Logs for jabber
[00:20:41] * jameschurchman left the chat.
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[00:51:49] * waqas joined the chat.
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[03:10:30] * Link Mauve left the chat.
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[04:58:06] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[05:15:06] * taft37081 joined the chat.
[05:15:27] <taft37081> hello ?
[05:15:32] <waqas> Hi
[05:15:38] <taft37081> who can tell me where can I download a jabber client ?
[05:15:41] <taft37081> thanks!
[05:16:05] <darkrain> There's a list of them on the http://xmpp.org website
[05:16:14] <taft37081> thanks
[05:16:21] <darkrain> http://xmpp.org/clients
[05:16:36] <waqas> The new one is here: http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/clients/
[05:16:46] <darkrain> It redirects (I checked) :P
[05:16:50] <waqas> Oh, redirects to the same, yes
[05:16:53] <darkrain> I don't like the new list very much :(
[05:17:01] <taft37081> If I install jabber client to my pc , then if I can chat with it "?
[05:17:02] <waqas> Agreed
[05:17:06] <darkrain> taft37081: What operating system are you using?
[05:17:09] <darkrain> Windows?
[05:17:16] <taft37081> yes
[05:17:19] <taft37081> you are right'
[05:17:30] <waqas> taft37081: You need an account on the server to (which you can create from within the client).
[05:17:39] <waqas> darkrain: I'm not a fan of the new website :)
[05:17:48] <darkrain> I'm bemused by the number of website changes
[05:17:52] * marseille left the chat.
[05:18:08] <taft37081> Just now I registered in www.jabber.ort
[05:18:09] <darkrain> taft37081: You might try Pandion or Gajim or Pidgin (or Miranda, waqas might give you a yea or nay there)
[05:18:33] <waqas> Miranda is better suited for advanced users/tinkerers.
[05:18:40] <waqas> IMHO
[05:18:47] <taft37081> ok, thanks a lot !
[05:18:55] <darkrain> Okay, that was my vague impression, but I haven't actually used it in...well, maybe ever.
[05:19:26] <waqas> Pandion is nice for new users. Pidgin works too (aside from my dislike for gtk).
[05:19:40] <darkrain> Heh, on Windows, it's kinda icky
[05:20:05] <waqas> darkrain: Did I mention I like the debug window quite a bit?
[05:20:09] <darkrain> Pidgin is also multi-protocol (so you can have AIM, MSN, Yahoo, etc accounts in addition to your XMPP account in one client)
[05:20:18] <darkrain> waqas: Yes, you did. It is quite nice :)
[05:20:50] <darkrain> waqas: My one issue is that it only logs as long as it's open. I (as a developer) fairly often encounter an error and want
to look at the last 100+ log messages
[05:21:00] * taft37081 left the chat.
[05:21:01] <darkrain> I need to write a line-based ring buffer for it :(
[05:21:38] <waqas> That was going to be a feature in my unwritten client. Along with the ability to look at the source of any messages/etc shown
in the UI.
[05:21:55] <darkrain> 'source' being lua source?
[05:22:03] <waqas> No, the actual XML.
[05:22:12] <darkrain> Oh, right, XMPP-specific clients :P
[05:22:27] <darkrain> That sounds nice
[05:22:52] <waqas> It could in theory work with non-XML protocols :)
[05:22:53] <darkrain> (I'd also like a feature that lets me pull up the line where an error string is generated, but that's...kinda picky. And
[05:23:19] <waqas> Hard for a compiled client with no lineno info perhaps :)
[05:23:58] <darkrain> Well, definitely there, except debug symbols store source files from build time
[05:24:54] <darkrain> but really, I was thinking of issues like:
... code flow...
connection_error(session, "Blah blah blah. The server hates you.", ERR_SERVER_HATES_YOU);
and then connection_error does other things before actually displaying the message to the screen
[05:25:12] <darkrain> or imagine more levels of [indirection] between the originating error point and whatever displays it to the screen
[05:25:22] <waqas> By the way, did the compiling libpurple with MSVC story progress any?
[05:25:27] <darkrain> Haha
[05:25:32] <MattJ> :)
[05:25:43] <darkrain> (then again, just the ability to generate a stack trace would be sufficiently useful)
[05:25:48] <darkrain> so yes, Lua wins :P
[05:26:09] <darkrain> I think so, but (like most of our SoC projects :/) it seems to have stalled, and stagnated
[05:26:18] <waqas> Hmm, you reminded me that I wanted to improve the stacktraces prosody generates
[05:26:32] <darkrain> Make sure they still contain [C], please
[05:26:40] <darkrain> HAL's response makes me so happy
[05:27:17] <waqas> I was thinking of adding local values and/or function arguments
[05:27:57] <darkrain> Just as long as it contains [C]
[05:28:20] <waqas> You can have that with a separate mod_c
[05:28:38] <waqas> All the C's you want, and modular to boot.
