Logs for jabber
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[13:16:26] * GavYur joined the chat.
[13:27:35] * coward54955 joined the chat.
[13:28:26] <coward54955> hello friends
[13:28:48] <coward54955> can anyone tell me how to login to the the chat room with our user name and password?
[13:29:04] <Mati> coward54955, hello
[13:29:10] <Mati> coward54955, you need a client to log in
[13:29:45] <Mati> coward54955, if you tell me your plattform (windows? linux? mac?) I can tell you a few "good" clients
[13:30:26] <coward54955> no i dont have any client at my machien
[13:30:33] <coward54955> everything is blocked here as i am in office
[13:30:55] <coward54955> any of you developer?
[13:31:33] <Kev> Several.
[13:31:51] <coward54955> i need to create web based chat application using xmpp protocol... if anyone have idea plz share some information regarding
how to code
[13:32:05] <Mati> coward54955, there already exists some web-based applications
[13:32:08] <coward54955> i am not getting start point
[13:32:16] <Mati> coward54955, that you could use
[13:32:30] <coward54955> can you please give me links?
[13:32:39] <coward54955> so that i can refer those links
[13:32:57] <coward54955> have developed such application?
[13:33:00] <Mati> coward54955, you can even use a desktop client like gajim that supports BOSH (basically, Jabber over HTTP)
[13:33:11] <Mati> coward54955, the one that I know of is jwstats
[13:33:21] <Mati> sorry I meant jwchat
[13:33:23] <coward54955> actually i need to implement over web page
[13:33:37] <Mati> the homepage is jwchat.org
[13:33:47] <naw> look at those in the "browser" platform http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/clients/
[13:33:47] <coward54955> yeah i have heard about jwchat but dont know how to start
[13:34:03] <coward54955> okk
[13:34:12] <naw> if you want to develop your own client look at the libraries http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/libraries/
[13:35:10] <coward54955> NAW and MATI can you please send some more information to my mail id? if you dont have any problem then only....
[13:35:42] <Mati> coward54955, no. what more information do you want? jwchat is written in java-script, I think
[13:35:50] <Mati> so you can read all the code as-is
[13:36:10] <coward54955> ok
[13:36:18] <coward54955> sure i will try
[13:36:28] <Mati> coward54955, I don't think anybody will help you with programming
[13:36:36] <naw> Mati: jwchat uses the jsjac library
[13:36:56] <Mati> naw, which *is* written in .js?
[13:36:57] <Mati> or not?
[13:36:58] <coward54955> is jsjac written in javascript?
[13:37:34] <Mati> coward54955, yes
[13:37:38] <coward54955> ok
[13:37:43] <naw> if you need the protocol documentation, you can find it at http://xmpp.org/xmpp-protocols/xmpp-core/
[13:37:54] <coward54955> ok
[13:38:01] <coward54955> ok guys
[13:38:02] <naw> Mati: yes, jsjac is written in javascript
[13:38:08] <coward54955> i have to leave now... :(
[13:38:23] <coward54955> thanks for the links :)
[13:38:36] <coward54955> byeee have a nice time.... :)
[13:38:50] <Mati> coward54955, hf programming
[13:42:41] * GavYur left the chat.
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[13:43:03] <Kev> coward54955: There are two current books on XMPP. One of which is exclusively about writing javascript web clients, so is
probably what you need.
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[14:14:03] <coward54955> Kev r u there?
[14:14:14] <Kev> Yes.
[14:14:19] <coward54955> yes you are right
[14:14:31] <coward54955> do you have any idea about the name of this book?
[14:15:06] <Kev> http://www.amazon.com/XMPP-Definitive-Real-Time-Applications-Technologies/dp/059652126X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1290003285&sr=8-1
is the XMPP book, and http://www.amazon.com/Professional-Programming-JavaScript-jQuery-Programmer/dp/0470540710/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1290003285&sr=8-2
is the Javascript XMPP book.
[14:15:47] <Kev> I've been told that it's good to read both if you're writing Javascript XMPP stuff. I've only read the first (because I co-authored
it). I suspect you'd at least want to read the latter.
[14:16:51] <coward54955> ok
[14:17:16] <coward54955> i have found a book and they have mentioned strophe javascript code
[14:17:44] <coward54955> i guess all these clients are performing the same functions in their own way...
[14:18:26] <coward54955> (2010-01) (Wrox) Professional Xmpp Programming With Javascript And Jquery (5 Over 5).pdf
[14:18:40] <coward54955> this is the name of that book i found
[14:19:06] <coward54955> i guess i try with this book for now...
