Logs for jabber
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[03:27:13] <jotape> Hello, im searching for a web xmpp client to install on my intranet so users can connectou to our private xmpp server
[03:27:25] <jotape> Anyone has any suggestion of a simply web client to use?
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[05:11:06] <aryo_s> i use jappix with openfire, but i always get Error » 401unknown error code, Authorization failed
[05:11:56] <aryo_s> anyone knows what the problem is?
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[10:31:46] <Jignesh.savaliya91> Happy monsoon
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[10:46:24] <wzssyqa> where to ask question about google talk?
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[13:40:12] * artur.a.e joined the chat.
[13:45:40] <artur.a.e> hello, does anobody know how to extend a list of xmpp clients at http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/clients/ ? i'm developing xmpp
agent (http://code.google.com/p/xwbot/downloads/list) and want to add it to the list, if possible...
[13:47:14] <Mati> artur.a.e, in theory its simply, in reality its impossible, those lists are unmaintained
[13:52:06] <artur.a.e> but... how did it appear?
[13:57:39] <Kev> artur.a.e: That's not actually an XMPP client in the usual sense, is it?
[14:00:24] <artur.a.e> it's an agent...
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[14:09:05] <Kev> Right, that list is (currently, at least) explicitly for chat clients, rather than generic 'things that connect to XMPP servers',
so it's not clear that it belongs there. Perhaps we should have another list.
[14:09:24] <Kev> Also: The software lists are maintained as far as I know.
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[16:11:05] <jotape> hello,
[16:11:52] <jotape> anyone can help me? where i can find more information about configuring apache to BOSH works?
[16:12:33] <jotape> Im using prosody as server, and trying to use xmppchat (http://cgit.babelmonkeys.de/cgit.cgi/xmppchat/) as web client...
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[16:16:47] <naw> jotape: since that client uses jsjac I guess that the instructions for jwchat would do the job http://ubuntu-rescue-remix.org/files/URR/iso/ubuntu-rescue-remix-10-10.iso
[16:16:57] <naw> oops, the link is http://blog.jwchat.org/jwchat/download/
[16:17:57] <jotape> naw: thanks
[16:19:13] <naw> but I'm not sure of the address where BOSH is listenig in prosody
[16:20:05] <naw> oh, and in the link the adress is for http-poll
[16:21:13] <naw> btw, look at http://blog.prosody.im/proxy-less-bosh-with-prosody/ you may not need apache
[16:21:40] <jotape> hmm
[16:22:23] <jotape> nice
[16:22:24] * Duuuark left the chat.
[16:22:33] <jotape> i will try this instructinos, thanks!
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[17:38:56] <jotape> man... i love prosody!
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[21:07:08] <BlackMan> ب
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[22:14:45] * jotape joined the chat.
[22:16:33] <jotape> Hello, im using xmppchat (http://cgit.babelmonkeys.de/cgit.cgi/xmppchat/ - uses strophejs) as web client whith prosody server...
it doesnt have a disconnect button and i want to create one. I call the funciont connection.disconnect().. but it doesnt disconnect...
any1 have any idea of what i can do?
[22:16:55] <jotape> s/funciont/function/
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[22:17:24] <MattJ> How do you know it doesn't disconnect?
[22:18:20] * Florob joined the chat.
[22:18:28] <jotape> im connected in the same chat room whith another client and the users doesnt quit the room (only after 60 seconds timeout)
[22:18:41] <jotape> and at prosody log i dont see nothing
[22:20:42] <Florob> jotape, Can you tell whether the function gets called?
[22:23:17] <MattJ> I seem to recall there was something on the Strophe mailing list this/last week about disconnect() not working
[22:24:11] <jotape> Florob: no... any suggestion how i do that?
[22:24:14] <MattJ> Maybe it was something else, I can't find it
[22:26:08] <Florob> jotape, well, firebug would help I guess. But let me just try that myself
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[22:29:41] <jotape> Florob: yes, the function gets called
[22:29:44] <jotape> function doDisconnect() {
if (connection) {
connection.send($pres({to: room, type: 'unavailable'}).tree());
connection = null;
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[22:29:54] <jotape> handleDisconnected() is executed
[22:31:34] * Zash joined the chat.
