <bush50840> and what are costs
[21:39:52] <Kev> jabber.org doesn't sell commercial packages.
[21:40:34] <Kev> If you want to use a Jabber server for commercial purposes, I'd recommend you run your own (and there are several choices),
or pay for one - I think ProcessOne have one that's commercial.
[21:40:42] <Kev> (A service, as well as software)
[21:41:09] <bush50840> so how do you guys make money?
[21:41:19] <bush50840> i think it is an excellent service
[21:41:47] <Kev> We don't make money.
[21:42:08] <Kev> It's a volunteer service, on donated hardware, software and hosting.
[21:42:27] <bush50840> so if wanted to contribute to use it for my business could I
[21:42:36] <bush50840> i would not want to break any rules
[21:43:22] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[21:43:43] <Kev> http://www.jabber.org/service-policy/
[21:43:52] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[21:44:42] <Kev> What do you want to use it for?
[21:45:50] <bush50840> tracking
[21:46:10] <bush50840> i have a wince device and it sends gps data
[21:46:32] <bush50840> so for location base service
[21:47:13] <bush50840> i am interested in setting up a service like this www.cabulous.com
[21:47:31] <bush50840> i know they use jabber server to do it
[21:48:15] <Kev> No, you shouldn't use jabber.org for that, but it's easy to run your own Jabber server.
[21:48:50] <bush50840> how?
[21:49:24] <bush50840> could you set up one for me
[21:49:51] <Kev> Perhaps you could look at hosted.im if you want someone else to run it for you.
[21:50:13] <bush50840> yes i dont want the headache
[21:51:05] <bush50840> what i am looking for also is how to display and show device positon on it from a web base panel
[21:51:59] <MattJ> Sounds nice
[21:52:38] * smash6 joined the chat.
[21:52:48] * smash6 left the chat.
[21:53:34] <Kev> If you want to run a server of your own (and it sounsd like a good idea), there are several free and commercial ones.
[21:53:55] <bush50840> http://locator.movsoftware.com/locator/auth/default.aspx
[21:54:04] <bush50840> i would like something like this
[21:54:28] <MattJ> Do you have the device working with XMPP already?
[21:54:33] <bush50840> yes
[21:54:46] <bush50840> it is already sending data
[21:54:57] <bush50840> i am using this sdk ag-software
[21:55:16] <MattJ> Yeah
[21:55:35] <bush50840> do you know it
[21:55:38] <bush50840> http://www.ag-software.de/
[21:55:55] <MattJ> I do, though I've never used it myself
[21:56:14] <bush50840> its very good sdk
[21:56:17] <MattJ> Alex, who wrote it, is involved a lot with the XMPP Standards Foundation
[21:56:26] <bush50840> yes
[21:57:48] <bush50840> are you a developer matt
[21:58:11] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
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[21:58:12] <MattJ> Yes, I work primarily on the Prosody XMPP server
[21:58:40] <bush50840> is it different to jabber.org?
[21:59:30] <MattJ> Prosody is an open-source software project, jabber.org runs commercial software, M-Link by Isode
[21:59:42] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
[22:00:18] <Kev> I work on M-Link, as well as on Swift and Swiften (client and library)
[22:00:35] <bush50840> lost me -:)
[22:02:38] <bush50840> so could you help providing a server to host my idea
[22:03:00] <bush50840> and also can you integrate a map into so i can see devices web based
[22:03:53] <MattJ> If you email your requirements then I'd consider it, to matthew@prosody.im
[22:10:44] <bush50840> ok
[22:11:12] <bush50840> really appreciated
[22:11:25] * Nÿco left the chat.
[22:12:20] <MattJ> np
[22:13:35] * jefferson13160 joined the chat.
[22:14:41] <jefferson13160> оО
[22:15:01] <MattJ> Evening
[22:16:11] <bush50840> ok matt sent you email with image of unit
[22:16:47] <jefferson13160> somebody can help me ? )
[22:17:12] <jefferson13160> i've some problem with connection on jabber.org
[22:18:29] <jefferson13160> pls
[22:19:04] * alice left the chat.
[22:19:45] <MattJ> jefferson13160, what's the problem?
[22:19:45] * /gentili.nicola left the chat.
[22:19:48] <MattJ> bush50840, thanks
[22:21:30] <bush50840> ok
[22:24:01] * naw left the chat.
[22:24:43] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
[22:28:03] <jefferson13160> i was creat on http://www.jabber.org/create-an-account/ new account, but when i'm trying to connect to host is show me error,
like your pass or login is wrong and i'm doing it throgh QIP client
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[22:40:22] * Ahmed.gg32 joined the chat.
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[22:53:54] * skiff joined the chat.
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[23:30:28] * Z_God left the chat.
[23:47:29] * Tobias left the chat.
[23:54:38] * mpranj left the chat.