Logs for jabber
[00:15:17] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[00:32:40] * the ♚ left the chat.
[01:27:34] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[01:54:08] * Milan.in joined the chat.
[01:56:24] * Milan.in left the chat.
[01:57:15] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[02:44:54] * GavYur left the chat.
[04:40:51] * washington9393 joined the chat.
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[05:06:50] <moskvicheff> 1
[05:06:54] <moskvicheff> hello
[05:16:38] * wilson152 joined the chat.
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[05:40:02] * madison59005 joined the chat.
[06:01:31] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[06:03:51] * Fmmurshid joined the chat.
[06:03:51] * Fmmurshid left the chat.
[06:06:04] * washington63495 joined the chat.
[06:06:39] <washington63495> hi I use digsby IM and when trying to get to my jabber account it wont connect
[06:07:08] <washington63495> are there server settings and port numbers I can enter in?
[06:08:46] <darkrain> What domain are you using?
[06:08:51] <darkrain> erm, *service
[06:09:08] <washington63495> erm
[06:09:26] <darkrain> like, google talk, your own domain, jabber.org, etc
[06:09:41] <washington63495> well it just says (in my IM client) enter jabber id and pwd
[06:09:57] <washington63495> cant see an option to choose a domain
[06:10:18] <darkrain> A Jabber ID generally looks like an email address, e.g. "user@gmail.com", or "darkrain42@jabber.org"
[06:10:33] <darkrain> In those two cases, 'gmail.com' and 'jabber.org' are what I'm calling service/domain
[06:10:48] <washington63495> I have options for "IM Source" Data proxy and resource
[06:10:57] <washington63495> ahh i see
[06:11:15] <washington63495> well mine is jabber.org
[06:11:38] <darkrain> Ok, so put into digsby "<yourusername>@jabber.org"
[06:12:27] <darkrain> You shouldn't need to configure in a server/port, but you can always try "jabber.org" and "5222"
[06:12:34] <darkrain> *hermes.jabber.org
[06:12:40] <washington63495> ok thabks i shall try what u suggested
[06:13:09] <darkrain> If it doesn't work, let us know. THere may be a way to get more diagnostic information out of Digsby (or from another WIndows
[06:13:36] <washington63495> mad! it worked
[06:13:37] <washington63495> :D
[06:13:40] <washington63495> thanks
[06:14:04] <darkrain> You're welcome :)
[06:17:01] * washington63495 left the chat.
[06:17:46] * anonymous5673 joined the chat.
[06:18:59] * madison59005 left the chat.
[06:38:32] * buchanan36725 joined the chat.
[06:38:39] <buchanan36725> hello
[06:38:57] <buchanan36725> hello
[06:39:23] <buchanan36725> is any one available
[06:39:31] <buchanan36725> gud morining
[06:39:44] * anonymous5673 left the chat.
[06:51:57] <buchanan36725> hi all
[07:13:18] * Creation joined the chat.
[07:18:58] * moskvicheff left the chat.
[07:33:07] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[07:46:11] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[08:01:38] * Tobias joined the chat.
[08:18:59] * GavYur joined the chat.
[08:25:36] * buchanan36725 left the chat.
[08:25:50] * garfield43195 joined the chat.
[08:46:49] * niekie left the chat.
[09:02:46] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[09:10:50] * naw joined the chat.
[09:39:39] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[09:44:37] <garfield43195> hi
[09:44:47] <garfield43195> hello
[09:57:27] <garfield43195> hello
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[09:57:44] <Lastwebpage> hello
[09:57:50] * carter46174 joined the chat.
[09:58:16] <carter46174> Hello
[09:59:42] <carter46174> Dear all, I have downloaded jabberd-1.4.4.tar and install in my linux redhat system.When i start the server and try to create
a jabber user using pidgin .The jabber server gets stoped and produced segmentation fault.
[10:15:28] <Nÿco> FYI http://www.process-one.net/en/blogs/article/ejabberd_2.1.6_release/
[10:20:11] <Tanguy> carter46174, I would not recommend that you use jabberd14: this is a very old server that may lack features and support.
[10:21:32] <carter46174> is ejabberd is efficient
[10:22:42] * Kev_ left the chat.
[10:23:10] <Tanguy> Is that a question?
[10:26:25] <carter46174> ok i will try to install ejabberd in my system.
