Logs for jabber
[05:06:25] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[05:16:18] * MattJ left the chat.
[05:36:21] * mpranj joined the chat.
[05:54:00] * mpranj left the chat.
[06:02:20] * niekie left the chat.
[06:31:00] * the ♚ left the chat.
[07:03:36] * mpranj joined the chat.
[07:32:07] * NEOhidra joined the chat.
[07:38:18] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[07:48:13] * NEOhidra left the chat.
[08:13:40] * Kev joined the chat.
[08:13:45] * Tobias joined the chat.
[08:17:20] * krishnakhandelwal939 joined the chat.
[08:17:20] * krishnakhandelwal939 left the chat.
[08:19:33] * krishnakhandelwal939 joined the chat.
[08:24:41] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[08:36:39] * krishnakhandelwal939 left the chat.
[08:37:31] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[08:42:23] * Nÿco joined the chat.
[09:00:58] * Creation joined the chat.
[09:28:14] * naw joined the chat.
[09:46:12] * NEOhidra joined the chat.
[09:46:17] * Tobias left the chat.
[11:19:03] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[11:21:50] <Nigel> ddda6ddf7ae797f3c3bc42d63c0c369a@jabber.xyz was registered from IP address
[11:21:50] * jkhii left the chat.
[11:21:52] <Nigel> curious
[12:04:47] * alice joined the chat.
[12:06:27] * Mati joined the chat.
[12:06:38] * Mati left the chat.
[12:06:49] * Mati joined the chat.
[12:09:21] * Mati left the chat.
[12:09:22] * Mati joined the chat.
[12:34:04] * damianmef joined the chat.
[12:34:18] * damianmef left the chat.
[12:34:18] * NEOhidra left the chat.
[13:05:03] * Mati left the chat.
[13:08:05] * waqas joined the chat.
[13:20:44] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[13:23:54] * hoover19499 joined the chat.
[13:24:51] * hoover19499 left the chat.
[13:27:46] * Mati joined the chat.
[13:31:39] * MattJ joined the chat.
[13:32:33] * coolidge9778 joined the chat.
[13:33:15] <coolidge9778> alguém do BRASIL
[13:35:07] <coolidge9778> como vejo e-mails da conta@jabber.org
[13:37:25] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[13:40:20] <naw> coolidge9778: jabber.org addresses aren't email addresses
[13:40:35] <naw> they are only for jabber
[13:40:42] <Mati> keep it cool with coolidge
[13:41:50] <naw> if you need a jabber and email address, you can use an account at gmail or at gmx
[13:42:17] * Mati left the chat.
[13:42:17] * Mati joined the chat.
[13:44:01] * coolidge9778 left the chat.
[13:45:07] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[13:51:24] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[13:53:46] * alice left the chat.
[13:53:48] * alice joined the chat.
[13:58:29] * mpranj left the chat.
[14:02:30] <Tanguy> Or your own server.
[14:31:47] * joaoblue joined the chat.
[14:31:57] <joaoblue> olá
[14:32:09] <joaoblue> alguém pra dar um help ai?
[14:34:12] <Tanguy> Yes, but in English.
[14:34:26] <Tanguy> /me does not speak, what is that, Portuguese?
[14:36:17] <joaoblue> tá bom
[14:36:20] <joaoblue> ok
[14:56:24] * mckinley27872 joined the chat.
[14:58:36] * stpeter joined the chat.
[14:59:21] * mckinley27872 left the chat.
[15:04:05] * musclebuilder left the chat.
[15:04:35] * musclebuilder joined the chat.
[15:10:35] * joaoblue left the chat.
[15:14:17] * alice left the chat.
[15:32:55] * alice joined the chat.
[15:45:47] * vake joined the chat.
[15:46:20] * vake left the chat.
[15:48:19] * Tobias joined the chat.
[15:53:28] * waqas left the chat.
[15:56:08] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[15:59:17] * Tobias left the chat.
[16:04:29] * Tobias joined the chat.
[16:06:08] * jkhii joined the chat.
[16:07:13] * alice left the chat.
[16:09:58] * mpranj joined the chat.
[16:11:13] * Tobias left the chat.
[16:11:13] * Tobias joined the chat.
[16:11:55] * alice joined the chat.
[16:31:43] * jkhii left the chat.
[17:01:42] * damian joined the chat.
[17:03:05] * musclebuilder left the chat.
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[17:12:48] * polk10085 joined the chat.
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[17:19:54] * damian left the chat.
[17:28:17] * Tobias left the chat.
[17:32:30] * Nÿco left the chat.
[17:35:39] * damian joined the chat.
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[17:35:56] * evilotto joined the chat.
[17:36:17] * damian joined the chat.
[17:37:13] * mef joined the chat.
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[17:37:57] * mef left the chat.
[17:44:40] * asdasda joined the chat.
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[17:45:48] * mef joined the chat.
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[17:58:48] * Rashedcom1555 joined the chat.
[17:58:48] * Rashedcom1555 left the chat.
[17:59:19] * Rashedcom1555 joined the chat.
[18:04:05] * Rashedcom1555 left the chat.
[18:06:26] * alice left the chat.
[18:24:13] * Tobias joined the chat.
[18:26:58] * Mati left the chat.
[18:43:01] * the ♚ left the chat.
[19:01:20] * evilotto left the chat.
[19:16:19] * evilotto joined the chat.
[19:17:06] * evilotto left the chat.
[19:17:25] * evilotto joined the chat.