[14:19:28] <Kev> If you're only going to buy one, that's probably the one to buy.
[14:19:49] <coward54955> ok
[14:19:49] <Kev> (For writing a javascript client)
[14:19:55] <coward54955> ok
[14:20:46] <coward54955> okk Kev i am logging off now... glad to talk with you... :)
[14:20:48] <coward54955> byeee
[14:20:52] <coward54955> have a nice time...
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[14:50:03] * Mati joined the chat.
[14:50:46] * clinton12886 joined the chat.
[14:51:31] <clinton12886> hello. How can i write my chatroom logs on server?
[14:53:54] <naw> your chatroom logs on server?
some servers have chatroom logs, in jabber.org only a few have
if you have your own server I guess that you will be able to do that
you also can use a bot to log the room and then you can put the logs anywhere
[14:55:03] * Mati left the chat.
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[15:10:40] * truman64390 joined the chat.
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[15:29:53] * louiz’ joined the chat.
[15:30:16] <louiz’> Oh, hi \o
[15:30:33] <louiz’> http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/clients/ could someone fix peozio to poezio in this list?
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[17:25:25] * czhan joined the chat.
[17:26:12] <czhan> hi
[17:27:26] * Tobias joined the chat.
[17:29:16] <HedgeMage> hi, czhan
[17:29:27] <czhan> hw r u?
[17:30:15] * Spheerys joined the chat.
[17:32:11] <Spheerys> hi guys. I have a technical problem with Jabber and my VPN connection. When I switch the VPN on or OFF when I'm connected,
I don't receive any new message until I'm switching again the VPN connection. Is the bug is know and how can I solve it ?
[17:32:41] <stpeter> hmm
[17:33:12] <stpeter> basically, when you change your VPN connection you are changing your path to the server, so it makes sense for you to be disconnected
[17:33:15] <Kev> Spheerys: That's a problem with your VPN software changing the routing table for the OS when you turn it on and off.
[17:33:32] <Kev> This is usual for VPNs.
[17:33:39] <stpeter> right, Kev explained it better than I did :)
[17:34:20] <Kev> Although not getting new messages suggests that the existing (now badly routed) connections aren't getting terminated at the
[17:34:33] <stpeter> /me nods
[17:34:35] <Kev> If you just tell your client to go offline/online each time you turn the VPN on or off it should be fine.
[17:34:43] <Spheerys> ok so if something can be done, is on the VPN server or on my software used to cennetd myself to the vpn (Ubuntu with Network
Manager) ?
[17:35:00] <Kev> Are you connecting to your work's Jabber server?
[17:35:06] <Kev> (Or the same people providing the VPN, anyway)
[17:35:43] <Spheerys> I'm connected on my own jabber server, and not yet to the VPN (but I can)
[17:36:02] <Kev> If the Jabber server isn't within the VPN, it'll be the issue I described above
[17:36:39] <Kev> (I asked because there's another problem with VPNs with split-horizon DNS where some clients cache the DNS lookups, which
breaks them until you quit them or restart the VPN)
[17:37:27] <Spheerys> I have two different servers : one for jabber and another one for the vpn
[17:38:50] <Spheerys> so Kev, you talked about an issue described above, but I'm not sure to really understand wich one
[17:39:54] <Kev> The simple version is "Tell your client to disconnect and reconnect every time you turn the VPN on or off".
[17:40:11] <Spheerys> ok but how can I do it automatically ?
[17:40:13] * wiretap left the chat.
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[17:40:34] <Kev> I have no idea.
[17:40:37] <Spheerys> :D
[17:40:40] <Spheerys> lol
[17:42:47] <Spheerys> ok I keep this soluce... maybe anybody else have another solution ?
[17:47:04] <Spheerys> Kkev : your soluce is integrated in Skype for example : after a vpn switch, Skype is reconnect itself. I will try to make
a script to do it with Psi but I'm surprise there is not really solution for this problem. The are more and more user of VPN
around the world and I shouldn't be the only one to have the problem ! And unfortunatly, I'm feeling very lonely with my problem
[17:49:57] <Kev> I would expect Psi to notice., which makes me wonder if it's the DNS bug.
[17:50:48] <Spheerys> ok
[17:51:51] * schwani joined the chat.
[17:53:22] <Kev> Are you sure that there isn't split horizon DNS in place for that server?
[17:53:29] <schwani> Hello. I try out Jabber :) I read a text, that an advantage of Jabber is, you can delete a account. I don´t found this option
on jabber.org?!
