Logs for jabber
[05:03:12] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
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[07:19:06] * Sujiazhikkal joined the chat.
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[07:55:32] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[08:04:34] * Tobias joined the chat.
[08:29:43] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[08:47:55] * niekie joined the chat.
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[09:52:25] * mpranj left the chat.
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[09:54:54] * rolnas in now known as Rolandas Naujikas.
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[09:58:12] * pierce34549 joined the chat.
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[10:00:23] * pierce34549 left the chat.
[10:01:44] * Rolandas Naujikas in now known as rolnas.
[10:01:44] * rolnas in now known as Rolandas Naujikas.
[10:01:44] * Rolandas Naujikas in now known as rolnas.
[10:02:18] * rolnas in now known as Rolandas Naujikas.
[10:04:46] * Iaruna007 left the chat.
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[10:07:18] * Rolandas Naujikas in now known as rolnas.
[10:07:19] * treebilou joined the chat.
[10:08:35] * rolnas in now known as Rolandas Naujikas.
[10:08:35] * Rolandas Naujikas in now known as rolnas.
[10:10:02] * Iaruna007 joined the chat.
[10:12:18] * rolnas in now known as Rolandas Naujikas.
[10:13:59] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[10:17:18] * Rolandas Naujikas in now known as rolnas.
[10:20:43] * rolnas in now known as Rolandas Naujikas.
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[10:35:26] * Mati left the chat.
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[13:58:32] <roberto.sabbi> hello
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[14:00:12] <roberto.sabbi> can anybody help configure pidgin 4 jabber.org?
[14:00:30] <roberto.sabbi> can't get registered
[14:01:16] * Mati left the chat.
[14:04:35] * niekie left the chat.
[14:04:43] <roberto.sabbi> forget it
[14:04:47] <roberto.sabbi> found the problem
[14:05:12] * Mati joined the chat.
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[14:07:44] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[14:08:56] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
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[15:20:04] <RAFEELA.SALIM> HAI
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[15:34:57] <RAFEELA.SALIM> OK
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[16:00:18] * Tobias left the chat.
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[16:12:49] * Creation left the chat.
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[17:47:43] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
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[18:03:31] * Mati joined the chat.
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[18:09:34] * maltoe\40jabber.org joined the chat.
[18:10:05] * maltoe joined the chat.
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[18:11:20] <maltoe> hi all
[18:11:51] <maltoe> i bet this question has been answered a thousand times before: Is it possible to add google talk buddies to your list if you're
a jabber.org user?
[18:11:59] <MattJ> Easy: yes :)
[18:12:25] <maltoe> but then why doesn't it work for me? :) i tried @gmail, @googlemail (i'm from germany), @googletalk
[18:12:46] <maltoe> they simply don't receive an invitation. the other way around it works fine though
[18:12:54] <maltoe> (using pidgin)
[18:13:09] <MattJ> @gmail.com
[18:13:16] <MattJ> It should "just work"
[18:13:56] <maltoe> :) "it just won't work"
[18:14:20] <maltoe> i mean, this is not a big issue since i can always ask googletalk users to add me instead, but still...
[18:14:48] <maltoe> which client is it supposed to work with? (ie which client do you use?)
[18:14:53] <MattJ> Any
[18:15:08] <MattJ> Enough people use Pidgin that we'd know if Pidgin was broken
[18:15:29] <maltoe> yeah I though so too. pretty popular. Still it doesnt work for me :)
[18:16:00] <maltoe> i thought about some config related issue? I heard googletalk uses SSL for their users. But that should have an impact on
the S2S connection?
[18:16:08] <MattJ> No
[18:16:23] <MattJ> Plus you seem to imply that the Google Talk users can add you
[18:16:29] <maltoe> yep
[18:16:29] <MattJ> Then you can hold a conversation?
[18:16:31] <maltoe> yep
[18:16:32] <Kev> s2s to gmail.com from jabber.org seems to be ok (I just tested it)
[18:16:37] <MattJ> Then it's not an s2s issue
[18:16:51] <maltoe> it's just that they don't receive an invitation
[18:17:20] <MattJ> I just added my <myself>@gmail.com account to <myself>@jabber.org account
[18:17:28] <MattJ> Worked fine, I received the request in my Gmail account
[18:17:58] <maltoe> okay, another try: Were you logged into googletalk with some kind of client or through the googlemail website?
[18:18:07] <MattJ> My client
[18:18:43] <maltoe> okay then this could be the reason? I only tested it with users without clients.
