Logs for jabber
[00:28:11] * obama1630 left the chat.
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[08:44:47] * polk419 joined the chat.
[08:48:44] <polk419> hi there, i am quite new to the xmpp protocol and i am trying to develop a bot in java. right now i am a little bit stuck.
i can connect to my local openfire server. but now i don't know how to go on. are there any good resources like a compendium
with all the possible methods i could use? or a newbie guide for dummies ^^
[08:59:21] * Deondsilva joined the chat.
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[09:00:46] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[09:03:30] * washington8549 joined the chat.
[09:08:34] <washington8549> hi everyone, I am developing a small chat client from Android, and already created an account in jabber.org. Could u please
tell me, the Hostname & port to connect ?
[09:10:38] * naw joined the chat.
[09:11:25] * washington8549 left the chat.
[09:18:30] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[09:30:36] * Nÿco joined the chat.
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[10:37:47] * czhan joined the chat.
[10:49:14] * Tobias left the chat.
[10:54:51] * buchanan1286 joined the chat.
[10:55:14] <buchanan1286> hi all
[10:55:25] <naw> hello
[10:55:35] <czhan> hello
[10:56:29] <buchanan1286> i am new to jabber i have successfully installed jabber1.2 in my linux system.Now the jabber server is running.
[10:57:58] <buchanan1286> I am using the pidgin to create a new user account in my jabber server.
[10:58:33] <buchanan1286> My account is created in spool/hostname/test.xml file.
[10:58:45] <buchanan1286> every thing is ok.
[10:58:59] <naw> jabber1.2?
do you mean jabberd14 (1.6.0)? or jabberd2 (2.2.11)? both are ancient and I doubt that they are well maintained
ejabberd, prosody, openfire or tigase are far more popular
[10:59:53] <buchanan1286> i have downloaded the following tar file in the internet jabber-1.2.linux-i386.tar
[11:01:25] <naw> I don't recognize that one, so it may be really ancient
[11:02:17] <naw> maybe it's based on the original code...
[11:02:32] <buchanan1286> so can i use jabberd14
[11:02:41] <naw> don't you have a server packaged in your repos?
[11:03:05] <buchanan1286> ok i will download the jabberd14
[11:03:19] <naw> I would go with ejabberd, prosody or openfire, whatever is in your distribution repositories
[11:03:42] <Tanguy> Which distro do you use, buchanan1286?
[11:03:50] <naw> jabberd14 and jabberd2 doesn't have as much features
[11:04:41] <buchanan1286> ok i will try to download any one the server naw.
[11:05:02] <buchanan1286> tanguy i am using jabber-1.2.linux-i386.tar..
[11:05:03] <naw> there is a longer server list at http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/servers/
[11:05:15] <buchanan1286> thank you naw
[11:05:28] <buchanan1286> I have general question regarding jabber.
[11:05:32] <naw> buchanan1286: he means your linux distribution (debian, cent os, suse, fedora....)
[11:06:05] <buchanan1286> red hat fedora
[11:08:11] <buchanan1286> Now my question is i have created an xmpp account in pidgin and running the jabber server.How to integrate the my jabber account
in gtalk,yahoo messenger.For example (test@chat.com) to add a buddy list in google talk.
[11:09:06] <buchanan1286> chat.com is my test domain .I have added it to my virutal host in my linux system.
[11:10:08] <buchanan1286> For example use the live id in your gtalk jobs@chat.naukri.com
[11:10:14] <buchanan1286> jobs@chat.naukri.com
[11:10:47] <Tanguy> I do not understand everything you say. No idea what a live id is.
[11:11:08] <Tanguy> Google Talk, however, is a Jabber service, so you should have no problem communicating with them.
[11:11:17] <Tanguy> As long as you are connecter to the Jabber network.
[11:11:30] <buchanan1286> Sorry tanguy .I will explain you clearly.
[11:11:34] <naw> I think that he means jabber ids, but he uses the windows live name
[11:11:45] <Tanguy> Which means: accepting incoming server to server connections and having a DNS name pointing to you.
[11:12:04] <Tanguy> And, given that you use a bogus domain name, I doubt it is the case.
[11:12:26] <Tanguy> By the way, you should use domain names ending in .example, this is designed for such uses.
[11:13:04] <buchanan1286> for example when i added jobs@chat.naukri.com in my gtalk buddy list.I can send request to the id in my gtalk .
[11:13:20] <buchanan1286> and then i get the response too.
[11:13:35] <buchanan1286> i want to do the same thing for my project .
[11:13:41] <Tanguy> If <jobs@chat.naukri.com> is a valid Jabber id, no problem.
