Logs for jabber
[00:23:56] * jameschurchman left the chat.
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[01:12:28] * sdfd joined the chat.
[01:15:28] <sdfd> can i user MatriX make a jabber server?
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[02:30:38] * vanburen40146 joined the chat.
[02:30:45] <vanburen40146> hi everyone
[02:31:15] <vanburen40146> i've just written out a quick start guide for a few of my friends who i'm trying to convince to switch to jabber
[02:32:25] <vanburen40146> and i'm quite happy with it, so i thought it'd be a nice bit to have on the homepage, so new users, can get more productive
iformation, than the latest news section
[02:33:07] <Mati> vanburen40146, ok... and?
[02:33:15] <vanburen40146> Step One:
Register an account username and password here:
Step Two:
Download this piece of software:
and install it.
Step Three:
Open the software:
Start > All Programs > Gajim > Gajim
On first load, it will ask you if you already have an account (click forward):
Use the account username and password you created in Step One. From the drop-down menu select jabber.org (or type it in).
(click forward)
Click Finish.
(If you type your username, password, or jabber.org in wrong, you can change them via Edit > Accounts)
Step Four:
Add me as a contact.
Go to Actions > Add Contact...
My Jabber ID is: elaurian@jabber.org
Give me a nickname (be nice ).
And put me in a group, or don't.
Click Add.
You can personalise you account, including assign yourself an avatar, and provide information for your contacts to see about
To edit your personal information:
Go to Edit > Accounts.
Under the Personal Information Tab, click Edit Personal Information.
Fill in your Personal Information, and select an avatar, and then click OK.
[02:34:01] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[02:34:03] <vanburen40146> theres a couple of bits i'd like removing i.e. my jabber id, and it'd be best to put it in third person, as apposed to first
[02:34:27] <vanburen40146> so rather than, give me a nickname, it'd say give your friend a nickname
[02:35:06] <Mati> vanburen40146, you want that information on http://jabber.org
[02:35:37] <Mati> (elaurian@... is btw a funny JID considering I watched ST7 just a few hours ago)
[02:35:48] <vanburen40146> haha, excellent
[02:36:15] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[02:36:18] <vanburen40146> its up to you, i thought that jabber.org at the moment, doesn't really help average windows users, who expect shiny buttons
to tell them what to do next, so i thought a simple guide with a universal IM client, would be the best option
[02:37:03] <vanburen40146> Gajim, is installable on windows, mac, linux, unix, and bsd
[02:37:14] <vanburen40146> i just picked it as the most iniversal off wikipedia
[02:37:24] <vanburen40146> universal
[02:38:10] <vanburen40146> i dunno, if the guide is of any interest, but i thought i'd throw the idea out there, save someone else re-inventing the wheel
[02:39:28] * mckinley1009 joined the chat.
[02:40:08] <vanburen40146> i'd be quite happy to create a post with the guide in, if jabber.org is a CMS site
[02:40:25] <vanburen40146> and then you can do whatever you want with the post
[02:41:55] * mckinley1009 left the chat.
[02:43:40] <vanburen40146> anyway, i've got to go, i just thought i'd share that
[02:43:46] <vanburen40146> thanks :)
[02:43:47] <vanburen40146> bye
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[02:53:56] * Mati left the chat.
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[05:48:01] * beest joined the chat.
[05:48:24] <beest> Hi
[05:49:04] <beest> I am new to this Jabber thing and just curious where I landed
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[08:10:15] <persodia> seems that you landed in the vaccum
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[10:56:29] * Creation joined the chat.
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[11:02:19] * maex joined the chat.
[11:03:07] <maex> Does anybody know about a server that allows Roster moderation?
[11:03:24] <Kev> What does 'Roster moderation' mean?
[11:04:55] <maex> Kev: you have a kid ... you want it to chat with all its friends but not add friends without permission. I am looking for
something that is server based and secured via a separate password that protects adding people to the roster ...