[10:26:55] <carter46174> Is it possible to integrate gtalk with ejabberd.
[10:27:26] <naw> gtalk is one of the servers of the public jabber/xmpp network
[10:27:32] <naw> no it's already integrated ;)
[10:27:50] <naw> as log as you allow server to server communication, that is
[10:28:02] <naw> *so it's already integrated
[10:28:25] <naw> just add @gmail contacts to your local accounts
[10:29:39] * Tobias left the chat.
[10:29:57] * Tobias joined the chat.
[10:35:40] * mckinley47811 joined the chat.
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[10:39:45] <carter46174> local accounts represents i add my gtalk id to my jabber server
[10:40:05] * Tobias left the chat.
[10:40:12] * Tobias joined the chat.
[10:40:58] <carter46174> which version i have to choose for ejabber
[10:41:25] <Tanguy> Err, the one available in your distro?
[10:41:54] * moidunnymp joined the chat.
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[10:42:47] <carter46174> i think i should install the rpm or tar erlang from the internet.
[10:43:46] <carter46174> ejabber has several versions .
[10:43:58] <carter46174> what version i have to choose for my local system
[10:46:31] <Tanguy> I suggest that you install the one that comes with your distro, using the package management tools of your distro.
[10:48:11] <carter46174> ok tanguy thank you.
[10:49:48] * Tobias left the chat.
[10:51:18] <Tanguy> This is a general advice: when you want to install a software, do it with your distro tools, and only fall back to fetching
it from upstream if it is not available as a distro package.
[10:51:48] <naw> and ejabberd is not the only server, you also have openfire, tigase, prosody...
[10:52:06] <carter46174> i have seen the site and Downloaded ejabberd 2.1.6
[10:52:27] <carter46174> then i will instal it to my redhat linux 32 bit system
[10:56:16] <Tanguy> Again, you should rather install it from RedHat, if it is packaged.
[10:58:24] * MattJ joined the chat.
[10:59:00] * Shinepkv joined the chat.
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[11:03:17] <carter46174> i think it is not packaged in my linux distro ?
[11:03:43] <carter46174> how i should i install it using my the package ..Can use yum to install the ejabber
[11:03:51] <Tanguy> Maybe it is the case, I do not know how to check it.
[11:04:11] <Tanguy> /me does not know RedHat very well.
[11:04:12] <carter46174> ok ..If it is i will try to install only by using the yum command
[11:04:41] <carter46174> any way i have downloaded the latest version of ejabber .
[11:05:35] <carter46174> I have no idea about the ejabber as well as erlang language. is it possible to implement ejabber without knowing the erlang
[11:05:57] <Tanguy> Implementing ejabberd means nothing.
[11:06:14] <Tanguy> ejabberd is a software, written in Erlang, that implements the XMPP protocol.
[11:06:27] <Tanguy> What you can do with ejabberd is to compile it and to run it.
[11:07:00] <carter46174> yes my project is use any of the jabber server to communicate with gtalk id .
[11:07:15] <carter46174> i will try to implement it
[11:07:28] <carter46174> thank you for your guideline tanguy
[11:08:14] <carter46174> can u provide any material or tutorial about the ejabber
[11:10:32] <naw> the install guide http://www.process-one.net/en/ejabberd/guide_en
[11:11:57] * niekie joined the chat.
[11:15:19] * marseille left the chat.
[11:15:36] * marseille joined the chat.
[11:26:49] <carter46174> http://localhost:5280/admin/ page not found
[11:27:23] <carter46174> after starting the erlang server . when i click url page not found error found.
[11:28:15] <Tanguy> Are you using the server directly?
[11:28:40] <Tanguy> I mean, when you try to load this web page <http://localhost:5280/admin/>, are you using a web browser on the server itself?
[11:28:59] <carter46174> yes yes
[11:30:00] <carter46174> is any idea
[11:32:07] <carter46174> ejabberd-2.1.6/doc/start.html .When i click the admin interface the page not found error found
[11:38:20] * Tobias joined the chat.
[11:54:38] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[12:05:15] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[12:36:51] * carter46174 left the chat.
[12:37:11] * lurker23435 joined the chat.