[11:13:49] * naw_ joined the chat.
[11:13:56] <buchanan1286> yes ofcourse .Its a valid jabber id.
[11:14:29] <Tanguy> How is your Jabber server connected to the Internet?
[11:15:01] <naw> I can see chat.naukri.com using my gtalk account, but not from jabberes or jabber.org, something doesn't work properly
[11:15:52] * naw_ left the chat.
[11:18:15] <buchanan1286> I am using the jabber server (jabber-1.2.linux-i386.tar) it is listening in 5222 port .Then i use pidgin and created the xmpp
[11:18:25] <Tanguy> How is your Jabber server connected to the Internet?
[11:19:44] <buchanan1286> i just do the above steps .but i do no whether my jabber connected to internet.
[11:19:51] <buchanan1286> i am new to jabber .
[11:19:51] <Tanguy> There is a problem with chat.naukri.com. Maybe SSL problem.
[11:20:04] <Tanguy> Where is your server installed?
[11:20:59] <Tanguy> Is it in your office, in your home, in a datacentre?
[11:24:27] <buchanan1286> its in my local machine which is connected to the internet
[11:24:58] <Tanguy> How are you connected to the Internet? DSL line?
[11:25:02] <buchanan1286> yes.
[11:25:23] <Tanguy> Through a raw modem attached to your computer by USB, or through a router-modem?
[11:25:31] <buchanan1286> through a router.
[11:25:54] <Tanguy> Do you have several computers connected to it, or do you have the ability to plugs several ones, at least?
[11:26:45] <buchanan1286> its in my office network. there are lots of computers attached to it.
[11:26:49] * lurker45824 joined the chat.
[11:26:59] <Tanguy> Then you are connected to the Internet v4 through a NAT.
[11:27:06] <buchanan1286> yes.
[11:27:33] * Tobias joined the chat.
[11:28:00] <Tanguy> So, if you want to connect your XMPP server to the Jabber network you have to configure your router to forward incoming TCP
connections to port 5269 to your computer.
[11:28:11] <Tanguy> So that it is reachable from the Internet v4.
[11:28:59] <Tanguy> If you are also connected to the Internet v6, it should be without a NAT, so it should work directly for IPv6 connections.
Though it may be blocked by a firewall and require unblocking.
[11:29:19] <buchanan1286> we use ipv4.
[11:29:27] * lurker45824 left the chat.
[11:29:40] <Tanguy> Then, configure your router to forward incoming XMPP connections to you, as I said.
[11:29:47] <Tanguy> This is for network-related settings.
[11:29:55] <Tanguy> Then, you will have some DNS settings to do.
[11:30:42] <Tanguy> (unless having Jabber IDs @IP is ok for you)
[11:32:18] <buchanan1286> now how do i configure the @hostname. it should be related to my domain .. for ex : chat@chathost.com
[11:32:50] <Tanguy> Yes indeed. What do you want to know exactly?
[11:33:03] <Tanguy> How to register your Jabber service in your domain name?
[11:34:15] <buchanan1286> i want an id like chat@chathost.com. People should add my id to their buddy list and i should be able to accept these invitations
automatically. as soon as he types some keywords, like help or more, i should respond to him based on the keyword.
[11:34:22] <buchanan1286> this is my requirement.
[11:34:34] <Tanguy> So, step 1: configure your router.
[11:34:50] * Jackson left the chat.
[11:34:51] <Tanguy> Step 2: configure your DNS.
[11:35:17] <buchanan1286> ok. should i open port 5269 in the router to open an incoming request to my local ip.
[11:35:42] <Tanguy> 2.1 have a name for your IPv4 address, such as :
office.chathost.com. A [your public IPv4 address]
[11:35:52] <buchanan1286> ok
[11:36:31] <Tanguy> 2.2 add a Jabber service record :
_xmpp-server._tcp.chathost.com. SRV 100 10 5269 office.chathost.com.
[11:36:44] <buchanan1286> where should i add this?
[11:37:08] <buchanan1286> sorry in router ..
[11:37:36] <Tanguy> No idea. You have to configure your router, that is it. How to do that depends on your router, I cannot help.
[11:37:43] <buchanan1286> ok..
[11:38:02] <Tanguy> Are you the network administrator?
[11:38:05] <buchanan1286> no..
[11:38:11] <Tanguy> Then ask them.
[11:38:22] <Tanguy> They are the ones that should do that.
[11:38:29] <buchanan1286> ok . i will check with them, after that what should i do?
[11:38:31] <Tanguy> Are you the system administrator?