[18:18:44] <MattJ> I also received the request on my Android phone using Google's client
[18:18:48] <maltoe> (using the webmail site)
[18:18:49] <MattJ> Let me try
[18:20:06] <MattJ> In the Gmail chat widget on the side a notification appeared: "<myself>@jabber.org wants to be able to chat with you. Okay?"
with Yes/No buttons
[18:20:15] <maltoe> :D
[18:20:20] <maltoe> okay something really weird is going on
[18:20:30] <MattJ> Clicked "Yes", I now see myself
[18:20:52] <maltoe> hmm. however
[18:21:16] <maltoe> since I'm the only one affected by this 'thing', it's not really important i guess :)
[18:21:23] <maltoe> thank you anyway
[18:21:54] <MattJ> The address you add in Pidgin is username@gmail.com?
[18:22:09] <MattJ> googlemail.com /might/ work too, but I haven't tried it
[18:22:15] * Nÿco left the chat.
[18:22:21] <MattJ> I'm in the UK where we've had to use googlemail.com too, but I've never used it for XMPP
[18:22:24] <maltoe> as i said, I tried @gmail, @googlemail (gmail is registered trademark of some other company in germany), @googletalk
[18:22:38] * Kev_ joined the chat.
[18:23:20] <maltoe> although, i used .com for all of them, perhaps i should try googlemail.de
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[18:24:47] <maltoe> nothing -.-
[18:24:51] <maltoe> weird
[18:25:58] <maltoe> okay, thank you again. I'm not going to spend more time on it :)
[18:26:38] <maltoe> other way around worked perfectly...
[18:26:41] <MattJ> :)
[18:26:52] <MattJ> Which domain did their request come from?
[18:27:01] <maltoe> @gmail
[18:27:16] * taft38420 joined the chat.
[18:27:44] <maltoe> it was only one friend of me, now. but I had this issue before, a week ago
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[18:37:46] <rytham999> Hay
[18:38:27] <rytham999> Hay
[18:41:57] * treebilou joined the chat.
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[19:36:11] <nougad> hi, sorry for my stupid question but http://jabber.org doesn't have much informations about the service. Have the jabber.org
jabber server http-bind or http-poll? (XEP-25 or XEP-124)
[19:37:54] <Kev_> No.
[19:39:36] <nougad> Kev_: thx!
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[02:38:05] * johnson23449 joined the chat.
[02:38:34] <johnson23449> is there a replacement to XEP-0022 message events?
[02:38:55] <johnson23449> the doc only say that it is obsoleted
[02:39:40] <johnson23449> ok. found it
[02:39:47] <MattJ> :)
[02:43:34] <johnson23449> this info should be in the header instead of the introduction
[02:43:54] <MattJ> Yes, perhaps
[02:44:29] <MattJ> Ah
[02:44:36] <MattJ> It's in Appendix A
[02:44:48] <johnson23449> is there a xep for sending notification to a client?
[02:45:01] <MattJ> That info used to be at the top of the document, but it was moved to the bottom some time ago when it got long and people
started complaining :)
[02:45:01] <johnson23449> for example, if you have two clients and you want to sync the gui
[02:45:14] <johnson23449> ok :)
[02:45:20] <MattJ> What kind of notification?
[02:45:42] <johnson23449> for example you have two clients for the same jid with home and work resources
[02:46:05] <johnson23449> home opens a chat panel and you want work to receive a notification that it should show the panel too in the gui
[02:46:29] <MattJ> You can send a message to your own bare JID
[02:46:32] <johnson23449> I can invent something but hope there is a xep
[02:46:49] <johnson23449> but sometimes you need more
[02:46:53] <MattJ> I don't know of a XEP that describes synchronising client GUIs
[02:46:56] <johnson23449> for example collapse/expand a panel
[02:47:05] <johnson23449> just the syntax for sending events
[02:47:20] <MattJ> Just use a <message> with a custom payload
[02:47:22] <johnson23449> I saw something in pep
[02:47:25] <johnson23449> ok
[02:47:31] <johnson23449> with headline type?
[02:47:39] <MattJ> I think so, yes
[02:48:12] <MattJ> PEP would work too, but is possibly overkill if all your clients are currently logged in
[02:48:30] <johnson23449> I don't need PEP, just the syntax
[02:49:09] <MattJ> Oh, do you mean http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0194.html ?
[02:49:28] <MattJ> Hmm, that's only chatrooms
[02:51:36] <johnson23449> I'll use a <message><event xmlns="something"><something custom/></event></message> thanks
[02:53:40] <MattJ> Sounds good
[02:54:05] <johnson23449> thanks. good night
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[03:13:53] * the ♚ left the chat.
[03:21:26] * MattJ left the chat.
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