[05:28:57] <darkrain> But I need other people to be using it :(
[05:29:04] <darkrain> I don't get that many backtraces
[05:30:26] <waqas> We are too stable perhaps :/
[05:30:42] <darkrain> Well, I guess I should say "comparatively"
[05:30:55] <darkrain> (for running trunk)
[05:30:57] <waqas> Everything's relative :)
[05:35:19] * darkrain left the chat.
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[05:40:43] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[06:21:43] * harding16476 joined the chat.
[06:21:44] <harding16476> hi ?
[06:22:09] <harding16476> I need your help
[06:22:30] <harding16476> I found many public jabber servers
[06:22:46] <harding16476> but I don't know how to register the account
[06:22:52] <harding16476> who can tell me ?
[06:25:15] <harding16476> hi,darkrain ?
[06:26:29] <waqas> harding16476: http://register.jabber.org/
[06:26:30] <waqas> Or use your jabber client to register
[06:26:46] <waqas> There should be a register option in the accounts setting dialog or something
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[06:31:03] * MattJ left the chat.
[06:52:34] * GavYur joined the chat.
[07:02:11] * niekie left the chat.
[07:10:07] * Creation joined the chat.
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[07:55:37] * niekie joined the chat.
[07:56:13] <niekie> I don't think that option is available anymore.
[07:56:27] <niekie> AFAIK you *must* register through register.jabber.org now.
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[08:01:18] * Pavanteja85 joined the chat.
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[08:10:38] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[08:25:50] * Tobias joined the chat.
[08:45:07] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[09:16:30] * treebilou joined the chat.
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[12:09:11] * mckroehl joined the chat.
[12:09:44] <niekie> What on earth...
[12:10:46] <mckroehl> i think clients dont work anymore because you need to complete a captcha to register
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[12:27:10] * mckroehl left the chat.
[12:28:03] * Neustradamus left the chat.
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[12:53:34] * zz-andrez.2008 in now known as DOC.
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[14:18:23] * MattJ joined the chat.
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[16:14:03] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[16:35:26] * Prometheus joined the chat.
[16:35:33] <Prometheus> hi
[16:36:14] <Prometheus> i am using Miranda and i have the following question about adding a google talk-user to my list
[16:37:09] <Prometheus> when i search for a username (like abc123@gmail.com), Miranda always finds that user, no matter if the user exists or not
[16:37:26] <Lastwebpage> yes
[16:37:36] <Prometheus> i tried searching something like "bkjfgsldkfjgs687t@gmail.com" and that user was found
[16:37:48] <Prometheus> so how do i know if the user _really_ exists?
[16:37:51] * robertlj joined the chat.
[16:38:01] <Lastwebpage> anyone@everywhere.XYZ exists
[16:38:46] <Lastwebpage> good question
[16:39:04] <MattJ> Prometheus, you don't know, to protect their privacy
[16:39:08] <Prometheus> a friend of mine gave me his gmail-address
[16:39:37] <Prometheus> and i added him, but he doesn't answer, so i wonder if i have the wrong address or if there is sth else wrong
[16:39:53] <MattJ> Ask him? :)
[16:39:59] <Prometheus> he told me that he was online most of the time
[16:40:33] <Lastwebpage> but you send him an auth request?
[16:40:37] <Prometheus> well yeah, that's a possibility, and i will do that the next time i see him. or write an email to that address.
[16:40:40] <Prometheus> yes, i did
[16:40:53] <Tanguy> Well, if it is also an email address, try to write him an email, and see if he can add you on his side.
[16:41:20] <Prometheus> mh yeah, probably a good idea
[16:41:31] <Prometheus> ok but now here is another thing:
[16:41:44] <Lastwebpage> yes, maybe try add him on gmail.com first
[16:41:47] <Prometheus> i can choose a JUD in that same window
[16:42:01] <Tanguy> I do not think Google has a JUD.
[16:42:03] <Prometheus> i don't have a gmail-account. google is evil. ;)
[16:42:39] <Prometheus> yeah but when i enter users.jabber.org, i get an error
[16:42:56] <Prometheus> "Error 404
Please select other server"
[16:43:09] <Lastwebpage> however, that you find any JID as an user is not a miranda problem ;)
[16:43:44] <Prometheus> yes ok, i got that
[16:43:54] <Prometheus> but what is that JUD for then?
[16:45:29] <Lastwebpage> sorry, ermm J*U*D ?
[16:45:39] <MattJ> Jabber User Directory
[16:45:42] <Prometheus> Jabber User Directory
[16:45:45] <Prometheus> :-D
[16:45:45] <MattJ> jabber.org hasn't run one for years
[16:45:47] <Lastwebpage> ahhh :|
[16:45:51] * mpranj joined the chat.