[19:17:46] * Creation left the chat.
[19:18:02] * waqas joined the chat.
[19:18:06] * evilotto left the chat.
[19:18:39] * evilotto joined the chat.
[19:27:49] * Z_God joined the chat.
[19:45:53] * Chachianju joined the chat.
[19:45:53] * Chachianju left the chat.
[19:48:54] * Chachianju joined the chat.
[20:03:54] * coolidge54618 joined the chat.
[20:03:54] * coolidge54618 left the chat.
[20:20:12] * mckinley22843 joined the chat.
[20:39:01] * mckinley22843 left the chat.
[21:01:12] * washington31982 joined the chat.
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[21:04:07] * treebilou left the chat.
[21:07:49] * joaoblue joined the chat.
[21:14:47] <joaoblue> I can send and receive e-mails login@jabber.org?
[21:14:54] <Kev> No.
[21:15:07] <Kev> (I'm off now, good night)
[21:20:31] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
[21:20:32] * /gentili.nicola left the chat.
[21:22:12] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
[21:23:39] * joaoblue left the chat.
[21:24:28] * alqouds2009 joined the chat.
[21:24:29] * alqouds2009 left the chat.
[21:31:55] * jackson29640 joined the chat.
[21:32:54] * /gentili.nicola left the chat.
[21:33:28] * Chachianju left the chat.
[21:33:31] * jackson29640 left the chat.
[21:40:45] * hoppel joined the chat.
[21:42:10] * hoppel left the chat.
[22:13:30] * mpranj left the chat.
[22:14:37] * stpeter left the chat.
[22:14:48] * Z_God left the chat.
[22:31:45] * kf joined the chat.
[22:38:01] * naw left the chat.
[22:46:16] * Tobias left the chat.
[22:49:47] * Mati joined the chat.
[23:00:45] * Mati left the chat.
[23:00:52] * Mati joined the chat.
[23:06:25] * kf left the chat.
[23:06:36] * hoover49136 joined the chat.
[23:06:41] * kf joined the chat.
[23:08:26] <hoover49136> Hello, could anyone be bothered to give me a spot of help?
[23:09:30] <waqas> Hi. What help do you need?
[23:10:15] <hoover49136> Hi there, thanks for the reply. I just created a Jabber account for the first time, I'm trying to connect to it via Pidgin,
and I
[23:10:36] <hoover49136> Excuse my clumsy fingers. I'm not sure why, but it isn't connecting.
[23:10:49] <waqas> Your account is on jabber.org?
[23:10:52] <hoover49136> It is.
[23:11:50] <waqas> I'm not using pidgin, but the account dialog looks like this, right? http://computing.fnal.gov/software/pidgin/images/installation_clip_image002.jpg
[23:12:34] <hoover49136> That's it, more or less.
[23:13:40] <waqas> Okay, and if your account is x@jabber.org, you have entered Username: x, Domain: jabber.org?
[23:14:33] <hoover49136> I'm typically not what you'd call technologically-challenged, and I almost feel as though I'm missing something stupid. That's
correct, yes, and the protocol is XMPP.
[23:15:38] <waqas> Does it give an error or anything?
[23:17:13] <hoover49136> "Invalid authzid," which doesn't make much sense insofar as copy-pasting isn't really conducive to typographical error.
[23:18:32] <waqas> GO to the account editing dialog, switch to the advanced tab
[23:19:07] <hoover49136> Yes, go on.
[23:19:25] <waqas> Erm, Basic tab, do you have a local alias set?
[23:20:22] <hoover49136> I do; does this affect login? I was under the assumption it's used for the client only.
[23:20:44] <waqas> So am I, but try with that blank
[23:20:49] <waqas> I know what 'invalid authzid' means, but don't understand why this would happen with Pidgin. Would you have an old version
of Pidgin by any chance?
[23:20:55] <hoover49136> Just did; no luck.
[23:21:13] <hoover49136> No, I just downloaded the freshest version straight from their site.
[23:21:20] <waqas> Try poking them in the pidgin room: http://www.speeqe.com/room/devel@conference.pidgin.im/
[23:22:04] <hoover49136> All right; thanks very much. You've been of great assistance.
[23:22:35] * kf left the chat.
[23:22:40] <waqas> I didn't help much at all :)
[23:23:25] <hoover49136> True, but in the impersonal wasteland of the internet, the attempt is the most important thing to me.
[23:25:03] * hoover49136 left the chat.
[23:30:02] * wiretap left the chat.
[23:30:05] * wiretap joined the chat.
[23:32:50] * MattJ left the chat.
[23:37:13] * Mati left the chat.
[23:41:36] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[00:08:40] * whatever left the chat.
[00:08:40] * whatever joined the chat.
[00:18:55] * evilotto left the chat.
[00:35:21] * whatever left the chat.
[00:35:22] * whatever joined the chat.
[01:11:13] * whatever left the chat.
[01:11:13] * whatever joined the chat.
[02:09:24] * MattJ joined the chat.
[02:35:21] * whatever left the chat.
[02:35:21] * whatever joined the chat.
[02:48:16] * waqas left the chat.
[03:00:07] * Nigel left the chat.
[03:00:09] * Nigel joined the chat.
[03:06:23] * MattJ left the chat.
[03:42:11] * buchanan12948 joined the chat.
[03:44:48] * buchanan12948 left the chat.
[03:55:58] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[04:44:02] * musclebuilder joined the chat.