[22:31:41] <Florob> Hmm... so it's not enough to see if I get a disconnected event, but I also need to check if I really am. Great
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[22:33:22] <zanchin> MattJ: http://groups.google.com/group/strophe-dev/browse_thread/thread/603bcdec8789425d?hl=en
[22:33:49] <MattJ> Ha, thanks, that was the one :)
[22:35:04] <zanchin> Although I haven't experienced a problem with this myself
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[22:36:28] <jotape> here isnt working :(
[22:40:06] <zanchin> jotape, does firebug show that the unavailable presence is being sent over the wire, and is the server getting the unavailable
[22:41:11] <jotape> zanchin: ino, the server isnt getting the unavailable presence
[22:41:16] <jotape> s/ino/no
[22:41:51] <zanchin> is the client sending it? is the XML sent in a bosh request on the client?
[22:42:18] <jotape> zanchin: i will confirm this.. just a second
[22:42:21] <jotape> function doDisconnect() {
if (connection) {
connection.send($pres({to: room, type: 'unavailable'}).tree());
connection = null;
if (connection) {
message = $msg({type: 'groupchat', to: room}).c('body').t("Conectado ainda");
} else {
[22:42:36] <jotape> handleDisconnected is executed again
[22:43:14] <Florob> zanchin, It's aborting (as Firebug calls it) the last request. then sending the presence and gets a host-unknown error back
[22:43:42] <Florob> So, yes I can reproduce that
[22:44:34] <zanchin> hmm, let me try
[22:50:49] <jotape> disconnect: function (reason)
this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTING, reason);
Strophe.info("Disconnect was called because: " + reason);
if (this.connected) {
// setup timeout handler
this._disconnectTimeout = this._addSysTimedHandler(
3000, this._onDisconnectTimeout.bind(this));
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[22:59:07] <Florob> jotape, add a connection.flush() after the connection.send(...) That works for me at least
[23:00:02] * wmbroker@jabber.org joined the chat.
[23:00:21] <wmbroker@jabber.org> hello
[23:00:50] <wmbroker@jabber.org> i have problem with changing my pass
[23:02:36] <wmbroker@jabber.org> help
[23:02:43] <wmbroker@jabber.org> is anyone here?
[23:02:53] <jotape> Florob: nothing :(
[23:03:04] <Florob> :/
[23:04:47] <wmbroker@jabber.org> Error changing password
[23:04:50] <zanchin> Florob: yeah, not working for me either. However if I step through the code everything seems fine and the request gets sent
[23:04:51] <wmbroker@jabber.org> it says - Error changing password
[23:05:04] <zanchin> wmbroker@jabber.org, what server/client?
[23:05:14] <wmbroker@jabber.org> adium
[23:05:17] <Florob> zanchin, yes. My guess is strophe closes the connection (via timeout) before it got to send the data
[23:06:21] <wmbroker@jabber.org> clinet- adium
there is settings http://wmtransfer.me.uk/img/Adium-20101112-230536.jpg
[23:07:05] <wmbroker@jabber.org> im feed up with it
[23:07:09] <wmbroker@jabber.org> need to change my pass
[23:07:11] <zanchin> Florob: but the data is supposed to be processed immediately. strophe kills the existing request after a few seconds but
doesn't start a new one to send data
[23:07:35] <Florob> zanchin, it does for me. It kills the existing one and just after that tries to send the presence
[23:08:03] <Florob> I shall update the strophe version in the xmppchat tree
[23:08:09] <Florob> see if that does something
[23:08:41] <wmbroker@jabber.org> so?
[23:09:11] <jotape> im using the last version of strophe whith xmppchat
[23:09:21] <jotape> Florob: are u the xmppchat owner?
[23:09:40] <Florob> I wrote it if that's what you mean
[23:09:52] <zanchin> wmbroker@jabber.org, not sure. You may want to contact one of the jabber.org admins to change your password
[23:11:26] <wmbroker@jabber.org> zanchin, where can i find admin's contact details
[23:11:28] <wmbroker@jabber.org> ?
[23:11:31] <jotape> yes yes..
[23:11:35] <jotape> nice project :)
[23:12:17] <jotape> is it possible to see if a user is admin or not?
[23:12:59] <jotape> for example, i want to disable the roster on xmppchat for users that arent admin... how i check if a user is or no a admin?
[23:13:11] <zanchin> wmbroker@jabber.org: MattJ and Kev are both admins
[23:13:24] <wmbroker@jabber.org> zanchin, stpeter@jabber.org ?
[23:14:30] <zanchin> him too, but he's probably to busy though :-)
[23:14:38] <Florob> jotape, do you want to see who in the room is an admin or whether the loged in user is one?
[23:15:49] <Florob> xmppchat does neither right now. Also I'm not really sure whether I'll continue to develop it. MattJ kind off outdid me as
far as webchats go
[23:16:14] <MattJ> Florob, I didn't mean to!