[16:45:58] <Prometheus> oh ok
[16:45:59] <MattJ> They are the spammers best friend :)
[16:46:04] <Prometheus> i see
[16:46:37] <Prometheus> so the whole idea of JUDs has been declared stupid? ^^
[16:46:46] <Lastwebpage> no
[16:46:51] <Lastwebpage> yes
[16:46:55] <Prometheus> lol
[16:46:58] <Tanguy> I do not think it is always a stupid thing.
[16:47:14] <Kev> No, having xep-55 search is a very sensible thing in some environments.
[16:47:15] <Tanguy> For small providers, they may not be a problem.
[16:47:17] <MattJ> It's stupid on a public server
[16:47:22] <Tanguy> For very big providers, yes certainly.
[16:47:27] <Lastwebpage> the main problem with this JUD is that it works only on ONE server
[16:47:27] <Kev> MattJ: I'm not even convinced of that.
[16:47:37] <MattJ> If you say so :)
[16:47:38] <Prometheus> yeah ok i just thought of that
[16:47:57] <Lastwebpage> you must be on the same server to find an user by name
[16:48:04] <Prometheus> using Jabber in a company
[16:48:08] <Kev> MattJ: Well, for example - "What's the JID of Kevin Smith, who has email address X" is not going to be the easiest thing for
a spammer to abuse.
[16:48:24] <MattJ> Not the hardest, either :)
[16:48:31] <MattJ> but you can limit queries, etc.
[16:48:36] <Kev> Right.
[16:48:47] <Prometheus> what does he need the JID for if he already has the email-address?
[16:48:49] <Kev> I don't think it's a singularly stupid idea. It does have implementation issues.
[16:48:51] <MattJ> but still, then you need to know which directory to look up on, etc.
[16:48:56] <Kev> Yes.
[16:49:08] <MattJ> Linked directories? :)
[16:49:15] <Prometheus> wow, i really started a discussion here :)
[16:49:17] <Kev> MattJ: M-Link could do it :)
[16:49:22] * tim.salwei joined the chat.
[16:49:22] <MattJ> Can or could?
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[16:49:28] <MattJ> Cheating with LDAP?
[16:49:31] <Tanguy> Yes, but it may still be useful. When you know the name of someone, his server, but do not remember his exact address.
[16:49:32] <Kev> Good question.
[16:49:41] <Kev> Can, I think, if you chain the DSA lookups.
[16:49:45] <MattJ> Yeah
[16:49:49] <Lastwebpage> Prometheus normally a mail to a JID goes to nowhere
[16:50:09] <Tanguy> Define “normally”.
[16:50:35] <Tanguy> Because I do not agree that it either normal or abnormal that a JID may be an email adress too.
[16:50:37] <Kev> For the majority of XMPP servers, there isn't a corresponding mail address to go with the XMPP address, I believe.
[16:50:57] <Tanguy> For properly integrated services, it should be normal that the Jabber address is the same than the email address.
[16:51:03] <Prometheus> except for google talk and GMX and so on
[16:51:05] <Lastwebpage> I know not any server who support this, except for the gmail and maybe jabbim server
[16:51:17] <Tanguy> Except Google talk and most personal servers.
[16:51:25] <Prometheus> do you know GMX?
[16:51:34] <Prometheus> it's a German freemail-provider
[16:51:37] <Tanguy> In fact, JID not being email address are common on public servers, that is all.
[16:52:08] <Prometheus> i think they also use the email-address for a jabber account
[16:52:14] <Tanguy> For personal or enterprise services, the standard would be to have the same addresses. When it is not the case, it means the
integration has been pporly done.
[16:52:35] <Prometheus> agree
[16:53:06] <Prometheus> well, gotta go, have a lot to do
[16:53:11] <Tanguy> Anyway. Often, JID are not email addresses.
[16:53:29] <Tanguy> And this is not a stat by servers, but by users.
[16:53:32] <Prometheus> i actually need to talk to that friend of mine about my diploma thesis which i am writing
[16:53:43] <Tanguy> If you count by server, I think you may get the opposite result.
[16:53:54] <Prometheus> so thanks a lot for your help :)
[16:54:00] <Tanguy> Good luck.
[16:54:04] <Prometheus> thanks!
[16:54:11] <Tanguy> Both for contacting him and for your thesis.
[16:54:16] <Prometheus> :)
[16:54:46] <Prometheus> in most IRC-chatrooms people are not as friendly as here ;)
[16:54:48] <Prometheus> cya
[16:55:09] * Prometheus left the chat.
[16:55:36] <Tanguy> /me does not frequent rude IRC channels. :-)
[16:56:14] <MattJ> /me neither
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[17:34:42] <Djbanjara> Hi,
[17:35:01] <stpeter> howdy
[17:35:27] <stpeter> brb...
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[23:34:19] <vanburen31219> hi
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[23:53:55] <stpeter> howdy
[23:53:59] <stpeter> can we help you?