[11:38:40] <buchanan1286> no.. i am a developer.
[11:38:56] <Tanguy> Then ask them for the DNS too.
[11:39:01] <buchanan1286> ok
[11:39:34] <Tanguy> Ask your network admin to configure the router to forward you incoming Jabber s2s connections, that is, inbound TCP port 5269.
[11:39:46] <buchanan1286> ok. i will do that.
[11:39:51] <Tanguy> Then ask your system admin to add the DNS records.
[11:39:58] <buchanan1286> ok.
[11:40:19] <Tanguy> By the way, in my company I am a network and system admin, and if a developper requested that to me, I would refuse.
[11:40:46] <Tanguy> Because setting up the corporate Jabber service is not the job of a developper.
[11:40:47] <buchanan1286> i would try to do the same on a live server//
[11:40:55] <Tanguy> What is a live server?
[11:41:11] <buchanan1286> i would get it in a production server. a live domain with a public ip.
[11:41:16] <Tanguy> Oh, yes.
[11:41:32] <Tanguy> That would be easier. But still not the job of a developer, to me.
[11:41:45] <buchanan1286> ok.. i would ask the admin to set this up.
[11:42:29] <Tanguy> Well, I am not at your company, I just suspect they may not accept to do it.
[11:43:24] <buchanan1286> ok i will take care of that procedures with my admin.Can u tell me the next steps?
[11:43:52] <Tanguy> No next step. That was all: 1. router or firewall setup, 2. DNS setup.
[11:48:06] <buchanan1286> ok thank you
[11:51:01] <buchanan1286> kindly provide some links for the jabber tutorial and configuring server]
[11:52:44] <Tanguy> I have none in English.
[12:01:41] <buchanan1286> thank you
[12:05:45] <buchanan1286> can any one have a jabber tutorial
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[14:59:18] * zac joined the chat.
[15:00:48] <zac> Hi guys, what do I need to tell someone who wants to add me as a contact. Sorry if this is a dumb question but I am a complete
newcomer to this. Thx.
[15:01:57] <Lastwebpage> your JID it looks like abc@example.com
[15:02:24] <Lastwebpage> abc=Your nickname, example.com=your login server
[15:03:24] <zac> My login server is jabber.org so all I need to do is add my account name, right? and thx for answering me lastwebpage!
[15:03:56] <Lastwebpage> yes
[15:04:42] <zac> How do I then find them, do I come back here and look for their id, or what?
[15:05:12] <Lastwebpage> no
[15:05:56] <zac> How do I find them then?, sorry to be such a newbie! i've only just got onto the internet!
[15:06:40] <zac> :-S
[15:06:51] <Lastwebpage> you send him a request to add you. If the contact accept this request, your client show the contact in a contactlist, with
the status (online, Oflline,...)
[15:07:41] <zac> Do I add them to my contact list as well then?
[15:08:06] <Lastwebpage> Find? No, it's not really possible, because Jabber have not one big server like ICQ, MSN, ... you must normally know the JID
from a person.
[15:08:35] * zac in now known as zac_eb18.
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[15:09:48] <Lastwebpage> it's more like an EMail, if you not know the correct address, you send to nowhere ;)
[15:10:29] * zac joined the chat.
[15:11:06] <zac> Sorry I'm having a few connection dropouts with my mobile internet!
[15:12:08] * zac in now known as zac_eb18.
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[15:17:11] <zac> Are you still here lastwebpage, sorry i had to move the wifi dongle:-S
[15:17:21] <Lastwebpage> yes
[15:18:01] <zac> Sorry, what is a JID, I'm thick, I know!
[15:18:36] <Lastwebpage> the JID for a person is:
[15:18:42] <Lastwebpage> [16:00] Lastwebpage : your JID it looks like abc@example.com
[16:01] Lastwebpage : abc=Your nickname, example.com=your login server
[15:18:53] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[15:19:09] <Lastwebpage> but e.g. this room here have a JID too
[15:19:35] <Lastwebpage> every "thing" in Jabber have a JID
[15:20:04] <Lastwebpage> persons, chat rooms, services,...
[15:20:08] <zac> Ok right that is very helpful, I suppose I'll just have to try it out, You've been very helpful lastwebpage, I've gotta go
my meals ready, cheers:-!