[23:16:42] <MattJ> wmbroker@jabber.org, email mwild1@gmail.com (me) or stpeter@jabber.org
[23:16:50] <Florob> MattJ, And still managed to ;)
[23:17:03] <jotape> Florob: i want to disable the roster to a user that is not admin, so i need to check if a user is a admin or not when he log
[23:17:19] <jotape> Florob: the xmppchat roster..
[23:17:35] <MattJ> wmbroker@jabber.org, stpeter is away this week, so probably won't be able to respond to password requests until he gets back,
and he generally gets a lot of mail anyway :)
[23:17:37] <jotape> Florob: i know how to do that.. i just dont know how to check if a user is or not a admin
[23:17:46] <Florob> umm... xmppchat is always logged in via the same (or an anonymous) user that you configure.
[23:17:55] <Florob> so that would be a static thing anyway, wouldn't it?
[23:18:36] <jotape> no no... i changed it :)
[23:18:51] <jotape> i created a login form.. so the user put its own user/passwd
[23:21:22] <Florob> IIRC you'd have to check the role in the self-presence (XEP-0045 for details). Although I don't really see why a participant
shouldn't see the room roster
[23:21:51] <jotape> because im not creating an usual chat room :)
[23:22:04] <Florob> Also I pushed a disconnect button to git. It works for me at least...
[23:22:17] <jotape> i will try here
[23:23:00] <Florob> oh wait. I haven't pushed yet
[23:23:15] <Florob> there, that's better
[23:23:17] <zanchin> Florob: i see, xmppchat manually sends an unavailable presence, but conn.disconnect() already does it. I think what you are
seeing xmppchat's presence sending attempt after the other request aborts
[23:24:09] <Florob> zanchin, well, conn.disconnect() doesn't send one to the room...
[23:24:17] <Florob> but yes that is what I'm seeing
[23:24:44] <jotape> i removed the sends unavailable presence line.. nothing changed
[23:25:06] <zanchin> oh, right. well, either way there seems to be a problem
[23:27:26] <jotape> function doDisconnect(aForm) {
if (connection) {
connection.send($pres({to: room, type: 'unavailable'}).tree());
connection = null;
return false;
else { return false; }?
[23:27:59] <zanchin> jotape, as a quick hack, this might work:
setTimeout(function(){ connection.disconnect();
}, 1000);
[23:28:17] <Florob> no. return false. return false is for javascript even handling. Although I suspect in that function it's not needed
[23:28:18] <zanchin> err, call disconnect() a second after leaving the room
[23:28:56] <jotape> lol
[23:29:01] <jotape> worked
[23:29:05] <jotape> found my error
[23:29:11] <jotape> my function:
[23:29:30] <jotape> function doDisconnect() { ... }
[23:29:44] <jotape> the correct function: function doDisconnect(aForm) {...}
[23:29:45] <jotape> worked!
[23:32:00] <Florob> Hmm... never knew firefox starts asking funny questions if you set a onunload event
[23:32:43] <zanchin> jotape, can you elaborate a bit on that?
[23:34:54] <jotape> i created a xmppchat function called doDisconnect, to disconnect the user... but i forgot to insert the (aForm)... Florob
pushed a new version of xmppchat whith the doDisconnect function but whith the (aForm)... i changed this on my code (doDisconnect()
-> doDisconnect(aForm)) and worked
[23:35:53] <zanchin> hmm, that shouldn't make a difference
[23:36:13] <Florob> jotape, the interesting part would be: How did you call doDisconnect() ?
[23:36:50] <Florob> I hadn't suspected JS to be picky about function prototypes, but maybe I should've
[23:37:12] <jotape> <form id="disconnect" onsubmit="return doDisconnect();" action="#">
<input type="submit" id="but_disconnect" value="Disconnect"/>
[23:37:22] <jotape> (im not a HTML/JS coder)
[23:37:47] <zanchin> Florob: it's not picky at all. I suspect there's something else going on
[23:37:52] <Florob> that makes it even more absurd that you would need the (aForm)...
[23:37:57] <jotape> :P
[23:38:14] <Florob> I choose to not care. As long as it works now ;)
[23:38:22] <zanchin> :)
[23:38:48] <jotape> hmmm
[23:38:56] <jotape> no no no
[23:39:08] <jotape> worked once, not working anymore :S
[23:41:27] <zanchin> jotape, did you try the timeout hack?
[23:41:43] <jotape> i will take a coffe.. someone accepts ?
[23:41:49] <jotape> zanchin: i will try now