[17:55:22] * lurker3603 joined the chat.
[17:55:51] <stpeter> heh
[17:56:02] <stpeter> I don't think that is a big advantage
[17:56:19] <stpeter> at jabber.org currently we delete accounts manually
[17:56:23] <lurker3603> Hi, is there some who can answer some questions about running jabber on a isolated wifi network?\
[17:56:24] * Mati left the chat.
[17:57:16] <schwani> okay, I have found it in FAQ => http://www.jabber.org/faq/#delete
[17:57:31] <Spheerys> Kev : I don't know what you are talking about (split horizon DNS). This should be installed on the VPN server ? I'm not the
administrator of the VPN server but a friend of mine installed it.
[17:57:49] <lurker3603> I talked to cisco and couldnt get any real answers
[17:58:14] <czhan> my friend using windows 7, can he connect to me with jingle protocol?
[17:59:15] <stpeter> lurker3603: you should be able to run a jabber server on a machine that's available on the network, but I don't know about
running it on the wifi router itself
[17:59:45] <schwani> No, you are right, it isn´t an advantage, but it is very interesting, that you can´t delete accounts in icq, but you can delete
accounts in jabber xD
[17:59:46] <stpeter> czhan: Jingle is a client thing, so your friend would need to use a client that supports Jingle
[17:59:53] <stpeter> schwani: :)
[18:00:34] * Mati joined the chat.
[18:01:26] <czhan> can someone recommend a software that supports jingle protocol?
[18:02:07] <lurker3603> oh no i would have a server, but i want to be able to connect video conferencing with several different mobile devices like,
droid, iphone, blackberry, all over a citrix solution? can i do that?
[18:02:16] <schwani> I think I love open source. Jabber is open source. So I will love Jabber ;) Since half a year I use Ubuntu Linux and it´s
very interesting. Today I found Jabber :)
[18:02:38] <schwani> And I try it now.
[18:02:40] <Mati> schwani, ok, thats very good! ;-)
[18:03:32] <stpeter> czhan: I've used Jingle in the Psi client but not on Windows
[18:04:01] <stpeter> lurker3603: your video conferencing experience really depends on the clients, not the server
[18:04:14] <schwani> And search for advantages and disadvanates. And the differences from Jabber and ICQ.
[18:04:19] <stpeter> czhan: also I have heard good reports about the Jingle support in SIP-Comunicator (!)
[18:05:48] <lurker3603> ok, but it is possible? is ther a client i download to each device or does the server see the devices on the network and the
clients they have, ie: aim, yahoo, googletalk, and route from there?
[18:06:15] * czhan left the chat.
[18:07:53] <lurker3603> am i asking the wrong questions?
[18:07:54] <stpeter> lurker3603: I don't know of any software that makes it so easy :/
[18:08:05] * Z_God joined the chat.
[18:08:17] * czhan joined the chat.
[18:08:17] <stpeter> lurker3603: e.g., your jabber server won't know anything about aim or yahoo clients
[18:08:43] <lurker3603> cisco said ther was an add on for aim
[18:09:02] <stpeter> aw you can't trust those Cisco people ;-)
[18:09:24] <stpeter> /me works for Cisco (full disclosure)
[18:09:42] <lurker3603> fair enough, any ideas, what client can i use, what do i need to do to make this work?
[18:10:12] <lurker3603> i think it's on the jabber.com site:)
[18:11:00] <stpeter> lurker3603: one problem is that all the IM networks use different protocols for video, so they don't interoperate
[18:11:45] <lurker3603> so if we all use the same one...?
[18:13:29] * Tobias left the chat.
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[18:14:34] <stpeter> lurker3603: yes, one ring to bind them all :)
[18:14:47] <stpeter> brb
[18:18:56] <lurker3603> nice so all devices using "x" client can talk to each other video conference wise over the jabber server on a isolated wifi
network, i will have to ask some one how or is there a pge i can look at that has all of this speeled out for us from wv?
[18:19:47] <lurker3603> thats spelled with a souther accent
[18:20:09] * schwani left the chat.
[18:20:12] <MattJ> You mean like a London accent? ;)
[18:20:30] <lurker3603> not quite:)
[18:20:31] <Kev> Devon or Cornwall, presumably.
[18:21:01] <stpeter> :P
[18:21:48] <stpeter> ok guys, as part of my rest-of-the-year program to slow down a little, I'm heading out to meet a friend for lunch, bbl :)
[18:22:04] <Kev> Enjoy.
