Logs for jabber
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[03:12:27] <•» white_hawk «•> Hii alll
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[03:13:25] <•» white_hawk «•> Hii
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[03:52:45] * tyler16252 joined the chat.
[03:53:07] <tyler16252> Hi All
[03:53:22] <tyler16252> I can't work out how to get pidgin to connect with my Jabber.org account
[03:53:28] <tyler16252> Keeps telling me invalid XMPP ID
[03:55:43] * tyler16252 in now known as testing.
[03:55:50] * testing in now known as DangerzAU.
[03:55:59] <DangerzAU> Anyone there?
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[13:16:10] * lurker27157 joined the chat.
[13:16:22] <lurker27157> hello
[13:16:32] <lurker27157> anyone there
[13:16:56] <lurker27157> ?
[13:20:03] * Tobias left the chat.
[13:20:20] <naw> hi
[13:21:26] <lurker27157> yes naw
[13:21:30] <lurker27157> how are you
[13:21:58] <naw> I'm fine
[13:22:20] <naw> do you have any question about jabber? (this is the help room of the server)
[13:22:26] <lurker27157> naw i create jabber account. can you tell me how i can use it
[13:22:31] <lurker27157> i am new on jabber
[13:23:00] <naw> you will need to use a client, a program to connect
[13:23:15] <naw> you can use pidgin, adium, psi and many more
[13:23:53] <lurker27157> oky actually i have assignment to make a jabber IM client for blackberry
[13:23:57] <naw> if you also use msn, yahoo or others, I'll choose a multiprotocol client like pidgin, miranda, kopete, adium.......
[13:24:00] <naw> oh
[13:24:10] <lurker27157> i am looking any open source client
[13:24:26] <lurker27157> i have experties in J2ME
[13:24:47] <naw> you may be interested on java libraries and protocol specs
[13:24:55] <lurker27157> but new on Jabber
[13:25:03] <lurker27157> yes
[13:25:26] <lurker27157> if you any open source jabber client that can work for blackberry then suggest me plz
[13:25:29] * Creation left the chat.
[13:26:20] <lurker27157> and one thing more can i install jabber server on local system
[13:26:51] <lurker27157> for testing my app
[13:27:33] <lurker27157> ?
[13:27:35] <naw> there is a list of clients at http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/clients/
a list of libraries at http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/libraries/
and servers at http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/servers/
[13:27:49] <naw> you can install your own server on your pc
[13:28:02] <lurker27157> hmm
[13:28:08] <naw> from what I have heard, prosody should be one of the easiest
[13:28:30] <naw> about the protocol specs: http://xmpp.org/xmpp-protocols/
[13:28:50] <naw> for developement you also have the jdev room and the jdev mail list
[13:29:13] <lurker27157> hmmm
[13:29:57] <naw> as you seem o be in this room through speeqe instead a normal jabber/xmpp client, you can join throug http://speeqe.com/room/jdev@conference.jabber.org/
[13:30:12] <lurker27157> oky
[13:30:20] <lurker27157> thanks but one thing more
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[13:30:47] <lurker27157> servers link which you give me. these are free to download on windows or not..
[13:30:58] <naw> some are, some not
[13:31:23] <naw> prosody, ejabberd, tigase and openfire are open source
[13:31:45] <naw> and as far I can remember they all run on windows
[13:31:59] <lurker27157> yes i already install ejabberd
[13:32:33] <lurker27157> oky can i use pidgin, miranda, kopete, adium these clients to connect with my local jabber server
[13:32:49] <naw> yes, but those are PC clients
[13:33:17] <lurker27157> its oky i just wanna try and get knowledge then will move to mobile
[13:33:46] <lurker27157> oky is there need any configuration for connecting these clients to local server ?
[13:34:18] <lurker27157> i already install ejabberd and creat two user with my domain name "tpad1"
[13:34:46] <naw> if you want to be able to use the comunications server-to-server you will need to open the 5269 port
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[13:35:33] <naw> and a domain name reachable from the exterior (a dynamic dns domain like those from dyndns should do the job)
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[13:36:08] <naw> those clients will ask you for the account data
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[13:36:40] <naw> and those also let you create accounts on the server
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[13:37:04] <naw> I guess that your accounts will be username@tpad1
[13:37:16] <lurker27157> yes
[13:37:23] <lurker27157> abc@tpad1
[13:37:28] <lurker27157> admin@tpad1
[13:37:52] <lurker27157> oky i am installing pidgin 2.7.4
[13:38:06] <lurker27157> let me configure it..
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[13:40:24] * helmut joined the chat.
[13:42:03] <helmut> hi. xmpp comes with a lot of documentation and little pointers on where to start reading. I'd like to understand how presence
works on the wire (contacts going online, away, etc.). can you point me to something?(using pyxmpp)
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[13:46:30] <helmut> for instance rfc3920 gives an example containing <show/> but does not explain it.
[13:47:13] * /gentili.nicola left the chat.
[13:47:17] <helmut> ohh. I should look at rfc3921! :-)
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[14:09:22] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[15:24:35] * madison4125 joined the chat.
[15:26:22] <madison4125> anyone here who can give a noob some advice on iq stanzas, and how to get them from client -> client in xmpp?
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[16:06:17] * Z_God joined the chat.
[16:10:03] <zanchin> madison4125, use the full JID in the "to" attribute: user@domain.com/resource, not just user@domain.com
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[18:01:02] * Huawei joined the chat.
[18:01:14] <Huawei> hello everyone
[18:02:04] <Huawei> is anyone on ?