[12:42:40] <lurker23435> how to specify the hostaname in ejabber server
[12:43:16] <lurker23435> in jabber1.4 we can specify during command line like jabber -h hostaname
[12:54:21] <Tanguy> In the configuration file.
[12:54:46] <Tanguy> <http://www.process-one.net/en/ejabberd/guide_en#htoc21>.
[13:07:12] * Tobias left the chat.
[13:28:34] * GavYur left the chat.
[13:29:04] * Tobias joined the chat.
[13:31:47] * GavYur joined the chat.
[13:41:15] * niekie left the chat.
[13:44:49] * niekie joined the chat.
[14:02:25] * Kev_ joined the chat.
[14:06:01] * lurker23435 left the chat.
[14:16:10] * Tobias left the chat.
[14:17:53] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[14:24:58] * Tobias joined the chat.
[14:28:37] * mpranj joined the chat.
[14:33:04] * Tobias left the chat.
[14:34:26] * Kev_ left the chat.
[14:41:40] * Kev_ joined the chat.
[14:55:45] * the ♚ left the chat.
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[15:19:38] * niekie left the chat.
[15:20:47] * niekie joined the chat.
[15:43:48] * polk35765 joined the chat.
[15:44:29] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[15:56:41] * treebilou left the chat.
[15:59:54] * niekie joined the chat.
[16:08:49] * Jeff~ joined the chat.
[16:09:13] <Jeff~> do any of you guys know of a working skype transport? apparently such a thing exists.
[16:11:18] <Tanguy> I never heard of it, and I wonder how it would be possible given that Skype is notoriously obfuscated to avoid non-official
[16:17:18] * niekie left the chat.
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[16:20:30] * treebilou joined the chat.
[16:22:33] * GavYur left the chat.
[16:22:33] * GavYur joined the chat.
[16:25:52] <MattJ> It requires an instance of Skype be running
[16:27:51] * hayes20869 joined the chat.
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[16:40:12] * fillmore23438 joined the chat.
[16:40:25] <fillmore23438> Can anyone help me with a Server address for my phpbb?
[16:40:57] <Tanguy> It seems I have already seen this exact question before.
[16:41:28] <fillmore23438> Great then you would have an answer
[16:41:45] <Tanguy> It depends on what you need.
[16:41:47] * niekie left the chat.
[16:41:50] <Tanguy> What is it for?
[16:42:13] <fillmore23438> Jabber server:
My phpbb is asking for this.
[16:42:21] <Tanguy> To enable what feature?
[16:42:31] <fillmore23438> It's for the general setup
[16:42:42] <Tanguy> What will it do with it?
[16:42:50] <Tanguy> Does it only ask for a server address?
[16:43:42] <fillmore23438> Well it's the only thing I don't know what to enter. It asks for my JIB name and password Jabber port is already set as 5522.
[16:44:13] * niekie joined the chat.
[16:44:18] <Tanguy> 5222, rather.
[16:44:28] <Tanguy> Wait, I am looking the phpBB's documentation.
[16:44:38] <fillmore23438> Oops sorry yes 5222
[16:45:25] <fillmore23438> Under Jabber settings in the phpbb admin section is says to go to jabber.org for a list of servers. I can't seem to find a
list anywhere there.
[16:45:33] <Tanguy> Okay, it looks like phpBB can act as a Jabber bot, implementing a gateway to the Jabber messaging system.
[16:45:52] <Tanguy> Do you want your phpBB to be available by Jabber?
[16:46:06] <fillmore23438> yes that is what I need.
[16:46:23] <Tanguy> Okay. So have a Jabber account created for your phpBB.
[16:46:51] <Tanguy> It will act as a Jabber bot, as I said, and a Jabber bot needs a Jabber account.
[16:47:21] <fillmore23438> What do I enter as the server address for the preliminary setup for my phpbb?
[16:47:44] <fillmore23438> this has to be entered in order to setup jabber on my phpbb.
[16:47:47] <Tanguy> Do you already have a Jabber account for it?
[16:48:02] <Tanguy> Of course it is required. A Jabber bot cannot work without a Jabber account.
[16:48:07] <fillmore23438> I have a jabber account but not for the phpbb. Thought that is what I was setting up.
[16:48:30] * Tobias joined the chat.
[16:48:32] <Tanguy> You can use your own account, but I do not know if this is really what you want.