[15:21:41] <zac> Bye
[15:21:48] <Lastwebpage> bye
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[16:01:18] <taft12898> hi
[16:03:44] <taft12898> becarefull hi
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[16:06:16] <washington43978> hi
[16:06:44] <waqas> Hello
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[17:08:05] <zac> Can anyone help me with a question please?. It may sound stupid but I want to know whether I can speak with someone on YAHOO
Messenger on Jabber, Thanx in anticipation.:-S
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[17:09:43] <zac> Was it really such a stupid question?:-(
[17:09:57] <naw> nah, we are slow to answer
[17:10:12] <naw> you can use transports for that
[17:10:20] <naw> but you will need a yahoo account
[17:11:03] <naw> but I would suggest to use a multiprotocol client (pidgin, adium, miranda) instead transports
[17:11:13] <louiz’> I would suggest the same thing.
[17:11:31] <naw> anywaay, if you still want to use transports, http://www.jabberes.org/servers/servers_by_gateway_yahoo.html
[17:11:48] <zac> I have pidgin installed on my setup, so I can use that, but do I still need a yahoo account?
[17:12:05] <naw> yes
[17:12:29] <naw> well, maybe a msn account will also do the trick... at least with the official msn client
[17:12:57] * amit218amit left the chat.
[17:13:03] <zac> What is meant by a transport?, I'm sorry I'm very new to this!:-S
[17:13:06] <Lastwebpage> pidgin is a multiprotocol client use the Yahoo part. Transports have a lot of limits
[17:13:47] <zac> Can someone on a Yahoo account talk to me without me having one/
[17:13:59] <louiz’> Nope
[17:14:08] <louiz’> Yahoo accounts can only talk to yahoo accounts
[17:14:22] <louiz’> (or MAYBE MSN, I don't know)
[17:14:24] <louiz’> but that's all
[17:14:33] <naw> a transport is a element that displays yahoo contacts as if they were jabber contacts, it translates from jabber yo yahoo
[17:14:50] <zac> I 'spose they could always use jabber like me then,hey?:-S
[17:15:04] <louiz’> zac, that's the best solution, yes ;)
[17:15:10] <louiz’> If they're willing to do that
[17:15:21] <zac> Trouble is I don't think they are even on the same continent!
[17:15:22] <naw> remember that google accounts are jabber accounts ;)
[17:16:02] <louiz’> But the continent doesn't matter :p And yes, gmail.com adresses are Jabber accounts
[17:16:12] <zac> I don't have an e-mail account so signing up for YAHOO is impossible, I think?
[17:16:38] <zac> I've only just got on the internet!:-S
[17:17:03] <naw> you can create a yahoo account
[17:17:20] <naw> and it will come with a yahoo email account
[17:17:57] <zac> How so, naw, don't I need an e-mail address to even get a yahoo account?:-!
[17:18:30] <louiz’> you get a yahoo account by getting your yahoo e-mail adress
[17:18:32] <louiz’> I suppose
[17:18:42] <louiz’> So that's one step
[17:19:13] <zac> You are all being very helpful and I am very grateful, I'm just a little thick being new to all this!:-!
[17:20:11] <louiz’> You're welcome
[17:21:00] <naw> you also can create an email account in gmail, hotmail...
[17:21:24] <zac> I think I'll suggest they come and get a jabber account, It'll be easier for me, but thanks all. I didn't need to give an
e-mail address for this account, it is great! (must stop using !!!!, its annoying , I know).:-S
[17:23:09] <zac> When I go to other "rooms" on jabber I'm not seeing any contacts, anyone know why. Also the converstion window doesn't even
appear, help please.:-!
[17:23:37] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[17:23:39] <louiz’> maybe the room is empty?
[17:23:42] <louiz’> what is this room ?
[17:23:55] <louiz’> zac, and what is your client (the software)
[17:24:14] <zac> Its Empathy in Fedora-14 (Linux)
[17:25:05] <louiz’> ok. And what is the room where you have this problem?
[17:25:27] <louiz’> Empathy worked correctly on rooms when I tested it
[17:25:40] <zac> It;s a room called "chat", louiz'.:-!
[17:25:56] <zac> According to empathy it has 5 users.
[17:26:31] <louiz’> on which server?
[17:26:40] <louiz’> the server is the part avec @ in the name
[17:27:00] <zac> I think it's this one, jabber.org Louiz'.
[17:27:18] <louiz’> Well, I'm in, and there are 9 people
[17:27:27] <louiz’> and they are talking arabish :p
[17:27:46] <zac> Oh maybe it's a problem at my end then?
[17:29:00] <louiz’> maybe
[17:29:00] <zac> Thanx everyone for all your help, especially you Louiz'. You've been great, I've gotta go now. Thanks again, See ya! (oops,
forget the !).
[17:29:13] <louiz’> the name of the room should be chat@conference.jabber.org, not chat@jabber.org
[17:29:48] <zac> Right I'll try that, thanx again Louiz', See ya.