[11:05:31] <maex> Kev: doing it only in the client is IMHO a security risk ... different client protection violated :-)
[11:05:32] <Kev> Interesting, I don't know of any servers that currently offer that.
[11:06:03] <Kev> Although being in the roster isn't enough protection, presumably you want to block other contact as well.
[11:06:54] * mpranj joined the chat.
[11:07:26] <maex> Kev: you are correct. It should be something like "route only messages/requests from senders in the roster" optionally route
those to a "moderator"
[11:08:17] <maex> Kev: I have looked around a bit, but I don't guess any XEP covers anything like that
[11:08:36] <Kev> Correct.
[11:08:42] <Kev> Or, at least, none that I remember.
[11:08:53] <maex> Kev: :-D
[11:12:11] * adams54157 joined the chat.
[11:13:23] <adams54157> maex: is this by chance something you're developing for use in a school?
[11:14:11] <adams54157> also, when a user registers with jabber.org, it mentions a few recommended clients, atleast one of which is web based
[11:14:28] <adams54157> can anyone tell me which web client is recommended?
[11:16:35] * reagan5083 joined the chat.
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[11:16:59] <maex> adams54157: sorry, no. Was brainstorming with a few friends about social networks and chats and this idea came up ...
[11:17:33] <naw> I don't have much experience with web clients, you have a list at http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/clients/ but I don't know
wich one will be better
[11:17:53] <naw> you also have websites like meebo that also support jabber
[11:18:01] <adams54157> ok, thanks
[11:18:22] <maex> adams54157: here is a list http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/clients/
[11:18:32] <maex> oups ... too slow
[11:18:48] <adams54157> i'm considering the possibility of using the xmmp protocol (and jabber client/server) to provide a replacement for the openfire/spark
support sytem
[11:18:51] <adams54157> system*
[11:20:07] <naw> hmmmm do you know that openfire and spark use xmpp, right?
[11:20:31] <naw> /me has to improve his english skills
[11:21:02] <adams54157> naw: that sentence was gramatically correct, lol
[11:21:25] <naw> shouldn't be better "you know that openfire and spark use xmpp, right?" ?
[11:21:26] <adams54157> do they? oh, well, perhaps a different server/client, based on the same protocol would be the solution
[11:21:55] <naw> openfire is an jabber/xmpp client, in fact many public servers use it
[11:21:56] <adams54157> i actually read it "hmmmm you do know...."
[11:22:04] <adams54157> so yeh, move or remove the do :P
[11:22:14] <naw> but it is not very well maintained, afaik
[11:22:32] <adams54157> but if you put do where i did, it sounds accusational, so removing is the best option
[11:22:55] <adams54157> openfire, isn't well maintained?
[11:23:14] <naw> I have heard so
[11:23:19] <adams54157> fair enough
[11:23:56] <naw> wellm aybe I'm worng, thay seem to be preparing a new version
[11:24:18] <adams54157> can you think of an ideal configuration for a support system with live chat support, and volunteer supporters (who have to
have logons)
[11:24:33] <adams54157> .e.g what software you'd use, how and why
[11:24:56] <adams54157> i'm not looking for an exhaustive answer, just something for me to work from
[11:25:20] <adams54157> (if you're happy to spare your time)
[11:25:55] <naw> well, I don't really know... maybe something like tigase minichat to embed a client in your webpage......
[11:26:31] <naw> I think that it didn't required users to setup an account
[11:27:01] <naw> anyway, I have to go
[11:27:02] <naw> bye
[11:27:09] <adams54157> ok, thanks for you help :)
[11:27:10] <adams54157> bye
[11:27:38] <adams54157> can anyone else think of a starting point for me to work from?
[11:27:57] <adams54157> if not, i'm happy to start from scratch
[11:28:09] <maex> depends on what you mean with "support system" ...
[11:28:22] <maex> this channel is a "support system", too ... kinda :-)
[11:28:38] <adams54157> yeh, this is basically it
[11:28:44] <adams54157> but more a one-to-one
[11:28:55] <MattJ> Well...