[18:22:18] <lurker3603> thanks and see ya at the gates
[18:23:24] <lurker3603> is anyone using jabber in a close network with mobile devices?
[18:23:49] <lurker3603> or any network for that matter
[18:24:03] <Kev> Many people.
[18:24:23] <czhan> why only a few peoples using jabber protocol?
[18:24:50] <MattJ> "only a few"??
[18:25:02] <lurker3603> what client are you using
[18:25:03] <MattJ> I think there are more than you realise :)
[18:25:21] <Kev> lurker3603: Me?
[18:25:34] <lurker3603> anyone
[18:25:44] <Kev> On phone or desktop?
[18:25:55] <lurker3603> both
[18:25:59] <Kev> On Desktop I use Swift (I write it), and I used to use Psi (I used to write it).
[18:26:14] * clinton12886 left the chat.
[18:26:31] <lurker3603> any "off the shelf clients" work?
[18:26:51] <Kev> XMPP clients don't get much more off-the-shelf than Psi.
[18:27:02] <Kev> What do you think isn't OTS about Psi or Swift?
[18:27:16] <lurker3603> ok sorry new to this
[18:28:04] <czhan> Mattj: yes, my friends using msn or yahoo
[18:28:45] <czhan> Mattj: they don't know what is jabber
[18:29:22] <Nÿco> please consider Gajim, it's the most advanced client out there, and actively developped
[18:29:36] <lurker3603> which would you suggest for video conference?
[18:29:40] <Kev> Gajim is also good, yes.
[18:29:44] <Kev> Although not my cup of tea :)
[18:29:49] <Nÿco> I guess
[18:29:56] <Kev> lurker3603: I think Pidgin has video support.
[18:29:56] <Nÿco> lurker3603: none...
[18:30:00] <Kev> Can anyone confirm/deny?
[18:30:11] <Nÿco> what about Empathy?
[18:30:17] <MattJ> It does I believe, as do Empathy and Gajim
[18:30:18] <Nÿco> Kev: I can't
[18:30:33] <Kev> Oh, Gajim does video?
[18:30:37] <MattJ> It does
[18:30:41] <Kev> Cool.
[18:30:52] <MattJ> and it works with Empathy at least, I haven't tested with a Pidgin user
[18:30:54] <MattJ> I should
[18:31:07] <Kev> I wonder what it uses for device access etc.
[18:31:37] <lurker3603> thanks guys
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[19:31:23] <carter20043> are offline messages supported?
[19:31:37] <MattJ> Yes
[19:31:43] <louiz’> where?
[19:34:09] * ford29725 joined the chat.
[19:34:50] <ford29725> Hey everyone.
[19:34:56] <HedgeMage> carter20043, louiz’ : assuming the server in question handles them properly, most clients just treat cached messages as new
messages when you sign on
[19:35:41] <ford29725> Anyone familiar with how to initiate communication with a jabber user from the google talk client?
[19:36:16] <HedgeMage> ford29725, I don't know if you even can, but you CAN use a regular jabber client with gtalk
[19:36:55] <louiz’> AFAIK, you can add any Jabber user in your roster, using the Gmail interface
[19:37:02] <louiz’> and then talk with them naturally
[19:37:29] * Tobias left the chat.
[19:37:32] <louiz’> (but a non-gtalk user cannot add a gtalk user in its roster. It works only the other way round…)
[19:38:08] <ford29725> Hmm. So in gmail, I should just be able to treat their jabber handle like a gmail address?
[19:39:46] <ford29725> HedgeMage - what do you mean when you say that you can use a regular jabber client with gtalk? Like, download a jabber client,
and then also add your gmail account to it?
[19:40:12] <HedgeMage> ford29725, exactly
[19:40:46] <MattJ> ford29725, just add someuser@jabber.org
[19:41:03] <HedgeMage> ford29725, I use gajim and like it very much. Other popular clients are psi, adium, tkabber, empathy.
[19:41:15] <HedgeMage> louiz’, not true, I do not use gtalk, and I have many gtalk contacts
[19:41:30] <MattJ> Likewise
[19:41:45] <louiz’> HedgeMage, but did YOU add them in your roster first, or did they?
[19:41:53] <ford29725> MattJ - hmm, it says that they are "invited" now :P I am not sure if that did what I intended.
[19:42:12] <MattJ> louiz’, it works both ways :)
[19:42:18] <HedgeMage> louiz’, I usually add first, they can be kind of clueless, why?
[19:42:47] <louiz’> I tested, and I thought it didn't work… But I believe you, then that's my mistake, sorry :)
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