[17:29:54] <louiz’> bye :)
[17:30:02] <zac> :-S
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[22:51:19] <zac_eb18> Can anyone recommend a chatroom other than this for me to try 'cos up til now this is the only one where I can see other users,
[22:53:23] <naw> take a look to http://search.wensley.org.uk/
[22:53:35] <naw> that should help you to locate rooms
[22:54:21] <zac_eb18> thanx naw, I'll do that riight now and come back to let you know.See ya.
[22:54:41] <waqas> That has a lot of russian rooms..
[22:57:26] <zac_eb18> I have a few servers now, how do I acces them, sorry to be a nuisance but I am new to this.
[23:00:21] <naw> well, that will depend on the program that you use to connect here
[23:00:57] <zac_eb18> I'm using Pidgin in Linux, naw:)
[23:01:27] <naw> if it has a service discovery option, you could use it to list the server services , included the rooms (in pidgin is available
as a plugin)
[23:02:00] <naw> you also should have a "room list" option, though you have to know the server address
[23:02:11] <naw> at least that was that way a year ago
[23:02:32] <naw> also you can join the room directly if you klnow it's address
[23:03:01] <naw> if you can't figure out, I could open pidgin to take a look
[23:03:11] <zac_eb18> Where do I enter the server address, I\m completely lost!:'-(
[23:04:15] <naw> in the service discovery?
[23:04:24] <naw> in the room list?
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[23:04:40] <naw> in the join a chat dialog?
[23:05:00] <naw> (I have pidgin in spanish so the names may be different to those that you see
[23:06:03] <zac_eb18> I don't know the room name and the discover services doesn't appear to work, sorry to be so thick.
[23:07:04] <zac_eb18> I keep getting error 404:Item not found.:'-(
[23:08:15] <naw> what is the server where you are trying to connect?
[23:10:04] <zac_eb18> It's the room "chat" on this server (jabber.org), but I really just want to rey and access any other room than this (no offence).:)
[23:10:29] <zac_eb18> My typing sucks!
[23:10:50] <zac_eb18> I meant to say TRY any other server.
[23:11:06] <zac_eb18> or room!
[23:11:19] <naw> I don't like pidgin's way to list rooms
[23:11:47] <zac_eb18> Neither do I, can't tell if anyone's there or not!.
[23:11:59] <naw> because you have to guess the conference address (in jabber.org is conference.jabber.org=
[23:12:02] <naw> hehe
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[23:16:07] <naw> try rooms.jabber.org.au
[23:16:16] <naw> that is a server from australia
[23:16:34] <zac_eb18> Sorry naw, my mobile internet wifi dongle keeps disconnecting me. What does hehe mean I'm still learning the lingo?
[23:17:09] <naw> that's a laugh
[23:17:41] <zac_eb18> Of course, I'm so stupid!;-)
[23:17:46] <naw> :p
[23:18:30] <zac_eb18> I'll try that address and come back to you, Be back soon (that's bbs i presume).
[23:24:07] <zac_eb18> No luck, I'll tell you what I'm doing. 1: Selecting Join chat. 2: leaving "Room" section blank (cos I dont know any)
3:Entering the address in server box. 4:entering zac into handle box . 5: Leaving Password box empty (Is that the problem)
6: pressing "room list" Then waiting, but another box comes up virtually the same as this one. (Sorry for the long explanation,
but hope it helps).:'-(
[23:26:34] <zac_eb18> P.S. the only account I have is with jabber.org.
[23:27:15] <zac_eb18> Because that didb't need an e-mail address to set up.
[23:27:18] <naw> oh, I was on, tools > room list
in the new dialog type the server
[23:27:25] <naw> rooms.jabber.org.au
[23:28:08] <naw> you should see 11 rooms
[23:28:15] <naw> mostly empty
[23:28:33] <zac_eb18> The next box that comes up asks me for the conference server to query!
[23:28:54] <naw> put rooms.jabber.org.au
[23:29:58] <zac_eb18> Great I've got them, do the numbers indicate people in the rooms then?
[23:30:04] <naw> yes
[23:31:28] <naw> in most servers most rooms are empty
[23:31:29] <zac_eb18> Your help has been great, thanx for speaking to me I should now be able to connect to one of these, or others, if not I may
be back. (Although I bet your hoping not, hehe), thanx again naw:)
[23:31:37] <naw> :)
[23:31:47] <naw> you are wellcome
[23:31:53] <naw> *welcome
[23:32:08] <zac_eb18> Cheers, see ya.
[23:33:41] <naw> bye
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