[18:02:49] <Huawei> I would like to know whether facebook's group chat uses XMPP
[18:05:34] <Tobias> facebook has groupchat?
[18:05:41] <Huawei> yeah
[18:06:02] <Huawei> it's a new feature, when u create a group, you can start a group chat
[18:06:20] <Huawei> the chat ui is the same as the old one-to-one chat
[18:06:41] <Huawei> i was wondering if it used XMPP as well
[18:07:42] <Huawei> i googled but could'nt find anything relevant to the rooms JID's what so ever
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[18:19:07] <Huawei> thought it'd be something like groupname@conference.chat.facebook.com or something like that, but i tried many combinations
and it did't work, they must be using some weird configuration
[18:26:20] <Huawei> anyone ?
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[18:32:51] <Huawei> ...
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[18:41:42] * Huawei 004 joined the chat.
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[18:47:56] <Huawei 004> :)
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[20:23:43] * anonymous60183 joined the chat.
[20:24:01] <anonymous60183> I have a question, what does a "join a room" request look like?
[20:25:54] <Huawei> <presence type="available" to="ROOM@HOST/YOUR_NICKNAME" />
[20:26:40] <Mati> anonymous60183, want to use it to join the room with your regular client? ;-)
[20:28:24] <anonymous60183> Well, I've been tasked with creating a Jabber Bot for work to respond to requests and display system data. I've got it logging
in and telling me it's presence but I can't figure out how to make it join a channel.
[20:28:48] <anonymous60183> Huawei: TY
[20:29:17] <Huawei> welcome
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[20:38:29] <armorattak> hi
[20:38:38] <Huawei> hello
[20:42:44] <armorattak> updates what's been said for the last few hours
[20:43:02] <armorattak> did you make any headway Huawei?
[20:43:35] <armorattak> i bet it's msn protocol!
[20:44:24] <stpeter> /me cheers for MSN
[20:45:13] <armorattak> yeah that would be cool
[20:45:19] <Huawei> i really doubt that
[20:45:23] <armorattak> give people one more reason not to like fb
[20:46:34] <armorattak> why don't you load up wireshark Huawei
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[20:49:31] <HedgeMage> /me wonders WTF you are all talking about
[20:50:14] <armorattak> me?
[20:50:16] <Huawei> i'll try it, armorattak
[20:50:45] <HedgeMage> armorattak, yep :)
[20:50:54] <HedgeMage> I seem to have come in in the middle of somithing
[20:51:41] <armorattak> Huawei is trying to find out if fb groupchat is using xmpp
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[20:53:04] <stpeter> I don't know the answer to that question
[20:54:00] <HedgeMage> armorattak, ahh
[20:54:14] <HedgeMage> /me performs service discovery on FB's XMPP server
[20:54:21] <stpeter> /me waves to HedgeMage
[20:54:44] <HedgeMage> hi, stpeter :)
[20:54:50] <HedgeMage> long time no see
[20:55:18] <HedgeMage> Huawei, There is no indication that FB's XMPP server supports service discovery, let alone MUC.
[20:55:36] <HedgeMage> Huawei, that's not definitive, of course, but it's a negative indication
[20:56:28] <armorattak> how did you find that out HedgeMage?
[20:56:36] <HedgeMage> Huawei, I suggest that you make use of a tagged support email as described at: http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/110
[20:56:44] <stpeter> HedgeMage: I think the FB server supports a minimal subset of XMPP, right?
[20:56:54] <Huawei> yes, stpter
[20:56:58] <HedgeMage> stpeter, To my knowledge, that is correct.
[20:57:15] <stpeter> does it even support service discovery?
[20:57:20] <HedgeMage> armorattak, I attempted service discovery, and didn't receive any response from FB's server, even a negative one.
[20:57:24] <HedgeMage> stpeter, no
[20:57:39] <stpeter> that's what I expected
[20:59:12] <HedgeMage> at least when that was posted back in 2008, they seemed really eager for feedback re: their XMPP implementation. There's
a not-bad chance they'll respond promptly and helpfully to a request for info regarding any FB-chat/MUC crossover.
[21:00:02] <Huawei> thank you, HedgeMage
[21:00:32] <HedgeMage> no problem, Huawei -- good luck!
[21:00:38] <Huawei> ;)
[21:03:16] <stpeter> ok, I need to hide out and write a reply to http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/xmpp/current/msg01940.html
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[21:17:40] * nixon22614 joined the chat.
[21:17:52] <nixon22614> hola
[21:18:03] <Huawei> hi
[21:18:10] <naw> nixon22614: esta es una sala en ingles
[21:18:31] <nixon22614> oh! ok
[21:18:36] <nixon22614> im sorry
[21:18:46] <naw> no problem
[21:18:48] <nixon22614> i dont speack english
[21:19:44] <naw> puedes hablar en español en jabberes@conf.jabberes.org ( http://www.jabberes.org/salas/entrar/?room=jabberes http://speeqe.com/room/jabberes@conf.jabberes.org/
[21:20:11] <nixon22614> oh thank you
[21:20:34] <Huawei> :)
[21:20:52] <nixon22614> bye
[21:20:56] <naw> bye
[21:21:02] <Huawei> i got an autoresponse from fb
[21:22:34] <armorattak> what did it say?
[21:22:59] <Huawei> Hi,
Thanks for sending us your feedback. Due to the high volume of traffic, we won't be responding to each email, but we encourage
you to watch the Facebook Developers Blog and the Facebook Profiles Preview Page at http://www.facebook.com/FacebookPreviews
for updates.
Thanks for contacting Facebook.
-The Facebook Platform Team
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