[11:28:56] <adams54157> this is similar to IRC
[11:29:38] <MattJ> I've made some software like that, http://matthewwild.co.uk/support-chat4/
[11:30:00] <MattJ> It works with any XMPP server using BOSH, anonymous login and MUC rooms
[11:30:01] <Link Mauve> IIRC, Vanaryon, the Jappix’s dev, wrote an embeddable mini-client in jQuery.
[11:30:23] <MattJ> http://code.matthewwild.co.uk/support-chat <-- code
[11:30:35] <Link Mauve> You have to put a script tag in your page, and a clients pops on the bottom right of the page.
[11:32:22] <adams54157> thanks Link
[11:32:43] <Link Mauve> You can come to jappix@conference.codingteam.net if you want to ask him.
[11:32:44] <adams54157> can you go live on your support sytem
[11:33:10] <adams54157> so i can see how it works, and discuss what the ins-and-outs of the system are?
[11:33:45] <MattJ> Ok, I'm now fielding technical support questions :)
[11:33:59] <MattJ> My sales folk are all sleeping (typically)
[11:35:06] <adams54157> haha, i think i crashed it
[11:35:47] <MattJ> oh?
[11:35:49] <adams54157> i submitted as question, got handed the "we're not home" message, and then clicked reload to try and return to the question
[11:36:11] <adams54157> o, haha, nvm, had to click the support link again
[11:36:15] <MattJ> Yep
[11:37:19] <adams54157> i'm signing on as Matthew Millar
[11:37:59] <MattJ> Have you submitted a question? If so, there's something not working :)
[11:38:23] <adams54157> well, the question is blank
[11:38:32] <adams54157> but i have submitted it
[11:38:43] <adams54157> and it says "Please wait while we find someone to answer your query... "
[11:38:49] <MattJ> Ah, well try putting a question in the box :)
[11:39:53] <adams54157> it doesn't like it if you close the live support box and open a new one on the same page
[11:40:17] <adams54157> because the previous box was signing it, when i closed it, the new one won't respond when i click submit query
[11:40:39] <adams54157> i'm submitting to technical, are you on sales?
[11:41:02] <MattJ> No, I'm technical - I see you appear but with no question to answer :)
[11:41:45] <MattJ> It's been a while since I tested this, I'm not even sure it's running the latest code
[11:42:07] <adams54157> ok, i've sent one with the question "because its not allowed to be blank"
[11:42:34] <MattJ> Interesting
[11:43:18] <adams54157> is it not coming through?
[11:43:47] <adams54157> i had to refresh the page, before it would submit the query (mentioned above)
[11:44:07] <MattJ> Hold a moment :)
[11:44:53] <adams54157> ok, making a coffee so no rush
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[13:54:42] <clinton8841> hi all
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[14:19:02] * Asim joined the chat.
[14:19:36] <Asim> hi
[14:20:16] <Asim> i'm trying to buil silverlight chat client
[14:20:25] <Asim> anyone can help?
[14:21:05] <Asim> anyone??????
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[14:49:16] <rasha.ali76> Hi how r u:-)
[14:50:16] <rasha.ali76> Im here:-D
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[16:15:06] * johnson42413 joined the chat.
[16:15:11] <johnson42413> Hi
[16:15:19] <johnson42413> whats going on with Jabber.org today ?
[16:15:27] <johnson42413> lot of connection problems this afternoon
[16:15:33] <johnson42413> still sometimes problems
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[16:28:00] <MattJ> Nothing as far as I know, just a restart earlier...
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[18:04:12] <★> Has anyone else experienced very choppy sound when doing voice calls? Same thing on Gajim and Psi, but not with Ekiga.
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[19:12:12] <jabba> /me testing Jabba
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[19:12:24] <MattJ> Seems to work
[19:12:47] <jabba> Strange but iChat can't send messages here... Jabbaapp can)
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[21:54:04] <Huawei> ho
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