[16:48:38] <fillmore23438> guess I don't know what I am talking about then..
[16:48:52] <Tanguy> phpBB will use this account to send messages to people when they are posted, I suppose.
[16:49:02] <fillmore23438> Right..
[16:49:21] <Tanguy> So if you want subscribed people to receive messages from *your* Jabber account on behalf of your phpBB, then use your account.
[16:49:28] <Tanguy> If you do not, have a dedicated account.
[16:49:31] <fillmore23438> Oh well. I'll just skip this part of the setup. Not a big deal. thought it would be cool to incorporate this withing my bb.
[16:49:54] <fillmore23438> OK thanks for your help tanguy!
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[16:58:05] * naw left the chat.
[17:03:14] * niekie left the chat.
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[17:28:21] * Kev_ left the chat.
[17:32:48] * cm2x joined the chat.
[17:33:49] <cm2x> question: is jabber.org not communicating out to other servers? I appear to be offline to all of my contacts :(
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[19:12:06] * naw joined the chat.
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[19:16:05] * Z_God joined the chat.
[19:27:21] * Creation left the chat.
[19:48:49] * alice joined the chat.
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[20:13:39] * ivucica joined the chat.
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[20:14:51] * Tobias left the chat.
[20:18:40] * ivucica joined the chat.
[20:23:12] <ivucica> um, anyone here i can ask about getting into the xmpp.org's client list? Peter doesn't seem to be online :)
[20:23:13] * /gentili.nicola left the chat.
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[20:40:25] <naw> ivucica: I guess that you could send him an email, although his inbox is always full :p
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[21:10:54] <ivucica> naw: ;)
[21:11:05] <ivucica> i did manage to get a hold of him INSTANTLY yesterday
[21:11:20] <ivucica> one second i added him to roster, the next second we were talking :)
[21:11:33] <ivucica> well, can't be lucky every day, can you ...
[21:11:35] <ivucica> anyways, g2g :)
[21:11:39] <ivucica> bye!
[21:11:42] * ivucica left the chat.
[21:11:52] <naw> hehe
[21:11:52] <naw> bye then
[21:11:53] * /gentili.nicola left the chat.
[21:11:57] <naw> /me feels a lot of lag
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[21:15:47] <zoyab> Assalamu alaikum
[21:17:23] <zoyab> May i ask smthng
[21:18:00] <naw> ask and we try to solve your doubt
[21:18:56] <zoyab> I wana knw wich room is ths
[21:19:51] <zoyab> Pls help me
[21:20:09] <naw> this is jabber@conference.jabber.org
[21:20:10] * /gentili.nicola left the chat.
[21:20:45] <naw> that is, the "jabber" room of "conference.jabber.org"
[21:21:02] <naw> this is the help room of the jabber.org server
[21:21:11] <zoyab> Oh so ths is nt a nimbuzz room
[21:23:11] <naw> no, this is not a room about nimbuzz
[21:25:00] <zoyab> By mistek i com here
[21:25:01] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
[21:26:07] <zoyab> I use talkonaut ths is new 4 me
[21:26:46] <zoyab> Wil u help me
[21:28:11] <zoyab> Helo
[21:28:27] <naw> I don't have experience with talkonaut
[21:28:38] <zoyab> Ths is gmail?
[21:30:46] <naw> you can join this room using any jabber/xmpp account (including gmail)
[21:31:59] <zoyab> May i join ths room wth nimbuz acont
[21:32:55] <naw> I don't know
[21:33:11] <zoyab> Pleez tel me
[21:33:36] <zoyab> Ok
[21:33:53] <zoyab> Gtg
[21:34:00] <naw> bye
[21:34:24] <zoyab> 1 more thing
[21:35:00] <zoyab> Wat u r using i mean pc or mob
[21:35:53] <MattJ> Most people here are using a PC
[21:37:41] <zoyab> <naw> bye
[21:38:20] <zoyab> I wana b a membar ov ur room if u dont mind
[21:39:17] <zoyab> May i join?
[21:39:37] <MattJ> You're here :)
[21:39:47] <MattJ> and feel free to stay
[21:41:02] <zoyab> I mean again 2morow
[21:41:50] <MattJ> Sure
[21:43:08] <zoyab> Ok
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[21:49:27] <naw> I'm back
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[21:57:04] * Holger joined the chat.
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